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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. I agree on your point for this week, but they sure seemed to pack it in against the Texans after that pick 6.
  2. Guy has to stay on the field to be utilized. Injury issues have really hurt him, but if he can stay healthy I'm sure he will be used more and more. At least I hope.
  3. Some historical perspective: Every thread you've started has been terrible. We are 3-2, coming off a big time road win against a very tough team and people still want to find whatever negative point they can to keep "perspective." Jesus. Can we just be happy for something for once? Unreal.
  4. Dude can't even enjoy a win for 12 hours. What a joke of a poster.
  5. I can very accurately estimate the post counts of OPs by thread titles these days. This is becoming extremely tiresome.
  6. Agreed, it's not as much of an re-injury risk late in the season as it would be an effectiveness risk. There is no way he'll be fully functional by that point. Well, I say that but it is Kiko.
  7. That's not what the article says at all. The article says it was sent to him, not that he necessarily received it. Completely different animals.
  8. Tell that to all the people saying bench EJ for Orton. So dumb.
  9. Didn't see the replay recently but what you are saying here seems a bit off. If you are saying before the receiver has touched the ball, then you are correct. But if you are saying they can't drag down their arms the instant the ball first touches the receivers hands, then you are not correct. That is textbook defending to knock the ball out. As far as EJ goes. It's amazing what some actual practice time and repetitions from the pre-season and training camp can do for you. I expressed numerous times here how baffled I was that people were giving up on him already during this pre-season. And the best part, he's just going to keep improving over the next few years until he really hits his grove. Hold on folks, we may actually have something here.
  10. Well, considering the NFL has a 5x lower rate of abuse than the general public (as I pointed out in the previous post), considering they have workshops for every rookie in the league on these issues, and considering they have readily available counseling programs for all of their players, I would say they are going beyond what everyone else is doing. I know that I have never worked for a corporation that had these things and I've worked for a numerous multi billion dollar organizations. It is not an NFL issue, it has been turned into an NFL issue by the media looking for ratings. And all of you suckers are falling for it and are the reason they are doing it. This is an AMERICAN issue, a societal issue that needs to be tackled on a much grander scale, not by people calling for Goodell's resignation. I could almost guarantee you that not one of the ESPN panelist, anchors, reporters, employees have gone out of their way this past month to call or write a letter to one of their elected representatives saying that they are sick and tired of these monsters walking the streets and serving zero jail time for what they have done. I could also reasonably assume that none of you have either.
  11. And you are the exact problem. People admittedly making assumption that they have no idea about. I'll do it for you. A report by the US Department of Justice stated that 1.3% of women experienced domestic violence in the general public for a one year time period. On average, of these 1.3% of women, they each encounter 6.9 assaults per year. https://www.ncjrs.gov/txtfiles1/nij/183781.txt In the NFL, the 5 players in the last year that have been associated with domestic violence (one including a child only) account for only 0.25% of the players and there certainly are no reports of up to 6.9 assaults by any of them. Now, obviously not every incident is reported and anyone who is good with statistics and logic can point some holes in the comparisons I just made, but a reasonable conclusion from these is that it occurs 5 times less often in the NFL than it does in the general public. Apparently, no one cares about women and children in the general public though, only the ones that are beat up by famous people. And there is where my problem with the media lies.
  12. I think you are completely missing the point. The point is, where is all the outrage for Ray Rice not seeing a single day in the slammer after his conviction? This is especially true seeing as it was reported that less than 1% of similar cases in NJ end with just probation. How in the world can Hardy request a trial by judge and then ask for a trial by jury after he is found guilty by the judge? I mean, it's not even an appeal as far as I know, just a separate new trial. Where is the media (professional and social) outrage on this? Yes it's the NFL's job to maintain a positive public image, just as it is any corporation. But the short comings here go way beyond the NFL in my opinion.
  13. Me too man. It used to be CNN as well until that plane disappeared and they covered it non-stop for over a month. A MONTH! With no new news developments the whole time! ESPN news has become the only channel in their family that I can watch anymore. The only one that actually plays highlights of games which is all I really want to see (that and the West Coast late night SportsCenter). Too bad I don't get ESPN news from my cable provider.
  14. Roughly 60 players per team with practice squads, IR guys, etc.. 32 teams. Roughly 2000 active players in the league. They are concentrating on Dwyer, Peterson, McDonald, Hardy, Rice. That's 0.25% of the league's players for this season. I blame the media trying to get ratings and blowing all this crap way out of proportion. To say the NFL has a problem based on the actions of 0.25% of the players is, quite frankly, egregious reporting. It is not the job of the NFL to police its players outside of the game, it's the legal system's job. If people are outraged, they should be contacting their Representatives locally, on the state level, and federally to get them to increase the punishment for such actions. How these guys never (rarely) see jail time should be the focus of the media, not the NFL. But the NFL garners attention and that's how the media spins it. How a journalist can work for a media outlet like ESPN and respect their profession is beyond me. They should be ashamed and embarrassed to be part of it. No one was clamoring for Rice to be suspended indefinitely until the second video came out (although many were saying 2 games was too short, but mostly because the drug suspensions were 4 games and they were comparing the two). No one was saying that Hardy shouldn't be playing for the Panthers week 1 until the Ray Rice thing blew up. Where were these guys before that second video came out? What changed since then except for the ratings covering it? It's such B.S. I can't stand it. The only guy who stood up and has shown in the past he means it, is Herm Edwards. He was on this from the beginning, he cut Larry Johnson immediately when he was a star on his team and he had his issues. Everyone else, just jumping on the bandwagon and saving their arses.
  15. Yeah he's great. He was doing a game last Saturday night (can't remember USC v BC or UCLA v Texas, can't remember was switching between games). Thought to myself, man I love this guy. Most entertaining play by play man in the business right now. When he gets excited there is no one better.
  16. I moved away for 15 years if you include college. I just moved about a bit over a year ago. It was the best decision I have ever made. Go Bills. This is blatantly false. I lived in 5 different cities and I eat a lot of pizza. When your best option for pizza is Papa Johns then you have a pizza problem in that town. The only places that can claim to have comparable pizza quality are Chicago and NYC. While a lot of places will have one or two places that may be good, to have a whole City have good pizza is a unique thing. And the wings, give me a break man, a lot of places put breading on them as a rule...BREADING!!!!
  17. "Think I'll pack it in and buy a pick up, take it down to LA. Find a place to call my own and try to fix up, start a brand new day." Neil Young - Out on the Weekend. Best Fall album ever, Harvest.
  18. You mean THREE safeties named Williams. Duke never gets any love.
  19. It's gonna be a blood bath, but still cool that they are coming.
  20. When I was a kid and my pops would listen to this, I always thought they said "The Dukes of Hazard in the classroom." To this day, this is how I always say it still!
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