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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. If they signed Hopkins all of a sudden the narrative is going to immediately be that it was some panic move because of issues with Diggs. We don't have any more money to sign DHop, doing so will not shift the narrative, it will look a lot more like insurance against Diggs issues.
  2. Got a real conundrum here: Until I know every posters IQ score and mensa forum handle, how am I supposed to know whose hysterical post to believe?
  3. Man, nothing brings you out like a negative angle. What is your need to over dramatize everything? Is it a concern, sure...is it as big of a deal yet as you want to make it out to be...no. Diggs wouldn't have even reported at all if there was a huge issue. So how about we pump the breaks on all fear mongering and exaggerating many of you are doing in this thread and just see how things play out here shortly. Then we will know if there is something bigger going on or if this was not that big of a deal ultimately.
  4. How does one miss a 22 page thread at the top of the board on this very thing?
  5. Yeah I even got an alert on my phone that said Diggs was there...so weird
  6. What happen to the reports that he was at Mini-Camp from this morning? Yes my post was based on the concept he was there, which is what I got alerts on my phone about. So are those reports wrong or the ones that he isn't there wrong? I hate information in today's society, nothing is ever accurate Alright I deleted it...like I said, my original comment was based on the early reports he was there, which must have been false. If he isn't there for mandatory camp, then its a valid concern and story.
  7. 1 good play out of 20 does not equal a “good game” though.
  8. I get where you are coming from...however...If a RB does nothing all game, but then has 1 run that makes his stats look good, did he really have a good game? This is why stats are such an unreliable way to analyze a players performance unless you are talking fantasy football where total stats are all that matter. The stats lack context. Even doing it the way you did it, it is misleading. 4.5 ypc is not only better than 2.9 ypc, but actually substantially better. So even using your mentality of lessening his big run to 25 yards, it still greatly skews the quality of his entire game with was substantially subpar outside that big run. Not only does it lack all that context, but there is other context too...was it a broken play? Did a defender fall down? Did the OL open a hole so big that my anyone could have ripped a long run?
  9. Its been no DHop for a while now...but there are people who will run these threads up to 1000 pages before accepting that reality.
  10. I hear ya, but honestly this is true for every team every year though when addressing a weak spot. Meaning you won't know until the games are played. KC didn't know either until they played the games when they bolstered their weak spots. And a major weak spot for us has been our DL in the postseason as well. We bolstered both units, so for Cowherd to act like we didn't is pretty silly. We added several new offensive lineman, including a 2nd round pick many thought would go in the top 20 of the draft. And while Ford was a miss, that is so long ago, people are way too hung up on that. All 32 GM's miss on players in every single draft, to hold this one miss over Beane's head as if it is an indicator he can't draft OL is kind of silly, yet this board just can't seem to let that go. And just about everyone loved that pick when it was made. In fact, I got flamed a lot in my mock drafts where I mocked us taking Ford in the 2nd because everyone said I was nuts because he would never make it out of the first round. It was a great pick at that time...sometimes those guys just don't work out. Last thing on Cowherd...its pretty silly to talk about Ed Oliver's extension vs spending on a big FA OL or something...they do not impact the cap in the same way at all. It is a lot easier to afford to extend Oliver than it is to spend big on a FA player cap wise. In fact, we gained cap space by extending Oliver. These two things are not comparing apples to apples. It's true and accurate to say we don't yet know how the OL will do...but it is false for him to claim it still is bad and we didn't address it. Biggest question mark is probably Brown, but we just also added some promising competition to the RT spot who could push him for minutes if he struggles. But, there is also still reason for optimism on him too with him healthy entering the season.
  11. We had a rookie OC last year...that hurt as well. But he now has a year under his belt...and now we addressed OL this offseason. So not really sure why Colin thinks the OL is still a mess, we made upgrades there and added competition as well. Our defense has let this team down more in the playoffs than our offense has.
  12. I will never understand why some people insist on making cases for players solely based on some stats they googled. Literally lacks all the context needed to evaluate a player and is totally an unreliable way to analyze a player. There are so many things Harty does better than McKenzie, but just checking a stat sheet without context isn't going to give anyone that information. Harty is a legit deep threat, a guy who can take the top off defenses. McKenzie stunk as a deep threat because he really didn't play up to his speed, tracks the long ball poorly, can't make a contested catch, and had unreliable hands.
