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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Glad he went there and not here like some wanted. He is a locker room and effort cancer. No thank you. We are having no issues scoring, we don’t need an under performing lazy WR with attitude issues.
  2. Agreed, the OL playing much better. Which I think is a combo of upgrades on the line and guys being healthy along with the more efficient offense where we aren't holding the ball as long aggressively trying to push downfield as frequently.
  3. Things are different now than before. We don't have a soft bend don't break defense anymore like we had under Frazier. Dorsey and Allen seem to be on the same page and understanding how to balance aggression and smart take what they give you football. So I think we are going to see this hold this time as along as we avoid critical injuries.
  4. Its hard to say...one thing is clear, Josh getting the ball out faster is a big reason for it and taking quick strikes rather than looking downfield so often for deeper plays to develop. Is that Dorsey adjusting how he calls plays, where the first reads are, etc? Or is that Josh realizing how much easier the game becomes when he takes what is there because it opens everything else up more and he has higher percentage shots downfield vs always looking to force it down field first so often. Personally, I think its a combo of both Josh buying into focusing on taking what is there and Dorsey game planning to help Josh see those opportunities quicker and prioritize them. All I know is whatever the reason, its working and I expect to keep seeing lots more of it.
  5. Lol…what are you even talking about now. Comparing Allen and Burrow is comparing two guys who have won nothing…so their individual stats are fair to compare. And what are you bring refs up about? I never said anything about any refs lol
  6. By the way, he got this move from Brady. Here is an interview of him talking about it and the form with Mark Sanchez on why and the mechanics of it.
  7. Hahaha true and keep an eye for it, it’s 100% every time
  8. The biggest tell on this offense is that when Josh Allen is lined up under center, he 100% of the time drops one foot back presnap if it’s going to be a QB Sneak. And if he’s not sneaking it, 100% of the time his feet are side by side presnap. This has been true since he entered the league, I check every game for this, he still does this every time.
  9. Burrow has won nothing. There’s no trophies for 2nd place. The idea you would reference Burrow to Brady in any capacity is utterly comical. Not only has Burrow won nothing but he’s probably not gonna even make the playoffs this year lol.
  10. He has not surpassed Allen in anything, literally nothing. Have the Bengals defense helped Burrow go 1 round further in the playoffs, sure...but QB to QB Allen has accomplished more as a passer in the regular season and literally dwarfs Burrows rather pedestrian post season stats. Allen has just in the regular season only...with WORSE weapons than Burrow, substantially worse when you factor in his whole career Most TDs in NFL history through first 5 years Multuiple time MVP finalist, including runner up in 2021 with a season that was better than most past winners 3 straight divisional championships Multiple playoff passing records Allen vs Burrow playoff resume Allen 8 games, Burrow 7 games Allen has double the TD's 20 to 10 Burrow has a higher turnover rate (both have 4 interceptions and no fumbles...but Allens was over 8 games, Burrows was in just 7) Allens TD to INT ration is 5-1...Burrows is 2.5-1 (so half of Allens) Allen produces over 80 yards more total yards per game Allen passes for over 30 yards more per game Allen bests him significantly in Rating, YPA, and just about every metric there is The literally only stat Burrow is better in is comp % by a difference of just ONE completion per game yet Allen grossly outproduces him in every statistical category Yet...despite all that, Burrow has had superior weapons and Allen has also played through a serious elbow injury and worse weather. But because in 2021, Josh Allens defense failed to hold a lead in final 13 seconds and OT while Burrows defense magically stopped the same Mahomes offense for just 3 points in the 2nd half allowing Burrow and the offense to just sneak back up and steal the game you seem to think that makes him the better QB? Allen grossly outplayed what Burrow did in the KC game the week before against the same Chiefs defense, but Frazier and our inept defense failed him. And sure, Bengals won last year, but that was a TEAM loss, the whole Bills franchise was flat that day and that does not make Burrow better than Allen any more than Zack Wilson beating the Bills (twice) would make Zack better than Allen. Sorry...its just not corret to say Burrow has accomplished more. Bengals TEAMS have done more, but that doesn't make Burrow more "accomplished" individually as a passer. Trent Dilfer won a SB while Dan Marino, Jim Kelly, etc have not...doesn't make Dilfer better than them.
