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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Well, you got your wish. His last joke had me absolutely dying. Wish they would just make a sitcom with 3 or 4 of these people and let them write their own jokes into it. It would be infinitely funnier than 95% of the sitcoms on right now.
  2. I often get discouraged by things that go on in America. In politics, in cities, in schools, in a lot of walks of life. Then I see something like this happen, or what's going on in Israel, or innumerable other areas of the globe and I think to myself, damn, things are pretty darn good here. We don't have to worry about so many things that others have to battle with on a constant daily basis. Whether it be war, starvation, disease, poverty, terrorism, or whatever. We are truly fortunate. Thanks to all who keep our country safe.
  3. Just watched episode 3. Now we're getting somewhere!
  4. If it's the whole line the Bills will be up at the top with anyone. If it's just a duo, then I just don't know how much I think Hughes will be able to repeat (or more importantly improve) on his magic from last season. Hope so.
  5. Was going going to say the same thing. This is the first time I noticed it was he who was tackled and then came all the way back to within 5 yards of the guy. Great hustle.
  6. Motivation / Drive / Work Ethic are widely considered traits that cannot be trained or learned, at least not easily. No way he ever suddenly "gets it" and is able to achieve even close to what his potential may have been. Not shocking that no NFL team is giving him a legit shot.
  7. I'm thinking only a few were of the $100 variety and most were for some candy.
  8. Stephenson to Charlotte. As a Pacers fan I say good riddance. So sick of this dudes antics, his extremely sloppy and out of control play, and his inexplicable turnovers. The other players on the team clearly did not gel with this guy and I feel that this is truly an addition by subtraction sort of scenario for the Pacers. He definitely had his moments / games that were extraordinary though and production will need to be replaced. Next man up!
  9. A B League that would allow anyone over 18 to play? Then the guys that don't really want to go to college (and therefore don't really go or take joke classes) can pursue their dreams at a lower skill level to start, potentially.
  10. I think you are confusing swag with WAG.
  11. I was surprised it beat it by that much as well.
  12. Stephen A. Smith should not be considered a reliable source on anything. He will say anything and everything to garner extra attention. He's a complete moron and an embarrassment to the profession. Correct that, he acts and reports like a complete moron, I'm sure he's actually a very intelligent man.
  13. What's really funny is they probably did do something like that! With Kim Jong-un scoring all 4 goals.
  14. That's why I put the adverb "additionally" in there! Just looked up the Basketball game, it was an 8.2, much lower than the World Cup game.
  15. A valid point, those would be can't miss games if they were one game series or every 4 years for me at least. But I'm curious as to how this compared to the Olympic Gold medal game for hockey, the Gold medal game for Basketball, and the World Baseball Classic Championship game (I think it was just a one game final but can't remember for sure). Those are the premiere international competitions for those sports and each occur every 4 years. I'm guessing that the World Cup blew them all out of the water. Additionally, we can't even compare the ratings on a worldwide scale. The soccer would crush everything including the Superbowl. I would also guess that many other soccer competitions would do the same including Euro Cup, Champions League Final (every year), FA Cup Final, Copa del Ray Final and probably some others would demolish the ratings of everything worldwide except the Super Bowl (besides Euro and Champions League, they'd beat out Super Bowl too). Too lazy to look this all up though now.
  16. Nope, just a facts, logic, and objectivity fan. (Unless it's the Bills and Sabres)
  17. Also an excellent one, lots of sediment though (if it's the Ommegang I'm thinking of). Usually pick up the big bottle of it when I get it and I can't drink the last ounce or so of it! Whatever, it's so good so who cares.
  18. Not anymore. Moved to crappy NJ in 2006 after bought by Anheuser-Busch. Was buy one get one recently at Consumer's. Very, very good stuff. Personally, I don't really discriminate, I like pretty much all of them. If I'm in it for a long haul I go Bud Light though. Just very easy to drink a lot of it. Otherwise I like pretty much anything but sours and bitters. Tend to stay away from stouts as well, unless its the occasional Guinness. Favorite types are IPAs, Brown Ales, Lagers.
  19. I somehow, amazingly, avoided hearing any news of the game until I got home last night after 8 and was able to watch the whole thing unspoiled on DVR. A minor miracle in this day and age in itself. I'm sure it would have been a different story had the US been in it though! I thought it was a great game as well. Both teams had plenty of chances to score throughout but miss touches here, great defenses there, missed shots the next time, and quality saves by the goaltenders when needed. I think both teams played exactly how they wanted to play and neither one played better than the other. Germany just got the fantastic finish on their goal to win it. I'm just really glad that it didn't go to PKs. I truly hate how a World Championship can be determined by PKs. As mentioned before, I too am shocked about FIFA's lack of medical competence when it comes to concussions. This was at least the 3rd time that a guy was clearly knocked out and put back in to the game just minutes later. The last two times it happened the guys got knocked out, got up, and went back down to the ground after stumbling a bit. Obviously substantial concussions that any person with any sense could see. The second last time the guy was even out cold for a considerable period of time on the pitch! I mean, holy crap. How can their trainers respectfully call themselves members of the medical community and allow these guys back on the pitch? Does someone actually have to die in a game for things to change? This is absolutely absurd to me. Insane.
  20. The first time he left was after the Conference Finals loss to Boston after he (and the Cavs) were booed off the court after getting spanked at home in game 5 to go down 3-2. In fact, there were 3 additional seasons in Cleveland after that first Spurs loss. But I guess Kermit doesn't care about facts either!
  21. Exactly again! Not sure what's so hard for peeps to understand about this. There are basically NO main public universities in the state's largest cities. Illinois, Penn State, Florida State, Florida, Texas, Oregon, Wisconsin, Kansas, Mizzou...on and on and on. I sometimes feel that the people who are obsessed with NYC are just the other New Yorkers!
  22. Yes, he would have been a perfect fit there.
  23. It's more because of the CBA expiring in two years than anything.
  24. Just coinciding with the end of the current CBA. Not surprising at all.
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