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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. You can't be serious. This is so out there I don't even know how to respond to it. Not trying to be rude, but its literally one of the most ridiculous premises have seen in a while.
  2. This isn't the same team that played the Bengals...lot has changed. That was a team with no offensive identity averaging 20.5 PPG over a 6 game stretch under an OC who was in over his head, not to mention before it added some reinforcements with Linval and Rasul on the D too.
  3. Fair...but, in all but the the Philly game, the only reason we were in a situation where our depleted defense had to hold at end of game or OT was because our offense had struggled. Not to mention, ST mistakes that cost us games or chances to win. If this offense under Brady the last 2 weeks had been in place all season, we would literally be 11-1 right now with the only loss being to the 9-1 Eagles when we played them. And even with the issues on D against Eagles in 2nd half, something as simple as making one of the 2 missed FG's and we still win that game. Or if Davis and Allen don't have the miscommunication. So while I get your concern, I feel like the offense we have now will get us into more situations where we are up multiple scores late and not be so reliant on one final defensive stop.
  4. While its certainly reasonable they could not go 5-0...you analogy here is just pretty ridiculous. They just destroyed the Jets for crying out loud in 3 quarters before they took the foot off the gas. We don't play Denver, we already played them and was the catalyst to fire Dorsey
  5. Don't disagree with any of this, I am just in the belief they will beat the Chiefs coming off a bye this week, Dallas is not the tough opponent being made out to be, LAC and NE are lower level teams than us, and Miami is a team we have proven to beat and also has a good chance to be resting their starters week 17. So, I don't see our schedule as daunting as others do right now and believe that in all 5 games, the Bills are entering that game as the better team.
  6. Cincy is not Cincy without Burrow though, so I would drop them down at least one, if not 2 tiers as I don't think they will even make the playoffs.
  7. I think its doable to get in 4-1, but will be tough and would obviously not be ideal way to try and get in for the reasons you mentioned. But again, I do think we are gonna win out and if we win out we are practically a lock at 11-6 to be in the playoffs.
  8. Bills win this week and there is a good chance they are already back in being favored to make the playoffs. Its not nearly as daunting the way your wrote it out. I do not expect Miami to lose 2 of their next 4, Bills will get in on a wildcard. Week 14 - We have guaranteed help with Bengals vs Colts & Jags vs Browns playing each other this week. Plus Broncos have to play Chargers this week and could lose that game. Week 15 - More guaranteed help with Steelers and Colts facing each other. Jaguars have to face Ravens, and if they don't have Trevor they will probably lose every game they don't have him as they are not that good of a team to win with CJ at QB. Broncos play the Lions and Lions will be favored in that one. Week 16 more guaranteed help as Cin and Pit play each other and Cle plays Hou. Week 17 no definite help, but some of those teams have tough matchups where they will be the underdog. Week 18 - Browns vs Bengals and Hou vs Indy are more definite help and Steelers face Ravens. So if the Bills win out, there are enough of those teams playing each other meaning for sure losses to teams around us, plus they also have some other tough games. I
  9. Im not looking at odds...I am just going game by game. I feel confident heading into the Chiefs game, and IMHO they are the hardest game on our schedule. Cowboys game is a mirage, they are not as good as they look against bad teams just like Miami. And I don't see LAC, Pats, or Miami as a threat with our offense playing at the level it has under Brady. So this is all assuming the offensive momentum continues as it is still just 2 games. But this weeks game will be a real test, easily the hardest defense still left on our schedule. Offense plays at a high level against KC and win that game, then we are beating Dallas by double digits the week after in Buffalo.
  10. I agree, I actually think it is going to be a Niners vs Bills Super Bowl, although I hate that matchup for us if that happens. I am not sure anyone is beating the Niners this year personally barring injuries.
