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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Kind of feel like Jackson is falling off the top tier list with the other guys. Teams have figured out that if you contain his running and make him throw outside the numbers, he is very controllable. I feel like the other 4 are significantly better than he is.
  2. I'm not sure the part about zero interest in always true. I am pretty sure when I looked into this (over 10 years ago) there was interest, but it was extremely low. I can remember thinking "well, at least I'd be paying the interest to myself". I never actually took out the loan so I'm not 100% on my memory. But maybe it depends on your 401(k) or maybe I am just getting old and misremembering things. I'd still do this any day over taking a bank loan.
  3. Takes another guy out of coverage of Hill and Kelce. Also, Mahomes really didn't run that much this season.
  4. It wouldn't be lateral. He is not our OC...yet.
  5. His progression this year was very impressive. Looking forward to a long term extension for him. I may have gained the most respect for him in the way that he carried him self while being arrested for DUI with zero alcohol or drugs in his system. He just calmly followed the officers instructions. That situation could have been so much worse (especially considering he had a gun in the car). Thankfully he kept a cool, calm, and collected head about himself.
  6. It's the NFL. Every single player in the league is an extremely talented and gifted athlete who can do incredible things most of us cannot even comprehend. Good teams lose to bad teams every single year. Even during our SB runs we had clunkers that we lost. For example, 1992 week 14 loss to a 4-12 Jets team at home while the division was still on the line. Get over it.
  7. This is so easy for me: Super Bowl 25 Loss Music City Miracle Last Weekend vs Chiefs.
  8. Take a joke bro. It was all said in jest. Relax.
  9. When you can lead a team to the playoffs with Tyrod Taylor as your QB, you are an elite coach IMO.
  10. When you have basically only blowout wins and close losses it is more a reflection of bad luck than anything else. 6 games is in no way shape or form a statistically significant sample size (most agree its more like 100 events, but some say more like 30). Flip a coin 6 times and there is a decent chance you may get heads 6 times or tails 6 times. Toss it 100 times and you are going to get something like somewhere between 35-65 split almost every time. Players care about wins and losses, not by how much. That's for fans to nitpick about.
  11. "The path was so easy this year" is such a bunch of crap. The only path that is important is the one to the SB. And that goes through the chiefs 3 years ago, 2 years ago, this season, and will next season as well. And even if we won, we still had 2 more games to go. So please stop with that non-sense.
  12. No need, you are going on my ignore list now. Anyone who says "snowflake" is a complete tool who I have no desire to read what they write or engage with. But go ahead, get your last word in, because I guarantee you are that type of guy that just absolutely has to.
  13. Very well may have. But to call for him to be fired is absolutely absurd. And that is what many are doing.
  14. Ahhh, so you are one of those type of guys who has to take the last sentence of a poster and copy it to theirs. So petty. What are you, 12 years old?
  15. So giving up 2 TDs in the final 2 minutes doesn't qualify as choking, but giving up 2 plays does. Got it. One step further....how many years being a head coach did it take Reid to win a SB? It took him 21 seasons. 7 to even get to it. Now he's widely considered one of the best coaches.
  16. So, if we won the coin toss would everyone be saying that Andy Reid choked away that game and be calling for heads? Didn't think so.
  17. I was going to say that "a lot" is a stretch here, but then I looked it up and there are 8 currently on a roster. I was pretty surprised there were so many.
  18. My favorite athlete of all time, Rickey Henderson, once put it this way. When you have a Ferrari you don't go out driving it, pushing it when it needs some sort of maintenance/repair. You put it in the garage until its 100% ready to go. (Speaking of himself and a DL stint with a tweaked hamstring). Much like Rickey, Lamar is dependent on that freakish athletic ability, you don't put him out there when he's not 100% and can cause further damage. He is an ineffective pocket restricted passer.
  19. Ariens is the brand you want for snow blowers.
  20. So out of touch that you are still calling weed "dope." Too funny.
  21. Only stat that matters is team W/L record.
  22. Metallica with Danzig and Suicidal Tendencies at Darien Lake when I was in 8th grade (1994 maybe?). Me and a buddy with his dad as a chaperone. We ditched his dad almost immediately. Met him later at the car and he didn't even say a word about it.
  23. While I totally agree with you and practice that philosophy myself, the psychological side of it is basically saying that if you are willing to have debt (again, beyond mortgage) you are more likely to be looser with your spending as a whole because you don't have the mental relation of seeing your cash do down immediately when you borrow. So, people tend to buy more using credit of some sort then they would if they felt the immediate pain of using cash. In your example of the car, people would more likely be willing to buy a more expensive car when they take out a loan (especially at these rates) vs paying with cash. Am I a psychologist and back this up with anything? No. But that is my understand of some things I've read on it.
  24. There are competing theories on this. Some believe that you should not have any debt (except possibly a mortgage) before you save any money beyond an emergency fund. That is not as common, but provides a psychological element to it which helps you cut back on you spending, create good habits etc. and then when you don't have the debt any longer you'll have plenty of extra money to invest heavily. Most folks, however, invest while still having other debts. Me included. Definitely best practice to at a bare minimum get your employer match on the 401k. Beyond that I prefer Roth IRA, that way you know exactly what you have and won't have to pay taxes on it in the future. I believe Vanguard is the best, Fidelity is also very highly thought of, I just like the Vanguard Funds personally. Do try to be an expert investor, just buy Mutual Funds and let the professionals do the work for you. Buy it and don't even look at it, just let it do its thing. Recommendation is 10% of income towards it. But the more you can save now, the more time it has to earn and compound.
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