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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Im good with trying something else, especially if something like his shoulder is coming into play. However, I am not good with that something else being a run play out of shotgun with a RB past his prime and standing 6 yards from the end zone being just handed the ball. I mean he is getting the ball in basically a standing position compared to running from under center where the RB is being handed the ball while running forward into the hole/LOS with momentum and some speed much closer to the goal line with less ground to cover to convert/score. Even if it had worked I would still think it would have been a poor play call. FWIW, on a subsequent drive on 3rd and 1 elsewhere on the field they sneased it to extend the drive, so couldn't be too concerned about the shoulder.
  2. Listen to the players and get rid of Turf everywhere you can. It won't make injuries go away, but it will reduce them significantly. The teams and league make enough money to afford grass.
  3. Josh Allen sneak on 1 or less yards to go is going to have the highest mathematical conversion rate, that was really the point. But to be clear, I wasn't saying not running a QB sneak was a fireable offense, I said that he should be fired if for a 3rd week in a row he calls a running play out of shotgun on the goal line on 3rd down with less than a yard to go (and with an old RB past his prime). To do it a 2nd time after it worked so poorly the week before was bad enough. If he does it 3 weeks in a row I might just splurge for a Billboard.
  4. When it is 3rd and goal from the 1 or less, there is only 1 call to be made and that is a sneak or tush push when you have Josh Allen as your QB. If its first or 2nd down and you want to call something else, fine. Once you get to 3rd down, the only acceptable option is a sneak or tush push. It is without a doubt has the highest % conversion rate over any other play they can call. There is a reason the Eagles don't even wast time with other plays and just lineup and dare the other teams to stop it which they almost never stop. If Dorsey calls a run from shotgun in that situation again he should be fired on the spot. I am serious, it is that egregious. To do it in back to back weeks is a fireable offense, which he did. Both instances we lost yards, one we converted the TD on 4th down, and the other we did not convert on 4th down and we almost lost that game on a final hail mary play where not getting points there would have been the difference in the game. I swear, if he does it a 3rd time then instead of him throwing his headset in disgust, someone needs to throw him out of the booth in disgust.
  5. DaVonta also has been seen as having a slow start. Yet in 8 games he has one game with 3 or less receptions...just one. Meanwhile Gabe in 8 games has 5 games with 3 or less receptions. Devonta plays in a heavy run offense and has 4+ catches in 7 of his 8 games. Gabe plays with Josh Allen in a pass heavy offense and has only reached 4+ catches 3 times in 8 games. And that is the issue with Gabe...consistency. He always has a couple solid to great games a year to pad his "totals", but week to week he most often doesn't show up and make an impact. Deebo is hurt and has missed the last 2 games, so that isn't a fair comparison. Not to mention, Deebo plays on a heavy running team with a game manager QB who also runs the ball and is more of a hyrbid WR/RB unique player than a dedicated #2 WR on every down like Gabe. No disrespect, but for the points I mentioned above, he really isn't in either case. I do agree that Beane has been a great GM IMHO. Not his fault so critical injuries and some stupid on field happenings have kept this team from getting over the hump. Agree that there is more than 1 way to build something. Although I will say it helps significantly more when you do so through the draft given the cap savings of having those high performing players on rookie contracts. Then there is the added layer of what a team is paying their QB. For example, Josh Allen makes more in one game than Purdy is making for the season, so a team like the Niners has the luxury of acquiring high end talent on the DL where as the Bills can't just do that at will without shedding salary elsewhere given Allen's contract. So for a team like the Bills, landing starters and impact players in the draft has a higher importance. That being said, I still think Beane has a very good draft track record overall personally.
  6. You are confusing retooled with successfully retooled. Just because the retooling/rebuild of the WR has yet to be successful doesn’t mean they haven’t been reftooling/rebuilding it. They have absolutely retooled the WR room, it’s just not worked out yet and been an unsuccessful retooling so far. I mean they spent relevant draft picks on multiple WRs and traded for WRs too. But those trades for guys like Toney, drafting Moore, Rice, etc have not yet panned out into a successful rebuild, but it’s still an attempt at a rebuild. Although I do think they have a good one in Rice who is developing into their best WR right now and has the potential to be a long term piece for them.
  7. I come for a few reasons…one, I love the Bills and being born, raised, and living in CA you don’t get a lot of Bills news and coverage here, so this is the best place for it. Two, football is my sport, always has been and always will be. It’s something I talk and follow year round. So I love analyzing and discussing it in general, but even more so about the Bills. And again, living in CA I have some friends here who are Bills fans, but most obviously aren’t, so this is best place to talk Bills year round. Three, I love discussion and debating in general too, so being able to do it about something I love as much as football and the Bills is even better. Then there is the entertainment factor between great and utterly terrible threads/posts 😂
  8. Yeah, a bit of a misconception on him, lots of people think that. But he is only 28
  9. The only reason I hit the disagree is because this isn't the full team Beane built...losing Tre, Milano, and Jones is still big, very big, especially going up against a team with as good an offense as Bengals. I mean Bills were the top D in most categories before the injuries and near the bottom since, it was a drastic impact. And the replacement help just got here and they won't have a lot of time to get accumulated to the defense, we don't even know if they will play or not right now or how much if they do. So this week to me isn't a fair barometer on what Beane has done this offseason and this week thanks to the unfortunate magnitude of injuries on the defense and the fact the reinforcements just got here.
