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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. A win is a freaking win, I'll take it happily.
  2. This is actually an amazing breakthrough. It yields much more energy, little to no radioactive waste, no chance of a meltdown. This is an answer to cheap, safe, clean energy and should not be taken lightly by anyone.
  3. Golson will DEFINITELY be 2nd round available. Heck, he'll most likely be 4th round available. He is looking much improved and with his best receiver suspended for the season too!
  4. I agree with what you said for the most part, but it seems like you are holding out for the next Andrew Luck or something. The thing about that is every QB is going to have some flaws except for one guy every 10 years. You have to take chances on guys and hope you hit on them, hope they can become franchise QBs. It's just a risk / reward type process. Which guys is worth which pick? Obviously a guy like Cook doesn't have as many flaws as someone like Hundley, so he's worth the risk of a first (as of now in my opinion) while Hundley may be worth the risk of the 3rd, but you just don't know if any of these guys are going to "make it" but you can't sit around and wait for the sure thing guys that are once in a generation type prospects (Elway, Manning, Luck).
  5. I like Cook a lot. I think he'll be a good one as well. But, as others have pointed out, he's going in the top 1/2 of the first round and we don't have the luxury of any first round pick. So, we would have to give up a lot to get up there and to me, it just isn't worth it. None of these guys are Andrew Luck type prospects and I believe that is the only type of QB prospect you trade up for in the top 1/2 of the first round, the sure thing guys. As I said in another thread, I am really starting to like Dak Prescott in the 2nd round. He is maturing before our eyes this season a la Cam Newton in his final season. I also believe Mariota will go high, but I'm just not a fan of his for some reason. I really believe he is a product of that system and will have a very difficult time with NFL defenses. Just look at his game logs. He dominates sub-par opponents, but when the tough teams are on the schedule he becomes very pedestrian. I also am really starting to sour on Hundley and I believe he has played himself out of the first round at this point. It was a mistake on his part to come back this season. I haven't been able to catch any Oregon State games yet so I can't give a legit opinion on Mannion at this point, but I'm going to go out of my way to check out one of their games soon. To me, there are two questions that remain unanswered. First, what about Jameis? I mean, the dude can flat out ball and has everything you want on the field in a franchise QB. But, how much do you let the off the field stuff turn you off? If he falls to us in the second, are we all over him? Is he worth the risk? I think he may be, but I freaking hate the guy. Second, at what point do we start respecting Everett Golson? He plays tough opponents, he wins games, he has shown a big time improvement in his passing skills compared to 2012. Yes, he's only 6'0", but man, I can't help but see some Russell Wilson in this guy and would love to see a 4th or 5th rounder thrown at him. In summary, my QB desire list: 1. Connor Cook 2. Dak Preskott 3. Jameis Winston 4. Mariota (so low because I don't feel he's worth where he will be picked) 5. Kevin Hogan 6. Brett Hundley 7. Everett Golson Unknowns as of now: Mannion, Petty, Grayson. That's really not saying much! They are terrible.
  6. See the post I just put up in the other 2015 QB thread for further explanation on that one. Also, every year is a weak QB project class. People say the same thing every year unless John Elway, Peyton Manning, or Andrew Luck are in the draft. It's a bit cliched, wouldn't you say?
  7. Extremely inconsistent. There will be far better QBs available. I don't like this guy at all and don't see any real future in the NFL besides possibly holding a clipboard and giving a real QB some signals from the sidelines.
  8. This. Unfortunately got to give this one to Jerry. He came to the realization of what really won for them in the 90s, dominate OLine play. The Cowboys OLine was old and he cut ties with the group a few seasons ago. He then hit big time with Tyron Smith, Travis Frederick, and Zach Martin with 1st round picks in 2011, 2013, and 2014 respectively. Add in the veteran leadership of Doug Free and the emergence of an undrafted Free Agent in Ronald Leary and there you go. You put a guy like DeMarco behind that group with the competence of Romo and the star power at WR in Dez and you have a winning team.
