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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Why don’t you read my post in the Saints thread. Lmao, saints are probably one of the worst examples you could cite. You know a 7 win team $30m over the cap.
  2. But you are only looking at that specific signing...you aren't looking at the players they lose as a result that same year or the next year or two. You are not looking at all the other holes they don't fill because they had no room to improve the team after making all these cap maneuvers to sign one or two players. The signing of that player is such a tiny part of the whole equation and does not mean that the cap has no impact elsewhere after they sign that player.
  3. For the record, I agree with you that at 31 things like his production and contract size weigh in on these decisions. But, you realize the Vikings were dead last in the NFL in pass defense the past 2 years thought right? Showing some pass defense stats doesn't tell the whole picture on Kendricks ability, he still led the team in tackles and was still one of their better players on Defense. Jerry Hughes put up 2 sacks for us last year and then went on to put up 9 sacks on a new defense this year despite everyone saying he was washed because the Bills didn't get many sacks. Kendricks pass defense stats are going to look worse while playing on a team whose is the worst in the NFL at defending the pass, doesn't mean Kendricks is the reason. Kendricks will have suitors, he is only 31 and he is still a good player even if he isn't at the level he was in his 20's. The only reason Kendricks is not a Viking today is because his cap savings by cutting him was nearly $10M, far more than they could save restructuring, at a time the team is way over the cap. Vikings are staring down the real possibility of moving on from Dalvin Cook too, who is so far refusing a pay cut. The point is, they don't really have a choice in these matters do to the cap situation. On a defense that had major issues already, they had to cut one of their better players on the defense for cap reasons and create a new hole to fill. That was more a cap decision than a flat out ability decision. And again, this isn't the end all, be all example of cap issues. There are countless examples throughout the NFL and its history where teams have had plenty of cap issues.
  4. So a team who had a bad cap situation the last 2 years but found a way to sign players just to win 9 and 7 games respectfully is an example that the cap doesn't matter? The Saints won 7 games this year and entered the offseason $30M over the cap, and they didn't even have a highly paid QB on the roster. Not the example I would follow as a GM
  5. They have also lost players along the way. They already had to restructure Davis and Hill and are going to have to cut, extend, or restructure these contracts at least...as well, and that is just to get under the cap. DE Jordan $25.7M CB Lattimore $22.4M LG Peat $18.3M RB Kamara $16M QB Winston $15.6M Then you still have Michael Thomas at $13.3M, and because of his cap hit is expected by everyone to be released post June 1st. Teams can use the Post June 1st designation twice ahead of June 1st, so the expectation is that the team will either use it for Peat or Winston. They probably won't restructure Davis as it will result in a massive dead money cap hit shortly down the road, so their only option there is an extension. Lattimore will most likely be restructured, and probably Kamara too. Both will bring some issues later, but they don't really have a choice because those issues are a little further down the road than the dead money issue Jordan restructure would cause. So yeah, the Saints are going to find a way to get Carr, but it still hurts the team now and in the future and the Saints will not have the cap room to further improve the team around Carr. The Saints are not the team that I would want our GM to pattern his cap strategy after. They were way over the cap before paying Carr, now they got do all this just to get under the cap, then do more still to sign Carr. And their cap situation isn't getting better anytime soon either, they will not be able to build the team up around Carr and will likely remain a middling team, which IMO is about the worst situation to be in. I would rather tear it down and rebuild than be stuck as a middling team, getting middle to lower round draft picks, and no cap space to build outside the draft either.
  6. So much for your "cap jail" doesn't exist theory lol... Vikings just cut their long time captain, pro bowler, and leading tackler in Kendricks because of cap issues and being $25M over the cap prior to the cut. But because they saved $9.5M it became something they had to do. Rams are now trying to trade away Allen Robinson and are willing to eat and pay part of their salary just to get his big contract out of there because they still have cap issues too. I mean these are just a couple of many examples that happen all the time when a teams cap situation becomes a problem. Some GM's are great at avoiding getting into these worse situations or at least mitigating them to a degree. Others not so much or sometimes they willfully put themselves into a situation where the cap is going to become an issue shortly down the road for the purpose of going all in on a SB like the Rams did (doesn't always work like it did for the Rams either). Regardless how a team gets there, it's still a real thing. I mean NFL history is littered with teams who have gone through a major cap crisis and had to take a step back before they were able to clean it up. And again, just because I am saying cap jail exists does NOT mean I am saying Bills are in cap jail. I think Beane is one of the best GM's in football at how he handles the cap, player contract structures, restructures, etc.
