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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. This team still could emerge out of the AFC, but this team vs Niners feels like the last 3 times Bills made the SB where the NFC was the clear powerhouse teams and the AFC was weaker, so getting there was one thing, winning it was another. Losing Tre, Milano, and Jones (1 at each level of the D, and 3 of our best players) against a team like Niners is a big big loss in stopping what they do, which is already a style that would likely matchup well with our defense. Sorry, the part in red is just wrong. Jones loss is nearly as bad as the Milano loss. Jones has been the best DT in football this year. HIs impact is felt on all 3 levels of the team. His ability to get pressure up the middle and disrupt the QB not only makes Ed Olivers job easier and the DE's, but the secondary's as well as it forces the QB to get rid of the ball quicker and under duress creating more turnover and PBU opportunities. Make no mistake about it...Jones injury is significant and nearly as bad as losing Milano and worse than losing Tre. I mean if you told me I could choose to have Tre back or Jones back, I would take Jones and that is not a slight on Tre, that is because this team is more equipped to handle losing Tre and Jones has been that good. Agreed with the above. I think McD is a very good coach, and I am not down on him. But, there does seem to be these games where the Bills do come out flat. Even in games we win, its not uncommon for the D to give up a quick easy first scoring drive or two before it suddenly starts to clamp down. I guess you can say its good to see the team capable of making good in game adjustments, but why does it take that so often rather than coming out the gate that way. Inconsistency on offense I put more on Dorsey as in a lot of those instances his gameplan is just poor to start before they adjust. Agree 100% on everything in the Ugly...Dorsey had me furious yesterday totally abandoning what has been working perfectly all season. Allen has a perfect passer rating in play action on the season, his stats and efficiency are through the roof on under the center snaps. Yet we went right back to shotgun snaps most the game and didn't call an under the center call until several drives in. NOW...in Dorseys defense, many of the early drives stalled (3 in fact, and 4 total) on dropped passes. But it doesn't change the fact that he went away from our most effective styles of offense and did so most of the game. Not to mention his utterly stupid play calling in other parts of the game. For me...Dorsey is the new weak link...the new Frazier. He wasn't good last year and I don't see the growth this year. I feel duped because I actually thought the Miami game, easily his best game in his career, was the turning of the corner. Unfortunately, he reverted back to his other ways one week later. If he doesn't get his crap together and start using the talent on this roster better and building game plans around what we do best, I am going to be beating the drum of fire Dorsey all offseason like I did last 2 years with Frazier. I, and many others too, were right about Frazier, the D is so much better under McD and its not close. I fear the same may be true with Dorsey, just hope he proves the doubters wrong before our season sinks because with the injuries to the D, our offense is going to be need to be at its best week in and week out.
  2. OL has been better, but they weren't great yesterday. No sacks has more to do with Allen and his ability to avoid them than how well the OL blocked. And one big sack was negated by helmet to helmet contact. Plus they had penalties that hurt us a lot too and we couldn't get anything going running the ball. I don't know, its hard to put the play calling and use of personnel on McD when its Dorseys offense. McD is already HC and DC, to expect him to have a heavy hand in the offense is unrealistic.
  3. My issue with Dorsey is his insistence on ignoring the facts and talent. Allen and the offense have been better with Allen under center yet we again ran a ton out of shotgun again. I mean I think it was several drives in before Allen finally lined up under center. He is again not using the talent well either. For all this two TE attack talk, we once again ignore Knox is on this team and aren’t making much effort to get Kincaid the ball. And for all the mismatches Kincaid is supposed to be creating, we keep throwing short passes to him only. You don’t need a smooth athletic TE to throw 5 yard passes too. You get a guy like him to put pressure upfield, down the seem, mid range…not just short dump offs. We are running two TE’s out there a lot, but we aren’t throwing to them like we are. If you look at the stats of our TEs you would think we had one at a time out there and using them to block because neither is doing much as a receiver. And then there is tendency to make bone headed play calls. I really thought the Miami game was turning of the corner, but he reverted back this week and it’s concerning.
  4. Fair enough, I was only commenting on what you wrote in your first post where you claimed to have turned the game off after one early play.
  5. Come on, no disrespect but that isn't fair due diligence. You intentionally watched a game where he reportedly had a big one but immediately turned it off because you didn't like what happened on one play? That feels more like you were looking for confirmation bias of your skepticism than actually trying to watch the game and see what his potential might be.
  6. No, he was and OLB drafted to be an OLB behind MIlano, they literally said this on draft night. They said he had potential at MLB as well but he wouldn’t be competing there this year. They literally said this before he ever stepped on a practice field. So no, your assumption is wrong. Many of us hoped he could be an option there when we didn’t know who would be MLB, but the front office and McD were not one of them as they said from the get go he wouldn’t be competing at MLB here this year. They didn’t want him trying to learn two positions.
