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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I love football, so there have been several QBs I’ve enjoyed watching play for things like greatness, excitement, etc…and Montana and Brady are 2 of them. But I can honestly say that Josh Allen is already my all time favorite player to watch play.
  2. With the 72nd pick in the 2023 NFL Draft, the Tennessee Titans select: TE, TUCKER KRAFT, SOUTH DAKOTA STATE CLICK HERE FOR HIGHLIGHTS We are excited to bring in a big athletic TE in Kraft who has shown to be a threat as a receiver and a blocker. Even though he played at a small school, he has the traits of a top tier prospect and had offers to go to blue chip schools such as Alabama, but elected to stay with his coaches at SDST. With is size, athleticism, and abilities as a receiver we believe can be a complete TE in the NFL and a weapon in our passing game. Round 1, Pick 11: Drafted RB, Bijan Robinson, Texas (Derrick Henry traded to Chicago for pick 53) Round 2, Pick 41: Drafted O,T Anton Harrison, Oklahoma Round 2, Pick 53 (from Chicago): Drafted WR, Josh Downs, North Carolina Round 3, Pick 72: Drafted TE, Tucker Kraft, South Dakota State With that our 3 round draft is complete and our organization feels very strong about our draft and can't wait to see our new players on the field in our new look offense. @wppete and the Texans are now on the clock
  3. My final take. GOAT by default is going to be Brady. 7 SB wins and playing until age 45 at the level he played at may be achievements never matched again, especially in the free agency era of football. HOWEVER: I don't think its really possible to say who was the actual better QB because I can't see Montana doing any worse than Brady if they swapped places and longevity. At the same time, I am not so sure how Brady would have fared during an era where you could tee off on the QB and be physical with WR's. Everything about Brady was based on timing, and it had to be because he didn't have the strongest arm. In Montana's era, DB's could be more physical with WR's and disrupt timing more and defenders didn't have to let up before hitting the QB. I watched the highest scoring offense in NFL history get held to 14 points in the Super Bowl by an average Giants team just because they were hitting Brady. I watched that same Giants team do the same thing to another one of the highest scoring offenses in NFL history and rough Brady up again and hold them to 17 points. The key to Brady's success was that he was not getting hit, but when you did hit Brady and could disrupt his timing he was human. It was a lot easier to do that when Montana played as the rules and how they called games were different. Montana almost had to retire from a back injury in 1986, but he came back the next season and threw 31 TD's in just 13 games (a very gaudy number in those days that would even be excellent in the modern era). In his last year with the 49ers, Montana had to have elbow surgery from a preseason injury and wouldn't return until late in the season where the 49ers stuck with Steve Young who was the leagues MVP that season. Montana played the last game of the season only, but Niners stuck with the league MVP for the playoffs. To this day, many believe the 49ers should have won the Super Bowl that year, but they lost in the NFCCG to Dallas and a lot of people still think had Montana not gotten hurt and played that season they would have won it all. Niners would go on and win the Super Bowl the next season though which was the first year Montana was in KC. So, if not for the elbow injury, Montana would have 100% started and played the whole season. Pretty much everyone thinks Young is an all time great HOF QB (and so do I), but no one thinks Young was better than Montana, so not crazy to think they might have won the Super Bowl that year had Joe not got hurt. Niners would go on and win the SB the next season with Young as the QB and Montana in KC. Point is...Niners went to NFCCG and SB in those 2 seasons (one with Joe missing all but 1 game and the other with Joe in KC). Had Joe not had his body fail, he would have led those 2 niners teams and very well could have 2 more SB wins under his belt that would have put him at 6 with 0 losses by the time he was 37. Brady played until 45 and appeared in 4 Super Bowls between the age of 39 and 45, winning 3. But if we are comparing them by ages: At the age Montana retired, he had won 4 Super Bowls (lost none). When Brady was the same age, he had also won 4 Super Bowls and lost 2 others. So its not hard to think had Montana's body afforded him the opportunity to play at a high level well into his 40's, he might have equaled or even surpassed Bradys accomplishments. Since its impossible to do that...Brady is the GOAT, but Montana is #2 without a doubt and even though Brady is the undisputed GOAT, I don't think it's really possible to say who is actually the truly better QB because their bodies did not afford the same longevity of career for a fair comparison.
  4. Didn't expect to see several CB's on there either. Makes me think they are intent on converting Bedford to Safety. I mean we already know they are going to try him out there and that they had that in mind as a possibility when they drafted him. So my guess is they feel they may need to add more depth if he does, and I assume not until Day 3.
