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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. It is from today, not weeks ago. Chiefs are not one of the two new teams entering the picture they are referencing. And its on twitter too.
  2. Seen this...its cool, but the TV's are just too small.
  3. More teams entering the Hopkins sweepstakes allegedly too now... https://lastwordonsports.com/nfl/2023/03/23/two-new-teams-in-deandre-hopkins-sweepstakes/
  4. Except the Bills beat them 2 out of the last 3 times, all in KC, and Bills really should be 3-0 if not for ST blunder with 13 seconds left. And that is before they would have gotten Hopkins. And Bills have finished ahead of them offensively 2 of the last 3 years, with the only year not ahead of them being this past season where KC and Bills were 1 and 2 and separated by just over a half a point. KC now has lost JuJu and Hardman, and lost some other key players on both sides of the ball. With or without Hopkins, Bills were already likely going to field the better offense again this year. And with Hopkins, we would be entering the new season as the favorites to field the highest scoring offense in the NFL especially since we have been no lower than 3rd the last 3 years and have upgraded already at a number of spots on offense regardless if we also get Hopkins. They may be the team to beat until proven otherwise, but we would be the odds on favorites to field the top offense again this season if we land Hopkins.
  5. Whose got those cliff notes on this for those who don't have the time to listen to the whole thing?
  6. If Gave Davis is not included in the trade for Hopkins, the move next is to trade him. Look at what the Jets just got from Cleveland for Moore. We should be able to get a good pick back for Davis. QB Allen RB Harris RB Cook TE Knox WR1 Diggs WR2 Hopkins WR3 Sherfield Slot Shakir WR4 Harty I mean that would potentially be the best offense in the NFL heading into the draft. Focus on finding more OL upgrades and an Edmunds replacement in this draft.
  7. One more interesting wrinkle…Hopkins also followed Josh Allen today on IG and Allen followed him.
  8. Ha, no worries, I had already seen it was only reason I knew it
  9. He shared someone else’s post who is performing at the Hollywood Bowl. It’s not referring to anything than him showing excitement about an upcoming concert at Hollywood Bowl
  10. While I agree with you, he said that last year to then signed Von Miller to a 27 year long contract worth 2.2 Billion
  11. I know, I posted them in there. But this thread was about would he be available...I think something teasing an actual link to the Bills is worth discussing on its own and more relevant than burying it in this monstrous thread. No disrespect to the mods, but sometimes there is part of a story that is worthy discussing on its own that shouldn't be buried in a monstrous thread that many people have already stopped coming to because its 30 pages of the same info being regurgitated over and over again. So a lot of people miss the new info they may have been interested in.
  12. Yeah, still 100% stand by that a guy saying in his opinion the Bills are the best fit is in no way what so ever some code for the Bills tipped off the journalist and then asked him not to say anything as you claimed. And that clip wasn't even from today.
  13. Hahaha that would be hilarious. I am not gonna get to amped, just a curious couple of things to put up. I mean he could easily just be messing with people for the fun of it.
  14. The orange juice thing is only curious because OJ played for the Bills and he first posted a video of him with the lyrics Buffalo Solider playing in the background.
  15. He has some interesting posts, one on instagram playing Buffalo Soldier as the music and the other on Twitter drinking orange juice. Maybe he’s just trolling, maybe he’s teasing something, maybe it’s nothing. But it sure is curious set of posts from him right now...
  16. Agree, except I don't think I would do both Gabe and Oliver unless we got a decent draft pick included with Hopkins.
  17. Biggest gain is Hardman wants to be there, Moore doesn't though. Moore wants a bigger role, a chance to start. Hardman accepts what his role is at this point of his career.
  18. I would have easily made the same trade for him, but Jets were never sending him here. This is a good move for Cleveland and makes since for the Jets given their signings.
