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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Is it weird that one of my favorite things about Clay is that his number is #42? Love TEs with numbers in the 40's.
  2. In his case I would argue that it was a gain to not have him on the roster!
  3. Is this guy going to ever actually sign or what? Did I miss something and he did actually sign already? Agreeing to a deal and signing the deal are two separate things. I'm starting to get a little concerned about this delay if he hasn't put pen to paper yet. Can someone update me please.
  4. I haven't seen anything about Harvin actually having signed at this point. Maybe I missed it, but all I've seen is that he has agreed to a deal, not that he signed and I certainly never got an alert from the Bills saying he signed. It's starting to make me a bit nervous that the thing may fall through (a la Jordan Cameron back to the Browns).
  5. I'm not sure if that is true. I would think there would be insurance policies to cover injuries that diminish your abilities from a high level player who would make significant bank to one that can still play but not at as high of a level. Insurance companies will do anything that they deem worth the risk / reward assessment they make.
  6. I believe Reece gets plenty of respect from anyone who knows anything about football. He's a great, versatile player.
  7. My online league Madden team is going to be stacked next year!
  8. Yeah, because giving a first round draft pick some time to develop is the same thing as "every college football grad." My lord, the number of ornery and over-exaggerating posters around here is increasing by the day.
  9. 14 starts under horrendous coaching and an injury filled rookie season. Way to give him a fair shot.
  10. If the Bills traded into the first round to draft Bryce Petty they would be the laughing stock of the league and this site would absolutely implode. He's not going to be taken in the first, no way, no how. In fact, I would highly doubt he even goes in the second round and he will almost certainly be available for our second round pick. As noted earlier, next year's QB crop looks pretty darn good in my eyes. Cook, Kessler, Prescott, Boykin, Hogan all have nice potential and I look at Cook and Kessler as top level prospects (not quite luck level, but just below that) even though Kessler has yet to really receive a ton of acclaim. I think when all is said and done after next season he will. He's just like Brees in my mind, great decision maker, extremely accurate, some say lacking size and arm strength though but very successful in USC's pro-style offense. 69.7% completion, 3826 yards, 39 TDs, 5 INTs in one of the better conferences in the country. Sign me up.
  11. Neither Revis nor Cromartie's play of late is giving a whiff of aging at this point. Sure they are getting older, but they are still playing at an extremely high level and are worth worrying about. Especially when they have Richardson and Wilkerson wrecking havoc on the DLine.
  12. Man, I wish we could have new threads when news breaks. 56 pages is way too daunting of a task to try and tackle and I have no idea what the status is on Clay.
  13. Actually, I am perfectly qualified to make an observation and generate an opinion on it. I'd say watching every single down every single season gives you that qualification. But thanks for your concern.
  14. Agree 100% Why are you exaggerating people's points? No one said that he should never get blown up, we are saying that he gets blown up way more often than he should. There is a huge difference in those two statements.
  15. Just because he's better than those clowns doesn't mean that he is one of the better centers in the league which a lot of posters here profess. At best he's average as far as skill level goes but above average as far as leadership qualities.
  16. I'm more referring to running plays actually and there is no way it is by design on those. We have been dominated up the middle for the past 2 to 3 years. Just look at our short yardage success or lack there of. He, along with the guards, have been manhandled. People who do not see that just have their homer goggles on IMO. If he wasn't a vocal leader on the team I think a lot of his supporters would be singing a much different tune.
  17. He's the most overrated Bills player we've had in a while. The people next to him have nothing to do with defenders driving him 1 or 2 yards into the backfield off the snap in one-on-one situations which I've been noticing on him for years. Last year, there were times were he was flat out knocked on his butt by guys one on one.
  18. Tim Hasselbeck never did anything in the league. Matt is a good call though.
  19. You shouldn't be allowed to start a thread again, ever.
  20. Don't you have some false inside info to post somewhere?
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