  5. I don't agree with this way of looking at it. Montana's coach had nothing to do with the pin point dimes Montana threw on a regular basis. Here is how I would look at it...what if Brady and Montana switched places? If Brady played during Montanas era where QB's got regularly smashed, what would his career look like? I mean we saw him lose to a mediocre Giants team twice in the SB just because the Giants actually got to Brady. What about Montana? What would his career look like playing in an era where you can't touch the WR's and can't touch the QB's? How much longer would Montana play if he was getting concussed from massive hits that would be illegal today? Personally, I think there is no chance Brady replicates his success or longevity playing during Montana's era. Don't get me wrong, not saying Brady couldn't have still had a great career, but he doesn't get as many rings as he did and he sure as heck doesn't play as long as he did. And when I look at Montana, if I plug him into the NE offense during the Brady era, I honestly can say that he still wins as many as he did, probably as many as Brady, maybe even more. There is no such thing as truly swapping them, therefore, Brady's accomplishments are unmatched and has absolutely earned the GOAT title. But, I don't necessairly know that he was actually a better QB than Montana, or vice versa. I mean Montana won 4 Super Bowls by 36 in SF. He would have won at least 5 or 6 if not for the back issues that led them to change to Steve Young (who won 1 and should have won 2). He went to KC and took over an offense that does not have a single good player on it and took them to the AFCCG and 2 straight playoff trips before he retired at age 38. I think its fair to argue that had Montana got to stay with the Niners and play well into his 40's, he likely gets 7, maybe more rings. But his body didn't allow for that thanks to the substantially more physical era he played compared to Brady. Pats lost more than Brady when he left. Not sure why you are ignoring that fact. And the Niners were taken over by a HOF QB. So your argument is that a HOF QB made the pats better but you ignore the fact that the Niners had Steve Young take over, another HOF QB. And Montana went to KC...go google the roster of KC that year, I 100% gurantee you have never heard of any of the guys on that offense because they were not good...and Montana took them to the AFCCG and playoffs both years there despite playing with a bad back and no talent around him at the end of his career.
  6. Terrible take. Montana left a talent rich team who another HOF QB took the reigns from. Its not remotely comparable to Brady leaving NE with Cam Newton and a busted roster.
  7. Here is the thing...yes it was a very dirty play. But it was like 5 or 6 years ago and Tre was ultimately OK, Gronk was punished and suspended, and life went on. Gronk clearly let his frustration get the best of him, totally uncalled for cheap shot was the result. But its a violent game, and sometimes these guys just make stupid meathead decisions in the heat of the moment. So I don't have any strong feelings about it today.
  8. What is your obsession with always trying to troll this board like you are with yet another misleading title? You need new hobbies
  9. Ah, thanks...yeah I was only going on the lists I could find in the past years and the closest to the draft were still like a week out. So probably why they weren't showing up on the lists I found. Thanks for clarifying.
  10. I don’t disagree with any of that, I am certainly one that also feels Beane has been pretty reliable if you just listen to him. And I totally agree that he has definitely talked confidently about Brown. The one caveat I would add is that Beane has also talked Gabe Davis up with similar confidence and using injury to kind of excuse the underwhelming results this year like he did with Brown. But there is confirmed interest in bringing in another premium WR where they have explored WR help on the market between at least inquiring about Hopkins and OBJ and shown interest on their pre-draft visits with some of the top guys in the draft. So hard to say where their allegiance lies come draft day in regards to Brown too. And I went back and looked at as many pre-draft visit lists as I could find the past few years to see how it aligned with our draft picks. And the last year we picked someone with our first pick in the draft that was listed as a pre draft visit was Ed Oliver. Didnt find any lists showing AJE in 2020, Groot or even Boogie in 2021, and not Elam in 2022. But post draft footage of the draft process and war room shows them having strong interest in these guys prior to the draft. So could be they just try and keep their cards closer to the chest when picking later in the draft which could lead to a less expected choice like Anton at 27. But I don’t disagree that an offensive weapon and possibly a LB with our first 2 picks seems to be the higher probability of how the draft goes.
  11. For real man, we are doing the work ourselves too with so much of our budget going towards preparing for the baby. It’s a lot of work, and painting takes a toll worse than you expect. On top of all the painting we have been doing around our place moving rooms around to free up the room for the nursery, I also had to do some construction in there. This last week I had to take out this weird illegal door that went out of what will be the nursery into this random outdoor closet that had another exterior door to it right next to it inside this outdoor storage closet. So first had to cut this stupid door and frame out, then frame the wall out and install sheet rock, insulation etc and then seal the exterior portion of the wall and stucco that up as well. Then paint and finish both the exterior and interior portions of the wall. Got the first coat of interior paint done today, so tomorrow we will see if we need to do any touch up or second coat then I can install the base board trim and cleanup and finally be done with the construction side of the room and painting in general. Then comes the fun of assembling all the furniture, crib, etc haha…not sure what part is worse, the construction and paint or assembling and installing all the furniture, shelves, etc 😂 Good news is the wife loves it, so it’s all worth it. But my 46 year old knees and back are ready to be done haha.