  9. JJ Watt was sitting out on numerous plays at the end of the Colts game. Granted, he couldn't even stand on the sideline and was visibly exhausted on one knee after being a one man wrecking crew the entire game, but he was out for some plays in the 4th when the Texans desperately needed to get the ball back.
  10. Any poster who brings up Bill Cowher obviously has no clue what they are talking about. The guy is never coaching again. Period. He's had numerous chances to come back and has said that he is extremely happy with his current, stress free gig. He loves spending the time with his family (being there for his children after his wife's passing especially) and has nothing left to prove in the coaching ranks. For the love of god, just move on people. He didn't fail at Michigan, they just fired him too soon because their alumni are idiots. Hoke had a fantastic first year with all of Rodriguez's recruits, now they suck.
  11. Cam is the reason that Dak Prescott will be a top draft pick IMO. He's following his college path pretty darn closely. At first they were both used sparingly in the passing game. They were running teams with running QBs. However, as their careers progressed they both developed as passing QBs while maintaining their abilities to make plays with their feet. Cam wasn't considered a good arm QB until about 1/2 through his last season. Dak is showing his development before our eyes right now. They are also both very big guys which should allow them to take hits on those runs in the middle of the field. Dak is being projected in rounds 3-5 right now. If he is still there when we pick in round 2 I would love to snag him. I suspect he'll be a first rounder when all is said and done though (if he even comes out this year). With Jameis' issues and with Hundley not really looking that great this year his stock is only rising more.
  12. You mean the ball that hit him in the head and if he would have just turned around would have been right to him? Unreal. He is terrible, but without Aaron Williams in the game he was all we had, unfortunately. It was a performance that was getting close to as bad as Justin Rogers against the Jets last year. I'm sure this is mentioned in the Aaron Williams being out hurting us thread.
  13. How in the world can you say we over payed for any of those players except possibly Mario? Absolutely ludicrous.
  14. Guess you missed when Mario Williams signed here. Or when Brandon Spikes signed here. Or when Corey Graham signed here. Or when Kyle Orton would rather play here than in Dallas. Or when Keith Rivers signed here. The Bills have signed just as many, if not more big name players the last few years as anyone.
  15. I will be buying that "One Buffalo" T-shirt the first time I see it.
  16. So...did anyone else see that booger that was on his face for about a minute? He wiped it off right before he said "sorry, my daughter is laughing at me." Then in typical every man fashion he kept wiping his nose the rest of the press conference most likely paranoid that he had another. Classic.
  17. I wouldn't be surprised if he was prohibited from drinking alcohol as well as a condition of his bond. The article doesn't say either way.
  18. No way Winston goes that high anymore with his issues. It just isn't happening. And I believe Mariotta will fall as well, I can't put a finger on it though as to why. There is just something about him I'm not buying. I think Cook just may be the 1st QB off the board when all is said an done.
  19. Busted. Someone forgot to change the equation into a percentage. Nice catch. Obviously any donation to any legitimate cause is great, no matter how big or how small. But how this guy has to do it with the "hey look at what I'm doing" attitude and the NFL / NBC totally eating it up when it was such a small donation relative to what he could have given is infuriating to me. If he really wanted to make an impact, he would have thrown a cool million or $100k at it. But to throw $25k and get such national attention is not impressive in my mind. And yes, I know that he does make other donations to other charities. However, the guy is still a DB. Ralph is donating hundreds of millions of dollars to Detroit and Buffalo. Has anyone seen this mentioned anywhere nationally? I sure as heck have not. Maybe they'll give him the respect he deserves this Sunday during the telecast, but I'm guessing they don't even mention it.
  20. Hopeful nailed it. YGC are the truest representation of a RB's success. His are trending down the last two years from being the best in the league in 2012 to almost half of what they were this year. How is this hard to understand?
  21. Yes, I listen to Trampled by Turtles already. Thanks though.
  22. So those are lucky hires while the others ones were bad hires? How about the other ones were unlucky hires and those were great hires? Also, didn't Butler leave our team in a terrible cap situation which directly led to the beginning of our downfall?
  23. Thank you so much for that. So funny.
  24. Yet Robert Kraft's $25K donation gets the national press. What a joke. Thanks Ralph.
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