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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Tonight doesn’t matter. Come playoff time, what happened in regular season won’t matter. Bills can lose this game and still reach the Super Bowl. This game will only decide where the games are played. We’ve already beaten KC in KC 2 of the last 3 games there. This is our first game against Cincy, so win or lose, we will have game film to analyze to adjust and be even better next time we see them. Even if we win this game, means nothing come playoff time. Cincy will have same film to work and make adjustments themselves.
  2. So you dont want to face Chiefs, Bengals, Balt, or LAC? So youre basically afraid overall to just be in the playoffs since you pretty much named everyone that mattered in the playoffs lol.
  3. Why do people keep saying this? Between last year, last years postseason and this years regular season, the Chiefs have played both the Bills and Bengals 3 times each for a total of 6 games. Chiefs are 1-5 in those games with the only win being a miracle thanks to a ST Coaches major blunder with 13 seconds left of not telling our kicker the play call. He now is the ST coach in Jax as punishment. How on Earth are the Chiefs the "Big Dogs" when they have one win in 6 games against the other 2 power houses in the AFC? And they should be 0-6 to be honest. They also lost to a bad Colts team this year, and almost lost to the Texans. Meanwhile, there is not an AFC team on the Bills schedule either in the playoffs or in the hunt that they haven't beaten. Our 3 losses are by a total of 8 points, and all of which were self inflicted or under extreme circumstances. All 3 had significant injuries playing a major part too. Chiefs are NOT the big dogs right now. Sure they can win it back come playoff time, but they aren't it now. Case for the big dog of the AFC starts on Monday, but won't be truly settled until we see who emerges in the Super Bowl.
  4. Tampa had 3? I don’t know I would classify Godwin as a #1 WR personally, and he wasn’t being paid like one during that SB. Not sure who the third “#1” WR is. Godwin is a very good #2, but I don’t think he would thrive as the primary feature target. TB had one IMO in Evan’s, and then some good players around him and Brady at RB, WR, and TE. Robert Woods has never been a true #1 WR, so Rams didn’t have that either. I think you are mixing up having a good #2 WR with having two top #1 WRs like Miami has right now. Bengals do, but they didn’t win the SB. Kelce is obviously an elite player, but when it comes to signing a WR who is a true number 1, it’s going to cost more than a TE. We might sign someone, but it will be a complimentary player, not a top level #1 premiere free agent. Most likely we will draft someone instead.
  5. How many Superbowls did Dolphins, Bengals, Chargers win? 2020-2021 Chiefs don't have dual #1 WR's...one is a TE which are cheaper than #1 WR's. No one is paying a TE $30M a season like Hill got. Go back and look at all the Superbowl winners of the past 25 years. Count how many of them had 2 top #1 WR's on them in their prime. You would have a hard case even saying 1 did. As someone quickly said...Fix the OL. Yes, we can use another WR in the draft, but absolutely not are we going to sign another top tier free agent WR for big money. We do not have that luxury. Miami, Cincy, and LAC can do it because they have QB's on rookie deals. And I don't know I would even say LAC has two #1 WR's, Mike Williams is overrated and overpaid. But they are paying him like one. KC had both Kelce and Hill when Mahomes was on his rookie deal, once his new deal kicked in they traded Hill rather than paying him the absurd contract he got.
  6. Nothing that happened yesterday matters today is what I would say. "Streaks" are irrelevant, its a one game playoff every week come post season. Doesn't matter if you won 10 in a row or 1 in a row entering the playoffs, regular season is over and is irrelevant. Its not more difficult to win the SB coming off a win streak in the regular season...its still win or go home regardless.
  7. He had a hot start when no one had any film on them and against mostly subpar to bad competition. Then they faded. Was it a good first year overall for Daboll…sure you can say he exceeded expectations still in terms of win-loss records. Has it been somewhat over exaggerated, yes it has. He has a lot to still prove. His team is playing its worst football at the most important time of year. I think the HC/GM combo in NY is still one to be optimistic about, but Daboll’s season is being a bit overrated given the level of competition most his wins came against.
  8. I don’t see it. Wasn’t very hard of a hit, and he exhibited no signs of a concussion. This is just an excuse to try and mask over Tua again not playing well.
  9. Zero percent chance in my opinion they go after Jacobs. Can’t afford to pay a RB what he will get, especially with major decisions at Safety and Edmunds contracts to go along with with rebuilding OL and adding another receiver too. You don’t pay a QB a quarter of a billion and then also pay to dollar for a RB, it’s a bad use of capital. Jacobs is a great player, but we can’t pursue him.
