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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. The name "Brandon Staley" has 13 letters in it...so does "LOOOOOOOOOSER"...coincidence? Probably not.
  2. It would be amazing...my Dolphin fan friends keep saying they wont win another game this season and its glorious haha
  3. Sorry, but he is right and you got it wrong here as crazy as that sounds. If Bills win out, they will be 10-6 and 3-2 in the division heading into week 18 against the Fins. If Miami also loses out they will be 9-7 heading into week 18 against the Bills with a 3-2 divisional record also. So Bills could win their next 3 and Miami could lose their next 3 and Miami would still win the division with a week 18 victory over Bills because they would both finish the season 10-7 but Miami would end up 4-2 in the division with that win and Bills would end up 3-3 giving Miami the tie breaker. There is no possible path for the Bills to win the division without also beating Miami week 18.
  4. This is the same girl who boasts about how many dudes she has slept with on videos on youtube at parties prior to this one. The same girl who was going around the party telling guys they are "p***ys if you don't f*** me"? The same girl whose own friends gave statements that she was telling everyone she was 18 and in college at another local college. While I agree the civil lawyer was a scum bag, most are...I can't just say it was all his fault, I mean she is the one who sought out the attorney in the first place despite her lies to people at the party and her self proclaimed and demonstrated consensual promiscuity. And why didn't she get someone else as a lawer? Maybe she tried and they turned her down, or maybe she went with the sleezy guy cuz she had a flimsy case. But honestly, who her attorney was or wasn't turned out to be irrelevant. Police investigation cleared Matt proving he left an hour before it the encounter happened and police said the video footage of her 2nd sexual encounter showed no signs of force or assault. She could have had Tom Cruise from A Few Good Men as her attorney and it wouldn't have helped given Matt left an hour before the alleged 2nd encounter. Ha, sorry, just rewatched that movie the other day hence the reference...still such a good movie.
  5. NOPE, that is not what happened. You see, you LITERALLY continue to IGNORE the actual facts of the case...shocker (said no one ever). Never cleared of anything? LMAO, he was 100% proven to have left the property over an HOUR before the next encounter took place. He was 100% cleared of ANY involvement in the 2nd encounter through a number of factually proven pieces of evidence. Furthermore, the police determined through VIDEO FOOTAGE of the 2nd encounter that there was no signs of force or assault involved in the 2nd encounter either. You know the video footage of her banging a guy in the living room before moving upstairs and continuing with more than one guy absent force or assault. And get off your soap box about a college guy having sex with a high school girl, it's so ridiculous. I had sex with a college girl I met at a party when I was a junior in high school...I assure you I wasn't raped. News flash...high school girls (and guys) lie about their age to sleep with college students consensually every single day at every single college on earth. Their encounter is not even illegal in all states based on age. That doesn't make every one of those college students "rapists" because a girl (or guy) lies to them about their age and they consensually have sex.
  6. Agreed...this wasn't journalism of a breaking story, this was an opinion piece lacking of actual journalistic integrity with an agenda to confirm a pre-existing opinion. Dunne sets the tone with this right out the gate citing he doesn't have credentials from the Bills and establishes the type of tone he is out for. He then ONLY discusses the topic with potentially disgruntled former players or employees and tries to hide behind that fact by playing the victim of not being credentialed. Two things were clear in this full article: He started from a pre-existing position and then went out to validate that position rather than do a balanced article. The goal here was not of journalistic nature, but instead to create controversy to gain traffic. None of this means that McD is perfect or that nothing in the article was true. But it was crystal clear he was out for confirmation bias on his pre-existing position and to sell clicks and traffic to his site. His article reads more of a scorned or jealous ex girlfriend than a true journalistic piece with opposing view points.
  7. Living in LA I have several Charger fan friends, and they could not believe he kept his job after the playoff collapse. In fact, they thought the silver lining of that was going to be to get rid of him only to be disappointed.
  8. If Staley sucked any more as a HC he would be Jared from Subway. The only team he is qualified to be a HC of is any team that exists in the movie Idiocracy.
  9. No he didn't. He had CONSENSUAL sex with a girl lying about her age and claiming to be in college and over 18. Not only did the accuser right out the gate tell authorities it was CONSENSUAL about the encounter they had and could remember outside the house, but it was also proven that Matt was 100% free and clear of the next encounter as he was not even on the property near the time of events. FURTHERMORE - Not only was Araiza cleared, but the other guys who were actually in the room during the 2nd encounter were cleared of any wrong doing or assault from actual video footage of the incident from inside the room the incident took place. This is the same girl who was running around telling people they are p***ys if they don't f*** her and has run around on VIDEO boasting about how many guys she bangs and wants to bang at multiple other frat parties. So for you to keep calling it a "sexual assault" just makes you ignorant and too stubborn to admit that your undying belief into Araiza's guilt BEFORE having ANY evidence to the contrary was wrong. This isn't a case where they just didn't have enough evidence to file but knew they were guilty. They were all cleared of all accusations from DIRECT EVIDENCE. This girl was as authentic in her claims as Jussie Smolet was in his attack and George Santos was on his resume.
  10. Another reason why it was too soon to give up on Elam. I still think he has a future here
  11. Another Duke Williams thread I see
  12. Update: Suddenly now winning the division is also a potential possibility again too in terms of how we enter the playoffs. Just need to handle our business and beat dem ‘boys this weekend. LFG! GoBills!
  13. Dak outside in Buffalo is not a good recipe for the Cowboys
  14. 2 words: Punt God
  15. 3 of those losses to Allen But yeah, I agree with all that
  16. Yeah, refs have screwed us so many times this year and our coaches and players always go with no comment and never blame the refs and take responsibility for what we did wrong. Pretty weak by Mahomes
  17. Thanks, and I still remain confident To be fair, as far as that TD over turn, Allen still gets the ball back down 3 or 4 (depending on XP) with over a minute to go and 3 time outs. We don’t necessarily lose the game if that TD stands like some are assuming. And while we got that break with the flag, it was a legit flag, and KC has benefited from mistaken flags like when Mahomes got hit in bounds but the ref still threw the flag last week or week before as if it was unnecessary roughness for hit out of bounds. Or last year in the SB Against Eagles, refs blew so many calls against the Bills or we might have won that game too. Chiefs shot themselves in the foot and had just gotten away with a mugging on a non call PI on Diggs in the endzone too the drive before. So like with the Bills losses, you can’t let the game be close to where a good or bad call flips a potential win into a loss. LFG! GoBills!!!
  18. That was an elite defense. Let’s not forget that either, that D has carried KC most the season
  19. Well then you can apply that logic to multiple Bills losses too for killing themselves
  20. Melon farmer is the only reason we are in this game or have any wins on the season. You need a new schtick, this one is played out
  21. Totally agree, 100% that is what that was. Allen absolutely turfed it to save the clock when the quick out was not there. Surprised people don't get that
  22. You are literally not worth the time to discuss this with. You already proved your petty dislike since year 1, there is literally no possibility for an objective discussion on the matter with you. You’ve made your mind up 7 years ago.
  23. I don’t disagree with this, except I would argue we still can win a SB with him. Worse HC’s and worse teams have won SBs. But it would be nice if he at least reduced some of these late dumb decisions like the timeout at end of Philly game. He may still make that kick regardless, but to make it easier was about as stupid as it gets.
  24. Literally nothing you say on the subject can be taken with any seriousness. You’re one of a handful of people here who revel in the negativity, it’s like literally your primary purpose here. And this article is like your crowds Xmas
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