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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Yeah, I agree. It's a mutation and I would suspect that when you find one it is much easier to find more in the immediate vicinity because of the shared genetic pool in that area. I don't really know much about it though and am just making a reasonable assumption.
  2. Well, he was certainly living the High Life that day.
  3. I think the people voted for Joe thinking that others wouldn't vote for him. That way, when a different comic received more votes they wouldn't be able to vote for them to do the head-to-head since they voted for Joe. Unfortunately, too many people thought that way and it backfired on two of them! I thought Joe's set was pretty weak this week, but Karlous was so unprepared and unfunny that it didn't even matter, he still killed him easily. Hopefully Joe has more left in the tank for the final, but having watched a lot of his videos on Youtube I already see most of his material repeating and am a bit worried that he's used up most of his good stuff just to make it this far. We'll see. On a final note, glad Nikki won this week, from what they showed she definitely was the best at the Roast. Yeah, can't believe he didn't make it further from the get go. Great stuff and delivery.
  4. Who's gonna rock this for the Holiday season? So ugly, but still kind of awesome. http://www.fanatics.com/NFL_Buffalo_Bills_Mens_Sweatshirts_And_Fleece/Buffalo_Bills_Wordmark_Ugly_Sweater
  5. Brown's a good one, also Moeaki potentially. Aaron Williams for question #2.
  6. In his defense, I don't think he ever said anything bad against Watkins, he was just saying that we needed another, bigger receiver on top of Watkins. Most of us disagree and felt our other picks were better utilized elsewhere. My issue with him was how he claimed that Dareus and Williams were potentially on their way to jail which was a ludicrous statement at the time (and still is). In addition, his claims that it's easier for Manuel (who he stated was an inaccurate passer, which has merit at this point) to throw to a receiver who can jump over CBs than it is for him to throw to WRs that can run routes and create separation from DBs, not just jump higher than them. He simply refused to grasp the concept that you need to be an extremely accurate passer to throw balls in a spot where only a big receiver can get them over a DB. That is, unless you are throwing to Megatron, or AJ Green type of receiver which none of those guys are, clearly. On the flip side, throwing to an open receiver allows you much more leeway in your accuracy as the DB is not in the WRs hip pocket as much. Then he would respond with completely off the wall points that made little to no sense (to me at least).
  7. Didn't you know, Sal has ESP! And, OP, if the franchise is so dysfunctional how did he make in excess of $1B from it as you so thoughtfully pointed out? Go back to Vegas.
  8. Thanks. That game was quite a back and forth battle. In all fairness though, I don't know how much I would have used Spiller on my own. The league was a "sim" style league where we were required to have balanced play calling. Mix of run / pass on O and man / zone on D. Much more fun than playing cheesers who just do the same thing every play. I used the Elgato Game Capture HD, worked very well and was very easy to edit with their software. I have sold it though since I'm One now and it allows you to use Twitch to broadcast and record games (haven't really used it yet though, but will be using it for the new Madden as my league may be requiring games to be broadcast).
  9. This a moot point. EJ is the man and we're going to the playoffs this year. Book it. Oh, and any and all talk of Tuel becoming a franchise QB is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read.
  10. Offensive lineman shouldn't even count though. They are a dime a dozen in Madden. Now, if they would have had Evans ahead of him, then you would have some gripes.
  11. Reflect on the statement I quoted in that post. So harsh that they are dropping the charges all together? Your armchair legal expertise is amusing and all, but you can't debate with someone who is so obdurate. Especially one so deficient in reading comprehension. And I'm done with you. "Alabama felony drug laws are notoriously harsh. In some cases sentencing outweighs those of murder convictions."
  12. The key is to point the arrow directional down as low as you can. Also, the last two Maddens have had the wind indicator be exactly the opposite of what the wind is actually doing for some reason. With a decent kicker with a strong leg (and Hopkins is pretty good kick power wise) I can regularly hit 60+ kicks.
  13. Ha! I actually tried to slide there (or maybe dive out of bounds I can't remember) but sometimes it just doesn't work properly, they fumble it quite often when you dive and I never try to do it. The best video is this one, it's the complete game (just edited). Seahawks and I were the Super Bowl matchup the year before but the game glitched and we were never able to play it. We were probably the best two players in the league and it was a great game if you have some time to watch it. Dude, #12? Really? Not cool, not cool at all. But nice grabs!
