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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. I think it should be for TDs and Wins only. It should also be allowed to be played anywhere the majority of the fans are Bills fans watching the game. Stadium, Local Bars, Bills Backers Bars, whatever. At your own house (with less than 20 people there) should not be acceptable (unless it's a SB then all is fair game). It's a fun song especially in a party type atmosphere when the Bills are winning. I always thought it was a little late to wait until after the Extra Point, but it does fill some of the down time between that and a kick-off. I think it's also lame for FGs as those are failed drives IMO.
  2. That article is out of date, that is what he thought he had and he tried to play through it. It was later discovered to be a sports hernia. http://www.foxsports.com/college-football/story/jadeveon-clowney-sports-hernia-junior-season-south-carolina-062714 http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap2000000361948/article/jadeveon-clowney-played-through-hernia-injury-in-13 Yeah but if you just take into account the first two healthy seasons that is not the case. Mario had only 11 sacks in his first 2 college seasons, Clowney had 21. I'm not going to refute any comment on his work ethic though, as I agree it has raised questions all throughout his career. When you are such a dominant physical specimen in HS and even CFB, you may not have to be the hardest working guy to be successful. That changes at the NFL level though.
  3. He had a sports hernia his entire final season at SC. That's pretty tough to play with I would imagine. This is patently false. He was a dominant force his sophomore season with 13 sacks and 23 tackles for loss. His size and speed combo was something that had NEVER been seen before. At 6'6 265 he ran a 4.53 40 WITH a sports hernia injury lingering. He was also the #1 player coming out of HS and was performing like it his Freshman and Sophomore seasons. Anyone who follows CFB and NFL Prospects knew of him long before that one hit.
  4. Only one who voted Raiders so far. This is my sleeper team of the year.
  5. I gave him an A with the Bills and B with the Sabres. He held on to Darcy too long and this LaFontaine train wreck was a bit embarrassing for the organization. However, Murray looks to be a fantastic hire and every owner is going to have growing pains. Let's not forget the job that Kim is doing as well though as a co-owner. The non-sports entertainment side of the Sabres has improved greatly since she took over that aspect.
  6. I don't know about that, but he sure doesn't look anything like Velcoro's boy.
  7. Revis just revealed this week or maybe last that he actually had microfracture surgery on his knee as well when he was out. He said he finally felt 100% in like week 6 or 7 LAST SEASON. His injury was in October of 2012. It's a long recovery process and a painful one, but you can come back from it. You are probably more thinking of older athletes and taller athletes (NBA's Greg Oden for example) where it is much more difficult to come back from. Certainly not an easy road, but if he works the rehab the right way, he can come back full speed.
  8. Were they intentionally playing the Where the Streets Have No Name horribly? It sounded terrible, but Desire sounded just fine.
  9. This article is from May. No way EJ is getting cut. Ain't happening. Exactly.
  10. Oh my, what is this, the 45th threat started about Josh Freeman? The guy was a flash in the pan, no one wants him, get over it, he's done.
  11. I'm with you, but apparently as this board and his movies would indicate, we are in the vast minority. I haven't ever seen him do anything that I thought was remotely funny in stand up or in a movie. To each their own I guess.
  12. I can agree with this, no problem. Actually I have lived in CBus and it never really bothered me. I actually did this for the NBA playoffs this season for a lot of games. It was an absolute game changer. So much better to watch that way, especially the last 5 minutes. And I agree, it's the over-promotion, over-hype, and over-coverage that is getting to me, not the actual games. But that is making me resent the actual Non-Bills games to some extent.
  13. That may be true in the US, but certainly not worldwide. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world because of how cheap it is to play. You only need one ball and you have a game (same with why basketball is getting so popular). The US has great athletes, but we are only 350M of the worldwide population of 7B. To say we have the best ones is quite a stretch. I can see your point with hockey though, but they are still amazing athletes as I'm sure you would agree.
  14. This is exactly what I'm talking about. If it were highlights, in depth analysis it would be one thing, but it's not. It's paparazzi type stories all day long, and top QB lists, and training camp previews, and Michael Sam, and Ray Rice, and Tebow, and oh my god I'm getting mad just typing this.
