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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I did, and it was just a several days late thread on something Beane directly and clearly already shot down multiple times despite some people trying to spin it otherwise.
  2. No disrespect but Beane already stated MIlano wasn’t switching positions and staying where he was multiple times before you even started this thread. So not sure why his comment yesterday changed anything given this was a non starter before this thread even began.
  3. Not only shouldn't we do it, Beane has already specifically said in multiple interviews since the draft that we won't be doing it. So there really honestly isn't something to discuss here, because it is definitely not happening.
  4. Not bad bud, especially in a year where the difficulty was high to get anything right with such a polarizing draft class. I know you spend a lot of time and effort on this, so congrats on that paying off and beating many of the higher profile talking heads too. Speaking of the higher profile guys, I think the 2 guys I respect the least of them have to be Kiper and McShay. And the main reason is because it's like they intentionally pivot them to butt heads and dig in on disagreements for the manufactured drama. And their track records are not great in the first place, nor do they have any kind of background to validate their loud opinions. I feel like they mostly score poorly on their mocks most years too, so listening to them flex on each other is a waste of time.
  5. You're wrong. We picked up the 5th year option on both Edmunds and Oliver.
  6. Its not 1 of 8, no disrespect but that is quite the exaggeration, especially since 3 of the 8 were starters almost their whole time here (Devin, Knox, and Brown) and we still have guys where we don't know yet how they will turn out. Plus, Harry became a starter after he left here and wasn't buried behind a #9 overall pick and Star. So really, that is 4 guys who proved they can start in this league. But strictly in terms of the Bills, that is 3. And regardless of your opinion on AJE and Boogie, the facts are they have been buried and not really been given a chance to start here. I am by no means saying they could for sure start somewhere else, but they have been stuck behind quality veterans, a first round pick, and Von Miller. So I don't think its fair to say they for sure can't start elsewhere when they have not been really given a chance to start here, a team that uses a heavy rotation in the first place. And Cook and Bernard both will be given shots to be significant players for us this year, and Cook especially has shown quite a bit of promise. So, I stand by what I said...its not as bad as some are making it out to be. Doesn't mean its as good as his other picks, but its not a total trainwreck and has the potential to be better still. If Brown and Cook prove to be good players this year for us, then it already looks a lot better. And if Bernard proves to be solid or better, then this group of 10 picks starts to look pretty good.
  7. As expected. I would have been surprised if they didn't extend him.
  8. I don't think this list is that bad when you factor this is rounds 2 and 3 and essentially 4 of them are or have been starting players in this league. Devin and Knox were key starters and contributors, Brown has been a starter, but coming off a down year after injuries where like you said this is the year to either lock that starting spot down, or show he isn't the long term solution. Then Harry didn't become a starter here with Ed and Star here, but he was signed away for the Bills to be a starter and still is the starter for the Vikings. Boogie and AJE are kind of in the same boat as Harry was, stuck down on the depth chart behind guys we have heavy investments in (currently a 1st rounder in Groot and a gazillion dollars in Von). But both have had some flashes, and I think both still have the potential to be starters in this league. By no means am I declaring they would for sure be starters else where, just saying neither of them has had a real shot here to earn that starting spot yet. AJE was stuck behind 2 pretty good vets his rookie year, then they drafted both Groot and Boogie the next year and still had the same 2 vets here as well. Then when they leave, they gave a gazillion dollars to Von and also brought back Shaq who played pretty well too. Then you still have Cook and Bernard making it 10 picks...one of which looks to be on his way to being a good player, the other we are about to find out if has anything to offer now that Edmunds is gone. So when I look at this track record, I don't think its as bad as people think personally. Could it be better sure, but it is also not the trainwreck some other posters make it out to be either.
