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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Here is the math: Josh Allen has 6 more games to get finish his 6 seasons. He is on pace for 45 total TD's this year (16 more than he has now). If Allen stays on pace and finishes with 45 he will have 221 for his career through 6 seasons. Mahomes has 204, but Mahomes only played the final game of his rookie year and Allen played 12 games his rookie year. If you back out the first 11 games of Allens Rookie year to match Mahomes, Allen will STILL have more TD's than Mahomes with 208 vs 204. So this whole thing about Mahomes not playing his rookie year is really not a legit counter point to the validity of Allens record as he will likely not only officially own the record, but will also have produced more than Mahomes over their first 5 seasons and 1 rookie year game that everyone is using for Mahomes. And none of that means one QB is better than the other...it means Allens record is legit and even more impressive considering he was saddled with no talent around him on a gutted and rebuilding franchise for the first 2 years to start his career and was also a raw prospect coming in who didn't have the benefit of sitting and learning the game either. If Allen stays on pace, if you remove all but the last game of Allens rookie year, he will still have more TD's than Mahomes while having only the one game of his rookie year just like Mahomes. If that happens, how will you dispute the validity of Allens record then? The argument is that Mahomes didn't play the first season...which is factually wrong. He played the last game. So I am removing Allens rookie year up to the last game JUST LIKE MAHOMES so their rookie years match. And when you do, by seasons end, Allen will still have more TD's than Mahomes if he stays on the pace he is on now.
  2. Agreed, they get a lot of pressure on the QB (3rd in the league) but the defense is beatable. With Joe Brady incorporating so much more motion (most of the season yesterday), more screens, quick passes and Allen under center, they can exploit that Eagles D. A week ago I was doubtful we could beat the Eagles...after seeing the improvements against the toughest defense on our schedule yesterday, I am now much more optimistic we can win this game. Won't be easy, but I think the team we saw Sunday can beat any team in the league. But getting back to your original point, we need to see them do it with consistency and must win at least one of our next 2 games against Philly and KC to keep our playoff hopes in tact.
  3. You didnt answer my question though, and you are ignoring the fact that Josh still has 6 games to go. By seasons end its MORE than likely, that even if you back out Allens first 8 games to match Mahomes that he will STILL have more TD's than Mahomes.
  4. You realize Allen only played 8 more games than Mahomes did right? To pretend that the talent around Mahomes and Allen to start their careers didn't factor into those 8 games is pretty ridiculous. None of that means Allen is "better" than Mahomes, it means Allens accomplishment is worthy of the credit he gets for it.
  5. Geezus man…pointing out Allen had less to work with is not diminishing Mahomes at all. It’s like this board has a reading comprehension problem this morning. Since when are indisputable facts a an insult to another player? Does it make Mahomes less great? NO, not at all. It makes Allen’s accomplishment more impressive considering, but in literally no way, like 0% does it diminish Mahomes, his status as the top guy, etc. But if you want to keep misreading, misinterpreting, and inventing your own narratives about a very factual and clear statement of fact, then so be it. But literally NOT ONE person is saying Allen is better than Mahomes over this record even though you’re trying to spin it if they are. Facts are: Mahomes started with a great roster around him, Allen didn’t. Allen still persevered despite the challenges he had to go through. That is simply an impressive accomplishment for Allen, not in anyway a slight at Mahomes. And Allen still has 6 more games to further extend his lead that could make the first season a moot point too. 1. Who cares. 2. You realize Allen could easily own both records by season end right?
  6. Who could argue that Josh did it with less and still has not finishing his 6th year and by the time he does he could very well still have the record if you remove Allen’s first 15 games to match Mahomes starts? Yet here we are with people arguing and diminishing Allen’s record before he’s even finished establishing what the record is.
  7. I’m not comparing them as players. We are discussing the validity of the record. And stop. Kelvin Benjamin was a joke compared to Hill. Clay is a joke compared to Kelce. If Bills take Mahomes in 2017 he does NOT turn KB and Clay into all time greats and HOF players. No offense, but this argument you’re making about Hill and Kelce is utterly ridiculous. Hill is the best WR in football, and even better now than he was playing with Mahomes. You’re a good poster, but I can’t even fathom how you’re even attempting to act like Mahomes offensive roster players wasn’t light years better than Allen’s when their respective careers started. And again, there are still 6 games left. If Allen avg 3 TDs rest of season he will hold the record even if you take away the first 15 games from Allen’s rookie year (Mahomes stated the last game of his rookie year). This.
  8. I am simply pointing out that it’s really silly to diminish Allen’s accomplishment. And there are still 6 games left…If Allen averages 3 TDS a week he will hold the record even if you take away both Mahomes and Allens first season. So this narrative in here about Mahomes playing only 1 game in his rookie year is even more silly right now.
  9. Agree on needing consistency. However, I saw things yesterday that I have been screaming for Dorsey to do for over a year and that was very encouraging in having confidence that they can get some consistency back. One, we ran the most motion plays of the season and the motion had purpose. Orlovsky pointed out the James Cook TD pass for example, off the motion they see it’s man and with bunches on the right Josh gives 2 thumbs up indicating we are going with the play called in the huddle and Cook comes through across the bunches wide open for the easy TD throw. This is the kind of stuff that has been missing. Peppering in Allen runs as well made them need to account for that as well and creates more pressure on the D. Getting our play makers involved like Kincaid, Shakir, and RBs in the passing game was also refreshing. This next week will really tell us where we are at, but at least there is finally reason for optimism. But for the first time in a while we his team seemed to be having fun and enjoying football again too, and love to see that.
