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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. No disrespect but there is literally zero evidence of any kind that there is a “Allen-Diggs” problem, and in fact a ton of evidence suggesting there isn’t.
  2. The moment I read the thread title I knew exactly who started this dumb thread to find another way to dump on McD. But I take solace in the fact that people like you are gonna be all worked up, upset, bothered, etc over the news of the extensions while the rest of us sit back, relax, smile and enjoy the news as we wait for camp and the season to begin.
  3. Love Jim Kelly, but Allen is flat out better today than Kelly was at his peak. I would take Allen right now to win a game for us any day of the year over Kelly. And spot on, Kelly was meh to terrible in all 4 Super Bowls. Somehow he escapes criticism of those games more than anyone, but they were not good performances at all. In fact, 3 of the 4 were terrible and the Giants one was just meh.
  4. I thought CJ Spiller was on his way to being a legit top end starter after his 1700 combined yard season. He seemed to be on a path that would have been similar to what Kamara eventually became later on for the Saints. But nope, he flamed out immediately and was a one hit wonder the likes of Peyton Hills. While clearly my biggest miss, I take solace that it came off the back of a pretty big season by him where he lead the league in YPC and had 1700 combined yards. But he definitely fooled me lol
  5. From a human perspective, the article is a good read of seeing someone who went through some dark times and fought to get on track and persevered. Happy for Zay, even though I knew he wasn't good enough to be a starter here, I never had anything personal against him and happy that he has rebounded. From a football perspective during his time in Buffalo - this article just confirms literally everything I said about him while he was here, he wasn't mentally strong enough in Buffalo, lacked confidence, struggled understanding how to run routes, and had shaky hands. I had so many people argue with me that the dropped game winning TD in Carolina was Tyrod's fault, which was completely false, and Zay himself confirms it here. The ball was exactly where he was supposed to be, but he didn't run a good route nor understand how to run the route. He stumbled on his own and got out of position on the play, it was a perfect pass by TT, poor play by Zay. I even discussed how this play spiraled his confidence the rest of that season, yet people argued. From a football perspective today...he still isn't good enough to be a WR2/Starter. Glad he got paid, and glad he had some success last year, but he led the league in drops, something that has plagued him his whole career. Zay is a good depth WR, but a low end starter. I actually think while last year was probably his best season statistically despite the drops, this year is probably setting him to be in the best position that suits him, #3 WR on a good team. He won't likely repeat the stats he had last year, maybe ever again in his career, but I think he can be a more effective player for the Jags as a 3rd WR behind Kirk and Ridley, and probably the 4th option when you add in Engram who emerged as a Trevor fave second half the season last year. All in all...so happy to see him turn his career around from forgotten man, near washout, to well paid solid depth WR on a good up and coming team where he has a role. It really is a great story and one of the better cases of turning ones career around in recent memory. I will continue to root for his success unless he is playing the Bills where I will root for him to drop more balls lol.
  6. Right on cue I see. Your schtick is as reliable as the sun rising in the morning
  7. Its actually astonishing the difference. There are a a lot of very frequent posters here in the offseason who post non-stop negativity who literally are ghosts when we win, especially in convincing fashion. The second we lose a game they flood the board for the whole week until we win again and disappear. With wins, we get very few new threads...after a loss its an insane amount of new doom and gloom threads. In the last 3 seasons, the Bills have gone 13-3 twice...yet there has been a fire everyone thread after just about every loss in both the 13-3 seasons.
  8. Yeah I totally agree, the only thing that saves it is the stripes in terms of just being a refresh. But the old lion is much better and I think they could have done a much better lion in the new logo. The color and paint style save the helmet though for me and overall still is a win. But I am with you, the lion is a weak spot for sure
  9. Love the color of the helmet and its style...as far as the logo goes, I like the refresh, but I would say its good but could have been better. Overall though, I think the new helmet is a win and I dig it. I would love to see a helmet with Bills colors using this style of base paint myself personally.