  10. Funny, all the Tua is better than Allen talk is now the same people declaring Tua a fraud, choke artist, etc and demanding they move on. I mean all the talk was how the Dolphins had a moral victory playing Bills close this past week in the cold…now it’s time to draft a QB all of a sudden. Love it, nice Xmas present to see fins fans and the team melting down 😂 Some fun Xmas reading here ladies and gents…Merry Xmas https://finheaven.com/forums/miami-dolphins-forum.4/
  11. MVP bid is over without a collapse by the others. He didn’t have a great game today and added 2 more bad INTs to his total against a bad defense.
  12. It was absolutely the correct call, and it’s not even close. First off, everyone calling it icy are just incorrect. It was not icy conditions, it was fresh snow, big difference. And the snow can be brushed away, which it was. His footing there isn’t in any real jeopardy. Second, giving Dolphins ball back with 34 seconds and the best deep ball receiver in football is a lot riskier than kicking a FG from the 2 yard line. Statistically, the FG is absolutely the mathematically correct play. Always better to control the outcome of the game vs giving them their own shot to control the outcome. The odds we connect on the FG were better than the odds our defense doesn’t allow a TD. That makes it the correct play.
  13. All reasons why Allen should be serious contender for MVP, unfortunately the people who vote don’t think about it enough like this.
  14. You mean like the Von Miller contract? lol 😎 Its a big win right now, that is all that matters. Just like the huge deal we got Von was a big win. People can change their assesment at the time an injury occurs. Right now, its been a huge win for the Niners.
  15. Totally hear what you are saying, but there has been film study shared on the board showing some of that lack of creativity in the offense this year. Opposing players have made comments on the limited routes guys like Davis run and stuff. Teams like KC scheme guys open, we seem to rely on our receivers having to win every route. Just think its a flaw in Dorsey's first year, something he hopefully continues to learn from and improve on.
  16. Deebo will be back before the playoffs. Im just saying your assessment was off in your original post, so rather than keep moving the goal post and trying to be right about something you were wrong about, just acknowledge the trade worked out for the 49ers. Its not that big of a deal man, but there is no spinning this, the move worked out well for the Niners and they a tough opponent right now. There is though a big question mark still with the Niners no doubt in Purdy. He has looked good, but this is before teams have any relevant film on him in the Niners offense. We will need to see if he can still hold it together once teams have enough film to try and defend him better. But today, I think the Niners are a lot better team than they were before they got CMC and still had Jimmy G at QB.
  17. While I agree with your overall premise here, there are still some things to have some legitimate concerns about. But yes, this place often feels like we lost even when we win and that is dumb. Lots of positives right now...we are winning games, even if they are gritty and close, we are finding ways to win. We even won the Vikings game until we fumbled it away. Nice to see Knox getting more involved in the passing game (although he did have 2 back to back drops this week despite having the best catch % on the team), nice to see Josh taking care of the football, and nice to see the defense make plays when it has to. But beyond just the fact we won, we also made them harder and closer than they needed to be in several cases. And the things that led to it are also why some people still have some legitimate concerns for the playoffs. I remain confident in this teams ability to beat anyone, but I also remain realistic that because of these concerns below, we leave the door open for several of these teams who will be in the playoffs to be able to cut our season short and send us home too. Despite the stats, the offense isn't consistent and does a lot of shooting itself in the foot still with bad penalties, drops, and miscues. We lead the NFL in dropped passes. Dorsey still is struggling in the second half after teams make halftime adjustments. This is my biggest concern, we can't keep coming out so bad and flat in the 3rd quarter, better teams like KC, Cincy, or someone like Phi or SF in the SB can certainly exploit that. This is the entire reason games are so close, or why we lost games like the Vikings game for example. Because our point differential in the 2nd half went from being the best in the NFL prior to the GB game, to one of the worst for a while. Dorseys lack of making his own adjustments is slowing the offense down after halftime and letting teams get back into games or take leads. That is a dangerous game to be playing come playoff team. Too much of our offensive production relies solely on Allen extending plays and receivers only getting open when they break off routes to come back to Josh when he is scrambling. Point of this is that we are not seeing our receivers win on their initial route enough, and that has a lot to do with play design by Dorsey. He is not scheming guys open enough and not dictating mismatches. In the Miami game, on a key play they moved Hill inside to specifically get him matched up on Edmunds for an easy first down conversion because Edmunds can't hang with Hills speed. We don't do enough creative things like this to get our guys open. Can our pass rush get enough pressure when we face guys like Mahomes and Burrow without Von? How long is Morse out, and if he doesn't come back, can our already struggling OL hold up well enough in the post season? So yes, totally agree with you about us being 11-3 and to enjoy and appreciate it. But it also does not mean we don't have some things that have been concerns. These concerns above, while we have been winning, have made games much closer than they needed to be...and when you keep teams close who have guys like Mahomes and Burrow on the other side, worse things can happen. I think that is what some of the perspective is. Albeit, too many people are also over exaggerative and dramatic too about a lot of this stuff.
