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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Maybe, but that was on another level of terrible. So bad that two other teams signed him and released in like 10 days last season as well. Actually, I'm surprised KC is giving him another shot this season. I expect him out of the league for good in a matter of weeks / months.
  2. I've found women in the 30's and early 40's are way hornier than women in their early 20's. I've also outgrown the dumbness of early 20s girls, they really annoy me most of the time. However, they are definitely at their peak of hotness. I'm a late 20's early 30's man, probably because i'm an early 30's man myself I guess!
  3. I think it's funny. It's all in how you say it and the look on your face. If your dead serious and staring the dude down, yeah you may be asking for trouble. But if you say it with a little smirk on your face, I'm sure it's fine. Besides he's only 6'3" 300lbs, what could he have really done to you and your 5'8" frame?
  4. I wish someone would have informed Kane of this before this week.
  5. I'd really like to see this list. I'm completely oblivious to these things you're referring to and I follow basketball pretty closely.
  6. Even in his worst mistake, in my opinion the announcement, he donated all $2.5M generated from that stupid special to the Boys and Girls Club. You're right though, by all accounts I've seen he's a tremendous family man and that's gotta be priority number 1. Married high school sweetheart, never a whisper of indiscretions that I've heard, always posting vids and pics of him with his kids, etc. I hated his move to Miami and how it was done as much as anyone, but people do change, people do grow up.
  7. You could probably go even further. Perhaps Duncan has lasted so long because Pops has been known to rest him when he feels it necessary. Perhaps Leonard was drafted specifically because of what they saw in his work ethic, intelligence, and mold-ability into the "Spurs" way. Maybe they hit on so many international players because they know exactly what they are looking for in players? To me, this screams of an institutional philosophy over luck. Pops can spot em, Pops can mold em, Pops can coach em. I'm actually convincing myself right now that it is all him! Robinson's injuries in the 96-97 season may have been the most fortuitous injuries in sports history! I was thinking that exact same thing earlier!
  8. When you command brain washed cult followers to kill people, you've killed them. That's like saying people who shoot someone don't kill people, the guns did. Come on, you're better than that aren't you? He was convicted of murder after all.
  9. I appreciate your suggestions, but I don't take them unless I solicit them either.
  10. Yeah because a cult-leading serial killer is the same thing as a professional athlete who made 1 mistake in his entire career and has donated millions upon millions of dollars to various causes. I suggest you read up on LeBrons philanthropy efforts. Ugh.
  11. I was trying to say the Heat could have easily made it back to the finals if they got the Big 3 back. If they added one more impact player they could beat the Spurs as well. Also, I was trying to say that the Spurs have a tough road to even make it back to the finals in the West. I also feel that the Heat would have beat any other Western Conference team this season, they just matched up horribly with the Spurs. Make more sense?
  12. The Cavs reported that they did not know of the decision before it was posted on SI like everyone else. This leads me to believe that there is no reason for LeBron to believe that Wiggins is out, I just don't think he really knows him at all so he didn't mention him. If the Cavs didn't know he was coming then I would think they wouldn't have said we have a trade in place to move Wiggins if we get you. This is further shown by ESPN reporting the first offer for Love is first rounder and Bennett. If the deal was already made there wouldn't be an initial offer, right? Now, they may have to include Wiggins to get Love (which seems to be who they are heavily after), but I think they will try to keep him as best they can and run a lineup of Wiggins, Love, LeBron, Irving and (hell who cares, they could run me out there with that group and win). Love also saying that he's willing to sign long term with the Cavs if traded. I know LeBron loves Varejao and always has, but he's got the big cap number that needs to go to bring in Love. Can't see him staying if Love comes in.
  13. But the Spurs went from David Robinson straight to Tim Duncan in this run, so I would include them in your second sentence as well. No way they win any titles without those two HoFers in this time frame. And by all accounts Kawhi Leonard is rapidly developing the physical and leadership skills to potentially carry the torch when Timmy is done. Pops is a flat out basketball genius. Maybe he's the true "superstar" of the Spurs?
  14. Seriously? One of the top 5 sports figures in the world chooses to go to a small market team (very similar to our market and city) and you call this an unimportant sport topic? Crazy. If he wins a Championship there, this will be part of one of the best, most intriguing sports stories of all time. If you don't like basketball that's fine, but let's not be so oblivious to the impact of this.
  15. No love for calling that in the third post of the thread huh?
  16. No, they only played the Spurs twice in the finals. They played the Mavs, then OKC, then the Spurs twice. Edit: On second thought though, he could have been referring to the Cavs loss to the Spurs. In that case I apologize for calling him out.
  17. Wow, you guys must really not follow basketball at all huh? The Heat beat the Spurs just one season prior and all of the sudden the Spurs were completely unbeatable by an intact Heat team? Come on. If they were able to add one more piece this year they would have been right back at it in the finals, while the Spurs have a pretty good chance of not making the finals in that conference. Spurs were really the only team that matched up well against the Heat to be able to do that to them. But those "old" guys would just be another year older next year. Also, they didn't face the Spurs 3 times, the lost to the Dallas Mavericks the first year. Guess those Texan teams with hall of fame 7 footers can get confusing though. Edit: Re-reading this I think you're referring to the Cavs v Spurs as the third. Sorry for the misread.
  18. He's too ingrained in that town for me to ever believe he will leave. He already gets huge endorsements, he will be able to get the biggest deal from OKC as a resignee (assuming the CBA doesn't change too much)...I just don't see it. Westbrook leaving could be the best thing for that team.
  19. I used to love Jack Ass when I was in college. It spun off that show Wildboyz with Steve-O and Pontius that I thought was pretty damn funny at the time. Those two were completely and utterly insane.
  20. NBA teams are built in FA, not the draft for the most part. He's smart enough to know that! This is not the NFL.
  21. I don't see a plan B, but I certainly don't have the basketball acumen and influence of Riley. He is not the type to be caught with his pants down and I just can't believe he only planned on having LeBron / Bosh / and Wade back. Again, I'm not saying they'll be a contender, just a playoff caliber team in the widely accepted weak East. Napier could be a steal, Monroe could bail on Detroit, Pau hasn't really been linked to that many teams with any certainty as of yet and neither has Stephenson. Eric Bledsoe is still out there as well (although also a PG like Napier), Deng still has some gas in the tank, Ariza has already met with Riley. Get any two of those guys with Wade and you can field a decent team.
  22. If you don't think Riley has a plan B then I think you are sorely mistaken. The guy is one of, if not the best executive in the league right now. He isn't going to just tuck tail and throw the season away. I suspect he'll do something meaningful and they will be a playoff caliber team next year in the East. A title contender, no. IMO.
  23. It's basically the exact same character in appearance, voice, influence (who Judge based them off of), and personality. Basically the only difference is the name. Technically not a spin-off, but in reality it's exactly what it is.
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