  10. Unfortunately, the stats are not really going to answer this question for anyone, they are not apples to apples kind of situations. McKenzie played on the 2nd highest scoring offense in the NFL over the past 3 years, and only 2nd to KC by a total of 5 points. So statistically, he should have more stats because he will have more opportunities playing in this offense, and more importantly playing with Josh. So instead, here is how I would look at it. Sherfield, Harty, and Shakir are essentially replacing Kumerow, McKenzie and rookie Shakir who was not used a lot. Kumerow: Sherfield is significantly better WR than Kumerow in terms to what they can give us on the field as a WR. And that is not much of a surprise given Kumerow was here for his ST ability, not because he was significant contributor at his position on the field as a WR. So not a lot of reasoning or explaining needs to go into that consideration. McKenzie: Harty isn't on his own replacing McKenzie (last years version of McKenzie), that is a combo deal of Shakir and Harty. In fact, Harty is more or less replacing McKenzie's more suited role as a reserve WR that has gadget or niche value. By all accounts, Shakir is entering camp as the starting slot WR, and is expected to enter week 1 that way as well. McKenzie did not do well in that roll last year, and his roll on this team this year would have been more like his previous role of a gadget or creative use type player. That is where Harty comes in, but Harty brings a lot more to the table as an actual talent at WR than McKenzie did. The only thing McKenzie really did well was run fast, but unfortunately, his weaknesses as an actual WR limited the use of that speed effectively to shorter areas. He does not track the long ball well, so despite his speed he was never a down field threat or a guy who could take the top off the defense. He also had unreliable hands, inconsistent and even sloppy at times route runner, was not physical so struggled with contested catches or catching in traffic and could not fight for yards once he had the ball. More importantly, he was not very cerebral on the field either, which is important when playing the short to mid field with Allen at QB and the reliance on receivers improvising a lot. Now enter Harty...he is a more polished route runner and a true deep threat who can take the top off the D or take it to the house at any given moment. He provides a lot more pressure on the defense when on the field. For all Mackenzie's speed, he wasn't any more of a deep threat than older and slower Beasley was, and provided none of the short to mid field talent or value Beasley did either. With Harty, he has the speed and agility to handle any gadget play they would have rolled out for McKenzie, and probably better given he is a better route runner, but he also is a major downfield threat anytime he is on the field with Josh Allens arm. So in my personal opinion, I think the upgrades this year are actually noticeably better, maybe even significant when you look at the 3 guys (Sherfield, Shakir, and Harty) that are essentially replacing 3 guys (Kumerow, McKenzie, and seldom used rookie Shakir). Although, Harty does need to stay healthy too, that is a legit concern with his history and size. The good news is, Shakir is really replacing the role McKenzie had last year, so if Harty does get hurt, we aren't down a significant starter.
  11. No offense, but you are only demonstrating you don't actually know how it works and are basing your incorrect assumptions here based on what you think is "common sense" on what you assume to be true for all contracts with no regards for the actual language and contract law applied to NFL players contracts. The fact remains, the option to convert is in the original contract, and that clause is NOT executable by the player, and ONLY executable by the team and the team does NOT need to consult with said player, seek their permission, nor speak with them prior to doing it. That is the entire point to the clause. And since you want to refer to "common sense", if you applied common sense here it would be absolutely clear to you that is how it works, otherwise no GM would be able to sign players to these big contracts that are going to screw the cap without a restructure IF it was dependent on said player "agreeing" and signing off on the restructure. To be honest, this isn't up for interpretation, its 100% fact. Players do NOT ever have to approve, be consulted, or given a reason when it comes to a team exercising the restructure clause that is in their contract. PS: All cap words and the bolded was just to highlight key words, not yell.
  12. All good and not trying to be rude here...but yes it does mean that didn't happen. There is no plausible scenario where Beane literally told Diggs "We are restructuring you to sign DHop". That is my whole point, that is media/fan fantasy land and is not realistic. Beane would not tell a player he is restructuring him to get another player, and he 100% would never do it if he didn't already have the deal done with the other player. And that is the narrative I was responding to earlier in this thread. And just about all credible information out there (including Diggs own interviews) suggests Diggs wants more touches or involvement and was unhappy with his personal role in the offense second half the season where is usage rate went way down. And even the now infamous play where Diggs was upset on the sideline was after a play Diggs was open and didn't get the ball. So not only is it not plausible from Beanes side that he would ever consult with or assure Diggs that they are using the savings to sign DHop, but it doesn't even fit the narrative if anyone is actually paying attention to what Diggs and others have publicly stated since the end of the season. Again, all good bro, but this idea that Diggs is upset we didn't sign DHop is just not realistic.
  13. Actually it’s not plausible, that was the issue I had with it. GM’s do not seek permission from players to restructure, it’s already built into the contract and known ahead of time. So ironically of all the “plausible” scenarios this is about the only one that’s not really plausible or accurate to how those things work. Yet this sports show has no clue and is talking about it not as a “plausible” scenario but as fact. So this was especially bad journalism IMHO and misleading their audience to think it could be the issue when it’s not really plausible.
