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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. None of these contracts matter if Dorsey is still the OC next year because this team is going no where with him at OC.
  2. None. You would be hard pressed to find someone as dedicated and committed to winning and football as Allen. But, Buffalo is blue collar so as soon as they see Josh with a hollywood celeb girlfriend they make up all these narratives about him like he has changed, or full of himself or something. Its pretty ridiculous if you ask me.
  3. I know...its Dorsey. No two drives look the same. Beane wasn't kidding when he said this team is still looking for it's identity, and he was directly talking to the offense. Defense has it, that unit was first in every major defensive category until injuries happened and despite those injuries the defense is holding itself together enough for us to win games. But the offense, it has no significant injuries and one drive looks like an explosive smooth machine and the next it doesn't even look like the same team. Dorsey has been an issue since he became OC and Allen, Diggs, etc are talented enough to still produce despite the poor coaching of Dorsey. But Dorsey now is a dead anchor on this offense and its killing this team.
  4. In case you missed it…your beloved Gabe had 0 catches. I can’t wait to hear you spin Gabe’s 0 catch follow up and throw out more childish insults while doing it too 👍 Thats 6 games now with 0-3 catches this season. I guess he’s reliable after all 😜
  5. Weird because last week after Gabe had one of his occasional decent games,@Over 29 years of fanhood called me out and called me names for criticizing Gabes bad performance the week before after another 1 catch game. And just like I said, Gabe back to disappearing again the next week. Gabe now has 3 or less catches in 6 games this year, 4 of them he has 0-2 catches. This has been Gabe all 4 years he’s been in the league.
  6. I swear it’s like Dorsey has split personalities who call different styles of games that take over his body multiple times a game. No consistency what so ever of what the offense looks like from one drive to the next
  7. Offense is avg less than 20 ppg for 5 weeks. Fire him. Defense is decimated by injuries but doing enough to win. It’s our offense that is the problem. F Dorsey
  8. Dorsey sucks. This team needs a spark, fire him and send a message.
  9. I will add that I look forward to seeing Fournette taking more of our down and short runs too. Murray has done a solid job, but I think Fournette has more to offer in these situations
  10. You are correct, I misunderstood what you initially referred to, so my apologies on that. I mistook what you said to be referring to more of longer hesitation where the RB stayed in as if he was gonna pass pro and then taking the ball off that in more of a delay.
  11. I believe you, but as I stated in my reply to Franco who said that you called it a dart was that I have no other frame of reference of what you said as I did not personally read or see any other posts about it by you and all I had to go on was Franco’s accounting of it here. And I know what you are saying and I agree with you on the shotgun vs under center comparison. My point in this thread was specifically on 3rd down inside the one with Josh Allen as your QB, any run out of shotgun is statistically a mistake compared to a QB sneak or tush push as that would have the highest % of success over any shotgun based run play. And Dorsey called this in back to back weeks in the exact same situation and went 0-2 on those attempts. And statistically sneaking it with Allen (or tush pushing) would have a higher % of success by a considerable margin.
  12. And see, that is why I said I can only go off what Franco was claiming you said in another thread, which was that it was a “Dart” which it definitely wasn’t. But it appears he was misquoting you by mistake. And I agree, it could have been a duo and I will go watch it back again and look for the direction of the OL vs the direction Murray went with the ball as the duo the RB typically goes to the opposite side the OL is blocking. I honestly only went back to look to see if it was a dart as Franco said, and it was clear as day on the snap it wasn’t so left it at that and assumed it was the draw and didn’t look at the OL as much as I looked at where Murray attacked the line.
  13. That's called a delayed draw. An actual draw doesn’t always have hesitation.
  14. I’m only going off what you are saying Hoof said, so hard to dissect it truly 3rd hand like this. But if he is calling this play a dart it is incorrect and honestly, it’s pretty clear IMHO that it was a draw up the middle with no pulling tackles like you would see on a dart.
