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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. 1. Winston - TB 2. Mariota - Tenn 3. Cooper - Oak 4. Gurley - ATL 5. Hundley - Chicago Bills - AJ Cann
  2. It's not very often that I go to the movies anymore. I have a nice tv, sound, blu-ray, so I don't really see the need. I will be at the movies for this one though.
  3. This is a "make" year for EJ. No "break" in my mind whatsoever.
  4. Netting is made to give way, otherwise it would rocket back into the playing field on a ball like that. She should have been paying attention, yes, but one would reasonably assume that the netting would protect them. This is 100% the ushers fault. He should not have allowed those women to walk so close to the netting during play. I mean, he was standing right there.
  5. Oh, I don't know, how about every single job that requires a 100k piece of paper (degree) to even get an interview when you could, in reality, learn the skills necessary on the job much, much faster and more efficiently.
  6. There always has to be that one guy, doesn't there?
  7. Yeah, but it was a heart attacked. That is not a "work related injury" but something that occurs naturally.
  8. And that's exactly what was said about Jerry Hughes too. By most accounts he could have earned quite a bit more on the FA market but chose to sign here.
  9. The Lions are the Lions because they let players of Suh's caliber walk. Hopefully the Bills are no longer the Bills and don't do the same with Dareus. Great teams retain their best talent and, in my opinion, Dareus is the best player on our roster at the moment and he is just getting to his prime years.
  10. If EJs get a captaincy I would be so thrilled. It would mean that he's earned the respect of the team, could be one of their leaders, and, hopefully, progressed as a QB.
  11. I'm not sure why so many of you are saying you would be there. I have no desire at all to go to a Super Bowl, much less one the Bills are playing in. You would be surrounded by fans of the other team and a bunch of corporate DBs who don't even really care about the game at all. I'd be at a small party with some friends and family. And I would not drink more than 4 beers so I could actually remember the experience. If we win, however, that drink intake immediately increases after the game is in the bag or over.
  12. I'm not throwing in the towel on this guy yet. He obviously had his issues which led him to rehab, he's obviously immature, he's obviously lacking some work ethic. But he also obviously has a lot of talent and play making ability. If, and that's one big hell of an if, he can get his crap together and put in the time it actually takes to become a successful NFL QB, who's to really say that he can't turn his life around and do it? Hard, yeah, hard as hell to do, but he is still extremely young and, quite possibly, got the wake call he needed this off season. We all know the story about Chris Carter and his wake up call when he got kicked off the Eagles. With that being said, I would i no way want him leading the Bills and wouldn't give up anything for him right now. We have mature, hard working QBs on this team already. Guys that can be leaders of men. I'm just way too excited to see what any of our QBs can do with some competent coaching and some new toys on the offensive side of the ball.
  13. The job of Goodell is to maximize revenues and profits of the owners and he is, in reality, quite excellent at it.
  14. My oh my, a lot of you sure are petty regarding OBJ. Just because a lot of people believe he looks like best WR to come out of that 2014 draft class, doesn't mean you have to hate on the guy. Sammy is going to be great too, get over it if OBJ is seen as better at the moment. No reason to hate on the guy. The fact is, the guy is an amazing WR, the guy does have significant soccer skills as well, and the guy can throw down some amazing dunks, I'd say that's one hell of an all-around athlete.
  15. I'll agree to disagree with you. I certainly am not going to change my opinion based on a website called "chatslang" and even further that point by saying it is a 3 star page with only 1 vote on it. I would say the term snitch or rat is more what you guys are talking about, but no one gives a crap about the English language anymore, not even most journalist, so what does it really matter? We all get the point.
  16. That is not true at all. Narc it short for narcotics officer and is used to refer to someone who blows people in to the police for drug violations. Usually a low level user or dealer who turns in their dealer or supplier to save themselves.
  17. What you did was not narcing, it was assisting the police. They can't be everywhere and truly depend on every day citizens to help inform them of crap like this. I wish more people would take the 5 minutes it takes of their time to call and report such things. Unfortunately, too many of us have the "it's none of my business" attitude and just drive on, while idiots like this continue to break the law and the expense of the rest of us. Victimless crimes, move on, potential for any sort of harm to others, call it in.
  18. QBs taken in the 2nd that start right away are the exception, not the rule. And, the ones that do seem to be very early 2nd (like Dalton and Carr). I don't think the Bills will be taking a QB in round 2 regardless for reasons already pointed out above. I could, however, see one taken in 3-5. I think all this Lovelace talk is ridiculous BTW, he didn't even do well at a FCS school for crying out loud. People hear one report of his big hands or whatever and think he's going to be good...so funny.
  19. It's very easy to say that a QB will not pan out, especially after the top guys are gone as virtually all of the will not be successful NFL QBs. The fact is, you have to keep taking chances until you hit on one. You point to Tony Romo? He was so well thought of that he went undrafted? For every guy you tell me had a lot of "buzz" I can point to guys like Case Keenum, or Colt Brennan that absolutely tore up college ball but did nothing in the NFL.
  20. Hum. So 4,000 yards, 32 TDs against only 7 picks with a 64.3% completion rate isn't lighting up the conference? That seems pretty darn good to me. Also progressed every single year which shows me he can learn and develop. This guy has just as good of a shot to be something as Hundley and Petty do. It's all a crap shoot, especially after the first round, we just need to keep rolling those dice.
  21. Cool man. Look at it how you want. But I implore you to find me a season where Bruce Smith had 78% of his sacks in 3 games against his weakest opponents. Or are you just another guy who takes every discussion to their extreme to make an invalid point too? And my argument doesn't need to prove that to you, the fact that he's been cut by 2 NFL teams and can't find a job besides dancing on tv should prove that to you. I was just saying that when the OP said he completely dominated in the SEC, that was an utterly false statement.
  22. The fact of the matter is most people simply do not care. They don't care if he's gay, they don't care if he's bi, they don't care if he's straight, they don't care if he's black, they don't care if he's white, they don't care if he rich, they don't care if he's poor. They don't. What they do care about is a player who is so self-centered that after he made his announcement he signed up to do a reality show. They also care about the interviews with this insignificant player being shoved down our throats just because he is a gay man, which, as I stated earlier, most of us don't care about. While this guy should have been training his butt off, he was off doing self-promotions, not trying to be the best football player he could be and making a team. Now he's doing dancing with the stars while he should be concentrating on making a team if it meant so much to him. And, most of all, they care about his talent level and it's just not there to be an NFL player. A small DE who runs a 5.00 40 speed (down from the rookie combine in the veteran combine) who tallied most of his stats in college versus the weakest competition he faced. I'm sorry, but that ain't gonna cut it in this league. As I said earlier, if he had not come out you would have never even known his name, and definitely would have never heard it again after he won the SEC DPOY award.
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