  11. Haha...both I guess. Right now reminds me a LOT of the TB loss in 2021. While we lost the game, the adjustments we made at halftime, many of which were things we had been screaming for most the season like give Devin more carries, felt like a light bulb moment for this team and offense. The adjustments they made impacted the rest of the season and we went on a major run rest of year and tore up the playoffs until the 13 second fiasco. This moment right now feels a lot like that moment after TB, where the offense has its mojo now and is in position to carry this team and carry the defense if need be when it struggles. All season the defense despite its injuries and issues had done enough for us to win most games had the offense not been a shell of its potential. With this offense having its mojo and swagger back, it can help make up for any deficiencies the defense still has as long as it isn't a 2 game mirage. And after watching a lot of content on Brady and Dorsey offenses, this doesn't appear to me to be a mirage for the offense. I may be wrong on that, but I really think this offense will average over 30 for the rest of the season under Brady (currently avg 33 under Brady).
  12. People say that, but honestly, our defense has played well enough for this team to be at least 10-2 if not 11-1 right now had the offense not crapped the bed week 1 and for 6 straight weeks under Dorsey. Had our offense played like it has under the first 2 weeks of Brady, we would actually be 11-1 right now with the only loss being Philly since we did lose that one with our offense playing well. D has its issues, but our record is a reflection of our offense. Our low scoring offense 20.5 ppg for 6 weeks against bad competition put our defense in positions at ends of games that they shouldn't have been in had we just scored points like this team should have been scoring. Those 1 score losses should have been multiple score leads by end of the game.
  13. Yeah, the Dorsey not getting canned sooner really put the Bills into a hole where there is very little room for error. Funny, the best thing to happen to this team was the 12 personnel on the field blunder that cost us the Denver game. Had that not happened and we win on a missed FG by Denver, I am not convinced we still fire Dorsey the next day and had they not, there is probably no chance this team would have still made the playoffs had Dorsey finished the season here. And I could be wrong about Brady and this offense continuing to roll, but I have watched as much as I can on the differences and to me this is no fluke, this feels like the offense really is in a better position to most often play closer to its best. Under Dorsey, unless things just went totally perfect, the offense just wasn't capable of consistency. Since Brady, this offense looks like it has that fight it used to have, where it can make a mistake but come back punching and atone for it. Under Dorsey, every mistake felt like something difficult for the offense to over come or bounce back from. Personally I think its VERY unlikely we have a shot to win our division. I don't see Miami losing 2 of their next 4.
  14. I get what you are saying, but I just don't think the Chiefs can offensively keep up with the Bills right now leaning on Pacheco. It won't be a gimme game by any means, and Chiefs D has saved their season no doubt, but the way our offense is playing, coming off a bye with more time to give Brady to install more tweaks and wrinkles, I just think it will be a game where Chiefs won't keep up. Chiefs D is banged up and Bills know this is a must win game, this is essentially as close to a playoff game as it gets in the regular season for the Bills too. And remember, when Pacheco helped against the Jets the Chiefs were facing Zack Wilson on the other side of the ball, not Josh Allen.
  15. Jets run D has not been great this year, and I am not too worried about Pacheco. Bills will put up 28+ and that will be more than KC puts up on us. KC is also banged coming out of the GB game too.
