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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. 1. Agree - I think its possible that CB2 will see some rotations based on defensive matchups, scheme, etc. For example when they want to run man and/or press, could Elam out there opposite Tre with Dane/Benford maybe more in zone, etc. 2. I think you answered your own question when you said he had a great "day". Lots of guys have a good day in camp, but its about consistency and overall performance throughout camp and I feel like we have heard a lot more about Bernard and Dodson overall. So I am assuming they just have more consistently stood out than Spector has and made this more of a 2 man race. Settle has had a good camp, and Poona is still learning the playbook. So I expected to see Settle at #2 personally. Our DT position is deep right now as we are 5 deep with guys who could be starters on several other teams. McD is going to use a good rotation on them, so I think being 2 or 3 is a bit irrelevant when it comes to DT as they will get snaps. Same for a guy like Shaq at DE who is 3rd on the depth chart, but they will get him into the rotation still as he played well last year and why they brought him back.
  2. I agree, I could not understand any defense of Frazier after yet another lay down and pathetic showing in a playoff loss by the defense.
  3. They aren't competing for the same position. Sherfield is a lock already as the WR3 behind Diggs and Davis on the outside. Shakir and Harty are competing for reps atop the slot WR depth chart. If anyone is a threat to passing Shakir its Harty who has had a strong camp. Ideally, I don't think they want to rely on Harty as the lead slot guy though, especially given Hines injury forcing Harty to the top of the depth chart as a kick and punt returner. With his injury history, the more reps he gets the higher risk of another injury given his small frame. Their original plan was him to be the deep threat, a guy who could take the top off the defense, and also handle some of the McKenzie type plays too. The biggest risk to Shakir being passed up by Harty is actually Kincaid and how good he has looked. With how much Kincaid has shined so far, the could easily manage Harty's reps (reducing injury risks) at the slot position by lining Kincaid up there instead rather than any "slot" WR. So that alone I think removes some concerns about Harty having a "starting" role at the slot and can manage his use rate to hopefully keep the guy healthy as much as possible, especially if he is handling all kick return duties too. Sp Shakir is going to start needing to stand out for the right reasons as the intensity of camp turns up with preseason here and he needs to make plays or I think Harty will over take him and relegate Shakir to a backup role similar to last year. His roster slot I think is safe regardless given there is no one behind them, especially with Harty's injury history. But his spot as the top slot guy is still something he needs to earn and Harty isn't going to make it easy. All that being said, I am still optimistic about Shakir, but that doesn't change the fact that he has to show it out on the field still.
  4. McD always prefers to bring rookies along slowly when they can. So, I think the Bates O'Cyrus thing is probably more because he is a rookie and they want him to know he isn't going to just be given priority because he was a 2nd round pick, he has to earn it and show he is ready. I expect O'Cyrus wins the job either by week 1 or early in the year.
  5. Ive been saying since the day he is signed that this guy is better than people think or realize. I have followed him all the way back since his SF days, and this kid is going to provide some value to this team this year. I really liked his signing and I think he is going to prove his doubters wrong on the field this season and why just googling stats without context is an unreliable way to grade or evaluate a players potential. And Sherfield has been having a very good camp overall beyond just these 2 clips too and seems to already have good rapport with Allen. Of course, that still needs to transition into live game action, so don't want to over value that...but still good to see consistent positive reports on him. Like in Miami last year, he is going to be a role player barring injuries. So his stat line isn't going to be crazy otherwise, there are a lot of mouths to feed with Diggs, Davis, Kincaid, Knox, and then guys like Harty, Shakir and the RB's getting some targets too. Just not enough balls to go around, plus it seems a them in camp so far is more balance in the run game too. But, he will make plays for us and bring value to this team while also being capable of an increased role when needed.
  6. I think people need to start shifting their perception about this CB2 3-way battle with Elam, Dane, and Benford. There is this negative perception that the fact Elam hasn't been named CB2 is somehow negative mark on Elam. But that is not what is really going on, Elam isn't in a battle of CB2 because he isn't playing well enough, its because all 3 guys are having strong camps and deserve to be in the competition still and no one is going to be handed the job. I don't see this as a bad thing by any means. Never have too many good corners and its great that these guys are making the coaches decision tough.
  7. Im between 1 and 3, especially living in CA where you don't get much Bills talk, insight, or news here
  8. Dont get me wrong, its still a drop in the sense he didn't make the play. Just mean people have over exaggerated this play a bit and used this play too much to define or condemn the kid. He still has to prove himself no doubt, but I think there is still reason to see potential in him. No...No its not. This is a photo of ball approaching a WR, it hasn't even reached his hands yet, so no this is not a photo of anyone dropping anything considering the ball hasn't even reached him yet. And he didn't let the ball go through his hands, he caught it but didn't secure it before the ball touched ground during the roll while securing it.