  15. My problem is probably a direct result of working from home. I often have ESPN just on in the background and am probably just way overexposed to it compared to the average person working throughout the day. Unfortunately, there just aren't many other options to go with. Pandora and my tunes can get repetitive, Rome is just not my flavor flav, the Hockey Show at 10 is pretty bad IMO, News networks are a complete joke, and daytime TV in general is pretty terrible and I can't really pay attention to what's on beyond just in the background so real shows are a just a waste. Unfortunately I can't justify upgrading my cable package for $25 more per month for just the MLB Network and NHL Network, which are the only 2 channels I would watch on the upgrade.
  16. This is not a statement against the Bills. I am in no way shape or form sick of the Bills, but man am I starting to really get sick of the NFL. It's on ESPN ad nauseam, it's on other media outlets (other sports and non-sports channels, radio, movies, print, internet) every single day. I have already seen commercials for the SB on tv and it's freaking July! There is, simply, no off-season where the NFL is not getting shoved down our throats from every angle and it seems to be unavoidable. It's just overkill to me and I'm wondering if others are feeling the same or if they enjoy the 24/7/365 coverage / marketing machine that it has turned into the last 10 or so years. Personally, I'd just love a break from it all. MLB gets about 5 minutes of coverage per hour on ESPN and it's the only major sport in action right now and the trade deadline is a week away. NHL free agency coverage was non-existent beyond local radio and the NHL network. MLS? Forget about it and it's the fastest growing league in the country. Not to mention the great soccer leagues across the pond that are barely ever mentioned and they are the most popular sports leagues in the world. I just don't understand how with so many great sports and so much variety that exists, why the nation seems to only cover the NFL (and NBA and College Football to a lesser extent)? It's ruining football for me and I really don't have any desire to watch any non-Bills games anymore when I used to watch every game that was on.
  17. No biggie man, but perhaps you misread the numerous times I wrote "in my opinion" and "i prefer" and "i think" in my posts. Usually terms such as those convey an opinion. On the other hand, phrases like "should absolutely not" and "are essential to winning" convey fact. It's all good though. As far as regions go, it is a well established fact that Texas, NC, and Missouri/Kansas are quite well known for their BBQ prowess. Certainly more so than WNY (or any part of NY) and Richmond Virginia. I understand people get a bit protective of their hometowns, I know I sure do concerning BLo and our Pizza/Wings, but you've got to keep some perspective. Does that mean there are not exceptions? No, but in general if you go to some random BBQ joint in those places compared to some random one in NY or Va, chances are pretty damn good that you're going to have a better experience in the regions that are known to have great BBQ (or any food variety...try to find decent Italian food in a place with no Italians).
  18. Cool, I've always heard Virginia is a BBQ hotspot...oh wait, I have never heard that, ever. We're talking opinions here. I prefer fall off the bone to not, I prefer the places I've eaten in Texas, NC (where I lived for a few years and tried many places), and Suzy-Qs here to Dinosaur BBQ. Dinosaur is great and I'll never say otherwise, I just like the other ones better.
  19. While Dinosaur BBQ and Smoke on the Water are both very good, I think the dump dive that is Suzy-Q's BBQ Shack is the best barb-b-que in WNY. On top of being the best, it's also the cheapest. The only down side, the ribs are not "fall off the bone" which I prefer, but still very good. The cornbread rivals any other anywhere in the country. Definitely not a take a girl to on the first date type of place though. Obviously you've never been to Texas or NC (not to mention probably St. Louis or KC, but I would be just guessing on those two).
  20. Fortunately for RGIII, that unnamed offensive coach was a certain OLine coach of the Jaguars.
  21. You forgot about Vaughn lying to Farrell about who raped his wife to get Farrell in his pocket. Farrell subsequently murders the wrong dude and is now extremely pissed a Vaughn.
  22. 12 Monkeys on Syfy is surprisingly good and I am certainly not a Syfy channel watcher. Talk about your serious mind bender (the last few episodes especially). Binge watched the entire first season in 3 days. It won't disappoint.
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