  10. Are we really having a convo about being worried that if we win we will keep McD? Lmao. Bills fans… This might be the most absurd thread of the season…and that’s saying a lot.
  11. Mahomes started with a HOF coach, HOF WR, HOF TE, pro bowl RB, and an excellent OL. For people to be in here trying to down play Allen accomplishing this when he started with Kelvin Benjamin and Clay has his WR1 and TE with a first time defensive HC on a roster being torn down and rebuilt is insane. How many TDs would Allen have if he started with multiple HOF players and coaches here in Buffalo? This need to diminish Allen by Bills fans is just crazy to me.
  12. Huh? What post did you read cuz this comment makes no sense what so ever to me. Where did I put down Mahomes? I didn’t put him down at all, all I pointed out is that Mahomes started off his career in a substantially better situation than Allen. Thats 100% indisputable and it was light years better situation than the rebuilding Bills were the first 2 years of Allen’s career. Those are just literal facts, not at all put downs of Mahomes. Literally and honestly have no idea how you took my post as a put down of Mahomes.
  13. Can’t believe no one mentioned Allen was mentored by Nathan Peterman and started his career with Kelvin Benjamin and Clay as his WR1 and TE. Mahomes got to start his career after sitting and learning from Alex Smith and was coached by Andy Reid and got to start with a great OL and have Tyreek Hill and Travis Kelce for weapons. The circumstances in which Allen got to start his career on a rebuilding team clearing cap space are not remotely the same as the luxury Mahomes did on a playoff ready team with elite weapons and coaching around him. And Mahomes started a game as a rookie. Allen setting the NFL record despite the dumpster fire he had to work with on a rebuilding franchise his first 2 seasons is quite remarkable.
  14. It wasn’t a brawl…it was some shouting in the tunnel.
  15. I should change this thread title to “this was an EXCELLENT week for Beane”. Rasul and Linval have been huge gets and I still think Fournette will help this team at some point this season too.
  16. I started calling for this a month ago… Been great watching Shakir just keep making plays, been high on him since before the draft.
  17. Yeah it takes 2 good WRs to make up for Jefferson which sucks
  18. I mean Devin was good here, had an excellent career YPC. Fans hated on him for no reason and wanted him gone.
  19. Exactly and I am stunned that this even has to be explained
  20. Yeah and Dan Orlovsky did multiple nice break downs actually of how Dorsey had motion without purpose. Which was a big issue in his eyes where we are motioning guys and then not using the information gained from the motion to attack the defense and would just simply run a play. And I think that was the heart of Dorsey's failures...he ran plays, not an offense. He was a first time OC...he entered the job without having a proven offensive scheme and design. It reminds me of writing a cookbook before you have cooked any of the recipes. Everything about our offense under Dorsey felt a lot more like a script than a fluid offense coaching, motioning, attacking, and adjusting to the defense in front of them. When Dorsey was asked why he wasn't going to the up tempo offense earlier and more often, his answer to why he switches to a slow it down style was to "not be predictable". Ironically, that might be the most predictable thing about him.
  21. I absolutely would have done it after the Giants game, but the nail in the coffin should have bene the Pats game when he for the 2nd week in a row ran Murray from shotgun on 3rd and goal inside the 1 and again lost yards and then we came away with no points on a failed 4th down attempt. We just QB sneak there we likely score as you got 2 tries at it. And we lost that game by one score...so that could have been the difference in the game. I would have relieved him of his play calling duties at half time then fired him the next day. I mean to do it 2 weeks in a row was mind blowing.
  22. All good, this is just where I think we see him through different lenses. I am not a McD apologist, and I do think that his job going into next season should be in question depending on how the rest of this season goes. But, also, I don't have this underlying disdain for him that other posters do and take things in through that lens. So I don't at all get these types of impressions from him and I watch just about every press conference and interview with him, other coaches, and our key players every week.
  23. I watched all the press conferences and interviews of McD (including this one), the players, Brady, Frazier, etc all season and especially the last few weeks and through Dorseys firing. And some things have really stood out for me and these are some of the impressions I cam away with: McD and the team want to see Josh use his legs more and the emphasis on the lack of running seems to be more Dorsey centric. McD and multiple people have alluded to getting his legs more involved and that threat for the defense to have to account for. They don't want him to take unnecessary damage, but the threat of him running is a huge part of what makes him special and they know that. Dorsey led offense just didn't have the same energy and fun which may have to do with the intensity and seriousness of Dorsey. Josh Allen has had the emotion coached out of him in an attempt to tame the turnovers and it has backfired. Josh himself has talked about this and everyone including McD has talked about getting that fire, intensity, and swagger back for Josh. McD wanted to be an aggressive offense, but Dorsey's attempt to fix the offense was to try and switch up from up tempo to slow it down football through out the games which just wasn't working. The offense had become predictable and wasn't putting our guys consistently in the best positions for success. I don't know if Joe Brady is the answer...but I am more than ever convinced he was 100% not the answer and the switch needed to be made. The last 6 weeks this offense has averaged more than 14 PPG less than it did the first 4 weeks. Thats an insane drop when there were no injuries involved and the change was inevitable. Personally, it should have happened sooner, but in season changes are tough decisions so I get the hesitation.
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