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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. There are conflicting reports on whether or not Mixon was actually involved. If he is, then he will be done in the league forever and will be facing jail time. So I could see how people close to him might be trying to cover for his sorry ass. This is going to be interesting to see how it unfolds. There is a cell video on Twitter that claims it was outside his house where you can’t see him (it’s night and too dark) but cell phone picks up the gun shot sounds and it was like 10 gunshots. If that is a legit video, firing 10 shots at an unarmed minor and striking him in the leg is going to result in some significant jail time.
  2. None of those players had contracts causing 35m in dead money over next 2 years on teams cap strapped and trying to win a SB. No 2 trades are the same. Diggs contract dead money cap hits make him un-tradable. Unless something absolutely catastrophic happens, he will be a Bill the next 2 years at least.
  3. While I don’t disagree, it should be pointed out Trevon doesn’t follow Buffalo, someone said that but it’s incorrect. He doesn’t follow Dallas, but he also doesn’t follow Buffalo.
  4. I’m not against trading Oliver, I was speaking on behalf of Beane and what I think he would want back if he traded Oliver
  5. You missed my reason as to why I said that
  6. 4 year, 150 million is a pretty fair price given where the next QB contracts are going to land. Its about where he should be as a middle of the pack starting QB with playoff experience. It seems like a lot if you think about 3 to 4 years ago, but not with the new higher cap and where guys like Burrow, Herbet, and Lamar are going to land moving forward.
  7. No, but it does confirm you actually don't understand the cap and are unclear about how signing him impacts the team as a whole, now and in the future.
  8. Wait...are people flipping on Allen now as if he doesn't do enough in the offseason? Nobody has put more work and dedication into the offseason's to keep getting better than Allen has. Lets not forget that Allen played an incredibly emotional and mentally draining season in Buffalo. That he played through a painful and dangerous injury to his elbow. And is the most physical QB in the NFL who puts his body through way more hits and abuse than anyone else. So I don't think its fair to criticize Allen taking some leisure time to himself this early in the offseason. In fact, I am glad he is not pushing himself too hard right now, would much rather him get his mind clear, let his body feel good, and then get back to the grind here soon. The one thing no one can ever question about Allen is his work ethic or his commitment to be the best version of himself.
  9. Who cares though. When week 1 rolls around and its his first snap on the field, he will be going 110% and that will remain true for the whole season. So I don't care if he is grumpy, has bad gas, has a hang nail, or what ever other issue there may be now. Come week 1, Diggs will be catching passes from his close friend Josh Allen and giving it his all from start to finish for the season. He is a real one, he gives everything he has to the game and to the team. That is not even in question.
  10. Not sure, everything I saw was that he was going to be one of their two designated post June 1st cuts. Maybe if they designate him for post June 1st it avoids what they owe him if he is on the roster still on March 17th. Not sure how that affects it or not.
  11. I dont disagree with any of that, and it would be rather exciting to see Henry back there with Josh. But at the same time, Shaun Alexander was 28 when he fell off the cliff suddenly and he was coming of an MVP season with 1880 yards and 27 TD's. Just hard to predict with these big bruising runners, especially with the kind of volume carries they get. And that is where I am not sure how Beane will weigh all that together. Age, large carry volume, cap cost, and cost to acquire...when you put it all together, doesn't feel like a Beane move, especially with being a pass first team who needs to significantly address OL and also add more to the receiving weapons.
  12. Ah, so there is your motivation. You want to be right about what you said weeks ago. And who knows, this could further develop and show there is an issue with Diggs and wanting a trade. But, this isn't that proof. He can't be traded under his current contract, there is no getting around that fact. So even if he is unhappy, it doesn't matter, he is a Buffalo Bill for at least the next 2 seasons based on cap reasons alone. And for that to change, it will take massive developments, not some "who does he follow on IG" story. Everyone said Deebo was done in SF last year, including Deebo himself who said he didn't even want to talk to the Niners about money or a new contract, he wanted out. Guess who is still a 49er? Everyone last year believed Aaron Rodgers was going to leave GB...guess who was still a Packer last season? There was substantial more reasons to think those guys were going to play elsewhere than anything going on with Diggs, yet they didn't go anywhere either.
  13. True, but Titans had a solid run blocking OL still, and their backup RB's had quite a bit of success the last couple of years when Henry was out. And Saffold was not the same player for us that he had been previously in his career.
  14. This is why I am excited to see some new blood (or new old blood if it is McD) in how we call our defense and attack offenses. McD already showed he could get more out of the same defense than Frazier when he previously had to strip Frazier of play calling duties in season and the defense immediately improved. I actually really like the idea of McD calling the plays as long as it doesn't create issues in his overall HC duties and management of games.