  7. I think you’re mistaken, the guy I’ve been suggesting has been Foreman. I don’t hate Perine, just prefer Foreman. I do think Bijan would be someone we could not pass on if he is there at 27, but I very much doubt he lasts that long.
  8. I feel like Perine is more of what we already have in Cook and Hines. I’d rather have a guy who is a tough runner in the elements.
  9. Al-Shaair - LB from SF. Cheaper Edmunds replacement. He can do a lot of the things Edmunds can do and has been overshadowed by two studs in SF. A guy poised for a breakout in his next stop. D’onte Foreman - Be a nice compliment as a RB to Cook. He can catch, runs with purpose and can pick up tough yards.
  10. Considering there are like 100 plus reactions to my OP and only 3 of them were negative, I’d say most everyone got their wish.
  11. No offense, but this is one of the more whinier rants I have seen this offseason. Not sure why this would bother anyone, it is not like its going to set his rehab back or anything. It is the offseason, nothing wrong with him looking down the road and taking opportunities to further his aspirations post career. In fact, I thought this was pretty cool and good for him.
  12. When evaluating his personal performance, the rest of the team doesn't get to be his excuse. Case in point, on what was a critical 3rd and 4, and the team desperately needing to hold Cincy to a FG to keep this game within reach, he lines up our DB's 10 yards off the LOS against the murderers row of Bengals WR's. That has nothing to do with the offense or anyone else on the team. It was not a mistake by the players or failed execution. That was absolutely 100% on Frazier and a terrible decision. McD himself was reportedly yelling on the sideline prior to the play when he saw this stupidity. So while I agree, our offense wasn't at its best either, and I felt Dorsey got grossly out coached in that game too, it does not excuse one bit the undeniable mistakes Frazier once again makes in a critical moment of a win or go home game. And you can go back to KC the year before and literally look at other terrible decisions and play calls by Frazier in the final 2 minutes of regulation and OT to give away a game we should have won if not for the defensive failures. While I am not going to say he is a terrible DC, he clearly isn't given the Bills D has managed to finish with some high rankings. But, in big games in the playoffs, he has shown he has no idea how to slow down teams like KC and Cincy. And I can confidently say that because no one who has beat us in the playoffs the last 3 years has won their next game and it was a direct result of their offenses being slowed down, mostly by much lower ranked defenses. I have also watched Hughes average 8 sacks a game without Frazier (5 seasons) and only 4.4 sacks a game with Frazier (also 5 seasons). At some point, something has to change. I welcome someone new calling the defensive plays. McD already proved him calling the plays over Frazier got better results once before, I look forward to seeing if he can do that again.
  13. Lol...so you literally ignore all the facts that were stated to you and just revert back to this stance of the Chiefs being this big bad boogeyman. Lol, so weird they weren't that same unstoppable force to the teams they faced the week after curb stomping the Bills defense.
  14. Since joining the Bills, here is Jerry Hughes performance with Frazier and without Frazier. With Frazier (5 seasons): Hughes averaged 4.4 sacks a season, with only 1 season with more than 5 (7 in 2018). Without Frazier (5 seasons): Hughes averaged 8 sacks a season, with 3 seasons of 9+ and only 1 season under 5 sacks. That includes 9 sacks this year when he was supposed to be washed and playing on one of the worst teams in football. Doesn't that show a picture of how it is more Frazier and his system than the player when that player is performing at a much higher level when not being coached by Frazier? The issue is they don't hand out Lombardi trophies for regular season performances. It doesn't matter what you do in the regular season, come playoff time, its a whole new season of win or go home and against the better to best teams in the NFL. And Frazier has shown to come up small in those moments too many times, with too many critical mistakes.