  13. You have this unreal level of denial of anything that suggests he might not sign here. I would love to see Hopkins here, but it’s just not gonna happen unless he plays for peanuts compared to what he was making and reportedly wants. Especially after signing Floyd and extending Ed.
  14. I mean this is old news. Nothing new in there at all, they knew he spoke directly yo Hopkins a while ago. I don’t think they extended Oliver for Hopkins. They didn’t commit that much money to him just on the off chance Hopkins was to come here. There were plenty of other options to do that didn’t cost as much as extending Oliver did to make the cap room. So IMHO, Oliver extension has zero to do with Hopkins
  15. It’s funny…400 pages between the two threads and the same people are still arguing the same info on both sides. Lol Hopkins discussion has to hold the record for dead horse beatings at this point lol
  16. You’re a bit off the rails here, lmao. And I added the emoticon to make it more clear it was more tongue in cheek cuz you clearly went to some dark place with it and well over your head lmao. Although your responses since are right on brand I must say. And spare me your glowing yelp reviews about your own posts, nobody cares what you think of your own posts 😂 The fact you are on here in 2023 pissing and moaning about a FA class of a first year GM 5 years ago before he started the rebuild is already pointless. So I won’t even bother addressing your over the top take on it.
  17. Huh? I don’t think there was anymore more vocal than me all off season last year about McKenzie not being a good slot WR and not a starter in the NFL. Read my post on it in the McKenzie thread I posted like an hour ago. And I was poking fun which is why I tagged you in my post about you being negative all the time, I think you took that too literally and less tongue in cheek as it was intended. But you are hyper negative plenty of times, but again, it was more tongue in cheek than anything.
  18. That’s not a credible source, badobillz thinks everything is awful all the time 😜
  19. Well guess this is one of those “I told you so” moments because I said all off-season last year McKenzie wasn’t good enough to start and wasn’t going to do a whole lot last year. I knew he was going to fail in the slot, yet everyone kept arguing with me all last offseason that he was some sort of “heir” to the Beasley throne. And the number 1 reason was this one game anomaly he had against NE as if that was somehow gonna be the norm for a guy who had never been anything more than a gadget guy who could barely crack the offense. There is nothing he does well outside run fast. He is a sloppy route runner, has inconsistent hands, can’t fight through press coverage, doesn’t catch well in traffic, doesn’t track the deep ball well with his speed, and doesn’t make contested catches. I even pointed out the staffs complete lack of confidence in him being the “heir” to Beasley by signing him to non starter money, signing Crowder who was a much more accomplished slot WR and better overall player, and also drafting Shakir. Literally nothing the staff did last offseason showed any faith he was their locked in slot starter. And the staff even continued to show lack of faith in him during the season going out and getting Cole Beasley too. Yet so many people argued he was gonna have this great Beasley like year because he had one anomaly game against NE. So…here it is: I told you so 😜
  20. 2023 vs 2022 Diggs is well Diggs, no change there. Davis is at worse the same, but with the injuries behind him has the potential to be better. Sherfield >>> Kumerow: This is without question an upgrade, where Kumerow was predominantly a ST player who offered little in the pass game. Harty >>> McKenzie: McKenzie was a gadget player where as Harty is a true deep threat who can take the tops off defenses and stretch the field. Shakir 2023 >>> Shakir 2022: By default, Shakir will have more to offer now with a year under his belt. Slot WR Position: Combo of Shakir & Kincaid >>> McKenzie/Beasley. I cant see any scenario where we don't have better slot play this year from Shakir and Kincaid over a gadget guy who struggled and an aging WR. RB's as Receivers: Having Hines here a whole offseason will get him involved, and Cook has a year under his belt now too. These guys will be more established receiving weapons compared to last season. TE: Knox is back and very good as it is, now we have Kincaid playing both TE and a big slot role, making this position even better for us. So IMHO, I think our group of pass catching weapons is very nicely rebuilt compared to last year and is the best set of weapons Allen has had in his career thus far.
  21. Yeah, this is more or less what I was alluding to as well when I said the only way I can see him landing here is if he finds the market lower than he expects and what ever we have offered is competitive to any other offers he got. So yeah, I agree with this too
  22. Hopkins >>> OBJ However, at this point in the offseason, with tighter cap space and teams already have filled their rosters with draft and free agency, I think he has less leverage and is either going to get about the same or lower with maybe more incentives. He should get more, I would take Hopkins 10 times over OBJ at this point, but not sure the teams he wants to play for can afford or are willing to pay him more than OBJ at this stage of the season.
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