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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. I love obscurity. If you want to expand your horizons a bit and like some banjos, mandolins, and great lines in songs you should check out Cast Iron Filter. Not new by any means but if you make a CD of their best tunes, it will be one of your best CDs (if you like that kind of stuff). They called their style "Irongrass." Quck One: For a Great Slower One Look Up "Hello, Rebecca"
  2. Ohhhh, burn. He probably gave more money to Goodell to destroy the videotaping evidence. Class act through and through.
  3. Don't worry you can kiss his and Brady's butt next week.
  4. EVERY NFL owner donates money. They just don't need to get press out of it and attention from it like this tool does. Get over yourself buddy.
  5. I donate to the Jimmy V fund every single year and it is significantly higher than .00001% of my salary. I've also donated to water.org this year when everyone was doing the Ice Bucket Challenge. Thanks for your concern though. And what have the Bills done? Oh, I don't know, they are just donating hundreds of millions of dollars through Ralph Wilson's foundation that must be spent here and in Detroit. Any way you slice it, that money is a direct result of Ralph Wilson (who was the Bills).
  6. $25k out of the estimated $2.3B that he is worth amounts to .00001% of his money. Sure, anything helps, but come on, let's not make him a Saint because of it. It's like a person who makes $100k giving $1. EDIT: .001%, thanks SJ Bills Backer for the correction.
  7. Barber was proclaiming Golden Tate to be just like Hines Ward before the game even started. Hines Ward is a H.O.F. caliber player, Golden Tate has never had more than 900 yards in a season up to this point.
  8. Maybe a little off topic, but I have a little philosophy on injuries. People always say that they never root for opponents players to get injured and I think that's is B.S.. These guys often get paid millions of dollars, are under the care of the best doctors in the country / world, and usually are back on the field usually within a few week or a season at most. Heck, if it provides us an edge for that game I'm all for it. However, these type of serious scares are completely different. Concussions, permanent neck injuries, brutal leg injuries are a different story though. Those can impact players for the rest of their lives and I would never "root" for something like that regardless of what team they were on. As far as Ron goes, I'm glad he seem to be doing as great as he possibly could be at this point! Great news.
  9. It certainly seemed like a Suh and Golden Tate love fest to me as well. But besides that I thought they were much better.
  10. I am of the opinion that they knew he didn't step out and chose not to challenge it. First of all, it was clearly shown on the replay that he was in. Second, the Lions called a timeout so they had even longer to see this replay which was clear. So, why didn't they challenge then? That's a great question. I believe that the Bills wanted no chance for the referees to screw us and say that it was an incomplete pass after he lost the ball. It was clear to me that he took 3 or 4 steps with control, but with the way the calls were going that game, I don't think they wanted to take even the slightest chance of getting f'd over.
  11. We go 5-2 in those games and we have a real shot at winning the division. While it will be difficult, it does seem possible!
  12. Talent wise though, I believe Sullivan is correct. Wood is an average, serviceable center, but he is in no way one of the best centers in the league skill wise. What I do love about him though, is his attitude and leadership. Those categories you cannot say Wood is overrated in.
  13. Hum...really? I feel like he's been hurt more than that. Not sure why. Maybe just banged up and still playing, I don't know. My bad.
  14. I also disagree, signed Drew Brees.
  15. Name 3 that turned out good. I sure as hell can't. Only can think of Alex Smith.
  16. Dak Prescott??? Connor Cook??? Brett Hundley??? Hopefully they'll draft Jameis and his lack of maturity will blow up in their face again!
  17. Prater's suspension has already been served. He was cut after it was over.
  18. Which is huge with Kyle's penchant for injuries we need someone who can step in effectively and he certainly did so yesterday. Really wish they would have kept Cohen over Wynn though as I thought he had a certain something to his game as well.
  19. I think the Cowboys tremendous OLine is a far bigger contributor to Murray's success at this point. That's what happens when you wisely notice a need (aging OLine) at a vital position group, cut ties, and devote 3 years straight of Number 1 picks to it (and hit on all of them). We, on the other hand, are relying on one great 2nd round pick, one OK first round pick (sorry, but Wood is not great, just average IMO), a bust first round pick, and some journeymen and rookies.
  20. I agree, but how many times are we going to rehash all the negative things over and over and over again? I am as sick of seeing that same shotgun running play up the middle as everyone else is or the 3rd and 9 pass that goes 2 yards with a defender there to immediately tackle the receiver, but the fact of the matter is we beat a very tough defense on the road yesterday and not more than 9 hours after the game was over this guy (who does this all the time and is actually on my ignore list) is stating the obvious...again. Hackett needs to develop just as much as Marrone and most of our young players. The fact is, if EJ didn't have such glaring accuracy issues this would be a 4-1 team at this point and that is damn good regardless of Hacketts shortcomings.
  21. I disagree with that. He had control for about 4 steps before he dropped it. However, I do believe that is why the Bills didn't challenge the spot of the ball as they didn't want to take any chance of being screwed on the replay and have them somehow say it was incomplete when it really should have been spotted on the 2 rather than the 4.
  22. Agreed, but I came on this site this morning all excited to read some good stuff about the Bills and all I see are threads about Hackett sucking, CJ sucking, our OLine sucking. I mean, what the hell is going on around here? 75% of the posters here are doom and gloom no matter what and it gets very tiresome.
  23. Can't "hurt" right? Now that one is a pun violation.
  24. Actually it's four buddy! Nice try tough. I was taking literary license to emphasize a point. You are still wrong trying to correct the point. Funny. Start 4 threads about things already being discussed elsewhere. Nice job.
  25. What 5 threads started in 5 minutes. A bit overkill man, wouldn't you say?
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