  15. You say that, yet in the 2 playoff games against the Chiefs, the Bills gave up an average of 40 points per game. In the Chiefs next games each of those years the Chiefs scored an average of 16.5 points per game, both losses. So you want to claim the Chiefs are this big bad unstoppable force, yet the Chiefs lost their next game BOTH times they Beat Buffalo in the playoffs and averaged LESS than HALF in points scored than what they averaged against us. Chiefs vs Bills - Average 40 points per game. Chiefs vs next opponent - Average 16.5 points per game. So yeah, this excuse of "well its the Chiefs" is nothing more than an excuse, and a bad one at that, that doesn't hold water.
  16. Jerry Hughes since arriving in Buffalo: 5 years in Fraziers defense - averaged 4.4 sacks per season, only managing to break 5 once when he got 7 in 2018. 5 years NOT in Fraziers defense (4 in Buffalo, and this year in Houston) - averaged 8 sacks, and 3 times had 9 or more sacks, including this year in Houston at the tail end of his career. 2021-22 season: Bills 42 sacks and #1 ranked defense. Bengals 42 sacks and #16 ranked defense. Bills get gashed and fail to get any pressure on Mahomes, giving 42 points including 2 TD's and a FG in less than the final 2 minutes of regulation and OT. Our inability to disrupt Mahomes in the playoffs AGAIN is bad the team spends $8 Billion dollars on Von Miller the next year at age 33. Bengals the very next week harass Mahomes all 2nd half and allow only THREE points and hold them to 24 as they beat them and go to the SB. But keep absolving Frazier as if he has nothing to do with our struggles to get sacks or affect Mahomes enough to win a game in playoffs. Let alone Burrow either.
  17. To be fair, the whole defense crapped the best against the Bengals, everyone. Singling him out is irrelevant for that game. Point is, AJE put up 6.5 sacks this year despite a part time role in a defense that wasn't overall great at sacking the QB. I honestly wonder what he might do in a different defense. And here is why below... Jerry Hughes last 3 seasons in Buffalo, he had 4.5 sacks, 4.5 sacks, and then 2 sacks his last year. A total of 11. His first season in Houston when he was considered on the last year or two of his career he had 9 sacks. Since arriving in Buffalo, Hughes has had 5 seasons without Frazier (4 here, 1 in Houston) and 5 seasons with Frazier. Without Frazier: Hughes has averaged 8 sacks a season, including getting 9 this year on one of the worst teams in football at the tail end of his career. In the 5 seasons without Frazier he has put up 9 or more sacks 3 times. With Frazier: Hughes has averaged just 4.4 sacks a season, and only 1 season with more than 4.5 when he got 7 in 2018. Without Frazier he only had one season with less than 5 sacks...with Frazier every season but one 7 sack season was under 5 sacks. So I have legit quesitons on how much of it is the player or the system/scheme we run here. I watched a 16th ranked Bengals defense who had the same number of sacks as the Bills #1 ranked defense last year go on to terrorize Mahomes and hold the Chiefs to 3 second half points on their way to the SB. A week after the Chiefs offense embarrassed the Bills D, couldn't get any pressure, and gave up 3 scores inside the final 2 min of the game and opening drive of OT. Personally, I think AJE has shown ability and I question if this is the defense that can help him reach his peak, whatever that may be. I am hoping with Frazier gone, that maybe now we might see some changes that will help our young guys take more steps forward. Not saying AJE will suddenly break out, but I do suspect the defense we have run thus far has been part of the problem.