  9. This is a good question and weird answer for me. My actual answer is No, we should not be as favored to get there as last year...but with an asterisk of saying I actually think our chances of reaching and winning the Super Bowl are better this year now that we know the real deficiencies of last year and the adjustments we made this offseason. Last year, we were seen as the cream of the crop by most coming off that amazing performance against KC and adding more to our team like Von Miller, while KC lost some guys including Hill. The NFC wasn't seen as strong at that time either. This year, our schedule has us playing the consensus 3 toughest divisions in football (Our own, AFC West, and NFC East) plus the Bengals and the Jaguars. More importantly there are several more teams seen as elite at the top this year compared to last year. Now you have Eagles, Niners, and in some cases Dallas in the NFC plus the Chiefs, Bengals and Bills in the AFC. Now this year, while I don't expect us to be as favored to get to the SB, I do think our actual odds of getting there and winning it are better with the offseason moves Beane made for us to get tougher, bigger, and more built to play in those tough bad weather playoff games.
  10. I think its a highly unlikely he can break that record, doesn't feel realistic without injuries playing a role in it. Not because of ability, but I don't think he will get enough touches with how deep the offense is. From wanting to run the ball more than last year, getting our RB's also involved in the pass attack more and all the mouths we have to feed as receiving targets at WR and TE...I just don't see him getting enough targets. I think a more realistic good season from him will be more in that 600-700 yard range given all the weapons on this team right now.
  11. Eagles lost several key players on Defense, and while they added some rookies to the D, they are just unproven rookies at this stage and it wasn't enough to for sure offset all the players they lost. I get the whole prove it thing with the Bills, nothing wrong with that. There are several teams that have a case to be top 3 or 4 teams today...Bills have a valid argument to be among them. No one can truly say who is or isn't, and nothing wrong thinking one way or the other.
  12. Chiefs, KC, and Eagles all lost more than they gained. Niners lost players and gained players is pretty even, but they still have a major question at QB. Bills are the only team of the top 5 I can definitively say that we for sure gained more than we lost. We will see if it was "enough" or not, but we definitely improved this roster heading into the season.
  13. I voted for a top 3 team still...here is why: We were already a top tier team before the offseason began. We gained a lot more than we lost. Defense - Our biggest loss is Edmunds, but we managed to keep Poyer and now get Hyde back as well. Plus Tre should be better going into this year as it often takes until the next season to get all the way back from a torn ACL. Von Miller will be back too. So looking at the Bengals game last year, we lose Edmunds but gain Hyde, Von, and a better Tre...that is a net positive by all measures. And we have brought other guys back and some new ones like Rapp and Poona. Bonus - We will have new life from the DC position too with McD calling plays rather than the serial playoff folder Frazier. This is a "change is good" situation in my book, at least on paper. Offense - We got rid of guys at or near the end of their career and made upgrades else where as well. We did not downgrade at any of the 11 spots on offense, and we have actually upgraded many. Out are the end of career guys or guys who really just shouldn't have been starting (Brown, Cole, McKenzie, Saffold, etc). Sherfield is better than people realize and Harty gives us that gadget like player who can also take the top off the D when needed. Kincaid is a potential stud, and Harris/Murray combo is better than the Devin/Moss combo we started last year with. OL is in much better shape (on paper at least) than last year too. Josh Allen - The guy is just special, anytime you have him you are automatically going to be a very tough team to beat. But more importantly, he is back to 100% and also the mental toll that was last year is gone off him. Yes, the whole team went through the same emotionally draining events, but it weighs even heavier on Josh given the kind of person he is, the pressure he has to lead this team, and all this team has had to ask of him to win games. Health more than ever could be a major factor on separating teams at the top this year. The teams are so clumped at the top now, especially in the AFC, that even a small injury can shift hierarchy. Now...all that being said does NOT mean we will still win 13 games again or have a top 3 record. AFC is nuts, our division is tough, and we play AFC West, NFC East, plus Cincy this year. As with any season, there could be some bumps/hiccups at times, injuries, etc that influence some of those games. But I do think we will make the AFCCG and be one of the final 4 teams with a good shot at the SB. Top 5 overall teams IMHO and in NO particular order: Buffalo, 49ers, Eagles, KC, and Cincy. An argument can be made for any one of those teams to be a "top 3" team IMHO, and so I am sticking with Buffalo doing enough to remain up here and be a strong contender for the Super Bowl.
