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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Ha for some reason I thought someone else originally asked me that lol. But yeah, that’s what you asked and what I answered. But like i said, if you rephrase the question to will these guys be starters in 3 years then yeah, the list does get shorter on who I think could still be starters 3 years from now.
  2. He only asked if they will be in the league in 3 years, not if they are starting caliber players. That was the only question I was answering, so I think you are misinterpreting what question I am answering. They are specifically to whether those players will remain on a 53 man roster 3 years from now. Nothing more than that. If you want to know who I think has a chance at relevant playing time or starting still in 3 years, then that is a different answer and the list gets much shorter. I legit laughed on this one...you win the internet today
  3. Hard to say though as we were "linked" to some guys that signed elsewhere. Now you can't put a lot of stock into all the players we get linked to, most are BS, but just saying that we don't actually know if Beane tried to sign someone or not. It is possible he looked to bring someone in during FA and it just didn't work out. Either way, I expect a MLB and RT to be high on our offseason priorities next season.
  4. I honestly get excited every time I see I have a notification that you replied to something I said or mentioned me. I sincerely find it amusing that I get to live so rent free in your head that I am the first thing you think about in each of these topics. I did mean it when I said I think you need a ghost writer though...most of these are pretty weak, so I am hoping you start to better on these desperate troll jobs so they are at least more entertaining Hope you keep these coming, its been a bit since I had stalker like this, brings back nostalgia of the good ole days around here and makes this board more interesting for me again
  5. Maybe you don't remember their rookie years with none of those guys got a lot of run on the field.
  6. Do I think they will be in the league in 3 years...good question: Elam - Yes - He was a first round pick and played well down the stretch including a couple INT's, so yes I think he will be Shakir - Probably - This is just a gut feeling on him, I think he made some key plays last year showing promise including a big one in the Dolphins playoff game. But had we gotten him more reps last year we might have a better idea heading into this season. His drops in camp are a concern, so no lock either to be. AJE - Yes, he is coming off a 6.5 sack season while playing in a rotation for a DC whose defenses are not known for sacks. Boogie - Yes, I think he has shown enough that I believe he can stick in the NFL another 3 years. I think he even has some trade value and would get more playing time on another team where he wasn't so buried on the depth chart. Bernard - Maybe - Still needs to show he can play in the NFL, especially being undersized. I wont say for sure he wont be in the NFL in 3 years, but of all the gusy he has the biggest question marks. Wont write him off yet, I mean he is still competing to start here, but he has the most question marks of this group. Dorian - Yes, I actually think he is a promising LB and can play at this level and will still be in the league in 3 years.
  7. I don't disagree that they never committed to him moving to the middle, but they did say it was an option for him when they drafted him. My main point is that the options right now are an issue at the MIKE and its an important position in McD's defense. So I am hoping that they start looking at ways to get Dorian on the field because he could be the 2nd best LB on the team right now given Dodson, Bernard, etc have yet to step up and take the MLB spot. I suggested in another thread that maybe they decision to leave Dorian at WLB is because they feel they can move Milano to MLB and Dorian to WLB in a dooms day scenario if MLB spot is still a big issue as the season rolls on. And if that is the case, then I get it, and actually think that makes a lot of sense. Although they have rejected the idea of Milano moving there in the past, but doesn't mean they cant change their mind if necessary or realize they have that as a fall back option when needed.
  8. The list is a bit longer than that in recent years. Earlier years when the roster was bad, sure, rookies had a quicker path to the starting lineup. But the last few years guys like Cook, Elam, Shakir, AJE, Boogie, and now Dorian have had slow paths to the field despite having the need for help at their respective positions.
  9. This. Dolphins weren't willing to pay Cook enough to come there, I seriously doubt they are looking to spend more on Taylor with their upcoming cap. Not to mention having to send Indy valuable draft capital they will need with their cap ballooning soon to help keep the roster up.
  10. I respectfully disagree there is some huge gap between these two RB's...Taylor had one great year behind one of the best OL's in football as the main focal point of the offense. The other 2 seasons Taylors production isnt any better than Cooks and Cook didn't have the benefit of being on a run first team behind an elite OL. So I am gonna have to say this feels like a stretch to act like there is a vast difference in the quality of these two players. Plus, you can make a case that Cook is a better fit given he comes from a pass first team where Taylor wants to be paid top dollar and the focal point of the offense.
  11. True, and its a risk. But heading into the draft, Shorter wasn't even a lock to get drafted. So I don't think he is a lock to be gone, I mean another team would have to want him on their active 53, its not so cut and dry.
  12. And the anonymous source tweets begin...more will certainly come. So a team with a bad OL who wasn't willing to pay another talented RB in Dalvin is now going to both pay him even more money and give up draft assets (that they will need as their cap balloons soon) for a guy who is coming off am injury and a down year? Color me skeptical. They could have just signed Dalvin cheaper and not had to trade any assets. And Dalvin was making it clear he wanted to play there too.