  19. Im with you on this...I do think we should trade Oliver simply because I think there is almost no chance they pay him and extend him next year. But, I would MUCH rather see Oliver included in a trade that brought back immediate help somewhere on this team plus a draft pick either this year or next year. For example: If we trade Oliver and get his salary off the books so we can make a move for say Hopkins, then that is the kind of move that can move the needle for this team this season. Bills w/Hopkins >>> Bills w/Oliver IMHO. And if we can say get AZ to eat $9M of Hopkins salary, maybe we can just ship Oliver in a package for Hopkins where the cap hits wash this year. Still need to get his next years cap hits down, but they can just do a small extension to handle that. But Oliver has more value to the team IMHO than just shipping him out for a decent draft pick slot in a mediocre at best draft. We are still pressing for a SB this year, so I don't think just opening another hole is the best approach unless we are upgrading somewhere else. Oliver isn't a bum, he just isn't really moving the needle either due to his inconsistency.
  20. This really is a fantastic read, and it really lets fans into the real world business behind the scenes of the NFL that they don't see on TV or even know exists. There is a reason every Dolphin fan I know hates that we got him too. I think this guy brings a lot to this team, and I keep seeing everyone listing him as 5th on the depth chart or looking at him as just a ST guy. But he is going to be the immediate backup on the outside, and I wouldn't be surprised if he eats into Davis snaps this season unless Davis has a major bounce back. I actually think it could potentially mirror 2021 when Sanders was the #2 and Davis started eating into his snaps in the 2nd half of the season and Davis started carving out a bigger role. I think Diggs/Davis/Sherfield will resemble snap counts of Diggs/Sanders/Davis in 2021 and Harty (having replaced McKenzie) will compete with Shakir for the starting slot position and could have some rotation there too as they both bring different things to the table.
  21. Agree...Beane seems confident in him, at least in his pressers. Although he does acknowledge it wasn't the season expected of Gabe, but I think Beane see's it more as injuries earlier in the season impacted him and he just didn't bounce back fully from that. For me, its a weird spot to be in because last offseason I was very high on Gabe, and not only because of the KC game. I had been saying the offense was clicking better with Gabe getting more reps and Sanders getting less ever since Sanders reg season injury opened the door for that. I really felt like a break out year was on the docket for 2022 and he was of the players I was most excited to see in his new starter role as the season opened. But wow, did he just not come close to expectations. People talk mostly about the low catch rate and drops, but his struggles were so much more than that. He really struggled to get separation on his routes, and a lot of his production relied on a big play or Josh extending plays that allowed Gabe to finally get open. But not winning on routes was a big issue at WR for us this year, because it kept Allen from getting the ball out faster and our OL sucked too much to hold protections. Then there were the concentration and focus issues where he would run a route short of the sticks, or have plenty of room to get his feet down in bounds and not come close to doing it. And you could see the dejection on his face when he made mistakes, like he was struggling with the mental aspect of the game. I am not ready to write him off, but this year is the first year since Gabe has been here where I went into an offseason concerned about him and one has to wonder if he can rebound and get back to being an ascending player or if he has already hit his ceiling.
  22. Good info...however, a lot of fans don't see this info the same. A lot of guys who were consistent starters, especially ones drafted in first 2 to 3 rounds, will be seen as busts by fan bases because they expect all this picks to be studs or pro bowlers, and that just isn't the case. My favorite part is when people call players "busts" then say to trade them for like a 2nd round pick. LOL
  23. Oh yeah, I have the same concerns. I do think his rookie year was encouraging enough that it was reasonable to have an optimistic outlook on him continuing to develop, but it definitely wasn't at the level where you could say he was the long term solution at RT. And last year was a train wreck. I hope I am wrong and we at least bring in competition for him in the first half of the draft as I think he is the biggest question mark on the OL at this moment. But, like I said, I think Beane's comments lend more towards they don't feel pressure to go get a guy earlier in the draft.
  24. This is like the 3rd straight thing you just made up to validate your belief this segment about Hopkins best fit is somehow some DaVinci Code segment secretly telling the world that he is most likely going to the Bills. Its all good man, if you want to jump to all these conclusions to give you hope of a trade, then you do you bud. I would love to see Hopkins in Buffalo too, so I get the want for that. And Buffalo very well may be interested, and he could end up a Bill. But this segment clip just isn't proof or any indication that it is in the works IMHO.
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