  12. In terms of specific OL, I think if either Anton Harrison or O’Cyrus Torrence are still on the board at 27 they could be in play for us at 27 rather than trading back, especially O’Cyrus (although I think he goes before our pick personally). I don’t think they will move up in the draft unless it’s for a skill position weapon. I have my doubts they will do it for defense or an offensive lineman. Trading back obviously will come down to who is still on the board. If there is only 1 or 2 priority targets left, Beane won’t trade back and risk not landing their guy. Best case scenario is there are a few or more guys there still where Beane feels he can slide back a handful of spots and still get one. That’s assuming someone wants to move up to our spot still too of course.
  13. Luckily I look more like 36 than 46 haha, although we will see how long that lasts though chasing some kids around haha
  14. Thanks gents! Yeah it’s crazy having my first at 46, but super excited. My wife wants 2, so gonna go for a second right after cuz even though she is young enough to wait (she’s 28) I don’t want to be popping kids out at like 50 😂
  15. I am still high on Shakir and still believe in his potential...but not gonna lie, it would be hard not to get excited of the thought of Josh Downs paired with Allen in this offense. He is like if Diggs and Beasley had a baby. He plays much bigger than his size and plays the ball so well down field like Diggs does. And his footwork and route running underneath and the way he changes direction with ease reminds me of what made Beasley so good.
  16. I was painting my baby nursery for my first born baby due in 6 weeks, thats why. I was in this thread and on this board all day waiting for my pick to come up but it didn't happen and couldn't put off painting any longer.
  17. With the 53rd pick in the 2023 NFL Draft, the Tennessee Titans select: WR, JOSH DOWNS, NORTH CAROLINA CLICK HERE FOR HIGHLIGHTS We are excited to see one of our top targets Downs still on the board and can't wait to see him on the field along side guys like Burks and Bijan. Downs is the definition of shifty with his incredible ability to change direction and explode with ease. Having him on this team will allow us to attack various levels of the defense and add an explosive dimension our offense has needed. He is smaller in size, but plays bigger than he looks and we feel even plays the ball better than some of the bigger receivers in the draft. He has a very impressive contested catch rate to go along with his excellent overall catch rate. Round 1, Pick 11: Drafted RB, Bijan Robinson, Texas (Derrick Henry traded to Chicago for pick 53) Round 2, Pick 41: Drafted O,T Anton Harrison, Oklahoma Round 2, Pick 53 (from Chicago): Drafted WR, Josh Downs, North Carolina Round 3, Pick 72: TBD @CNYfan and the Chargers are now on the clock.
  18. If he’s the 9th pick he won’t be the 4th OT off the board. I’m just saying, Anton still has a strong chance to go first round. No guarantees of course, but I think Anton is going to earlier than some people think.
  19. That would mean two things: Darnell leap frogged more than Anton and that Anton still has 23 picks to get chosen in the first round too.
  20. I still think he is going to be a first rounder, I don’t put too much into chatter leading up to the draft as teams try and get guys to slide to them.
  21. Ah well not familair with which one you are referring to, I only knew of this one and some others from some google research I was doing earlier trying to see as many trackers as I could and if any of the players were actually on the lists that the Bills drafted.
  22. I did some google searching earlier on past years pre-draft visit lists, and at least based on the ones I could find, it appears the last time the Bills used their first pick in a draft on someone in for a known pre-draft visit was 2019 with Ed Oliver. In 2020 AJE was our first pick, and couldn't find him on any visit lists. 2021 neither Groot or Boogie were on any pre-draft visit lists I could find. And in 2022 Elam was not on any pre-draft visit lists. So not sure how much weight to put on a pre-draft visit right now
  23. https://nfltraderumors.co/2023-nfl-draft-visit-tracker/
  24. Personally, I think the talk of a trade up rumors would be more in play for an offensive playmaker than any other position. I think we can stay put at 27 and find some nice OL help, or maybe even trade down a tad too depending on who is left on the board of course. For example, if we stay put at 27, then with our emphasis on throwing the ball, I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see the Bills select Anton Harrison at 27, assuming he is still on the board. He has not been reported as a pre-draft visit, but also I am not so sure that matters. Interesting tid bit: I went back each year and looked at the last updated NFL pre-draft visit tracker for the Bills, and the last time the Bills first pick came from someone on their known pre-draft visits was Ed Oliver in 2019. At least on the lists I found leading up to the draft. In 2020, it doesn't list AJE, in 2021 it doesn't list Groot or even Basham, and in 2022 it doesn't list Elam. If we do trade up, then I think its more likely for a playmaker like Bijan or whatever WR they covet. I think the first 2 days of the draft are thinner at offensive playmakers than offensive line prospects.
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