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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Last year the season started September 4th. What makes you think it won't start September 3rd this year? I was assuming week 1 Sunday was September 6th this year. You may, indeed, be correct though as Labor Day is September 7th. Man, that's a late start to the season.
  2. Not unless you made the Jag game week 8 and the bye week 9. October 25th is week 8. Wow, I see a lot of people here have it as week 7. You guys may want to re-do your math and not depend on some idiot reporter on jaguars.com for your info. Now I get a share of the winnings or a ticket to one game if you win! Update: I am an idiot and am completely wrong. Please ignore all my posts for at least 3 days as my punishment.
  3. The only "developmental" ones that are worth taking as shot on are going to be gone in round 2 or 3. Specifically, Petty, Grayson, and Hundley (who I think made some nice improvements from the second month of the season on last year). I don't think any of the truly late round guys are worth it in this draft at all. I'd rather try to hit on an OLineman and some depth.
  4. Apparently all the NFL decision makers do. There is a huge difference between dominating crap college football teams and being an effective NFL player. I'm sorry, but you need to lose your Mizzou homer goggles on this one. And, as far as your "get off" comment, well, with great restraint I'm going to leave that one alone this time.
  5. I'm sorry but this is flat out not true at all. Yes he won the defensive player of the year in the SEC, but it was really all smoke in mirrors. In his senior year he had 11.5 sacks. 9 of those (3 each) came against Arkansas St (not SEC), Vanderbilt (perennially one of the worst SEC teams) and Florida (who have had the worst Florida teams in the last 30 years the past few seasons). That leaves a whopping 2.5 sacks in the other 11 games, not very impressive at all. Not to mention his first three seasons he only had 7 combined. Finally, you have to remember that teams were also protecting more against Kony Early who is much more significant presence. Sam is knows only as a pass rusher, and he's not even that great at that when you break it down. The fact is, if he were a heterosexual man you would have never heard his name again after he won the SEC award.
  6. If you've got the cash and you've got the cap room (for the players) then why not spend it? As has been proven over and over again, cap issues rarely occur anymore with the big bump it gets every year and the ability to re-structure deals. The only person on that list that I think we may have overspent on is Clay, but we have the ability to eat up that extra cash so I'm fine with it (not to mention we took him away from a division rival).
  7. This dude thinks his post from January 15th of THIS YEAR was the first time this was brought up? My lord. Some people certainly do have a "the world revolves around me" perspective, don't they?
  8. My assumption: There are less third and short opportunities because of the focus on penalties on the defense. Namely, illegal contact and defensive holding coupled with roughing the passer and defenseless receiver calls which have been the focus of the refs over the past few years. Not only do these all provide automatic first downs, but they also provide a more open passing game to convert longer plays (also taking away more third and short plays). As far as the passing plays remaining static, you have to look at it as a percentage of total plays, not just as a number. 35% of the plays were run plays in 2009, in 2014 it was down to 26%. That's a significant decrease (and subsequent increase in passing) in running plays as a ratio.
  9. I was going to write the exact same post. Thanks for saving me a minute or two.
  10. We have one of the best owners in the league right now. Super rich and willing to spend it, doesn't run the team like a dictator, has input on all decisions but is willing to listen and defer to others opinions when it makes sense, humble and down to earth, emotional, and doesn't need or want to be the face of our franchise to feed his ego. Not to mention what he has done and is doing for the city as a whole. To say we got lucky that he bought the Bills and the Sabres is a huge understatement. Thanks Terry and Kim, we are stoked!
  11. My god, did you ever even watch this guy play? He's terrible. You just think he's good because he has a cool, southern name.
  12. I am not in favor at all of any QB that cannot throw over 60% completion in the FCS college ball during his senior year. Additionally, he regressed quite significantly from Junior to Senior year. Quite simply, that completion % at that level is not a good indication of success for an NFL QB.
  13. This is getting a little tired, isn't it? It's March, we don't have a first round pick. Our QBs are what they are, why not try to support them and look at it in a positive light until, I don't know, say we lose a game because of poor QB play. We have surrounded whoever it is with some significant weapons. Some of you guys act like these guys are Middle School Intramural QBs. They are still good enough to make the freaking NFL for heaven's sake. Last time I checked, that wasn't a very easy thing to do being that only 75 or so people in the entire world can say that at the moment. Not to mention, we don't have tweedledee and tweedledum coaching the offense anymore. Can't you just try to be a happy Bills fan for a few months?
  14. I don't think Ryan Nassib is good or ever was good. I challenge anyone to find me a QB from college that only won 55% of their games (not counting 2009 where he barely played) that had success in the NFL. If you can't win in college, you can't win in the NFL, plain and simple for a QB. I don't care who else was on his team, a good NFL quality QB wins in college, a lot. And it's not like the Big East (at that time) had any powerhouses that he had to play against really.
  15. Losing Dareus vs the Raiders was the reason we lost that game. The ran the ball right down our throats where Dareus would have been. We stopped the run the rest of the season for the most part. I see a player that when not on the field leads to us losing the the freaking Raiders as valuable as a QB. He's a flat out game changer and there a few of them at any position in the league.
  16. Williams has sucked for 7 years, why do people to continue to think he will be an improvement to our line coming back? He was the lowest rated G in the league in his last season in St. Louis if I remember correctly.
  17. I think we still need to take a flyer on a QB in round 3 or 4. Petty, Grayson, Hundley, someone will be there. The more QBs you draft, the higher the possibility of hitting on one. This team is just too good to hold our hopes on getting a known elite QB prospect anytime soon so we have to keep taking shots on developing a guy until we finally hit.
  18. Every time posters link an article to Rodak in their thread they are actually supporting the clown. These guys work off of clicks and page views, that's all. The more hits he gets, the more likely he is to stay employed. Keep complaining about him and then post links for everyone to click and get him hits. Me, I just ignore him. If enough people did that, he would just go away.
  19. This or one of the following: Best interior lineman on our board or Maxx Williams.
  20. So this thread goes, EJ vs Tanny, then to Clay rumors, then to EJ vs Tanny. Fun.
  21. Wasn't he one of the worst rated guards the season before last with the Rams? I wouldn't put much hope in him all of the sudden becoming a good guard in his 7th season.
  22. Oh, my bad fellas, thanks for clearing that up for me regarding Clay's cap hit on the Dolphins.
  23. Well, he's sort of right, it's just that the $7M isn't on the books yet until he signs the tender. So if he leaves it stays at 20.8M.
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