  13. Well you left of Tre, Dion, and Milano who were drafted with McD here who had a heavy hand in that draft and works with Beane on our current drafts, so don't think you get to exclude them as its still part of this regime. And if Dean doesn't work out and Cook becomes a pro-bowl RB, you would be wrong in your assessment that hindsight we should have drafted Dean...Hence its too early to play the hindsight game with these players. Not sure how this is confusing to you on this point. Make your mind up...on one hand you are complaining our HC has put too much emphasis on defensive players while complaining about drafting an offensive player. You don't see the irony there? I am fine agreeing to disagree, but I don't even know what we are agreeing to disagree on. I mean I was all for drafting a LB, so not sure what it is you think I disagree with in that regard.
  14. Yeah I agree, that makes the most sense. But thinking about it, how many of those scenarios are out there who also have the need for a RB? Off the top of my head, the only team I think it could make some sense for is Bears, but they they just drafted Roschon and have a couple good vets there too that they like. They didn't show any interest in Dalvin Cook who could have just been signed for cheaper and not cost any draft capital...so doubt they are going to be players for Taylor.
  15. This will be interesting because he wants to get paid, so not only do they need to compensate the Colts, but they will need to pay him and I am guessing he is going to expect $10M+ even though he is coming off injury and won't be playing behind that great OL.
  16. In the past when the Bills would reach that point in the season where it's clear they still suck, Lakers season would begin and keep me away from the edge of the cliff lol
  17. Nope, while I knew Edmunds loss was gonna be worse than most people thought, I also didn't want to spend the money to resign him. This is a thread on how we have an open competition at a specific position and we are not letting a rookie, who might be the most talented option, currently try and compete for that position even though the other guys have yet to seize the opportunity.
  18. While something has to give between the 11 guys we have along the DL, I don't think Shaq is one of them. He has played well and brings something to the rotation the others don't. Personally I firmly believe they would cut Ford before they did Shaq. Dodson could be a cut, but that is going to depend on Bernard and his hammy. I doubt they cut Dodson before they know 1) Bernard is ready week 1 and 2) He can play the position. I think they will keep 6 at WR and send Shorter to the PS which makes room for Dodson. Outside of that, I agree on all other positions here.
  19. Yeah, also doesn't help not wanting to get up and get my newly needed glasses now that I am 47 because I have a 13 week old baby on my lap haha
  20. I think you need to go back and read the posts because 1) I said nothing about Bernard and 2) We were discussing Dorian and whether he has any potential or not at MLB in the first place.
  21. You are not even making sense now. The majority of our key players were drafted by this staff and front office. And then there were guys like Hyde and Poyer who didn't reach high level of play until they got here, especially Poyer. Hyde showed some promise in GB as a young player, but he wasn't yet at the level he reached here. And Poyer was an after thought signing that grew into one of the best safeties of the game here. What is the evidence of "heavily" reliant upon free agents? You do know every team in the NFL signs free agents every season right? We don't rely on them any more than any other team and have had really only made one huge FA signing in Von. Meanwhile on offense we drafted our QB, RB, WR2, Slot WR, both TE's half our starting OL...on defense we drafted our DT, several DE's, all our LB's projected to start, all our CB's. And again, we brought in Hyde and Poyer as cheap under the radar free agents that our scouts targeted and developed them into one of the best safety tandems in the league. I didn't alter the context at all...I specifically said its too early to play the hindsight game with Cook. You are just stating your opinion that Cook won't be a good RB and that Dean will be a "solid" LB. We don't know either of those things yet, so again, too early to play hindsight games. Am I the only one that catches the irony here lmao? You are literally complaining we drafted offense instead of defense with Cook while also simultaneously ranting that its because our HC is obsessed with defense? Lol, how does that even make sense lmao
  22. Yeah don't disagree. It is why heading into this offseason I felt this might be Beane's most important draft since landing our QB because we don't have the spending power to go sign top end talent anymore and need to find and develop these guys in the draft.
  23. Good catch, yeah I know the difference and that is what I meant. Just had originally used cease in a different context and missed it on the edit when I was adjusting what I was saying.
  24. Well considering McD and Beane took a perennial losing franchise, changed the culture, rebuilt the roster in one of the best in the league and are now a perennial contender I would say there are more options than "they were lying" and "they don't know what they were doing." I think I will trust their scouting of players for their system more than I will trust internet draft profiles, which almost the entirety of them are not coming off the back of the amount of time and research a teams scouting department does on players they are vetting. I think it is too early to play the hindsight game on Cook who is entering the season with potentially a big role. As far as the hindsight game goes on taking a LB, its funny you say that because the majority of this board was adamantly against using any early picks both last year and this year on LB or even defense at all. So while you say we should have drafted Dean, that was not the consensus around here by any means. I don't personally know what you wanted to do, so that is not directed at you, more a general comment about how people felt around here.
  25. Except he didn't have mind numbing drops. The one big drop was in the playoff game not during the season and that was a difficult diving catch on a 60 yard rope from Allen in the air in a rookies first playoff game. You want to see him complete that catch of course, but it wasn't like it went right through his hands as he caught it but on securing it when hitting the ground and rolling to complete the tip nicked the turf and it was over turned under replay. And people also forget he also a pretty important and touch catch in that game that helped us win the game. So not sure I can agree that he benched himself during the season because he simply wasn't plagued with drops during the regular season.
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