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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. You and I have very different definitions of what stacked means.
  2. Best cover I've ever seen done by kids. The drummer absolutely kills the mini-solo at 4:35.
  3. First of all, Mario Williams never had microfracture surgery on his knee. A procedure where 100% recovery is the exception rather than the rule. While Clowney will, most likely, return to the field at some point, when he does will he still have that blazing speed and acceleration? Those are the traits that made him a generational type prospect and those are what are directly impacted by this procedure, usually. Second, when did anybody every say that Luck will not make it or live up to his hype? I have never heard that from anyone.
  4. Apparently you have no knowledge of simple economics and finance principles. That's OK. Things like supply and demand, present value calculations, etc. would logically point to those trends. It's really not rocket science. Also, the reason they continue to get paid if they are not performing their duties is most likely because they are too injured to play (which any employer would have to compensate for on the job injuries) or injury impacted their level of performance. Either way, employees are protected from this in all walks of life in terms of on the job injuries. If they are not playing for some other conduct whether it be legal problems or some guy just can't stay in shape on his own, well, you can have clauses in any contract that could void the deal under whatever circumstances are appropriate.
  5. The term draft bust comes from the phrase "to go bust" meaning bankrupt. It has to do with making a significant investment and getting little to no return on it. It doesn't matter why it happens, just that it happens.
  6. The article says they are very concerned about Clowney for 2015 and beyond, meaning, they are concerned about his entire career due to his knees. It's not about proving himself, it's about him possibly being done because of a very bad knee.
  7. Yes, another viable option. Probably didn't want to "look bad" taking a below market (which makes no sense really because the market is really what you can actually get) offer to trade back.
  8. You guys are acting as if all these contracts would remain for the same amount of something. If they were fully guaranteed they would be for far less money and be much more reflective of the players actual value. Right now, the contracts are basically worthless after 2 seasons. If it were changed to guaranteed the teams would just sign shorter term deals. They would also sign them for very close to the amounts that are guaranteed already. It's also extremely one sided. The player doesn't get to cancel the contract if he is outperforming it. His only recourse is to pout like a baby while he's sitting out training camp and the fans are getting angrier and angrier at them as each day passes. All while he's getting fined weekly for it and not getting paid. Tell me how many other contracts in life there are that one side can simply cut ties with whenever they want with little to no consequence (after 2 seasons)? It's dumb.
  9. http://www.yardbarker.com/nfl/articles/serious_concern_over_jadeveon_clowneys_knee/18305291 Lots of pundits prior to the draft said that the Texans should steer clear of Clowney at #1 overall. How much do the Texans wish they would have taken Khalil Mack now all things considered? Remember Greg Oden? Didn't even play a game before the NBAs #1 overall in 2007 had microfracture surgery and has only played about 100 games in his career. When he has played, he was obviously a shell of his old self. Tough break Jadeveon, hope he can come back from it.
  10. This is really how every contract should be structured IMO. Every other sport has fully guaranteed contracts. It's just dumb to sign these enormous deals that never reach their full compensation ever.
  11. The guy is 335lbs. I remember seeing a story on him this year saying how he can dunk with ease. That's impressive. He's a great player and would be an awesome addition. Mario, Kyle, Knighton, Dareus would be an absolutely brutal front 3 + 1 or 4 to deal with. Unblockable.
  12. He is the most talented WR in the draft IMO. Better than Cooper, White, and Parker. But, his issues are troubling. His first "run in" was marijuana possession of less than 1.2 ounces. For those in the know, this really isn't that big of a deal. His second "run in" was for being in a car with about a pound of marijuana in it. Now this is substantial. No one could possibly argue that this was for personal consumption. It is unclear to me from what I've seen if that was his or someone else's who was in the car...either way a poor choice on his part to be put in that situation. His final "run in" and the one that broke the camel's back with Mizzou was a violent altercation with a female. He was not charged due to the victim not cooperating with authorities. I can see giving a guy a pass on one incident or maybe even two incidents involving the weed, but when he crosses over to abusing women as well, I'm sorry, but no thanks. I want my team to have some standards. This is furthered by the fact that we would be utilizing our only pick in the first two rounds on a very risky player indeed.
  13. He can't run the ball on a team that is pass first and the defense is attempting to stop that passing game. What in the world makes you think he can run the ball with a run first offense when the defense is concentrating on stopping the run? Any amount paid to this clown would be overpayment IMO. Can't even stay in shape as a RB.
  14. Would be a dangerous game to make assumptions like that though. If it doesn't you could get yourself into some real trouble quick.
  15. It all hinges on FA IMO. I'm willing to let CJ take off as I think he's going to get paid somewhere more than he is worth, but if we can keep him cheap do it.
  16. Ut oh, there it is again. One of those logical conclusions that are supported by facts. Is it April 1st already?
  17. Melvin Gordon is the first RB off the board, most likely in the first. He's fantastic now that he built up some bulk. I think it's just assumed by most here that we don't really have a shot at him. My draft board on RBs is Gordon, Gurley, The Duke. The rest I don't care about as I think they are all pretty similar run of the mill type guys.
  18. I've said this numerous times in numerous threads. People just want to be haters, grass is always greener sort of thing. Without reading responses I'm betting some posters are writing something along the lines of stats don't tell the whole story, Carr just looks better, all the pundits like Carr more, the Bills have way more talent than the Raiders or some combination thereof. What they will conveniently forget to mention is how our offensive coaching and play calling during EJs time here was the, hands down, worst in the league. EJ was straight up handcuffed by those guys. They are the ones who taught him to not lose games rather than try to win them and it was readily apparent in my opinion. Also, Derek Carr looked terrible against the Bills. He threw up two jump balls that were caught and that is all he did. We lost that game b/c Dareus was lost to injury and we couldn't stop the run. Now he does look to be better than EJ and could soon be a star.
  19. I'm not as concerned about Gurley's knee as some are. This is not the knee injury that McGahee or Lattimore suffered where their entire knees were completely destroyed, this was pretty much just the run of the mill ACL tear. Typically, you are around 100% after 6 months. He will be fine. If he happens to be there at 50, we should be sprinting to the podium. As soon as Gordon is selected we should be weighing our options for trading up in the draft room. When the cost becomes our second and something like next years 3rd, do it. This guy is going to be a special back. One that makes you say, "well, I guess truly elite RBs are not a dime a dozen."
  20. Of those players, Duke Johnson, hands down.
  21. An excellent player for sure but I think our money is better spent elsewhere than WR. I really liked what Hogan had to offer as our #3 last year and would like to see Sammy, Woods and Hogan be our main guys. Spend the money on the glaring issues of OL and TE first in FA and then have freedom in the draft to get a good, young RB, a second or third round QB, and fill in the depth with the rest. If he's willing to come for say $5M, then lets do it, but I think he'll still command more in the $8M range.
  22. Cody Kessler is the QB to go after next year. Cook is playing second fiddle. You'll change your tune sometime during next season, mark it down.
  23. I predict that no QB is selected first overall and that TB may actually trade down and select Jameis or Marcus later in the first. I see too many off-field issues for Jameis to go #1 and I see too much "rawness" in Marcus to go #1. Just a hunch.
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