  9. I get you on that, and yeah concerns off of camp are always fair. The one thing I would add is that its early and some reports have been conflicting too. As far as the play goes, I don't think what you are saying isn't accurate, I was referencing the others who keep saying he dropped it as if it hit his hands and then dropped the ball. I think it not being caught clean is a fair assessment of the play, I was just pointing out the degree of difficulty was also higher than people think on that play too and for a rookie in his first playoff game who had not played much. For me, I am not here to say he is going to be a stud for sure or anything like that, I am just more pushing back on those who want to condemn the kid off one play or the fact he was a 5th round pick. He will have to earn his spot and reps, but I still think he has potential.
  10. A flat out drop and not a clean catch all the way through are not exactly the same thing though. People keep calling it a drop as if he literally dropped the ball. And no disrespect to anyone, but most the people being hyper critical on that play don't understand the dynamics of difficulty in that catch. Ball was on a rope 60 yards in the air, diving catch, and as rookie in his first playoff game with little play time prior to this. Diggs has flat out dropped easy passes including TD's, yet is a top 5 WR. But people harp on this one play, that yes would have been nice if he completed it, as if this one play defines the kids career forever. It still is a "drop" on the stat sheet, but this was not like many drops Davis, McKenzie, Knox, etc had on way easier passes last year. I just think people need to stop over exaggerating and drilling so hard on this one play to condemn this kids entire future. Shakir may or may not make it in this league, but one thing for sure is that this one play isn't enough to figure that out.
  11. No sorry, wasn't about TC today, this was the play he was talking about from the Dolphins playoff game last year that we were discussing.
  12. Don't get me wrong, we have a hole there until someone steps in and takes the job. And if this is still a hole next offseason, someone will be signed or drafted I am sure so they don't have to rely on someone like Bernard or Dorian if they don't feel they can handle the job. But I am just saying that I am not too concerned about where Dorian is playing today, they said they didn't want him learning two positions at once.
  13. No disrespect, but this narrative needs to go away. He did not drop that ball, there is a big difference in a "drop" and a ball that slightly moved on a diving catch 60 yards down field on a rope from Allen laying out to make the play. People keep saying "drop" as if he flat out muffed it, but that was not the case and this was not an easy catch to make and maintain control. Ball traveled 60+ yards on a rope from Allen where he layed out on a diving catch where he made the catch but on the impact the ball slightly moved and as he rolled after hitting the ground the tip of the ball touched the turf. He never lost the ball and by all accounts it seemed like a clear catch until one angle showed the tip of the ball knick the ground and had to be over turned on replay. Too much is made of this play as if the ball hit him in the hands and he just dropped it.
  14. Elam plays physical, he was always going to begin to shine more once pads went on, which is why some of the concern and panic people had that he wasn't the official CB2 yet didn't really make a lot of sense to me. If I had to guess, I would think Elam wins the job just because I think he has the most overall talent. That being said, Dane and Benford can play too, so it won't just be given to Elam either and both those guys could win the job themselves too. But I do think now that pads are on, Elam is going to start to stand out more.
  15. Milano has missed time with injuries, and no they drafted Bernard to play potentially at MLB as well. Again, I think you missed the point of the rest of my previous response where the focal point is that it’s way too early right now to conclude any long term plans for him. They are looking at guys who have some experience first and trying not force the rookie to learn 2 positions right now. He very much was drafted as a potential MLB as well.
  16. Only if Dorsey is smart enough to use them. Knox had 9 TD's in 2021 and Dorsey came in and forgot he was on the roster until the back half of the season where he finally used him in the redzone more and finished the year with 6 TD's. This is my biggest concern going into the season, Dorseys struggles on how he used players, getting them involved, not maximizing their strengths etc. And not getting Knox more involved as a weapon in the passing game while the slot position and Gabe were sputtering was one of the more head scratching things. Same with not getting guys like Cook or Hines more involved in the game as receivers. I really feel like our season this year will be all about our coordinators...Dorsey and McD. The talent is on this roster, but its going to be about Dorseys growth as an OC, he just has to be better for this team and offense to get more consistent. And how will the defense respond with McD taking over the defense.
  17. Not really though...one you still need depth behind Milano, and two, that may be where they are playing him now with the intent to try and move him to MLB later. For example, when they drafted Benford they admitted it was with the thought that he could also possibly move to safety too. So, just saying we don't know the plan or intent for Dorian yet, he hasn't even gone through a practice with pads yet. Plus, its more likely they want to see the guys who have more experience there first given its the more difficult and complicated LB position to learn. And they previously voiced confidence in one of those other guys potentially being Edmunds replacement even before the draft. So I wouldn't read too much into him playing WLB right now, it's really early and don't think it means too much at this stage on what their long term hope or plan for him is.
  18. Agreed, but reports have also been a bit conflicting. And keep in mind, its early still and pads just went on. Real practice is just beginning and this next month is when players will really start to show where they are at. Any positive or negative buzz thus far in camp is pretty meaningless to be honest. Some guys excel in shorts, others start to show up when the pads are on...happens every year.
