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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Very close family member who has been dealing with it for over 20 years. Can be quite brutal at times. There are times when they don't even leave the bedroom for days at a time. It is no fun for everyone involved.
  2. Everything is Awesome. Everything is cool when you're part of the team.
  3. Yes, you are example number 1 of the ridiculous. Congratulations. And the fact that you post anything regarding QBs anymore is the most laughable of all. But I guess if you proclaim every back-up in the league and every QB coming out of college the next big thing you are bound to hit on it eventually. Blind squirrel / acorn and all. At least I, and most reasonable people here, are willing to give the kid a fair shake before we proclaim him the next in a long line of failures.
  4. Some of those are surprisingly very disappointing. You can go on virtually any beach in Brazil and easily find replacements for over half of those chicks.
  5. There are so many posters on this board who are going to look absolutely ridiculous when EJ has a good year and turns out to be a pretty darn good QB. The fact that so many rush to judgement based on 1/2 a season last year (which he was actually pretty good in considering he was a rookie, our OLine sucked, rookie HC and OC, lost significant development time to injury) and 2 drives during the pre-season is so laughable to me that I can't even describe it.
  6. And Brent Musburger wants to %fiance. I love it, unlimited possibilities.
  7. I understand what the OP is saying and agree with him completely. They are not going to throw away this season by playing EJ because he was a first round pick or trading CJ because they think he may be gone after this year. They are playing EJ because he is our best option (in their opinions which I agree with) either on the team or available at QB elsewhere and they are not trading CJ because we want to win now!
  8. I absolutely love this: NSFW! http://youtu.be/66KxN3DFW64
  9. Yeah, and didn't they go way over budget and over deadline for completion on it as well? Not to mention the shabby work where part of the ceiling collapsed and killed someone. This, however, would be a much smaller stretch tunnel though. So at least there is that.
  10. Yeah because our first team defense dominating them on two drives and then the Giants running all over our second and third string guys with their entire first team offense still out there is a real indication of what our rush defense will look like this year. This board has become unreadable over the last week. Unbelievable.
  11. It looks like, from the video, that you screw the set on to the hose, fill it up, shake them off. Then unscrew that part from the hose and re-screw in the next set. Each set seems to come with their own screw on piece, hoses to each balloon, and the balloons themselves. While this is obviously very fast and seemingly easy, I'm sure it's way more expensive than buying the regular balloons, but quite possibly well worth it.
  12. I don't know, I thought Nikki was funny the last two episodes. I also thought Rocky's set was also pretty good this time. I really couldn't decide who I thought should have been eliminated this time based on those sets. But based on the overall show, I'm glad it was Rocky and I'll be glad when it's Nikki next time. If she beats out any of the other 3 next go around I'll be very disappointed.
  13. Well, I just lost all and any respect for Buffalo Barbarian. But then again, didn't he start the old trade Mario for Skelton thread? So there wasn't much to begin with.
  14. Does a punk cover count? Sublime covering Bad Religion can never be a bad thing.
  15. Not exactly, they settled out of court. But I suspect they would have won or the NFL / Seahawks would have battled. Of course it does. That's the law, and the law in our country (relating to business especially) comes down to greed and protecting rich people / corporations. If you don't like it, write your representatives, research and care about who you vote for, and influence others around you to do the same.
  16. The point is that they are protecting their trademark. In trademark law, the more you allow it to be used, the more likely that eventually the trademark can fall into the public domain standard, thus invalidating your trademark. If you allow this one, then the next one, then the next one after that, you are starting down the path to losing it. The safest course of action is to protect it always for the holder. You are correct, I mistakenly relied on another posters quote in my assertion of 1922. However, the Trademark office found their use of the phrase so set in their history that they approved the Mark at that time for them alone. (Forcing the Bills and Bears to stop using it at that time). The Seahawks also had to pay $100,000k and $5k annually for it's use and are not allowed to use it on any merchandising (thus the stuff with only "12" on it). Don't you think that if the NFL thought it would win a case on this they would file a suit just based off of what they could merchandise with it or allowed the suit A&M filed against the Seahawks to run it's course rather than settling out of court? They know they would lose.
  17. Come on man, everyone knows that's exactly what happened.
  18. What in the world makes you think they would lose their suit? They have had the trademark for over 90 years, long before anyone else was using that phrase, they routinely defend that trademark (as evidenced here) when it is utilized outside of the "fair use" standard and, accordingly, have not allowed it into the "public domain." Your legal knowledge is unfounded.
  19. Agree, but he also made a mistake in hiring LaFontaine, giving him complete control over Hockey Operations then allowing Murray to back door him with the Miller trade. This directly led to LaFontaine's resignation. He should have told Murray to get Pat's approval or not hired Pat at all for that role.
  20. I swear I've seen this exact post before sans the FJ extension.
  21. I think Wild Card is a much more realistic goal for this season. I just don't see us overtaking the Pats quite yet. 9-7 or 10-6 won't get that done but I think we could certainly finish with either of those records.
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