  10. I feel like Lenny offers more upside than Murray personally, I mean he is still only 28 and I think he has more in the tank than Murray does. But of course, he needs to prove it on the field. But like you said, regardless who plays, good to have more solid bodies in the RB room for insurance. But I also think Lenny and his powerful legs and run style will be a nice addition come cold weather games that this team has needed.
  11. How many other teams can sit back and say they added 3 upgrades to their roster this week? Fournette - He is a definite upgrade to Murray and once he is up to speed will only help our run game as he can pass pro, run, and catch. Rasul - Definite upgrade at starting CB and a long term answer as well, not just a fix for this season. Linval - Space eating DT who can tie up 2 OL, clog the run lanes, and help open up the pass rushing of Oliver and our Edge guys We added 3 guys this week, all who are upgrades to starters on this team right now, and all it cost us was about a round and a half trade down from our low round third to an early to mid round 5th. Regardless of what anyones opinion on Beane may be, he had a pretty good week considering what this team has lost to injuries this season
  12. I can not fathom why anyone would have an issue with this signing or complain about it. Some people seem to be reacting like this is March and this was the only FA Beane signed or something rather than we are mid season looking for quality help after suffering a wrath of injuries. This was absolutely a good signing and provides like many have already said a nice run stuffing space eater in the middle. Helps our run D and def helps our pass rushers as well. Beane had a great week adding 3 quality players to this team in Rasul, Fournette and Linval. All 3 guys are upgrades and all 3 will contribute a lot this season to this team.
  13. That would be a serious issue with the NFL, there is absolutely no chance McD and Beane would do this at all. Odds of this are less than 0%
  14. I would dance for JOY! Anything that means he isn't our OC next year. Something has to change, either he leaves or they need to fire him if we aren't getting the job done offensively, too much talent on this team for that. They can't run it back the same if we don't get there this year and they just extended McD. NOW...if Dorsey gets it together the rest of the season and starts making less stupid decisions and keeps getting the talent on the roster more consistently involved, then I won't be so "get rid of Dorsey"...but TODAY...he is still a problem IMHO with his poor redzone decisions and lack of consistency and identity in the offense. Not all him, but it starts with him.
  15. Lol, A DC was your OC one year and this year you lost all your talent. Its not so cut and dry. McDaniels has sucked everywhere Brady and BB were not in every capacity. He is overrated
  16. Did he though? Or is BB the reason the Pats got to the playoffs and McDaniels was just along for the ride?
  17. All true, and agree with you that our season isn’t over if we lose. But if we can’t beat Bengals and coming off bad performances against Jags, Pats, Giants, and Bucs to where we lost or nearly lost, it’s hard to have confidence in them winning 5 games over the last 8 with how tough our schedule is, and that is assuming 10 wins is enough where we don’t lose out on a tie breaker. That is why I feel like it is as close to a must win as it gets without actually being an absolute must win.
  18. First of all, you just asserted multiple things in your post, so how is asking for clarification on whether or not those are just your assumptions or if there are actual facts being a "foolish troll"? Especially since you just confirmed they are just blind assumptions and not actual facts lol Second, as far as Elam goes, his season will go as he goes in practice. He obviously isn't someone they feel is ready or he would be active, so he is going to need to earn their trust in practice and prove he is worthy of being active on game day. And we have already seen that they are not afraid to keep him inactive, so I don't expect him to be active unless they feel he is ready or injuries force their hand again. Personal opinion is that I don't think Beane is ready to just give up on Elam yet, but they are also not going to just put him out there because of his draft status either. I think he is someone who will likely be traded in the offseason if by the end of this season he hasn't worked his way onto the active roster still.
  19. Make no mistake about it...this is as close to a "must-win" game as it gets in the NFL for the Bills this year. There are currently 9 AFC teams with 4 to 6 wins, Bills are sitting at 5-3. If Bills lose this game, they suddenly are a fringe playoff team with all 4 losses in the AFC A Bills loss gives them a record of 2-3 in their last 5 games (which were 1 play away in both wins from being 0-5) and having Chiefs, Eagles, Cowboys, Jets, Miami, Chargers, and Jets still on the schedule to play. The Bills can not afford to fall behind in the AFC wildcard race, and 4 losses in the AFC really puts them in a bad spot with a difficult remaining schedule. The margin of error will be almost zero moving forward if they don't beat the Bengals. So...whether some people realize it or not, this weeks game is the most pivotal game of the season for the Bills on the likelihood of them making or missing the playoffs.
  20. You got a link or are you just blindly assuming this?
  21. My wife is going nuts, she is a die hard Niners fan. This is quite the scoop for a later 3rd geesh
  22. I just hope Jaylon doesn't kill his own trade value by demanding a ridiculous contract as there is some chatter coming out of the trade talks that the contract he is seeking is "out of line" high.
  23. Schefter says "Not a chance in hell" he gets traded today by the deadline is what he is being told.
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