  14. Remember this little back and forth #34fan where you expertly claimed Dareus would be facing harsh penalties in Alabama and I told you were crazy and he would see no jail time? Guess what? Charges expected to be dropped in exchange for Dareus entering the NFL Substance Abuse program. You are clueless as to how the legal system actually works. http://sports.yahoo....-120251190.html
  15. Just never saw the appeal of MUT. Tried to get in to it in M13, but it got old really quick to me. Personally, I wish they would just scrap it and focus on better franchise modes (like having random name generation for the draft classes and story lines so people can't create draft guides that ruin online leagues). It's better than any rookie receiver from last season's Madden. I can't remember what AJ and Julio were like in their rookie years, I'm sure they were both pretty similar to this. "What's my punting?" Classic.
  16. Yeah, I have done this for Madden 13 and Madden 25. Have signed up for another one in M15. The Bills were a very good team to start with last season and I expect them to be even better this year. Young players with a lot of upside to develop. Madden13 was rougher because of Fitzy but I was able to draft a very good QB in the first off season and was fine after that. The key is to find a good league to play in and one that has good sim style rules. My leagues have gone anywhere from 4 to 8 seasons through the course of the year and I love trading / FA / drafting with other people. The computer is just so bad at it that it is not any fun to do it by yourself, way too easy. Here's a video of me smoking the Pats in Week 1 last year in my league. Also a lot of videos from Madden 13 using the Bills in a 32 person league on my channel too.
  17. Speed is the most overrated attribute in Madden. Guys with high 90s speed get caught by guys with low 90s even high 80s speed all the time. Agility and Acceleration kill. Watkins is going to be a beast in franchise mode (especially after one year of development). And additionally for Defense Hit Power kills.
  18. I don't know, the third and fourth episodes were much better than the first two. I like it and will continue watching it. Oh, and I hated Lost.
  19. Time to replace the 13.1 sticker with family stick figures.
  20. Dodgers was because of a terrible divorce. They just signed a $7B tv contract. The Rangers just signed a $3B tv contract. When the Cubs current deal expires in 2019, their's will be the biggest ever (especially since they are primed to be a very good team by then). The Cubs filed bankruptcy because of the Chicago Tribune and the LA Times tanking, not because the Cubs weren't making money. The Rangers owner was a complete idiot (see Rodriguez contract) and couldn't hold on to numerous teams...Dallas Stars, Liverpool, Corinthians. Mis-management is completely different than struggling support. Also, attendance numbers are up all over the country.
  21. Not to mention the people that complain about the "No Fun League" and the rule changes regarding celebrations. I ask those people this. What do you think would happen in baseball if a guy hit a home run and then did a dance after crossing home plate? Next at bat a 95mph fastball thrown at his head. Or if a pitcher strikes someone out and does the Jarred Allen butter churning thing? Someone else on his team is getting a 95mph fastball in the back. What do you think would happen in hockey if a guy scored a goal and started moon walking (impressive on skates i'm sure) after? Or a guy makes a big hit and then does the Clay Matthews celebration after? Next shift, out come the goons and he gets jumped and beat up. The NFL is by far the most lenient when it comes to celebrations whether it be by rule or by self-policing.
  22. Most rule changes are for the safety of the players. How can you argue with that? Season extension at the expense of a shorter pre-season schedule. How can you argue with that? Pro-Bowl has been unwatchable for, well forever. How can you get mad at the guy for trying different things to make it relevant? Kickoff elimination is a safety concern as well. The game is in the best shape it has ever been (including a salary cap that allows small market teams compete with the bottomless pockets of the big boys), I don't see what you have to complain about. I think you need to take a look at the recent baseball tv contracts (Dodgers, Rangers, Angels, Phillies, etc.) and tell me how much you think baseball is struggling. For example, the Dodgers is worth $250M per season just for the right to their games to be televised locally. That doesn't include national contracts, merchandising, tickets, parking, and concession revenues. I think baseball is doing OK.
  23. Agreed, GB better beat NYJ and they should beat NE at home.
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