  15. Question: Are your stats taking into consideration the runner is a past his prime RB when comparing it to the other data? Are your stats removing Josh Allen runs from Shotgun (which are basically another form of a sneak) when looking at Bills shotgun run data? Every team and situation is different. And when you have Josh Allen on your team, statistically it is incorrect to hand the ball off to an aging RB 5-6 yards deep than to let Josh sneak it in. This is a statistical mistake 100% of the time, regardless if the shotgun run works or not and regardless if the QB sneak play works or not. 100% of the time you run out of shotgun over letting Allen sneak it from inside the 1 is a statistical mistake. No disrespect to anyone, but he is incorrect if he is saying the 3rd and goal run on the 1 yard line was a dart against the Bucs. A draw is a run play that is made to look like a pass play, hence why it is run a lot of shotgun. It is meant to attack the A gap, which is exactly what Murray did and was done right off the snap from shotgun. The dart is different than the "draw" play and more resembles a power and is where you have the tackle pulling. Our tackles did not pull on the 3rd down shotgun run and it was a clear draw. I can not tell you about the week before as I did not go back and look at it, but I am pretty sure it was also a draw, but again, can't confirm without rewatching it which I will try and do later. I am not saying we don't run a dart in our playbook, but the goal line play against the Bucs was a draw and not a dart, and I don't think the one the week before was either but still need to see it again to confirm. But honestly, it doesn't matter...dart or draw, it was a terrible play call.
  16. I love your optimism...I do. But the recent work of both teams tell different stories. Bengals have now won 4 of their last 5 and are getting their groove back offensively and just spanked a much better defense right now for SF last week. Buffalo is 2-2 over its last 4 games and only averaging a measely 20.75 ppg over that span despite facing an easy schedule of Jags, Giants, Pats, and Bucs. Our defense is at the bottom of the league since the injuries, so if the Bengals are putting up 31 on the Niners then the expectation is that they could and should put up over 30 on us. Given our offense has not scored more than 25 points in 4 weeks despite facing easier defenses than the Bengals, there is a reason to be concerned heading into this game of our offense being able to keep up. Then you add in how poorly we looked against them in the Hamlin partial game and how poorly we played at home in the playoffs, and the expectations and confidence is gong to be low heading into this week. Except statistically we are not the last 4 weeks evenly matched. That is the issue. Season totals mean nothing, its how the 2 teams are playing. And we have been in the toilet BOTH offensively and defensively since the Miami game. Defense because of injuries and offense because it still has no identity or consistency. Can we win...of course. Coming into the game though, I think the Bengals are playing better football right now than we have so my confidence in this game is much lower than it was when we say played Miami.
  17. Having concerns about Josh fumbling in general is valid obviously, but almost all of those have come on blindside hits/strips or runs out in the open where he is carrying the ball more carelessly and trying to get more yards. I wouldn't be concerned on sneaks because one time there was one mistake in the Minny game, he still has over a 90% success rate on sneaks overall and its our most successful play to run from a statistics point of view on down and 1 (or less).
  18. Im good with trying something else, especially if something like his shoulder is coming into play. However, I am not good with that something else being a run play out of shotgun with a RB past his prime and standing 6 yards from the end zone being just handed the ball. I mean he is getting the ball in basically a standing position compared to running from under center where the RB is being handed the ball while running forward into the hole/LOS with momentum and some speed much closer to the goal line with less ground to cover to convert/score. Even if it had worked I would still think it would have been a poor play call. FWIW, on a subsequent drive on 3rd and 1 elsewhere on the field they sneased it to extend the drive, so couldn't be too concerned about the shoulder.
  19. Listen to the players and get rid of Turf everywhere you can. It won't make injuries go away, but it will reduce them significantly. The teams and league make enough money to afford grass.
  20. Josh Allen sneak on 1 or less yards to go is going to have the highest mathematical conversion rate, that was really the point. But to be clear, I wasn't saying not running a QB sneak was a fireable offense, I said that he should be fired if for a 3rd week in a row he calls a running play out of shotgun on the goal line on 3rd down with less than a yard to go (and with an old RB past his prime). To do it a 2nd time after it worked so poorly the week before was bad enough. If he does it 3 weeks in a row I might just splurge for a Billboard.
  21. When it is 3rd and goal from the 1 or less, there is only 1 call to be made and that is a sneak or tush push when you have Josh Allen as your QB. If its first or 2nd down and you want to call something else, fine. Once you get to 3rd down, the only acceptable option is a sneak or tush push. It is without a doubt has the highest % conversion rate over any other play they can call. There is a reason the Eagles don't even wast time with other plays and just lineup and dare the other teams to stop it which they almost never stop. If Dorsey calls a run from shotgun in that situation again he should be fired on the spot. I am serious, it is that egregious. To do it in back to back weeks is a fireable offense, which he did. Both instances we lost yards, one we converted the TD on 4th down, and the other we did not convert on 4th down and we almost lost that game on a final hail mary play where not getting points there would have been the difference in the game. I swear, if he does it a 3rd time then instead of him throwing his headset in disgust, someone needs to throw him out of the booth in disgust.
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