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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Who cares? Orton is not a good QB. Never was, never will be. We are much better off without him on our roster and I was elated when I got the text that he retired.
  2. Whoa, new quoting look....anyways, I agree that it may have impacted their selections. The guy only does 1/2 the job, albeit very, very well.
  3. Fantastic. The pro-bowl means nothing, this is the recognition that signifies the cream of the crop. So much for overpaying Mario, huh? Now overpay Marcell!
  4. I don't think you understand what "jump the shark" means. You probably mean "jumped ship." Another new thread on Doug Marrone leaving, that has jumped the shark.
  5. Maybe you should look at the history of black coaches in the NFL. The ratio of black assistant coaches to head coaches was way off prior to this rule being implemented, that is, the % of assistant coaches that were black was way higher than the % of head coaches that are black. It screamed of something going on...most likely subconsciously. Since the rule has been in affect, the gap has narrowed significantly. Affirmative action policies come with a hiring requirement, there is no such requirement here, it just ensures a fair shot. Hugh Jackson would be a great choice outside the organization to look at.
  6. A guy that can't run the ball either. No thank you in any capacity.
  7. Yes, Tressel is the President at Youngstown. I don't think Urban would come to the NFL. Remember when he left Florida (actually quit twice didn't he?) because of stress / family / health reasons. He seems to have found the right balance at OSU, jumping to the NFL would seriously impact his quality of life and I don't believe he is up for it at this time. Great win though, how overrated is the SEC this year? Auburn, Ole Miss, Miss St, Alabama, LSU. 5 top 25 teams losing their bowl games. Ouch. The only ones to win were Mizzou and Georgia and they played significantly lower ranked teams. Alabama, Miss State, and LSU all played teams ranked lower than them too.
  8. How exactly does quitting after 2 seasons bring stability to a team?
  9. Bo Wallace already looking terrible in the Bowl game vs a real D. The guys has never done anything against a good team. I'm glad you left him off your list, he is worthless. I agree, IF Petty is still around when we pick in the third, it's a no brainer. I don't think he's going to be though. I have also started to gain respect back again for Hundley and, depending on interviews and workouts, would consider him for our 2nd round pick. As I said in another thread, looking forward to getting to know Grayson and Carden a little bit better as my knowledge of now only consist of watching live games highlights on sports shows and haven't watched any ECU or Colorado State games. I'll add the Bridge and Doughty to that list as well. I think you need to consider Prescott as well. If he decides to come out I would take a hard look at him. He has developed quite nicely and really reminds me of Cam Newtons progression at Auburn. He tailed off a bit towards the end of the year, but there is something about that kid that I really like. My guess, he comes back for one more year though.
  10. Really interested to see what Carden and Grayson have to offer up. Haven't really been able to watch any of their games this year but from all accounts they looked pretty good. Sims improved a lot this year and played very well, but I'd be hard pressed to see any real future in the NFL as a QB to build around. Petty is definitely a good looking QB in my opinion. Unfortunately, their system gets a ton of guys wide open so it is hard to see if he has that NFL accuracy / split second decision making that is necessary to be elite. I can say this for sure though, he hits those open guys in stride virtually ever time. I've never even really heard of Doughty, I'll have to check him out.
  11. People get on a high horse about the strangest of things. It's not like he is asking for his social security number and all his passwords.
  12. You are correct on Carpenter, my apologies. For some reason I was thinking this was his third season on the team, but it was his second and you are correct, Whaley brought him in. My point really wasn't to say negative comments regarding Whaley, they were to simply point out that everyone around here seems to only blame Marrone for the bad, while ignoring the significant improvements that he has made to our team by giving credit to them somewhere else (Whaley, Pettine, Schwartz, etc.). That's all. I am a fan of Marrone and understand that the offense was terrible the last two years, but I see so much good out of the team I'm willing to give him another year or two to get that part right. Personally, I blame Hackett and the play calling first and foremost, but I'm not involved with the intricacies of their every day happenings to really know what is going on. As far as EJ and the QBs go, I have to disagree with you completely regarding his leadership abilities while at FSU. That was his biggest strength and what, most likely, really pushed the Bills towards him. If you haven't seen this video check it out, it sure as heck pumped me up the first time I saw it. I just believe that "learning behind a veteran" is just a fallacy that really has no impact what so ever either way. Just as many guys come in and learn the hard way with success as guys that are eased into it. This is especially true over the last 10 or 15 years. Would those QBs benefit from being brought along slower, perhaps, but plenty of them are not ruined by being thrown out there immediately and the cream always seems to rise to the top regardless. We just need to exercise patience and actually give him a chance to develop. Look at Bress' first two seasons as a starter, they were terrible, but year 3 he really started to "get it." I am perfectly comfortable putting RGIII on that list as well. The guy looked pretty darn good his first season, up until his knee got shredded. I am of the belief that if he didn't get injured he was still be a very dynamic and successful player...and come on, the guy still very young has a good chance to be a very good QB (he actually started showing some marked improvement towards the end of this season). I would take him here in a heartbeat. Finally, regarding Jerry. I think you are underestimating his ability as a GM. He build a dynasty, then he decided to get flashy for 10 years or so with little to no success. He realized what he was doing wrong and fixed it. Regardless of what players are mentioned most when discussing their great teams of the 90s, that team was built in the trenches, namely, the offensive line was tremendous. That non-sexy part of that team and the reason for their success got away from Jerry. He figured it out again, spend 3 or 4 seasons building another dominate offensive line and it is paying off big time now. Unfortunately, the man that I despise does deserve credit for doing a great job at fixing their biggest issue.
