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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Thank you. Unfortunately, I don't think neither the OP nor 95% of the people on this board will read it and understand what it is saying. You see, it contains a lot of words and you have to read it a little slow and actually think about it to understand it. Which, in a nutshell, is where the problem lies.
  2. She spit on him, she tried to upper cut him but missed, he hit her and this knocked her over, she hit her head on a railing in the elevator and got knocked the F out. That is what was reported that I saw. I think you are the one missing the point. The point is, he doesn't have to make such "sports nonsense." He is smart enough to be a much more effective host / panelist / journalist / media type but he chooses to create a character (yes, he created a character and is 100% acting, that's all he is doing) instead just to garner attention and ratings. If he embraced his true self, I venture to say that his popularity and ratings would be much higher. He is no different than Rush Limbaugh in the political world in my opinion. Loud, obnoxious, distorter of facts, creating controversy so people will think "what will he do next" and tune in. It's a very, very tired act.
  3. Revis is not the same corner anymore man, 3 years ago, sure, but not anymore. Sherman is a zone coverage corner in a great system surrounded by elite talent. Talib is a heavy contact press type corner who is going to be in for a rude awakening (along withe Sherman and company on the Seahawks) with the re-emphasis on calling illegal contact this year. I would take Peterson over all 3 any day of the week right now. Also, I'm pretty sure that I read on an ESPN ticker (perhaps NFLN) that Peterson was not going to be involved in the kicking game or offense at all this season.
  4. "All obstructions to the execution of the laws, all combinations and associations, under whatever plausible character, with the real design to direct, control, counteract, or awe the regular deliberation and action of the constituted authorities, are destructive of this fundamental principle, and of fatal tendency. They serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels and modified by mutual interests. However combinations or associations of the above description may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion." -George Washington on Political Parties
  5. I think this clip actually proves the exact opposite. It proves what many of us have suspected and / or known for a while; that he's an extremely intelligent, thought provoking, inspired speaker who can very eloquently give his opinions in a professional and quite impressive manner....when he wants to. The vast majority of the time, well over 95% of the time, he is just loudly and offensively (not in content but in delivery) spewing non-sense with no other purpose than to come off controversial (along with his partner in crime on First Take) to garner attention, and ratings. As this clip shows, he could be such a better media personality with some real substance to offer if he wanted to, instead, he chooses to be a "blowhard" idiot yes man who gives in to ESPN demands at a drop of a hat and doesn't even defend himself when he didn't even do anything wrong. I had little respect for him before this incident, after his apology I now have no respect for him.
  6. Now if this isn't the best example of the pot calling the kettle black that I have ever seen on this site...You sir, are out of your mind.
  7. I'm pretty neutral on Tom Petty, but everyone I know that has seen him live says they loved it. They say that he doesn't mess around and plays basically ALL of his hits, every time. He doesn't try to force his latest release down your throat but plays what the people want. I can, at the very least, respect that aspect of him.
  8. Employers have the right to drug test and either not hire or fire someone for failed marijuana drug tests in Colorado even though it's legal. Just the same as alcohol.
  9. Rule number 1 of gun safety: Never point a gun at someone or in their general direction unless you plan on using it. This is true whether you think / know the gun is unloaded or not. One mistake, one round left in the chamber accidentally, one spook on the trigger finger and someone could have died. He is an idiot and if I were part of the gun community I would hate someone like this giving us a bad name / rep and doing way more harm than good for the point he was trying to prove.
  10. I look at it this way and somewhat agree with what Firechan and Stephen A. Smith said. As a man, I know that there are others out there who are bigger and stronger than I am and I should not provoke those people as I may get my a$$ beat if I cross the line with them. It could be saying something wrong to them, hitting them, spitting on them (which I believe is part of what happened in Ray's case). If I do cross the line, I could fully expect to pay for it and it is partly my fault (even if I didn't physically do anything to that person). I think Stephen A. was trying to say something similar. I've seen women INTENTIONALLY provoking men through slapping them, through words, through kicking them, through spitting on them, through various mediums. Now, should a man react to this and hit her back, no (unless he is in real physical danger or someone he knows and loves is in real physical danger), but some of them do. And in these instances I do agree that the woman in PARTLY to blame for this, however small that blame may be. You should not antagonize someone who is physically superior to you to the point of them reacting physically. Man or Woman.
  11. Agree: Peterson is the best all around corner in the league. Agree: Gilmore is not even close to as good as Peterson is (and I don't believe he ever will be, even though he could be very good). Disagree: Best player in 2011 draft. A ton of excellent players in that draft. Any of the top 7, Watt, Quinn, Sherman, Cameron Jordan. That draft was stacked with top tier talent. Maybe though.
  12. Yeah, but Gordon is a repeat offender, wasn't Sherman a first timer? I think that makes a big difference. That coupled with his recent DUI arrest, I find it hard to believe that he'll play this year. Maybe though, those test seem suspect if they can yield a passing and failing test with the same sample.
  13. On a side note, chicken farms are the most disgusting things I have ever stepped in to. The smell is unbearable, they poop all over each other, it's pretty horrible. But chicken parm is delicious.
  14. I don't know, I've certainly known a lot of butt sniffers in the corporate world.
  15. Hum, your name is not quite as easy to decrypt.
  16. Longest: Jethro Tull: Thick as a Brick Part I: 22:40 and well worth it. Especially up to 3:02 and after 16:18. Shortest: Beatles: Her Majesty: 0:26 and begging for more as that was the End.
  17. Yeah dude, I dug into the old year book and it was pretty easy to figure out who you are. That is if your name is your first initial followed by the first three of your last name and an S. Name and face are definitely familiar and I'm sure we partied at some point back then. Glad I didn't vote yes to boot ya!
  18. Yeah, I stopped buying margarine years ago. It is very nasty stuff.
  19. Crow's Nest in Getzville (Dodge and Campbell - close to Exit 3 on 990) has an amazing Fish Fry. It's packed every Friday all year round.
  20. I like to do it this way: Percent chance of winning each game, add them up and have a record at the end. Here's my go: @Chicago - 40% Miami - 75% SD - 65% @HOU - 60% @Det - 40% NE - 50% Minn - 70% @NYJ - 55% KC - 65% @Mia - 60% NYJ - 70% Cle - 65% @Den - 10% GB - 30% @Oak - 60% @NE - 15% That gives us 8.3 Wins. Seems pretty close to me.
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