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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Hard to say...not likely with Frazier, he is who he is and sadly he is going to be hear again this year with his flawed approach. Dorsey on the other hand has been learning on the job. I hope to god he watched the Super Bowl and realizes he needs to study both teams in how to be creative and play the rosters strengths. We didn't see him grow at all this year during the season, lets hope he spends the whole offseason studying.
  2. Lol, did you really just spend time to write that? One…he is not MY defensive coordinator, nor yours. None of us are part of the team nor own it. And who cares, him being the current DC doesn’t make him the right DC for the job.
  3. There are a lot of reasons to be dissatisfied with Frazier. And that includes giving up an average of 150 yards rushing per game in the playoff losses. But most importantly the 107 points and 1403 total yards the last 3 losses is the biggest issue. But the 450 yards of rushing were a part of that problem and our inability to get off the field on 3rd and 4th downs.
  4. Giving up an average of 148 yards per game is not an issue? Sorry, and no disrespect, but pointing out the QB's got yards is not an excuse. I don't care who is running the ball, the point is they ran the ball and extended drives frequently against. We are talking about teams who were 16th, 16th and 28th in the league in rushing the last 3 years...those rankings include everyones rushing yards, including the QB. What excuses are being made against Cincy...ranked 28th in the league and missing 3 starting OL? The point is, why are these teams having more success against Frazier running the ball as a whole than they did all season? Why do we have to keep searching for ways to make excuses for Fraziers defense failing in so many ways in these playoff losses? And honestly, there should be even less excuse to let the QB run the ball on us given we have to defend Allen every day in practice and showed success defending someone much more dangerous as Lamar. IMHO, he doesn't get a pass on allowing an average of 148 yards a game these past 4 playoff exits.
  5. If Bijan lasts to 27, its hard to imagine any draft scenario where he is not the BPA at pick 27. And with Devin likely gone, RB is also a need. So I too would have a hard time seeing them pass on Bijan at 27. I am all for BPA at 27 if he is BPA, the last thing I want to see us do is reach. So the people who think it has to be OL no matter what, well as much as I also want to improve our OL, I would hate to see us reach and pass up a better player elsewhere for the sake of reaching for need. That being said, I think Bijan will be gone before 27 anyway, so I doubt this scenario happens.
  6. Posted this in another thread and thought I would add it here as well. Here is Leslie Fraziers run defense in our last 4 consecutive playoff losses: 182 yards - Houston was 9th in rushing 114 yards - Chiefs were 16th in rushing 141 yards - Chiefs were again 16th in rushing 155 yards - Bengals were 28th in rushing and missing 3 starting OL Average: 148 yards - Average rank of the rushing offenses: 17th None of these teams were a great rushing team, the highest ranked team was 9th by Houston because of Watson. The rest were 16th - 28th in the NFL in rushing just gashing us. And when you look at the last couple of years after investing so heavy into the DL, especially where we fielded the #1 and #2 ranked defenses in the league, it's even more concerning. Then this year gets even worse considering Cincy was missing 3 starting OL in that game and it was at home in bad weather where our team allegedly is supposed to have an advantage.
  7. Hard disagree. We do need to learn to be like them offensively. Its a night and day difference watching their offensive play calling and designs that scheme guys open...not only open...wide open. The two TD passes to Toney and then Sky Moore in the SB were the exact same routes on opposite sides, and both were wide open and untouched...and both were plays they ran many times for scores or first downs all year. Those guys are wide open because of the overall play design, not just their route. Or look at those shovel passes almost like runs up the middle they do with guys like Kelce on down and short or near endzone. These plays have a high degree of success and its do to the creativity they have built into their offense. We had defenders talking about the limited route trees our guys run, or knowing exactly where we were going on certain plays. They have said that both offensively and defensively. Kelce last year humiliated Frazier on National TV saying if he plays it like that again hit me on the seem its wide open...and that is exactly what happened to get the FG in 13 seconds. Everything we do is so vanilla and the opponents keep coming up with answers to counter us. This year, our offense felt like it was lacking hard in creativity, situational awareness, schemes to get guys open, or even just general best use of personnel. We have a RB drafted to catch passes and get into space in Cook, yet we don't throw him many balls and frequently run him up the middle instead. We trade for Hines, like the 12th most expensive RB in the league and don't even try to incorporate him into the offense. So...sorry, I absolutely agree we need to be more like KC...not saying copy what they do, but we need to inject a massive heaping of better creativity, better schemes, better situational awareness, and better use of personnel on both sides of the ball.
  8. Why start a thread that has zero chance to happen? What is the point of the thread? Might as well start a thread Bills trade Morse and a 7th round pick for Justin Jefferson then because that is just as realistic as this nonsense. The only "dawgturd" here is this utterly pointless thread. Maybe next time just start the 97th thread on how we need to upgrade our OL, still would be better than this. This entire thread is utterly absurd. No it wasn't thought through lmao. Maybe we can sign Jim Kelly back and trade him for 3 first round picks next.