  11. I didnt say he was. Thread is titled "hypothetically" by the OP
  12. I am not saying Burrow having a calf injury isn't valid...Im saying its BS how Burrow and Allen are not be treated the same where Allen did not get the same benefit of the doubt while playing through a worse injury last year and instead was being labeled as "regressing" and "overrated"
  13. Allen didn't get the injury benefit of the doubt when he had an injury to his throwing elbow, which is more significant than a calf injury. Its not like Burrow can't walk or something out there. Not saying legs are not important to a QB, saying Allens injury was more impactful than Burrows yet all the talk was Allen is regressing, not that the injury could be impacting him.
  14. I have to confess...I created an account over there this week and am s***ing on their team and giving them reality checks from the inside disguised as one of their own 🤣
  15. But he did just call some people out, just not by name. And that doesn't make him a bad person, that makes him a leader. I don't get why some of you have said you don't think he would call anyone out because he is a nice or great person. Holding people accountable is what a leader is supposed to do, and he is doing it without dragging anyones name in the mud by leaving it more generalized than naming anyone.
  16. Why does Burrow get the injury excuse and Allen didn't last year even though Allens injury was more serious and more impactful in actually throwing the football? Curious, have you watched a Bengals game? Burrow does not look good at all, and it goes beyond anything to do with his calf.
  17. But he just did. And he did so in a way to not publicly name any specific player to the media, but he literally just specifically referenced it was certain players rather than saying the whole team needed this humbling.
  18. Edmunds has been a disaster in Chicago no doubt. But, for some context, this is the same Bears team that made Roquan and Morrow look like 2 of the worst LB's in the league last year and both are amongst the best in the NFL so far this year on new teams. That whole team is a train wreck, top to bottom in the staff and FO That Bears team is a disaster...I would say they should clean house and fire everyone this week...GM, HC, OC, and DC. But, its probably in their best interest to keep losing so they can try and get both Caleb and Marvin Harrison Jr this draft with the picks they have.
  19. I think its pretty clear that Tua is talking specifically about some people on the team here. He didn't say it was the team that needed it, but some people on the team. Personally, I don't think this is getting talked about enough. If Josh Allen had said this, there would be non stop coverage about a rift between him and Diggs again. So who is he talking to or about...well, my personal theory is that I think at least one of those people might be Tyreek Hill: This week Hill was boasting about not studying any film, literally playing Madden the night before games is all the research he does to check their Madden ratings on awareness, speed, strength, etc to get a feel for the player. During the Broncos blow out, after Hill scored a TD off a catch and run, the TV cameras caught Tua telling Hill he ran the wrong route with Hill responding back who cares, we got the TD. Hill has been very vocal about his own personal stats, his goals of 2000 yards, all offseason. You don't hear much from him in terms of team goals, he is very self absorbed and really feels himself. According to Hill himself, he isn't putting the preparation in week to week watching film despite teams preparing to slow him down every week. Tua already called him out for not running the proper route last week in which he blew off since he still ran for the score. Just feels like if that message was to be sent to anyone, Hill is probably one of the guys that needs to hear it. Im sure the clowns with the emoticon shirts were on his mind too that gave Josh and the team bulletin board material.
  20. Disagree. Dorsey was a major issue last year and he has made mistakes this year like the throwing it on 4th and inches debacle when a sneak has a SUBSTANTIALLY higher success rate. But, it looks like BOTH Allen and Dorsey looked at what was working and what wasn't working week 1 and finally made some adjustments. Part of being a great OC is getting on the same page with your players. It is still a long season, and Dorsey needs to show he can both maintain this and make adjustments when teams eventually make their own adjustments to what we are doing with a high degree of success right now. As someone who has been critical of Dorsey's issues last year and things earlier in the season, I have no problem admitting that this was his best game ever as an OC where the game plan was there and the team executed it at a high level. If this is what we get from Dorsey moving forward, this offense will be unstoppable. But we need to see him sustain this when teams come up with counters to what we are doing, and that was probably the what he was worst at last year.
  21. If anyone wants to know just how much weaker Frazier was at getting home on QB's...Since trading for Jerry Hughes, he played 5 years without Frazier (his first 4 in Buffalo then last year in Houston) and 5 years with Frazier. Hughes averaged 4.5 sacks with Frazier and 9 sacks without Frazier including 9 last year when he was supposed to be washed up. Frazier IMHO is the biggest reason we have not reached a SB and I couldn't be happier he is gone
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