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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Coaches, perhaps, but we've been in the game for big name players ever since I can remember. Paup, Speilman, Lofton, Spikes, Mario, Owens, Fletcher, to name a few big name guys off the top of my head quick.
  2. Jim Kelly is the Derek Jeter of the Bills if there ever was one.
  3. My god, don't you guys get sick of doing this stupid "in" thing. It's not clever, it's not funny, it offers exactly zero to the board, and it is the most annoying thing going around here. Please, for the love of god, just stop this crap already. The same few users doing it over and over and over. It was funny for a week or two, but now it's just stupid and unoriginal. Let the mods do their jobs and lock threads they deem repetitive.
  4. You seem to be acting as if this is something new. The way of the world since the dawn of humanity.
  5. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/176079-greg-hardy/?hl=hardy
  6. Probably my least favorite Bill over the past few years. He was terrible.
  7. Maybe all guys who are so broken hearted over FJ should watch this little snip regarding loyalty and the NFL. As the caption says, sentimentality can kill a franchise. Get over it. FJ was so good and so instrumental to our success that he has led our team to exactly 0 playoff appearances. Sure, I like FJ, but sometimes you have to move on. http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=12443627&ex_cid=espnapi_public
  8. So, considering Shady's and Jerry's new deals does anyone know how much space we actually have left entering tomorrow with and without FJ on the roster? Thanks if you do.
  9. It means that while the Rolling Stones have a some great songs, the Beatles have collection of great albums all plastered with great songs on them which makes them significantly better in my mind. Nah, the majority of us just read the title and answered the poll. It doesn't say which band rocks harder or is more rock and roll, it just says "Beatles vs Stones" and "Which is the better band?"
  10. The Stones have 10 great songs. The Beatles have 10 great albums.
  11. The reason is because they already see cap relief by not having to pay for the draft pick when they sign him. If you trade the #1 overall pick, you are saving $4 or $5M of cap space year one and an extra $1M per year on top of the previous season the next 3 years by not having that player on your team...your cap relief. Also, the NFLPA would never allow money to be traded and taken out of the salary cap (as what would be happening in your example as whatever the cap cash traded would basically just disappear from the pie).
  12. I was looking at it as if Kiko coming back would be like our first round pick. Now I can look at as if Shady is our first round pick. I'm down with that.
  13. I like this because I would think that it's a lot easier to predict future performance based on evaluations vs. NFL players rather than vs. College players. To me, this is just another way we are trying to win against the grain. Use the D, build up the running game, go after NFL vets and don't put too much value on draft picks / unproven or barely proven players. This is what Billy Beene has been doing in Oakland for years in baseball, quite successfully with a very tight budget. He trades big prospects for MLB vets all the time, he sign value in the FA market, and trades for versatile, solid performers on the field. I'm loving this direction.
  14. Running backs are a "dime a dozen". So, out of 12 running backs 10 are the same, 1 sucks, and 1 is elite. We just got an elite one. Shady qualifies as a "penny a dozen" running back.
  15. Seems to be a theme around here lately. Glad management has the guts to not give in to unreasonable demands.
  16. You do realize that a vast majority of Millionaire and even Billionaire's are self made, right? The number is close to 90% self-made.
  17. I just sort of get the sense that he'll go to whatever team pays him the most. With what we have tied up in the DLine already, I don't see any way we are going to be that team. He would be an amazing addition though if they could pull it off, obviously, and I would love to add one more impact / elite player on D be it he or Revis (which I see as the much more in the realm of possibility option).
  18. You are failing to understand the difference between a $3-$8M veteran QB who is average at best and a QB who actually makes a difference who typically makes $12M and above (and even some of those guys aren't that great...Dalton) of which there are none available. An extra $5M or so to the guard or TE position in the FA pool can go along way, a lot farther than any QB you are going to find for that much.
  19. First, a FA would require a salary, obviously. While it may not be huge, it's sure to be a few million. That money could be used elsewhere. Second, and more importantly, it provides an excuse not to use EJ for the entire season. If we have a vet backup, the first time EJ struggles or especially if he has 2 or 3 bad games in a row, then there will be discussions of replacing him. This discussion doesn't happen when all you have is Tuel and a rookie 3/4 round QB (unless you find the next Russell Wilson, but I don't see it in this class). I want a full 16 game season to see EJ and EJ only. He either suceeds and we'll be great, does OK and we'll be battling for wildcard, or stinks and we'll be in the top half of the draft. Any way you slice it, at least we know what we have and if it isn't him we can address the situation permanently in the 2016 draft with 4 or 5 top line QB prospects (2 being elite IMO - but not Luck). I'm sick of stop-gap below average veterans coming in here. I want a young, fresh QB that is going to lead the franchise for 10+ years, not 2 or 3. Hopefully that's EJ, but let's find out and if not, then take another shot in round 1 2016.
  20. I am of the opinion that we have to roll with EJ this year. Roll with EJ, draft a QB in 3rd or 4th that's it. Find out once and for all if EJ can be successful and build around him as much as possible to help him out. If it doesn't work, that's OK. Why? Because I believe that next year's QB class is very deep and very impressive. Cook, Kessler, Hogan, Boykin and Prescott are exceptional prospects IMO and Kessler and Cook, especially, have the looks of legimate franchise answers for 10+ years. We can't say that about any of these second class QBs being discussed as FA or trade pick ups. So find out if EJ has it for sure and if not, take your chances on the better QB class next year with the 1st rounder (or a miracle hit on someone like Petty this year in 3 or 4).
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