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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. All good, and I dont disagree with the challenges of an in season move like this. And as someone else pointed out, Tre is not a good tackler which is another valid reason of why this may not work out. To be honest, this is more about whether Tre should be starting at CB right now, or should we start 2 guys from Elam, Dane, and Benford. Tre has been the most exploitable weak spot on the defense since coming back. Cincy came right at him and he drew an embarrassing PI where he was badly torched on first play and then a couple plays later got worked on an easy route for a TD. Teams smell blood and we have a slew of dangerous WR's potentially to face in the playoffs.
  2. Haha, already edited it...caught it after I posted...meant to say for Cheifs to lose
  3. I was pretty set against moving Tre to safety...but given the circumstances of both Hyde and Hamlin out coupled Tre struggling in coverage and being probably our most exploitable corner right now with his lack of speed or explosion, maybe its not such a crazy idea to slide him over to FS and let Elam, Dane, Taron, and Benford handle the CB duties. If Hamlin was still out there, I wouldn't suggest this. But I would think Tre might fare as well or better at safety then our 3rd string FS at this point. And I do think our pass D will be better with Dane and Elam starting outside right now than Tre. Tre has made some plays, but he is also very exploitable with his lack of burst and we are set to potentially face teams like Miami and Cincy in playoffs who have some dangerous WR's to account for.
  4. The only thing Bills fans need to know is we have to beat the Pats. If we do that, then that 100% guarantees we either play the AFCCG on a neutral site (KC beat Raiders) or we have home field and a bye week (Raiders beat Chiefs). Saturday cheer for the Chiefs to lose to the Raiders...Sunday all that matters is we beat the Pats.
  5. Isn't this his excuse everywhere he flames out? I want to be somewhere that believes in me? At some point, his self belief needs to show up on the field and he needs to earn the belief of his peers and coaches. He has continuously under performed to expectations, and GROSSLY under performed to he value he places on himself that he tried (and failed) to secure in the open market now multiple times. He isn't a bad player, but he also isn't what he thinks he is. And clearly he has not been enduring himself to teams, coaches, or locker rooms given that he keeps wearing out his welcome and then doesn't find much of a market for himself. Pass...this isn't the kind of energy/personality this locker room needs right now, and quite frankly he isn't doing anything Shaq Lawson can't do who has had a very good season and deserves all the minutes he gets on the field.
  6. Great post! I think that is what is a bit lost in the story is the extraordinary circumstances he had to perform under...to literally revive a man in front of that crowd, his brothers on the field, his family, and to the millions watching in prime time...just wow! I mean it is just an immense amount of pressure and stress to have someones life in your hands to begin with, but to have to do it under those circumstances and for that long...unreal. This! I think this would be an incredible moment and I really really really hope they do this!
  7. Yes, see my post above...I got my info from a report on TV and they were wrong in saying Bills win the tie breaker in the record vs common opponents. So I had bad information, it is going to be SOV and that won't be determined until all the games finish this week. So my bad, I had bad info literally off of watching them discuss it on TV who had it wrong. But seeing comments here, I went and looked it up myself and confirmed you are correct.
  8. I was going off information I got from ESPN discussing it where they stated we would win the tie breaker regardless and couldn't finish lower than the 2 seed if it was ruled a no contest. But after reading your comment, I went and looked at more information on it and now I see where they had their information incorrect. They had us winning a tie breaker on common opponents by 1 game, but that is incorrect. So apologies, I was going off what was being reported, and not only did they have it wrong that Buffalo would be the 2 seed regardless, but they also had the wrong tie breaker deciding the outcome I see now which would be one further regarding strength of wins. Bills enter at 92 wins and Bengals enter at 85. But a win over Balt jumps them to 95 to our 92 if we lose to NE. So then it would come down to the final results of the remaining games. So the reality I was incorrect based on the info I saw on ESPN, and so is everyone else saying the Bengals definitely have the tie breaker, because they don't. The actual correct answer is who will win the tie breaker will not be known until the conclusion of this weeks games (if a tie breaker is needed). Which now means, yes the Bills do need to win the game regardless if they want to control their own destiny regarding the 2 seed. So apologies on my incorrect statement, but I was just going off the report that I was watching at the time I posted it.
  9. Kind of surprised this thread isn't getting more love and activity. I applaud Josh and McD bringing much needed attention to him and his heroics. I hope the appropriate amount of recognition starts to happen more for him. Without him and his decisive actions and dedicated effort this likely would be a much sadder story.
  10. We would be tied on first tie breaker still and it goes to the second tie breaker which I believe is record vs common opponents which we have a 1 game advantage on. They did the whole scenario earlier, we tie again on first tie breaker and win on second tie breaker. Bills can’t finish the season lower than the 2 seed if the Bills vs Bengals game is declared a no contest UPDATE: Upon further review, it has now become clear what I was watching them report on TV was incorrect, both in what tie breaker would be the deciding factor (record vs common opponents) and the fact that either team had final claim yet to the tie breaker. Its actually not yet determined, and can't be until this weeks games conclude and they tally final strength of wins numbers to see if Buf or Cincy wins on that tie breaker. So to control our own destiny to not finish lower than the 2 seed, we need to beat NE.
