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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Lot of skepticism in here...and its fair skeptcism given the gravity of the situation. But, look at what a coaching shakeup did for the Raiders...2 straight wins and a completely different intensity and level of fire in the players. This offense was flat, had no identity, no consistency, no fire and hasn't been having any fun. If the change to Brady can breath some renewed life into the players and offense, bring some identity, can bring some creativity and new wrinkles...then he doesn't have to be perfect for there to be a big boost to this team and for the Bills to go on a run. And if the offense gets back to being what it should be, this team can still beat anyone in the league. But with the anemic offense of the past 6 weeks it was also capable of losing to literally any team in the league too. So lets hope Brady brings the offense back up to where it should be
  2. DUDE SAME! My son is 5 1/2 months old and I find it hard now to get overly upset at football anymore or any other stupid stuff.
  3. Yes we can still both make the playoffs and win the AFCE...but now we are faced with 2 stark realities... Bills can not lose more than 1 more game despite facing the 3rd hardest remaining schedule in the NFL that includes the top AFC and NFC team in Chiefs and Eagles, our divisional leader in Miami, and both the Cowboys and Chargers, both tough games. Our other 2 games, which to anyone else would be "easy" games, are Jets and Pats who have both beat us this year already. Bills need help from the Dolphins to win the AFCE and now need them to lose TWO more games than us before our week 17 showdown. At this point, the odds of us making the playoffs are completely tied to Brady and this offense. The defense has done well enough despite the injuries for his to be undefeated right now, but the offense who laid an egg week 1 and then has avg 20.5 PPG the past 6 weeks has been the achilles heal. But can Brady make that kind of an impact out the gate is a real question mark and tall ask. There is NO room for error or growing pains. This offense has to come out and face a tough Jets D right out the gate with a new OC and a 6 week slump. If the Bills offense can go ahead and show well against the Jets D, then I wills start to think there is a chance we can do what needs to be done to get to the playoffs. But we will 100% miss the playoffs if the switch from Dorsey to Brady does not make a significant improvement to the offense.
  4. Im not saying there is no blame on Allen, I am saying that Dorsey and his system have failed to put the best version of Allen on the field. His offensive play design sucks...there are a TON of real players and analysts out there who have shown substantial amount of poor play design on the All-22 footage the past season and a half under Dorsey. His play calling sucks. His use of personnel sucks. His consistency sucks, and by intention from Dorsey's own mouth. Dorsey Sucks. Does that mean Allen has been perfect or that its all only Dorsey...no of course not. But the offense starts with Dorsey, coaching matters. Look at what a difference the Raiders saw in firing everyone 2 weeks ago...look at the energy of the players, the vibe they have now, 2 wins in a row since dumping that loser McDaniels. For whatever reason, Dorsey was not capable of building a rhythm and identity with this team. Daboll wasn't perfect, made his own share of bone head calls...but at least under Daboll the team had an identity and played with energy and fire. This team has lacked that 100% under Dorsey. So hate on Allen all you want, but I for one am glad that Dorsey is gone and I do not think he was the right coach for Allen and this offense.
  5. Exactly why Dorsey was fired...albeit may be 2 to 3 weeks too late
  6. Again, he only has like 4 more INT's than Mahomes and 3 more than Burrow during the past 2 seasons coming into this year. And he has never cost us a single playoff game from a turnover with only 4 career turnovers.
  7. No, the playoff numbers are TOTAL turnovers because Allen has 0 playoff fumbles. Allen has 20 TD's to 4 total turnovers in 8 playoff games...literally double the TD-TO ratio of Burrow who only has 10 TD's with 4 Turnovers. I mentioned INT's in the regular season because that is all anyone is talking about with Allen right now, interceptions. Yes he had some fumbles which makes his turnovers stats higher, but he was also being run like a FB for several years. No one is saying Allen doesn't need to be better at taking care of the ball, the point is the two guys commonly rated above him in Mahomes and Burrow have had a lot more to work with and only thrown a few less INT's than Allen in the regular season coming into this year. And Allen had a lot more working against him those 2 years too with an OC change, injury to his throwing arm, bad weather at home, and less talent to work with. And come playoff time, turnovers are NOT the reason the Bills have been eliminated from the playoffs...not once has it been because of an Allen turnover.
  8. You understand how insane it is to pretend his first 2 seasons he was set up to succeed? Kelvin Benjamin was his #1 WR when he was drafted. We had no talent on this roster and Allen came from a small school and was totally raw. People like you like to lump in his career totals so you can use those early years to mask the last 3 years where he was an MVP finalist all 3. Its insane. News flash: Coming into 2023, Allen only had 4 more INTs than Mahomes and 3 more than Burrow over the past 2 regular seasons. And Mahomes had more talent around him and a much better OL along with Andy Reid. Burrow had an elite cast of weapons. And Allen played half of one of those seasons with an injured throwing elbow. Bonus news flash: Josh has 10 more (which is DOUBLE) the amount of TD's than Burrow and a lower turnover rate than Burrow in the post season despite only playing 1 more game than him. Allen is not the problem.