  9. LOL, no one is trading for Saffold or Morse. Why would Packers trade for expensive, old, and concussion prone Morse so we can draft a Center instead of just drafting the center themselves? I don’t mind people proposing trade ideas, but drives me nuts when people post trades that make absolutely no sense to the team they propose we trade with. At least make an attempt at a realistic draft and trade scenario rather than something that has no basis in reality. Otherwise what’s the difference of this or proposing a trade where we dump contracts to a team and get some elite stud back that’s untouchable? Both equally silly.
  10. Dr. Dre, Eminem, Snoop, Kendrick Lamar, and Mary J Blige
  11. LOL...anyone who lists non football stuff like music as a reason they don't like football is just being a wet blanket. There is literally no artist, band, musician, genre of music where someone isn't going to piss and moan about the music choice. Refs...sure, I think the vast majority of NFL fans are concerned about the issues with the refs. This year felt like there were more issues than ever before of just some really blown officiating. I think if they polled the fans of the game, this might be their lowest rating on how they see the officiating, maybe ever. You should have just stuck with the ref stuff, all the other stuff just makes you sound like you are whining because the non-football stuff doesn't cater to your specific beliefs and tastes which makes you sound kind of self entitled. And no offense, who cares. Literally nobody cares that the non football stuff isn't to someones taste. Not everything appeals to me either, but who cares, I come to watch the games where none of that stuff is present during the games on the field. As mutual fans, we all universally care about the integrity of the game. That is the lane I would have stayed in if I were you.
  12. Here is how I run my Super Bowl pool, and it got so popular I have to do 2 full boards now every year. $100 per square ($10,000 pot per board) - and we now fill 2 boards. First one sells out in about 40 minutes, second one usually by next day. Pays $500 every score change until the money is gone (20 score changes) or the game ends Successful XP scores COUNT as a score change If the game ends before the money is gone (20 total score changes), then all remaining money goes to who had the final score square What was cool about this year, this is the first time in like the 10 years I have been doing this pool that there were 20 score changes (there were 21 actually) before the game ended and their was no money left over for final score. Prior to this, the lowest payout on final score was $2500 (NE vs Atl) and the highest was $8000 (Rams vs NE). I can't stomach playing that archaic end of quarter stuff anymore, it's boring. Max of 1 to 4 possible winners vs mine which has between 1 and 20 possible winners. And anytime there is about to be score everyone is amped up looking to see who is about to win if its a FG, or when they add 6 for the TD and then who wins when the XP is added too.
  13. How many Vegas odds threads do we need before people realize how utterly meaningless they are? I just paid my bookie hundreds of dollars form all the lost bets on Allen winning MVP this year, Bills winning AFCCG and Bills winning Super Bowl. All 3 were heavy favorites when I made the bets. It means nothing. It doesn't suddenly mask all our issues: Poyer, Devin, and Edmunds are FA and some or all of them won't be back creating more holes to fill as neither of those 3's heir apparent is currently on the roster. Our two best and most expensive players on Defense are coming off ACL issues, and one is 34 and the other was not close to himself this year. Our OL needs a complete rebuild. We have no one outside of Diggs that Allen can rely on and need to add at least one more legit weapon to the WR group. Our DC now has watched his #1 and #2 ranked defense get embarrassed in playoff losses and somehow seems to keep his job. Our OC is inexperienced and showed he lacks in creativity, situational awareness, utilizing his players to the best of their skill sets, and how to scheme guys open. Its a night and day difference when you watch other teams like Cincy, KC, and Philly and how they run their respective offenses. We presumably also need a RB as no one expects Devin back and Cook isn't an every down RB as he doesn't have the size or power to pick up tough yards or excel in bad weather. Meanwhile...all 3 of the teams in our division are already somewhat of a threat, all 3 have the cap space or draft ammo to close the gap. Heck, there is some talk Jets could land Rodgers which instantly makes them a massive threat. Plus Cincy has a ton of cap space, and they played us like they are already ahead of us, so they could widen the gap while we just try and maintain. I am not a doom and gloom guy...I am not saying we can't get this offseason right and get over the hump next year. I am saying, odds mean nothing this time of year and they absolutely do not erase the challenges ahead of us. This team has legit things in front of it that are not going to be easy to navigate for Beane. This is easily his most crucial offseason, he has nothing in the war chest to make a big swing with, he is going to have nail his free agency decisions and get quality contributions from the rookie class. Beane can very well do that, I have a lot of confidence in Beane, but this is a tall task for even the best GM's to take on in one offseason, so it won't be easy.
  14. There is a difference of people rationally discussing the honest things that need to improve vs a total hysterical flip out and declaring the end before the new season even begins. I agree, the board was impossible to be around the week after the game. I myself took some time to let the disappointment calm down before I came back to what was surely going to be a cess pool of negativity...which it was. But I do think that has died down quite a bit and there are a lot more quality conversations going on now regarding this team strengths and weaknesses. The overly negative crowd is never going away, but I think their nonsense is starting to get drowned out by better convos lately. This team will always be a contender with an elite player like Josh and a GM committed to building a winner. Doesn't mean all the right decisions, plays, etc will be just right, but we will be someone to contend with for the foreseeable future. The question is what is keeping this team from getting over that hump and what can we do to change that before other teams keep improving around us as they try and over take us. Those are all fair questions heading into an offseason where we were 13-3 (8 points from being undefeated) and then laid down like we were the 7th seed despite being at home, with motivation (Hamlin), in bad weather (allegedly an advantage for us), with our opponent having a decimated OL. We can't keep doing the same things and expecting different results.