  18. This whole thing people are saying about Tre "getting beat bad" a couple times is being over exaggerative. This wasn't some JAG he was covering, Hill and Waddle beat guys every week because not only are they talented, they have elite speed. No corner wins every play 100%, its going to happen where great players like Hill and Waddle are going to make some plays too no matter who is covering them. But Tre overall had a very good game and was great to see him playing with more trust and confidence in his leg and movement. He played more aggressive and attacked the ball. So for me, this was a good game for Tre and exactly what I wanted to see from him in his road to regaining his form. He still isn't even all the way there yet, but still had a strong game for the most part. Very encouraging as we gear up to try and win out and enter the post season.
  19. Elam is definitely the correct answer to this question. BUT...I would like to point out people are over exaggerating Tre "getting beat bad" multiple times. Tre had a good game, and lets not forget we are talking about Hill and Waddle here who beat corners every week because they are exceptionally fast. End of the day, no CB is going to make every play, especially against talented WR's with elite speed. People tend to focus way too much on a play or two rather than the whole game. From start to finish, I was really impressed with what I saw out of Tre White and Elam.
  20. Here is the issue...yes we need OL help, there is no doubt about that, and no doubt it will be addressed in some way. But...while it easy to look at THIS team right now, with these EXACT players on it and say OL will 100% be the first round pick, the reality is, this team could look much different on draft night with several massive holes to fill. So, my point is, for those expecting there is no option but OL in the first, I think you are premature on that and I expect Beane to do what he always does, stay true to his board and take BPA...and that, might be a defensive player. I am NOT advocating for a defensive player, I am not advocating for anything actually, just looking at the reality of where our holes could be come draft night and realizing Beane has 100% stayed true to his board in the past, and I don't expect him to do anything again but that. There are real questions about whether Hyde or Poyer will be here next year, so we could have a hole at safety. Big decision on Edmunds looming, so could have a big hole at LB. We also have potential DL issues with Von out, and not knowing if Jordan and Shaq can be resigned yet. We also have Devin as a FA, and Cook isn't a 3 down RB IMO, so I don't think he is the answer. He goes down too easy and can't gain the tough yards. Then there is the glaring need for another WR. Now, some of these, including OL, could be addressed in FA. But we don't have a lot to spend either in FA, so a lot of this will come down to who they retain and who they sign. Just saying, big yes OL is an issue that will need to be addressed this year. But come draft night, we could potentially have glaring holes at OL, S, LB, WR, and RB (in no particular order) and I do not under any circumstance believe Beane will reach with that pick, instead he will do what he always does and will take BPA, and that guy could be from any of those positions depending on the decisions made prior to the draft.
  21. Not to nit pick, but you literally said the Niners remaining schedule was tougher in the post they are quoting you on. Now you’re saying it was a cupcake schedule because your prediction on the trade being bad was so wrong? Come on, just admit the CMC trade not only made sense for their team and offense, but has worked out so much that they are now the favorite or 2nd favorite to win the NFC and reach the SB. And my wife is a Niners fan, and while she’s hoping for a Niners VS Bills SB…this is the team I am most afraid of in the entire NFL as we match up terrible with them. That defense is not something I want to see our OL going up against. And I don’t want to see our D try and defend their YAC short strike offense and screen game with guys like Deebo and CMC. They are a team no one wants to play right now. Best hope is after more tape, teams can exploit Purdy. But if Purdy keeps playing like this, they are actually a better team with him than Jimmy G.
  22. Well this is misleading. How many of those 11 snaps did we have a big formation to go for a short yard conversion? The formations and plays called and game situation play so much into this that this stat can’t be relied on to mean anything without that context.
  23. It’s without question Hurts to lose right now. If they voted today, Hurts would finish first, Mahomes second, and Allen 3rd (even though I do not believe Mahomes should be 2nd over Allen, it is how it would play out today). Now if Allen throttles Chicago and then throttles Cincy, he could, and probably would, move into 2nd. Because he would have beaten Mahomes, then beaten Burrow who also has beaten Mahomes. But to leap frog Hurts, it will at least take Hurts also losing, maybe to Dallas, and not playing well. The problem…Dallas isn’t the better team and it’s weakness on defense is defending the run. I don’t think Allen can win the MVP without at least hurts having a down game and Eagles loss…and even then, Allen will still need to win out, have gaudy stats, and some big wow moments in order to catch Hurts.
  24. One of the biggest wastes of talent I’ve seen. He had it all except the passion/drive and mental make up to maximize that talent. Could have been a true top number 1 WR - pure talent wise - but he just wasn’t mentally built to become more than a role player. He got paid and was cool after that. He didn’t have the drive to push himself and lead. That being said, I would be fine adding him to the PS as a potential role player if needed here.
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