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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Personally, I would have kept Meyers over JuJu for the same price dollar for dollar essentially.
  2. This. #27 for Jeudy is just too much, and #27 plus something else is ridiculous. But if we get a good pick back with Jeudy, then sure sending the 27th pick starts to make sense. But you hit the nail on the head here, Jeudy has not lived up to his draft hype on the field. People blame the QB, but that doesn't excuse the drops and inconsistency catching passes. Any trade for Jeudy would be a speculative move on unrealized potential, not about on field excellence. I do not want to over pay for a guy we have to hope turns it up a notch here. We already have a WR we hope turns it around next year in Davis as it is. I would be excited to see someone like Jeudy added, don't get me wrong. But for me, it needs to be at a better price than Denvers reported "at least a first or more" for him. I mean that is what a proven stud in AJ Brown got traded for essentially. Jeudy hasn't shown anything close to what AJ Brown had shown when he went for more than first round pick. Even DeAndre Hopkins got traded for a 2nd round pick when he was considered a top 3, if not the best, WR in the NFL. Based on what Jeudy has done on the field, IMHO is really worth a 3rd, but according to reports that wouldn't get the deal done. But maybe a 2nd gets the deal done, and that is more palatable than our first. Or, like you said, send our first but get back a good pick with Jeudy so its more of a trade down scenario. If Jeudy got to reenter the draft this year, there are several guys who could be there at 27 who I would take over him.
  3. I can not believe that’s all he signed for and we weren’t in on it. Young player with a real chance to break out now that he’s out from under the other 2 stud LBs in SF. He was my top target at LB. But hopefully we land Wagner or David.
  4. He won’t have to wait on the ball to get there when it’s coming from Josh Allen as that would have been an easy TD
  5. You guys just always take the most negative angle in every topic. Just don’t get the obsession with that. No one is looking at this signing as some magic pill to solve our issues, but this need to go all sky is falling over it makes no sense.
  6. Do you find it interesting that most often the only people that ever agrees with you is posters like Einstein and you’re most often the only the person that ever agrees with him? Should tell you something…although I don’t expect you will correctly identify the something:
  7. No…no he’s not. He’s definitely not better than this. This is always his posting theme…doom and gloom, everything the Bills do is wrong. Yet I can’t recall anything I’ve ever seen him post be right.
  8. Love this! Coming back in a reasonable I assume which was the best case scenario.
  9. Gabe Davis in 3 full seasons has three 100 yard games. Hopkins in 1 full season and 2 half seasons the last 3 years has nine 100 yard games and would have had several more if Murray didn’t tear his ACL this year. Someone shoot this thread, put it out of its misery and bury it in the back yard to never be spoken of again.
  10. Jokes are different though, this would kind of be like a slight to Davis, especially if it’s someone taking Davis job in terms of the #2 target for Allen.
  11. Deebo is a great player, love watching him play as my wife is a hard core niner fan. But he’s not necessarily a “great” WR and many Niners fans see Aiyuk as the better pure WR when they need a play downfield. He is a fantastic weapon though as he is a nightmare with YAC and also dangerous running the ball. But he specializes in short throws where he makes plays more than a downfield threat. He isn’t the most polished route runner and doesn’t have the most reliable hands further down field. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love Deebo on our team, so not a knock on him. But just comparing receiving ability, Hopkins is better.
  12. For that to be true it would mean he basically just publicly kind of took a shot at Davis. Implies who ever is coming in is a big upgrade to Davis to the point teams need 2 number 1 corners now. I’m skeptical he would say that if it meant someone is coming in to upstage Davis. The WR group is a close knit group, doesn’t seem like McK to say something that could be seen as a slight to his boy Davis.
  13. How can you look at what he did this year with scrubs and honestly say he is on the decline? He was on pace for 120 catches and 1400 yards catching passes from Murray for a few games and scrubs the rest. And on a bad overall team too with bad coaching.
  14. D Hop is a better WR than Deebo who is a hybrid WR. But WR to WR, in terms of receiving skills, D Hop is better and just about any GM or player in the NFL would affirm that. And I’m a big fan of Deebos too, but he isn’t as good as Hopkins at being a WR. And he is not on a decline, you just stating that doesn’t make it true. He was as good as ever this year. His per game averages out him at 120 catches and 1400 yards catching passes from mostly bad quarterbacks. Anytime someone says he is on the decline I immediately know they really didn’t pay attention to him this year. He was as good as ever.
  15. None of this addresses what I said in my post to you. No disrespect, but I’d abandon this take, it’s not gonna go where you want it too because it’s so ridiculous. Davis couldn’t hold Hopkins jock right now. Davis is not remotely close to the level of player Hopkins is today still. And he is not ancient, he is only 6 months older than Diggs.
  16. You can’t be serious with this post. Come on lol. PS: You immediately lost credibility of your post out the gate when you talked about games played since 2020 to imply he has injury issues. He has had ONE injury in his whole career were missed more than 1 game, and that was 2021. He only missed a total of 2 games the rest of his career. His suspension that cost him games this year was related to his recovery for that injury in 2021. He does NOT have reliability issues. And the funniest part is that you compared a whole season for Davis to half a season to Hopkins, yet Hopkins put up nearly the same totals in half the time despite Davis playing on the most pass happy offense in the league with a top 2 QB. Hopkins played with a lesser Murray and scrub backups. And you calling Hopkins ancient is hilarious when I guess that makes Diggs ancient too since he is only 6 months older than Diggs. No disrespect, but man this is quite honestly just an all around terrible thread, assessment and comparison. You’d be much better off deleting it than letting more people read this TBH. Hopkins is a top 5 WR in the NFL, Davis isn’t even a top 5 WR in his 4 team division.
  17. Hahaha that’s fair, although I did check his Twitter before I posted. The ones I was calling out were the ones people posted that were not even pretending to be an insider and tweeting clear gibberish. But thanks to all the TSW peeps who dove deeper into it. Deleted the thread too
  18. Yeah I checked the Twitter profile and seemed relatively legit at first glance. This was someone putting in a lot of effort to appear legit in terms of what they put out. Thanks to the TSW sleuths who looked deeper. Already deleted the thread with it too.
  19. I don’t think that changes anything with his dead cap hits.
  20. Ah I didn’t go that deep. But his posts looked normal to me and clean and the link went to the athletic. He seems to just be a local bengals coverage guy, might be why low followers, could also be new. Hard to tell sometimes though, so could be a fake account that is being less obvious about being fake too. With any unconfirmed news, just take with a grain of salt until we see something more official
  21. Funny, we kept hearing for a while around here was that Vander Esche was so much better than Edmunds. Vander Esche signed for 2 years, $11M to stay with Dallas as no market at all developed for him. Edmunds signed early day 1 for 4 years, $72M. Seems the NFL GMs value them quite differently than TSW pundits.
  22. Funny, we kept hearing for a while around here was that Vander Esche was so much better than Edmunds. Vander Esche signed for 2 years, $11M to stay with Dallas as no market at all developed for him. Edmunds signed early day 1 for 4 years, $72M. Seems the NFL GMs value them quite differently than TSW pundits.
  23. Literally what I thought it meant, but still thought I was wrong haha. Thanks for confirming it was what I thought haha
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