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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Rocket arm for sure.
  2. So do you ever admit when you wrong or do you just argue and argue and argue until the person just gives up and ignores you? Look up John Bogle and tell me where he is on your precious list. Guy runs a 3 trillion dollar mutual fund and they estimate his worth at less than $100M. Give me a break.
  3. Obviously you stopped reading there, because the rest of the article destroys the list. Last paragraph sums it up for you perfectly. "the reasons to make lists of billionaires may have less to do with quantifying wealth than giving outsiders an organized, ranked way to gawk at it – which, even in the Occupy era, seems to be a treasured and profitable pastime."
  4. Maybe you should read this article from the NY Times Mr. Link happy. http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2012/03/12/the-billionaire-list-wars/?_r=0
  5. Just curious, how do you think Forbes makes up their list? Do you think they send out a survey to everyone they believe could possibly be on the list asking them how much they are worth? Unless the people are CEOs or huge shareholders in public companies, they are just guessing. There is no "hiding" money from Forbes, they just don't have access to that kind of information on many of the people on the list and very few people want others to know what they are worth. Accordingly, the list is known to be quite inaccurate and missing a lot of very, very rich people who are rich on the down low.
  6. this is especially true of the Mega-rich who didn't make their money through public corporations where they are required to report salaries, bonuses, etc. I believe Mars is a private company so they have no obligation at all to publicly report their earnings.
  7. He was a great stand-up guy in his day.
  8. I find everything about most coffee shops to be stuck up except for the ones in Amsterdam, including barista.
  9. The first graph shows all the teams. The Y axis represents the teams, "Frequency." Prior to the change, no team was over 56 touches per fumble, after the change no team is over 56 as well, except the Pats, who are at an astounding 74 (which includes all of Peyton's non Colt years). That's a severe outlier in stats terms.
  10. On a side note, I'm so sick of every potential scandal ending in "gate" these days. I know the journalistic world has lost a lot of it's reputation lately with unnamed sources, false reports, quotes out of context, inability to proof read etc., but now they have lost all their creativity too? Just annoys the hell out of me for some reason.
  11. Great article, thanks. The great thing about numbers and statistics is that they never lie, unlike Tom and Bill.
  12. Wow, you are a real class act aren't you? You have quickly become one of the biggest tools on this site, congrats.
  13. The episode in Band of Brothers called "Why We Fight" regarding the liberation of Landsberg is really good. Showing how even the GIs didn't really know what was actually going on until they saw it themselves. Absolutely crazy. Unfortunately, there are many, many places around the world where genocide is still taking place which are just swept under the rug.
  14. Exactly, that guy always pretends to know what he's talking about and 75% of the time he is completely wrong.
  15. He makes every single owner a crap load of money every single year, each year more than the year before. Until he has in impact on their pocketbooks in a negative way, he isn't going anywhere. And this statement is just ludicrous when compared to any other professional sport. Know what happens when you celebrate too much in baseball? You get a 95 mph fastball thrown at your back. Do it too many times and it comes at your head. Know what happens when you cross the line in hockey? Some 6'4" goon lays the smack down on you the next chance he gets, straight up punches you in the face over and over for a 5 minute penalty (that you'll most likely serve as well). NBA, you do it twice and you are thrown out of the game for 2 technical fouls. People that say or believe the NFL is the "no fun league" need to really take a look at what other professional sports do to "fun." A $10K or $20k fine for someone making millions of dollars per year is nothing.
  16. Non-Power 5 Conference football QBs usually put up insane numbers in college if they are to have any success at all in the NFL. To put it simply, they dominate the lesser opponents. While LIcata has had some nice games and a pretty good season last year, he has far from dominated on any level in the MAC, and if you aren't dominating MAC defenses (regardless of your surrounding talent) you aren't going to be doing anything special in the NFL.
  17. At this point you have to believe that he is doing all this as a stunt, to make some sort of point regarding the NFL. I mean, the guy did go to Cal Berkeley so he has to be somewhat intelligent and this cannot be "just how he is."
  18. Well, he can certainly dominate HS kids, that's for sure. I wish we would take all home-grown talents in the draft whenever possible and reasonable.
  19. You mean with joy when he's doing it for the Bills?
  20. Unfortunately, I feel the same with this year comparing Henry to Yeldon. I think Henry is a better back and have a hard time getting behind a back that isn't even the best one on his college team. I also felt the same way concerning Richardson and Lacy when Lacy seemed to look better in my opinion than Richardson did and we all know how that is turning out. I would much rather have Gurley or wait a round or two for Duke Johnson (if possible).
  21. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/175546-pats-file-tampering-charges-on-jets/ They filed this before the game on Sunday so it was in no way shape for form a reaction to the deflated balls issue.
  22. Dude, you have lost your mind.
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