  13. I'm sorry but I have to make a few points regarding your post. First of all, I love how you give no credit to Marrone for the defense while at the same time assign all the blame for a terrible offense on him. Head coaches are their to manage the entire ship, he should receive as much credit for the D as blame for the O. Just because he was an offensive player and coach prior to being a HC, that does not mean that he doesn't have an impact on defenses, not to mention the leadership, accountability, etc. that he brings to that side of the ball. As far as Special Teams go, I don't see how bringing in a kick off specialist who kicks it out of bounds and even seems to completely miss on kicks yielding terrible field position is a bonus for Whaley or how bringing in a mediocre at best punter does so either. Gay and Schmidt are not impressive to me at all. Easley and Carpenter are our best STers and Whaley didn't bring in either one. Second, as far as QBs sitting behind a vet QB and learning. I think that is a bunch of crap. Peyton, Eli, Big Ben, Flacco, Luck, Ryan, RGII, all either started from day 1 or at least at some point during year 1 were the starter. If you go in to year 2 you can add Brees and Brady to that list. The point is, the great QBs are able to get thrown in there and learn, trial by fire sort of thing. Someone like Rodgers is the exception to the rule, not the norm. I do agree with you on your final paragraph. As much as I love Wood as a leader, I've been saying for the past 2 years that I felt he was overrated as a Center (especially on this board) and this year he flat out looked terrible. I don't care who is next to him, when he is constantly losing leverage battles on short yardage situations up the middle 1 on 1 vs the DT, there is a problem. We need to be looking at replacing the entire interior of the line IMO. This draft is loaded at RB and I fully expect us to pick up a nice one in round 2, 3, or 4.
  14. Not sure why you guys are thinking that Jameis is that dumb. I've never heard anything like that, in fact, I have heard that he is an extremely hard worker, does a ton of prep work during the season and in the off-season (the guy was even writing plays up in a notebook at age 6 or 7 I saw in one feature on him). I agree that he is extremely immature at this point and surely lacks some common sense and decorum, but that doesn't mean he is stupid.
  15. Orton is very much like Cutler in his personality in my opinion. Appears to be very laid back on and off the field. This makes it look as though he doesn't care. I don't buy it either. To make it to the NFL at all (especially QB) you must have a tremendous amount of drive and competitiveness that very few people possess and I'm sure Orton wanted to play and wanted to win, bad. Without it, you get something like Jamarcus Russell and it is evident very early and they are out of the league quick. He just doesn't have that outward showing personality that demonstrates it to people that are not behind the scenes (locker room, film room, etc.). However, it was clear to me there were numerous times where he simply collapsed at any hint of a pass rush (or the 3rd and 1 run) so as not to risk any injury and I could see the retirement coming a mile away.
  16. Andrew Luck coming out of college, yes. Jameis Winston, hell no.
  17. I would love Bradford, but I don't think he or Foles are going anywhere.
  18. So funny how people try to compare QBs just because they went to the same college. Those guys weren't even under the same coach. What college is rolling out the stud QBs these days? Can you even point to one college that has two good current NFL QBs? Didn't think so.
  19. A. Miller played as a true Freshman, Wallace did not. B. If MIller played this season he would have blown Wallace's stats this season out of the water. C. You also said Wallace had better legs and then completely ignored the fact that you had no idea what you were talking about when you looked up the stats. D. Ohio State runs a run first offense so his stats are handicapped. I would take Millers junior year season over Wallace's any day of the week and if you actually watched any Ole Miss games this year you would see that 2 of the losses were directly attributable to Wallace's idiotic decision making (LSU and Arkansas) and some of the wins were despite it (Memphis, Miss St, Tenn). But at least he did a really nice job of padding his stats vs Vanderbilt, Louisiana-Lafayette, and the powerhouse Presbyterian. I'd be surprised if Wallace is even drafted (not that I would be surprised if MIller was not, but you get my point).
  20. At least he went to Dr. Andrews for the surgery, if anyone can fix it it's him. And, in reality, every single QBs prospects for NFL success are slim, unless you are a prospect like Manning, Luck, or Elway. The rest are just luck of draw and you never know until they are out there on the field.
  21. He has a much better arm than Tebow and a much better runner. Also, it's not like you'd have to give up your 1st, 2nd or 3rd for the guy, he would be available late. Again, he needs developing for sure, but his skills are there. Prior to his injury he was considered a favorite for the Heisman and one of the top 10 QB prospects for the NFL in college. Did you really just say Braxton has no accuracy and then say Bo Wallace does and then say Bo Wallace has better legs??? That is a crazy statement.
  22. Not bad at all. I love me some Duke Johnson. This draft is loaded at RB.
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