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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. No disrespect, but I don't see that at all, in fact, seems to be quite the opposite. This statement feels more like a view point of someone who already wants McD gone who will take any and everything in with a negative lens to confirm that negative bias.
  2. What does your comments above have to do with what you responded to? Answer...nothing. And I didn't say a single word of what you just wrote either. So this reply makes absolutely zero sense to the post you are replying to.
  3. Well that is one less team we need to worry about tie breaker issues on.
  4. The lengths this board goes to in regards to making up false narratives to fill their bias opinions and negativity never ceases to amaze me.
  5. Good news is this that this mock draft won't remotely resemble that actual draft, they never do. So I wouldn't put any stock into where we "need" to be in the draft for X position or player based on early mocks not remotely accurate to what will actually happen.
  6. Funny thing is I know Phil...and I can tell you there is no interest for him in getting back into sports for him right now, so yeah not gonna work out lol
  7. I have a similar dilemma in one league...Hurts vs KC and that stingy defense or Howell against the sad Giants. Right now I have Howell in my lineup
  8. These days this board is like 95% made up false narrative and hysteria…3.5% assumption or speculation…1.5% factual substance.
  9. What this is more of an indicator of is exactly why Josh is both special and can throw some INT's. There are not a lot of guys in the NFL who can make this throw, maybe only Allen and Mahomes can do it with any consistency. Most other QB's this is a guaranteed turnover as the margin of error is tiny and you need the arm and athleticism to even make it possible without it being a turnover. When Allen is on, he hits these all day and so easy that it's almost missed just how incredible and difficult of a throw it was. When he is off by even a hair or late by even a hair this would be one of his INT plays. And the reality is Josh makes a LOT of these throws...and he succeeds way more often than doesn't on them. It is what makes him special. What makes him turnover prone is how OFTEN he HAS to attempt these throws because of the offense. That does not absolve Allen at all on some of his decisions, but the fact is, when the play design, scheme, etc is so easy to defend, it forces Allen to make more of these heroic throws. Look at Mahomes, he has the ability to make most of the same insane throws Allen does, he is just forced to do it less often than Allen is either from scheme, design, predictability, pass protection, etc. I am really hoping to see some more creativity and scheming to get guys open for easier and rhythmic throws by Allen instead of rolling out and having to fling a mind blowing pass so often.
  10. Lets put an end to this train before the false narrative train leaves the station. Madden MUT has seasons. Every season has a different cover athlete. This happens every year. This literally has 0 to do with Josh Allen. Josh Allen is still the cover on the print edition.
  11. My only point is that his brothers text have not at all been representative of Stefons thoughts thus far, he has been wrong every time and just tweeting what he wants, not what Stefon wants. So to jump to a conclusion that his tweets (which happeend before Stef could have even spoken to him as Stef was still with the team on Monday night football) were Stefs words has no logic behind it other than creating a narrative without any substance.
  12. You realize his brother was tweeting to get his bro to Dallas BEFORE Diggs signed an extension keeping him in Buffalo long enough to retire there right? And yet Stef still signed his extension to stay. His brothers tweets mean nothing, why are people trying force and create narratives all the time? Stef is literally causing no waves of any kind yet this narrative persists. Except the tweets happened while Stef was still with the team meaning he couldn’t have spoken to Trevon before he tweeted that.
  13. No disrespect but that is evidence of nothing. That’s another opinion piece
  14. Lets see...what was Fitz #1 comparison when he played? Farve minus the talent. What is the number 1 comparison right now with Allen? Farve minus the MVP's and SB trophy. The last thing we need is a turnover prone gunslinger type like Fitz to try and fix the turnover issues with Allen. I love Fitz, and love the idea of Fitz on this staff, but this just doesn't feel like the solution to the areas Allen needs to most improve on given they were the same issues Fitz had, he just didn't have the talent and gifts Allen has to over come them as much as Allen has. And we need to not waste Allens prime anymore an inexperienced people. Get Allen a PROVEN OC who fits his game and this team if Joe Brady doesn't prove he is the guy the rest of the season.
  15. Lets see...Beane, Allen, McD, Dorsey, and half the Bills players have all publicly said many times that Allen needs to slide more and take less contact. Not to mention everyone in the media and fan base. So to say that McD is meddling because there was an emphasis for Josh to take less punishment does not equate. More importantly, McD did not say he needed to stop running, nor did Beane...what they wanted to see was for him to get down once he got the first down rather than take a big hit to try and gain a few extra yards. To reduce the "unnecessary" contact when he can. Dorsey is the one choosing not to run Allen and coach that out of him. McD has also said he wants to be aggressive on offense, so this other narrative that persists around here that he doesn't also is incorrect. So sorry...this notion McD is "meddling" in the offense doesn't have any substance to it other than that is the narrative people want to jump, and most often by those who are already critical of McD to begin with and just looking for more confirmation bias. Every HC in the NFL has input in all phases of the game, McD is no different, but this was Dorsey's offense, play calling, and scheme.