  11. No idea why anyone would gives this a thumbs down or disagree. Not only is it what we should do, it’s exactly what we will do in the event KC wins Saturday. We wouldn’t rest starters the whole game, especially since they need to get them back on the field and feel the game again after the horrific events of Monday. But like we did against Miami, our starters will likely play part of, or all of the first half. But they definitely wouldn’t be playing the second half. KC loses, our starters are in for the whole game to try and secure the win and #1 seed.
  12. Not a lot needs to be said here, but this man deserves recognition and appreciation for literally saving Damar’s life Monday night. Without his efforts the world would have lost another good soul far too soon in Hamlin. Americans across this country have rallied to donate $7.5M to Hamlins charity. Which is an incredible feat and amazing silver lining. So it would be hard to ask America to also step up and do something for Denny after all the generosity and compassion shown to Hamlin and his charity so far. But I would like to personally acknowledge gratitude to our assistant athletic trainer for his incredible performance on Monday and how he saved this young man’s life. I hope the team or the city of Buffalo finds some way to recognize this outstanding feat and performance under the immense pressure of a life or death situation. Thank you Denny, this team is blessed you are here and have their backs. Incredible work in an incredibly difficult situation, you truly are a hero and hope you get the recognition of being a hero that you deserve. You have even inspired my wife and I to refresher courses in CPR as we never know when it could save a life.
  13. He should be the coach of the year. He won’t be, but he should be. For all the reasons you stated and more.
  14. Here is what I think is most likely going to happen: The game is going to be ruled no contest and they will rank seeding on win %. With the announcement of not resuming the game this week, it takes most scenarios off the board and I only really see 2 possible ways they have left to handle this. Which is make the game no contest and seed on win % (this hurts a lot of teams though) or postpone the start of the playoffs one week to finish the game next week. Option 1: No contest and win % used for seeding: One of the biggest issues here is the handling of the #1 seed designation. The reality is, there is nothing that can be done to offset the lost opportunity to 2 of the 3 teams in contention for the #1 seed who don't end up with it if this game is not resumed. Then you have the disadvantage of losing out on home field opportunities when these teams face off in playoffs. NOTE: The one area though that can be adjusted to neutralize some of the disadvantage is with home field advantage. Given that Buff, KC, and Cincy were all in direct contention for the #1 seed, the simple solution is to play any game where 2 of those teams are facing each other at a neutral site. The only time it will come into play is if 2 of these teams play each other because if this is declared "no contest" and not resumed, they will be the top 3 seeds and division winners regardless and will have home field advantage against any other opponent in the playoffs. So, the only time it becomes an issue is if they face each other, so simply move those games to a neutral site to offset any unfairness in final seeding if this game is not resumed. Option 2: Personally, I think the best solution is to play week 18, postpone playoffs one week and instead resume Bills vs Bengals game that following week. But, that is a much more complex solution for the NFL to execute, so I am highly skeptical they would approach it that way. Outside of those 2 options, I don't think the NFL really has any other viable choices. If they could have resumed the game tomorrow (which is impossible now) you could maybe get it all to work by moving Bills vs NE and Cincy vs Balt to like Tuesday next week. But that ship has sailed, they would have had to decide that this morning. The players union isn't going to allow any team to play 3 games in like a 10 day period. So, the game would have had to resume today or tomorrow to have any chance of spacing the games out far enough without affecting starting the playoffs the same weekend as planned.
  15. Yeah it’s a logistical nightmare, but the integrity of the season feels bigger than worrying about logistics. Games could be set to any day that following week to accommodate stadium availability.
  16. IMHO, I think the best option is to postpone all games this next weekend until the following weekend and only play the Bills vs Bengals game this weekend. Then the following week, all week 18 games would be played as normal. And the playoffs start one week later.
  17. That’s just it though, I’m not arguing his opinion. I’m not even arguing any opinion. He isn’t even arguing an opinion, he just shared a possible cause based on what was known at that time. All I am saying is I don’t see the harm in medical experts sharing insights on possible explanations to what could have happened given the extreme circumstances and rarity of what we witnessed tonight. All good
  18. Well sure looks like those doctors opinions are looking more and more likely given it was announced he did suffer cardiac arrest after sustaining the hit. So again, hating on the many doctors who came out and explained what this was and why it’s was a very plausible explanation of what happened seems not only off base, but unnecessary.
  19. He was simply giving out a plausible cause. He was not making a definitive statement, and tons of doctors have echoed the same theory all over Twitter too and tons of comments from people who are in medical field all saying they felt this was very possible reason too. So sorry, don’t really see the harm in shedding some light on something that is a legitimate possibility to what might have happened.
  20. Yes it’s real, his agent confirmed this information which was the source to this tweet.
  21. Hard disagree. I think it is a good bit of information and I’ve seen many other doctors discuss this (with less detail and explanation) on Twitter as the most likely scenario too. Doesn’t mean it’s for sure what happened, but it’s unquestionably a real possibility and something most of us never knew was possible or heard of.
  22. Reports are out on Twitter from some reporters: He is intubated, has a pulse but not breathing on his own, and in critical condition.
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