  15. Henry would be an exciting add, but I don't know that it makes sense. RB is the easiest position to acclimate too, so I would think if there was a hole that the Bills would be comfortable with youth from the draft at it would be RB. Someone suggested we trade Oliver, and I do think trading Oliver in general makes sense as I have a hard time seeing us pay up to keep him next year. But I don't think trading Oliver for a short term option at RB makes sense, I would think Beane would rather get draft assets that can infuse youth and longer term players into the roster. The other things to consider here are that Henry wasn't nearly as effective before Titans built up their OL into one of the best. And our OL needs a lot of work, so not sure Henry just walks in and plays at the same level here unless we can significantly improve the OL, which acquiring Henry might limit our ability to do so. Then you have the mileage and high use of him combined with his age. I think about guys like Shaun Alexander who just instantly fell off a cliff earlier than expected thanks to the power run style and high use rate. Would I be excited if Henry was a Bill...sure...do I think it would happen, doubtful.
  16. Yeah, the message wasn't that he wanted out though, that is the point. He wanted to get an extension, yet this board speculated he was trying to force his way out of Buffalo, and they were wrong about that. And now, the board is again speculating he is trying to force his way out of Buffalo. You realize this whole thread title is not even accurate? He didn't unfollow Buffalo and then follow Dallas like the thread title implies. He has been following Dallas because of his brother. That is the kind of stuff I am talking about. Creating panic before the full info is known. So I will wait until there is something actually factual and confirmed before I start to panic. Especially given its not mathematically possible to trade Diggs anyway, so something MUCH more substantial than unfollowing someone IG is going to have to happen before there is any chance of a Diggs trade. So yeah...until something significant happens to say otherwise, its a non-story just like the possibility of Diggs getting traded last year to Dallas was a non-story.
  17. I said this board all said it was because he was trying to make his way to Dallas last year. Did you miss that point or just ignore it? Point was, this boards panic was wrong, and Diggs remained a Bill and did so in a way to stay to the end of his career. So all this other panic now that he suddenly wants out is just fan noise until I see something indicating he is trying to get out of Buffalo. And I would bet good money Diggs and his agent are fully aware his big extension last year makes trading him nearly impossible from a cap stand point for the Bills during their pursuit of a Super Bowl.
  18. He unfollowed the Bills last year and deleted all the pics related to the Bills. Then he signed a deal to stay in Buffalo to the end of his career despite all this panic around here he wanted out of Buffalo to go to Dallas last year. So yeah, non-story until I see something that tells me there is a story.
  19. True, but he would still carry a $24M dead cap hit next year too. So even a post June 1st trade is going to be a major cap issue for the Bills who already don't have cap space. Under his current deal as it stands now, Bills can not afford to trade him. The only way a team would ever consider taking on those cap hits is if that team was tearing it all down and willing to be in cap hell for the next 2 seasons as part of clearing out all the cap and starting over. Bills obviously are not doing that and are in full pursuit of a Super Bowl. So unless something changes with his contract, Diggs is a Bill for at least the next 2 seasons.
  20. I can answer that: No Frazier. Since joining the Bills, Hughes has played 10 seasons, 4 before Frazier, then 5 with Frazier, then 1 this past year in Houston. In the 5 seasons not with Frazier Hughes averaged 8 sacks a season (including 3 with 9 or more). In 5 seasons with Frazier, he averaged 4 sacks a season, only getting over 5 once (7 in 2018).
  21. This seems like a non-story to me. I get the reason people are talking about it, but here is what we know: He already followed the Cowboys, so he didn't unfollow the Bills and then followed the Cowboys. If the main priority for Diggs was to play with his brother, he would NOT have signed an extension just last year to remain in Buffalo until the end of his career essentially. Everyone and their mom knows Josh Allen is better than Dak, its not even a debate. So we know Stefon isn't looking at Dallas as a better opportunity for him in terms of production and QB play. Dallas already has a #1 WR and even if Diggs became the new #1 there, it would be more like 1A and 1B on a team who also wants to run a lot. He already hated that in Minnesota. Diggs this season literally said Josh Allen saved his career and changed his life forever. He and Josh are super close, more so than most other QB and WR's are when it comes to life off the field. The cap hit from Diggs contract (both this year and next year) make him almost impossible to trade for the Bills. There is literally no incentive to trade Diggs unless something changes and some impossible rift or divide pops up between the team and Diggs, which there are not really any signs of right now. So I have a hard time believing Diggs suddenly wants out of Buffalo, especially for Dallas. Wouldn't surprise me if he just did this just to troll social media because of the all the dumb speculation he wanted out or wanted to go to Dallas this offseason.
  22. Jerry Hughes also had 9 sacks this year for Houston after we cut him.
  23. Haha, you said it right there...wait until you see the money the Saints came up with. Where do you think that money is coming from? They are creating more future cap issues, cutting starting players, and creating dead cap hits through restructures that will impact their ability to keep players in the coming seasons too. And they were already doing that just to get under the cap as they entered the offseason as a 7 win team that was $30M over the cap. And for what? To sign a middle of the pack QB who didn't do much in Las Vegas with better weapons in guys like Davante Adams and NFL leading rusher Jacobs? He has a young piece in Olave, but he is no Adams, and Kamara is on the decline and not close to the player Jacobs is today. Bahaha, but you think this proves the cap doesn't matter. The Saints are one of the worst examples in the NFL on how to handle the cap and also for not getting results despite their cap issues. Unless you think being cap strapped every year to just win enough games to not get a good draft pick and yet not be good enough to contend for a SB.
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