  9. You need a 3rd answer: Undecided or Inconclusive Ive long thought, and still do, that McD is a good football coach. His coaching record supports that, and honestly, its indisputable no matter how bad someone wants him gone. However, not every good football coach is the right coach for the team at a specific time. Andy Reid's time came to a close in Philly, Belichick is wearing out his welcome in NE, Coughlin wore his welcome out more than once, Harbaugh lost the team in SF, etc etc. Sometimes a fresh change is just needed for the team and the coach. So even if McD is replaced, I will hold the opinion he is a good football HC while he is on the open market and I would expect him to land a new gig. But, I don't know if McD is done here right now...I know that Dorsey and the offense have been a major problem and the sole reason we have 5 losses though. The defense, despite its injuries has played well enough and held together well enough after devastating injuries for us to be 10-0, but the offense crapped the bed week 1 and then again in all 4 of our losses along with 2 weak wins we barely snuck out with against Giants and Bucs. So...for me, I want to see how this team now responds to the shake up of getting rid of Dorsey. It doesn't mean Joe Brady is the answer either, I mean he is an interim OC, not someone they went out and hired to rebuild the offense. But, if McD to get this team to rally around Brady and turn this thing around and make the playoffs still, then I support McD returning next year either with Brady or someone else at OC if need be. But, if its just more of the same the rest of the season even after the change and we miss the playoffs then I think its time for a new coaching staff and let Beane find his guy (McD was hired before Beane).
  10. Can you name one thing you like about the Bills? Just one. I have never seen you like anything or anyone on this team...ever. It's like every Bills loss is a mini Christmas for you.
  11. No one is talking about it because its a non issue given the refs got the call right. It was a catch, he was down before ball came out, and where he caught ball was enough for a first down.
  12. Kincaid wasn’t involved in an INT. The one to Davis was on Davis, but the one to Harty was on Allen
  13. Ah, was in a bar and didn’t see that on replay yeah I didn’t see the replay, so I thought it was on Cook, but I see now it was Josh
  14. Josh has trained every offseason. Then after playing through a hurt elbow and a tragic and emotional season he takes some time to recover and you all lose your minds. It’s utterly ridiculous
  15. You know Mahomes golfed all off season right? He went on multiple family vacations too.
  16. My son is almost 6 months old now…having him makes me care a lot less about things like these games. My wife is a Niners fan…even though I put him through a table I made week 1 and baptized him Bills Mafia, I love him too much to continue to wish this tragic fanhood on him, especially since we live in CA. So I’m all aboard him being a Niners fan now lol, rather him have a chance to enjoy sports and football than doom him to endure life as a Bills fan 😂
  17. I didn't say McD "succeeded", I said the defense went up a level under McD in the short window we got to see it before decimation by unfortunate injuries. There were more defensive failures than just the final 2 minutes of the KC game and OT including both playoff games last year. All good either way, we are never going to agree on this, and that is ok...just differing opinons But for me personally, I am open to McD bringing in or promoting someone to DC so he can focus on HC duties...but just don't want to see Frazier or anyone who runs a similar bend don't break soft defense.
  18. Buy: Shakir & Kincaid - The Knox injury has opened up more opportunities for both of them, and these guys are on the rise Sell: Dorsey - Ive lost all confidence that he can call a consistent game and I think he is just in over his head Hold: Cook - Talent is there, he just isn't getting used to his potential. I expect they find more ways to get him more touches, even if its short passes as an extension of the run game.
  19. You say Leslie was never the issue, yet under McD the defense was doing better prior to losing its 3 most important players. Leslie was here a long time...and during his time here, the defense did not play to the same level in the playoffs as it did during the regular season. His bend don't break style not only was exposed by better teams, but it also kept those better teams in games. And sorry, the collapse was not just the last 2 min of the game, although that was definitely the most egregious part of it. I mean, we gave up 42 points in that game, only 17 came in the final 2 minutes. Against the Bengals the next week, Chiefs scored just 3 points in the 2nd half vs a defense that was ranked significantly lower than ours. Again...rinse and repeat. Bills high ranked D is exposed in playoffs...same team loses next week by being held in check by a much lower ranked defense. And again...first across the board in all major categories on defense under McD prior to the slue of unfortunate injuries. Is Frazier a good DC...sure...but there are a lot of good coaches who have a history of not getting it done in the big games, and Frazier is firmly on that list from his own record. Every coach in the NFL can hide behind "not enough talent on the D"...the issue here is that defense that you say "talent" was the issue would be ranked top 3 all season before laying an egg in the playoffs. So can't tell me its lack of talent when that lack of talent can beat the KC's of the world in the regular season but can't in the playoffs. Not to mention, teams with less defensive talent are going on to beat these teams beating us the very next week.
  20. I know @GunnerBill you have been a long time defender and supporter of Frazier, but I honestly just don't get it. If the Miami Dolphins were a DC, they would be Leslie Frazier because like the Dolphins, Fraziers defenses would rank well statistically against mediocre to weak competition, but come playoff time against quality competition they were soft, weak, and exposed. Teams in the playoffs would light up the Bills D and then go literally lose the very next week and have their offenses held in check by lesser defenses. This year, before three season ending injuries to arguably our 3 most important players on Defense, the McD led defense was 1st in sacks, 1st in interceptions, 1st in turnovers, 1st in point differential and giving up just 13 points per game, and that includes playing the Miami offense. And even with those injuries, while the defense has fallen off statistically, they have kept us in games well enough for us to have won all of them had our offense not been so flat the last 5 weeks avg just 19 PPG during that stretch despite no significant injuries.
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