  18. Curious...do you, or any of the other people who think AJE contributed nothing realize that he had 6.5 sacks this year in a part time role? I don't think we should trade Hyde, if Poyer isn't back, we will need the veteran play of Hyde back there to keep things stable. Hamlin was not good in coverage even though he did contribute as a tackler. I am on board with trading Oliver, I don't think they can or should pay him next year. He is a very streaky player and seems dependent on the guys around him to succeed and I don't like paying big contracts to guys who struggle to impact the game on their own. Mitch I think could be cut because they can save quite a bit cutting him. Not sure a concussion prone center has much trade value. And I still wouldn't rule out retiring either after more concussion issues and seeing Hamlin situation on the field. Josh Allen mentioned retirement as something some were considering after that tragedy on the field, about how it put some things into a different perspective. He didn't name anyone specific, but Morse seems like he could be one of those guys. Not sure who they restructure, or how many. I think anyone is candidate, including Josh Allen who I think can give them the biggest savings in a single restructure. I can see both as cut candidates for cap reasons. But the team does really like both these guys, and McKenzie comes off the books next year. So not sure these guys get cut or not, but I can see them both staying or leaving. I really like McKenzie, he is fun and good for the team and locker room. But if he is back this year, his role needs to revert back that of a gadget player like 4th or 5th on the depth chart. We someone less one dimensional who can contribute better from the slot.
  19. No offense here, but why do people only focus on the 13 seconds of the KC game? Our defense gave up a TD and a FG in under the final 2 minutes of that game and then laid down for another easy TD in OT on its way to giving up 42 points to a team that would go on to lose the next week only scoring only 24 points against the 16th ranked Defense. Buffalo had the #1 ranked defense that year, and yet the defense was dominated. Bengals 16th ranked defense dominated the Chiefs offense in the 2nd half the next week and allowed only 3 points in the entire second half. Buffalo and Cincy both had the same number of sacks on the season too at 42, so you can't even say their defense was better at getting to the QB. Our #1 ranked defense gave up 3 scores in less than 2 min of the end of regulation and opening drive of OT. Lets not forget, Frazier and what was the #1 ranked defense at that time gave up another FG in less time, 12 seconds, at the end of the half again this year to KC. It was far more than 13 seconds with Frazier. In all our playoff losses since Frazier has arrived, we have given up an average of 152 yards rushing per game in those losses, and all but one team (Jax) was a lowly ranked rushing team. This years embarrassment was while Frazier fielded the #2 ranked defense. And Hyde and Von are not valid excuses, despite that being a popular excuse. Hyde missed most the season and Von missed almost half of it. Yet we still fielded the #2 ranked defense on the season. Them missing didn't plummet our defense into the bottom half of the league, it still managed to remain the 2nd ranked Defense. 3 straight embarrassing performances by the defense in playoff losses, surrendering 107 points to teams that would combine for 53 points in their next 3 games (all losses). I honestly don't know of any other DC in the league that would survive that streak of games. It is the same reason Frazier has zero HC interest despite the team trying to sell him as a HC candidate hard. In fact, his HC candidacy has decreased each year until it reached ice cold zero this year. And for good reason given his last HC job was a flop and his playoff resume of defensive collapses.
  20. Better question: When are you gonna get a new schtick?
  21. I can neither confirm nor deny that I sent this to Beane 🤐 🤔
  22. To be fair…How many of those coaches would have supported taking Allen over Rosen and Lamar? And of those that did, how many would have successfully over saw his development from Raw and widely predicted bust into a quarter Billion dollar super star? Easy to say any coach can win with who Allen is now, but that’s not how Allen entered the league. And McD and the other coaches McD hired over saw that development.
  23. Which is exactly why I don’t think it will ever happen and basically the end of the Frazier era. Which is all good news to me
  24. Found Waldo...took like 4 seconds. Yolo is proving to be more elusive though 😁
  25. It wouldn't surprise me if the Bills look into a trade for Brandin Cooks. Beane mentioned a trade as an option at WR multiple times when fielding multiple questions around WR draft strategy. To be fair, he also mentioned free agency too. But I think someone like Cooks to put out there with Diggs and Davis is going to intrigue Beane, and the cost to facilitate that trade will be relatively cost friendly in terms of draft compensation. I mean look at what Cooper went for last year. They can make the numbers work as well on a deal like this.
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