  16. I agree with this. This is where I feel like people just ignore what is flat out known, said, communicated, etc and just make up their own narratives. McD has been the first to hold himself accountable his entire time here. But people just ignore these things and create new narratives that are not reflective of the facts of the matter just to fill a bias opinion they have. Like you said, self accountability is not one of the concerns or issues with McD.
  17. Remember when we got 0 points on the half yard line because Dorsey ran the ball in shotgun for the 2nd time in back to back weeks on 3rd and goal inside the 1? We just sneak that for a TD we are up 2 scores on that last drive and it doesn't matter. Not to mention other drive killing issues that also kept points off the board. All good though bud
  18. We aren’t far apart…but I’m just more that the offense put the defense in those positions from sucking. The last 6 weeks the offense is avg 14 points less than the first 4 weeks. We didn’t lose any games by 14. If offense was not so anemic last 6 weeks we win all those games despite any defensive struggles is really my side of the convo. And the offense is healthy and has no excuse where the D is hit hard by injuries.
  19. Why do people complicate things and try and create narratives? McD said straight out it was his decision alone, stop trying to invent new narratives when they straight tell you the answer. And it was a move that needed to happen given how poorly the offense is playing and how inconstant the offense has been in scoring points. When a super power offense on a team with SB expectations averages about 8-10 points LESS per week for 6 straight weeks (and it’s actually 14 points less than the offense avg first 4 weeks) causing you to have a losing record against the weakest stretch of opponents on your schedule…you lose your job. That is the NFL. Don’t like it, then don’t suck and do a better job. Dorsey earned this firing as he has been unable to fix whatever is holding the offense back as this offense has shown for a long time it can score a lot of points. Dorsey could not get it back to scoring points consistently and Dorsey was let go. It’s not rocket science here.
  20. I still respectfully disagree. Bottom line is in all 5 losses the defense did enough for us to win over the course of the game and the offense did not. The only reason those opponents had a chance to drive and win was because the offense crapped the bed those games. If Giants score on last play who’s the loss on? Defense who held the opponent to 15 points or the offense who managed just 14 points at home against the worst team in the NFL? Our offense has continuously put our severely injured defense in bad positions in every loss and even some of our wins. If the offense is just normal in the 5 losses then we are undefeated, they didn’t even need to be great, they just needed to not suck. It’s been by miles the biggest issue of this team this year despite being healthy.
  21. Except McD isn’t meddling in the offense. Not sure why this narrative persists.
  22. I think the point @HoofHeartedis making is that the result was a poor pass by Wilson, exactly what you want to accomplish there. Wilson heaved a prayer ball knowing the possibility of a PI especially on under thrown deep balls might bail him out because he was gonna be sacked otherwise. Unfortunately, the prayer ball worked out in the favor. The point being that the defense accomplished what it wanted in disrupting Wilson and forcing him into a poor pass. We caught an unfortunate break that Taron couldn't tell it was so under thrown and turn to get back to it prior to making contact as the receiver jumped back for the ball. I mean I would take a QB heaving a praryer ball sky high off his back foot 10 times out 10 over one where he got a drop back and clean pocket. The funny thing is that if McD didn't blitz there and Wilson had a clean pocket and delivered a strike to the same place on the field the PI occurred for a completion this board would be screaming to fire McD because he did NOT blitz and let Wilson just be comfortable and deliver the pass.
  23. I get what you are saying, but still put it all on the offense. Both those games we should have been up multiple scores by the 4th quarter, not playing from behind trying to steal a win. Other teams are blowing those teams out and our team can't break 25 points. So many bad calls and mistakes like the Pats game where came away with 0 points after Dorsey ran on 3rd and goal from inside the 1 and chose to do it in shotgun with a past his prime RB 6 yards behind the LOS. Which by the way, was the 2nd week in a row he made the exact same stupid decision that didn't work either game. Point is, while yes the defense came up short at the end of the game, the only reason the defense was in that position was because our offense stinks. And our defense has frequently been out on the field way too long thanks to the anemic offense and its already severely short handed as it is. The offense has been healthy for the most part yet has been our achilles heal every week. So not disagreeing with you about the defense coming up short on those drives, but I fault the D less for that and more the O for even being in that position and often on the field more than they should be too because the offense has stunk.
  24. Anyone complaining about the defense as if it was the reason why we lost must just be watching different games than me because all 5 of our losses are 100% of the shoulders of the offense. This one play is so minor compared to the 6 week s*** show that has been this pathetic offense and why Dorsey was the first to go.
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