  14. I think you over estimate the intelligence of the viewing audience. These guys on that show are talking like it’s confirmed facts, when it’s just their opinion on what they think it is. It’s why media is so bad now, authentic reporting is no longer a prerequisite and why so much false info is spread no matter what the topic.
  15. Thanks Gunner, this is what it certainly sounds like to me as well, so thanks for confirming some inside insight on it. Diggs in interviews since the loss even alluded to as much in so many words. Talked about how the first half the season things were just easier. Said we were wining still but it just felt harder and like they had to find ways to win in the second half in terms of the offensive flow. Which coincides with a big drop in his usage too during that span.
  16. That is not the same thing though. Sure Diggs, or any player, can say what he wants to say to whoever he wants to say it to. But that isn't the narrative we were just discussing where it was being suggested here in this thread that Diggs was upset because Diggs agreed to have his contract restructured (factually incorrect as the restructures are already built in and the GM does not need to consult with said player to execute or need their blessing) for the purpose of signing DHop to which they say is now why he is upset. So sure, any player can tell a GM anything they want, nothing stopping that. But no GM is asking a players permission to restructure a contract, let alone on a promise to sign some other player we may not even sign.
  17. It was bad because he was communicating his opinion as fact
  18. Wow, what show is this? This is literally some of the worst journalism I have ever seen.
  19. No not at all, Diggs was most likely not even in touch with Beane or the team about this at all. The restructure is built into their contract, and they know they are coming and its the GM who will be doing it. Bills entered the offseason over the cap, everyone knew restructures were happening before we even pursued anyone. No disrespect, I know you are just trying to find ways to understand something we don't know the whole story on, but the odds of this are at 0%. I can assure you the players do not have any say in this and are not consulted. Fans tend to think players have all this insight, knowledge, input, influence, etc when it comes to GM decisions, who they target in FA or draft, etc. It is just not the case at all, GM's do not discuss these matters with them. That doesn't stop players from wanting or even trying to recruit players when they know they are available, but this idea that Diggs was told what the cap space was going to be used for and then upset when it didn't happen is just not based on how things actually happen or work. See my post above
  20. I have a lot of time to do things...like block you. In all the years I have been here, you are the first person I have blocked. Congrats.
  21. I get that, just saying its also only speculation or rumor Diggs is even mad at Allen too. Tensions rise in games all the time between players, teammates, coaches, etc, its not that unusual. And we don't even know what Diggs was actually specifically frustrated with on those sidelines, even that is all speculation from people who "know a guy, who knows a guy". Everyone important played it down as not a serious problem, and I would think if it was a rift between Allen and Diggs that would somewhat serious. But hey, none of us truly know, all this is our own opinions based on what we know. So no one is "wrong" or "right" here, just different viewpoints. And based on what I saw and read, it seemed like it had to do more with some sort communication issues and maybe the new positional coach. All that matters now though is that Allen has publicly shown love to Diggs and Diggs has done the same. So even if there was something with Allen, it appears to be over, even though I personally don't think Diggs missing that first day was about some issue between him and Allen.
  22. Above is my original comment...literally stating IN MY OPINION its a done deal. Below is every comment I made after to you and some others I was talking with. Literally stated over and over again that it was MY OPINION and based on things I heard on various sports talk yesterday and some things I saw online and social media. What is your real problem here? This has been such a waste of time. I dont owe you a damn thing and I could care less if you want to challenge what shows this was mentioned on. Its not my job to take crib notes for you and validate the stuff on sports talk shows. Your whole angle here has been absurd and utterly pointless. You don't believe me that DeAndre Hopkins and the Pats visit were on the news, or that there is buzz they are the front runners...then who the F cares. Turn a TV on, catch up on YouTube, listen to a podcast...its been talked about quite a bit on a lot of shows...or don't, and instead go around trying to puff up your chest and claim it didn't happen even though you have no point of reference and didnt watch or listen yourself...who cares, what ever floats your boat. I have a newborn baby 4 weeks old tomorrow, I have all kinds of sports talk shows and podcasts on in the background all day as I chill with my kid. You are the last person I need to validate that to and won't waste any more time with your pointless and childish agenda here. NOTE TO SELF: This is why to stay away from this thread.
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