  19. I said he has demonstrated he has the drive and work ethic, not anything about how his camp is reportedly going. He spent his offseason working to get better and working out with Moulds to level up his game. The kid wants to be good and is putting in the time to try and get there. And that is what you want to see from your young players...whether he gets there or not will be determined on the field, but the kid is at least putting in the work to give himself the best chance to succeed. He still is the clear leader for the slot job...Harty wasn't signed to be a full time slot guy, and Sherfield was brought in for depth on the outside. Kincaid, while being a weapon that will play at times as essentially a 10.5 personnel as a big slot, will not always be lined up in the slot either. Outside of Kincaid, who is till a TE at the end of the day, the Bills didn't bring anyone in to essentially challenge Shakir for the slot position, which IMHO shows they have some confidence in him being able to handle that role. Doesn't mean he will get Beasly like targets, but this isn't like last year where after signing McKenzie for 2 years still went and signed Crowder and drafted Shakir...clear signs they were not sold McKenzie could for sure handle that role.
  20. No one doubts the injury concerns of Harty, I have even said they are legit. The only positive I have said on that is that our facilities and staff have had success with other players who struggled with injuries prior to Buffalo and reducing them here and mostly keeping those guys on the field. I get what you are saying with Diggs and Shakir, but no disrespect, 20 targets is egregiously small of a sample size to even mention it as a percentage even in a discussion. That isn't much different as saying Cook (after his first 10 carries) had a 10% fumble rate because he fumbled his first carry. And this drop in the playoffs keeps getting over exaggerated, especially since he didn't "drop" it...play was ruled incomplete through instant replay after the impact on the ground caused the ball to move just enough that the tip touched the ground during the roll off the diving catch. This diving catch was also a 54 yard pass where the ball traveled over 60 yards in the air from Allen on a rope downfield, not to mention in a rookies first playoff game. Again, he didn't "drop" it, he dove and caught the ball but the impact on the ground caused it to move slightly and the tip slightly touched the ground as he rolled to complete the catch. This has happened to all of the top WR's in the game, it wasn't like he just muffed an easy catch and flat out dropped it. The amount of skepticism on this kids career potential being formed by so many off this one play is just over the top IMHO. Not saying you specifically are, just saying in general. And that is really my main issue with that...its the gross over exaggeration of this one play to be worse than it was and to make some conclusive case he can't catch because of it. Like any young player, there are no guarantees on what his career will or wont be...but I still think the potential is there and he has shown he has the drive and work ethic so far, so hopefully he puts it together on the field. I don't know if he will work out or not, but what I do know, is the previous sample size is too small to make any conclusive judgements (good or bad) on this kids career at this stage.
  21. Good interview here and some footage of the workouts between him and Shakir. Love to see a young player who wants to reach their potential and putting in the work. Kid needs to earn his role on this team still, nothing will be handed to him, but I do remain optimistic on him and his upside. I love Moulds approach here on how he handled identifying the areas to work on and the things that were already working for him. Man...this just brings back memories too of how shafted Moulds got in terms of the QB's a lot of his career got wasted on. As good as he was, he would have been even better had he gotten a better luck of the draw on QB's during his career. I have no doubt he would have HOF credentials had he gotten to play with say Allen his whole career.
  22. All fair points, and agree, the player does need to want it and make that commitment. I have no frame of reference on Harty's commitment to this, but I would just assume if Beane brought him in they felt like he had the right attitude and work ethic to be here. But again, that is just an assumption based on what Beane and McD seem to typically look for in their players. If he can stay healthy, I think he could be dangerous weapon with Allens arm, but if he does go down, I think there is enough talent to make up for it to still put pressure on defenses at all 3 levels. Diggs and Davis still are deep threats in their own right, and Kincaid should be able to put pressure and stretch the seem. At least the news out of camp so far has been pretty positive in terms of Harty, so hoping the change of scenery, facilities, and staff help him find better ways to keep his body up and him on the field.
  23. And draft coverage showed they were high on him all offseason and he had won them over big time with his dedication to being better and his notebook he had on all his mistakes and areas to improve. This notion we "panicked" to take him is not rooted in the reality of what went down. Like Kincaid, he was the last player with a first round grade on their board, which is pretty typical when you draft late that there are few to no players left with a first round grade.
  24. He was a backup safety, not like they just cut a starter, so his roster spot should not be seen as a lock by any means. That being said, I think he will likely make the team. If memory serves me, at the time he was hurt, he was the leading the team in tackles during his time starting or something like that. Not a great guy in coverage, but was still developing. The way this team is built, the love the players have for him, I can easily see some other fringe guy getting cut before him. At least this season. BUT...if he is cut, I don't think the backlash would be that bad. Again, he was a depth player only playing due to other injuries, so any expectation that he was a lock to be on the roster would be unreasonable from a football perspective. Then there is still the mental aspect of the game, is he even ready to play at his best is a legitimate questions, and if he is not, then putting him out there is a liability both from a risk of getting hurt and a football level. Still - I think that his presence is good for the overall roster morale, and that in itself has a lot of value for a team looking to get over the mental lapses to advance to the Super Bowl, so I think he would have to really struggle to be a cut candidate THIS year.
  25. Yeah, its a legit concern for sure. The one thing I would say that he might benefit from our state of the art facilities and staff. Other injury prone guys have held up better here than previous stops, so hopefully that happens with him too.
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