  14. Ha, ok you got me to laugh there haha. I can't speak for anyone else, but I would never personally say Beane "knew" what Dallas would do because that is impossible. My only personal point was that Beane didn't need to know to justify trading up, he only had to feel the risk was high enough to warrant paying the cost to make sure we got him. Plus besides Dallas, there was another team with a similar offer in play for Jax pick, and there is a good chance it might have also been for Kincaid given he was widely considered to be the BPA at that point. Either way, all good and GoBills!
  15. Im stunned...seriously stunned...that @Airsevenvoted for the most negative poll answer. Never saw that coming, so unlike him.
  16. No disrespect, but I have to say, this is a real odd hill you are trying to die on. I mean, no GM in NFL history ever traded up knowing 100% for sure that X team was 100% taking X player and the only way to get them was to trade up. Literally never happened because teams don't share their draft boards with other GM's. They make calculated decisions on where a player might go and weigh the risk of waiting against the cost of moving up to insure they get said player. So the point you are trying to insist on making is honestly just irrelevant to the decisions a GM has to make on draft night when facing the proposition of staying put or making a move to get a guy. And Beane was comfortable with the cost to get a guy he had way ahead of any other player on his board so he pulled the trigger to make sure he got him. I mean if you expect Beane to ONLY trade up if he 100% knows another teams official draft choice before they have made it, then I think you have a very unrealstic view of what information a GM is expected to concretely know before making decisions. Bottom line too, is just about every sports insider, analyst, commentator, and fan pretty much feel like Dallas was likely going to want Kincaid there if he was on the board. So its not even requiring a leap in logic here to justify Beane's decision to move up, it was what most people thought would be at or near the top of Dallas draft board. And given they took a TE right after this, that is pretty much validated they wanted a TE early and that it is entirely possibly, maybe even likely, Kincaid would have been the BPA when they were on the clock. I for one am glad we don't have a GM afraid to make a small move to get the player they covet, especially when that player is WIDELY considered the best player available still at that spot and also widely seen as a top 10 talent. Not sure why it rubs you the wrong way so much, but hey, everyone is welcome to their own opinions and reasons. GoBills
  17. There would have likely been more picks involved, but on the trade value chart their 3rd slightly over pays for the move up. And there were a number of spots he could have gone before Chargers too like Lions, Packers, etc.
  18. This needs more laugh emoticon reactions than you’ve gotten so far haha
  19. But you miss me the point of what it means while live in a draft. You equally have no proof Cowboys would have passed on Kincaid if he didn’t trade up. You have Dallas saying they love the guy they took, which they will say regardless if it’s true or not. They are never ever going to publicly say Mazi wasn’t who they wanted and really wanted Kincaid but got stuck choosing Mazi because Bills out maneuvered them. They are 100% going to always, whether true or not, state the guy they got was their target. Everyone and their mom thought Dallas could take a TE there. So as a GM you have to decide is it worth the gamble to stay put or is the guy too good to risk getting taken before you and therefore the cost of moving up is worth it. This is true for every trade up in every draft. No GM knows if the guy they want will get to them and make decisions to guarantee they get their guy.
  20. I don’t know, no specific details as to why have come out, but my guess would be his feet and route running are similar to Diggs. And with Allens ability to improvise and extend plays someone like Addison could really excel like Diggs has. Outside Diggs, our other receivers struggled with getting separation and winning on their initial routes too, so I just gotta think they were attracted to that kind of stuff. That is just my guess though.
  21. Yeah, I think Shorter has a great shot at making the roster and I think its possible we could carry 7 WR's this year with him and that UDFA kid we supposedly signed to a 3 year deal that has all this ST hype that he could be the best ST player in the NFL soon.
  22. Ok, here you go @KDIGGZ, here is the proof you have been wanting. Beane tells Rich Eisen in this interview that yes, he specifically traded ahead of Dallas because he knew they were in the market for a TE because they lost Schultz and could potentially take him. Go to 8:45 into the interview. Which is exactly what I said that it doesn't matter if Dallas really was, or claim they weren't, etc...all that mattered that in that moment live in the draft that they felt Dallas could take him to warrant trading up to make sure they got him.
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