  15. I respect the greatness that is Mahomes. I don't harbor any hostility because he has gotten the job done. Where I get annoyed is when people want to annoit Burrow over Allen when Burrow has not won anything yet, just like Allen. Put Allen on Cincy or KC and he shatters the NFL total yards record by at least 500 yards. Allen is without question the 2nd best QB in the NFL, he can do things no one else can do, even over Mahomes (more so with his legs as they can both do everything each other can with their arms). But Allen is saddled with a terrible OL, no one outside Diggs to rely on, and most importantly an OC who was clueless in so many areas. Just watching both the Eagles and Chiefs this post season, its stunning how much more creativity their offensive play calling has. Its stunning how much more significantly their offenses utilize the players strengths on their respective offenses. It's stunning how easy it is for them to scheme guys open. I have never been a fire them guy...I like continuity unless the person is clearly not the right person for the job. Frazier has proven that already, I want to move on from him. Dorsey has only been an OC one year, so he has plenty of room to grow...BUT...WHY GAMBLE ALLEN AND DIGGS PRIME YEARS on an inexperienced OC who has to learn on the job that just struggled with all the things above and showed really bad situational awareness as well in how he called games? Dorsey may go on to be a great OC, maybe a great HC one day...but he is NOT there yet. This is a Super Bowl ready team, it should be in the hands of someone who has already learned on the job and has the PROVEN playbook to take the offense to the next level.
  16. Dump our coordinators and get a DC who plays a better style and an OC who actually is creative, uses their personnel to their strengths, and understands how to scheme guys open like KC and Philly.
  17. Do I remember? LOL...I have watched it dozens of times since lol. Dr. Dre, Snoop, Eminem, Kendrick Lamar and one of my all time faves that doesn't get enough love...Mary J. Blige. I live in LA, I have been a big fan of every artist that hit that stage last year. They represent the greatness of hip hop unlike a lot of the garbage being put out today in rap music. For example, the Grammy's 50th anniversary of the birth of hip hop tribute this year was a stark reminder to the golden years of hip hop and how the new generation of rap falls short in comparison. I am not just a fan of hip hop though (a lot of rap these days absolutely blows by the way). love all kinds of music, even classic rock, hard rock, etc. Just not a fan of Country. My absolute favorite band right now is St. Paul and the Broken Bones, even got married to one of their songs. Paul Janeway may be the best male vocalist in all of music and their live show is one of the best I have even seen and I have seen them several times now.
  18. Im not the biggest Rihanna fan either even though I have touched her boob haha. It was at Coachella when her security was propping her up and carrying her out of the VIP area of Kendrick Lamar where I was watching Kendrick. She was destroyed and as her security team propped her up (one on each arm) and pushed passed me her boob hit me in my upper arm as they pushed their way through the crowd 5 min into Kendricks set to get her out. She was just saying as her head bobbed all over the place "Take picture b***hes, take pictures" to everyone in the crowd lol. She was a mess. That was like 5 or 6 years ago. But I thought she did a great job at the SB, the visuals and the floating stage were great and was a cool way to show off her baby bump. I thought she did great considering not being on stage since 2018 after starting a family. And I have definitely seen a lot worse shows than hers at the SB. I also do not like the Weekend much...Ive been to at least 10 coachellas and two of the absolute most boring performances I saw amongst the headliners were easily The Weekend (first Coachella performance) and also Drake. Both were so lame. Ice Cube, AD/DC, Eminem, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Pharrel, Run the Jewels, etc (just to name a few) all were exceptional at Coachella. I like most every kind of music except Country.
  19. Let me rephrase...most everyone around the world outside the majority on this board loved last years performance.
  20. Shocker this board didn’t like the halftime show. Every year, this board of old wet blankets starts all these threads about hating the halftime show even when it’s mostly regarded as great. I feel like the only halftime show that would get any positive threads here would be some old timer artist or band. Anything other than that and this board revolts lol. Last years halftime show won an Emmy, board still hated it lol.
  21. But they can’t put every player on there. Not like the others aren’t worthy. This is just trying to read into something
  22. Yes you are missing something because she killed it.
  23. This is just a hot take. What happened the last time the Chiefs were in the SB? Bucs D held them to 9 points and smashed them. You can’t make wild declarations off one game and say that is the best way. Pats record breaking undefeated offense scored 19 points and lost to Giants. Broncos broke all offensive records shortly after and got smashed by Seahawks 42-8 in the Super Bowl. 3 of the top 5 offenses all time lost bad in the Super Bowl and averaged 13 points per game. That being said…FRAZIER is so weak, that I agree, save the money and spend it all on offense. Not because of this Super Bowl, but because it doesn’t matter how good the defense is, Frazier is gonna lay down in the playoffs regardless. So spend all our money on the OL and weapons for Josh.
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