  16. Bills are going to make the playoffs, and I actually believe like I did in 2021 when we were 6 games out that we are going to probably win out. I know this will be split between the over optimistic crowd and the overly negative crowd, but I am not saying this to just say it. In 2021 I thought the Bills figured something out in the 2nd half of the Bucs game and I started a thread saying we would win out and they did. This year, not saying it out of blind homerism, but I really do think this team is about to finish the season strong and likely win out and make the playoffs because I am fully convinced that this offense under Brady is not just a 2 game fling and is going to continue down the stretch. Ive been watching a lot of content on the Dorsey offense vs the differences in the Brady led offense, and its remarkable Dorsey kept his job as long as he did. This offense IMHO has turned a corner that will stay the rest of the season. Its now coming off a bye week to get even more settled into what Brady wants to do and tweaks and wrinkles they want to install. So lets look at what is in store and why I feel this team is about to cook the next 5 weeks and enter the playoffs as maybe the hottest team in the AFC: KC - Coming off a loss and an offense with no identity anymore. The personnel grouping there is shockingly bad and this offense can no longer keep up with high powered offenses. The thing that has saved KC this year has been the much improved defense, but that defense just got cooked by GB and took some injuries in that game too. I think the Bills coming in off a bye, KC in an offensive rut, Rasul and Linval now more comfortable in our defense, and this just feels like a game the Bills win and probably win decisively. DAL - They are the Dolphins of the NFC - They struggle against the better teams in the league while boosting stats on bad teams. Their "DPOY" just got torched by Seattle along with their whole defense, and that offense in Seattle is mediocre at best. Dak on the road in Buffalo is a recipe for a down game. I think because of Buffalos 6-6 record and early season offensive struggles that people see this game as more dangerous than it really is. I actually think we are going to beat the Cowboys handedly. Wouldn't surprise me if it looks a lot like what the Niners did to Dallas. LAC - Allen and this offense will drop over 40 on that defense, especially without Bosa. Herbert and that offense can score too, and this might be a high scoring game, but Staley and the LAC are the best in the NFL at losing games, so even if they put a lot of points up I still think the Bills win by 2 scores. NE - Its New England - we arent losing to them twice. Bottom 3 team in the NFL right now without question. MIAMI - With Trevors ankle injury, and KC losing to GB and probably losing to us this week, the #1 seed could very well be locked down for Miami by week 17 and they would rest their starters for all or part of the game. Either way, I do not expect Miami to have much to play for and we probably don't see their starters for more than a half. BUT even if they do need to win and play the whole game, we always cook the Fish, so a dub either way in my eyes. The key to beating Miami is take away Tuas first read and don't give up the big play, something the Bills have excelled at during the Tua-Hill era. I see 5 games, and I see 5 wins. Negative crowd is gonna flame away, just like they did in 2021. But I really do think this team is about to cook these last 5 weeks and that momentum will carry over into the post season where I don't see too much of a threat standing in the way to reach the AFCCG for the Bills. With the offense humming and the defense integrating so much needed veteran reinforcements in Rasul and Linval, I think we are poised to make a run here. I think 5-0 is quite possible, but even 4-1 may get the job done of getting in.
  17. All anyone needs to focus on is beat the Chiefs. We can't take another AFC loss, we are already in very bad shape as it is with tie breakers, so we can't both take another loss and have it be an AFC team. That being said, I am confident we will beat the Chiefs, they will not be able to keep up with us scoring wise.
  18. I swear, its like there are people here who don't watch football or the games. So you are unhappy that Bills drafted Milano (undersized LB) and Bernard (maybe our best defensive player on the season thus far and also undersized LB)? Landing an all pro LB in Milano in the 5th round and then landing Bernard in the 3rd is an issue for you? You are equally upset with finding quality cornerbacks who are good enough to start in the NFL late in drafts too like Benford and Dane is also an issue for you? Literally this is one of the most ridiculous posts I have ever seen. Hey, lets stop drafting all-pros, potential pro-bowlers, and quality depth and starters late in drafts so we can draft a bunch of offensive guys that likely don't make the team. And then the irony is in a thread where you literally said to stop drafting defense basically you also say we need to replace Jones (who was playing as one of the best DT's in the NFL this year prior to getting hurt) and Milano (an all pro MLB whose injury is expected to be a full recovery). So with no money to spend, where are the Bills getting those "replacements" if you don't want them drafting them? LOL, this thread really makes no sense what so ever.
  19. Yeah cuz that’s all him right lol 🙄
  20. lol, you think I care enough about this topic to go find specific plays over 3/4 of a season and post them here to counter peoples over the top negativity? Yeah, hard pass lol
  21. What do you mean without actual success? Bills have the best record in the NFL since 2020 coming into this season, 2nd only to KC I think by like 1 game. Allen wins, and he wins a lot. He was the best player on the field in the playoffs for 2 weeks in 2021 but the team let him down. He was so good the NFL changed a rule because of him. He holds multiple records already in regular season and playoffs. He has twice as many TD's (20) as Burrow (10) in the post season despite only 1 more game played. Sorry, to say he does it without actual success is just false.
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