  7. What? They don’t play the same position and weren't competing against each other. So yeah this is incorrect.
  8. I thought he did quite well for having to step in under these circumstances. I hate hate hate losing MIlano, but that being said, I’m actually excited to see what Dorian can do given the circumstances
  9. I doubt it. Won’t rule it out, but seems unlikely, at least until they see how the D looks once the he guys who aren’t out for the season are back (Benford, Groot, Von) and mix with the guys stepping up for the ones filling in for the ones that are.
  10. He had 3 TDs, rushing TDs count too lol. And you mean the first half where your Boy Davis and others killed 3 drives on dropped passes that would have been first downs instead of Punts? Not sure how that’s all on Allen.
  11. Jags being there already was just a blatant advantage that you don’t need any experiments to confirm. Utter stupidity
  12. Except I never slammed Davis. All I did was “leave him off the list” who I said played with fire the whole game. Literally that’s it lmao. Didn’t realize Davis family was in this thread and was gonna demand he get the player of the game award Such a stupid conversation
  13. So Josh Allen who had 3 TDs and 360 yards despite 5 drops by his WRs, no run game, and the worst game of the season by the OL was a zombie???? LMAO. You up in here campaigning for Davis for the HOF today despite a weak first half and an egregious drop that killed a drive, but you’re saying Allen was a zombie? Geezus.
  14. Devastating. Dorian I think showed promise. But no one can replace Milano’s value
  15. Still trying to say that I said something that I didn’t. I dont really know how many more ways to tell you to stop making your own narratives about what I actually said. Maybe go start a Davis thread as that is all you’re obsessed with making this thread about even though it’s not.
  16. No I argued that I didn’t once say what you claimed I was saying. And I defended leaving him off playing with fire from start to finish today because his first half wasn’t the same as his second half. Easily the worst game Refs of any game this season and maybe one of the worst I’ve ever seen
  17. Good point. Oliver might actually may have started with too much fire actually with those early penalties
  18. What are you drunk or something? I’ve not done anything here negative to Davis other than point out his drops like I did everyone else who had drops that were hurting the offense in the first half. You turned this into some Davis thread, not me. Again, stop making up narratives. Told you like 10 times I didn’t say what you keep trying make this say.
  19. He’s a rookie…too early to assess. But also Dorsey sucks at using weapons consistently and correctly, so there’s that too
  20. The only thing disingenuous is this absurd argument that you created a narrative that I said Davis didn’t show up. Dude learn to read posts correctly. I said the only 3 that played with any fire seemed to be Alllen, Diggs, and AJE. That doesn’t mean no one else showed up at all, but from beginning to end they had the most energy out there. Davis slept walk the early parts of this game and didn’t have the same energy as those 3 from start to finish. Again, stop making up narratives that I didn’t say. I never said Davis had a bad game, but he was not the same player on the first half as she was in the 2nd half, and he had 2 bad drops. So I’m not going to say he was wire to wire playing with the same intensity and focus as Allen, Diggs and AJE did. That doesn’t mean none of them made mistakes, I said they seemed to have more fire in them today than some of the other guys. So relax, I haven’t said anything you’re implying about your beloved Davis.
  21. Except I didn’t say he didn’t show up. You said that. I said the only ones playing with any fire seemed to be Allen, Diggs, and AJE. You’re making your own conclusions from that as it I said Davis was a bum today, never said that. All I said was I wouldn’t put his start to finish game in the same class as Diggs today for all 4 quarters. So stop inventing new narratives I didn’t say.
  22. He also had 5 dropped passes and a deep one wrestled away from Diggs. Allen was the only reason we still had a shot in this game. The OL stunk and so did the refs too.
  23. Dishonest? Davis had a momentum and drive killing drop for what have been a first down. Then he did it again, except the stat sheet won’t show it because a penalty eliminated the play. So, I wouldn’t put his game in the same category as Diggs, both his drops were bad.
  24. How was Josh off? His first 4 incompletions were 3 drops and a throw away when OL got blown up.
  25. Plenty of other factors from injuries to horrific refs that contributed to this loss, but we had 4 drives ended by dropped passes and that’s all in our control. Would have been 5 too but a penalty negated the play. Cook, Knox, Diggs, Davis all dropped passes that killed our drives which would have been first downs, with Davis having a second drop for a first down erased off the stat sheet by a penalty. Feels like the only people who showed up to play with any fire today was Allen, Diggs and AJE. Milano and Daquan get a pass as they were hurt. But the dropped passes in a game where refs were working against us were just killers.
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