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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. I can see the white jerseys at home with the throwback helmets, but white/white with current helmets? What are we trying to do, become the Cowboys using white jerseys at home every week? Not a fan at all. The blue/blue combo is so mean, that's what we should be wearing this week. edit: Posted before I read most comments, seems that many brought up these points already and I agree with you all. This is so dumb in my opinion. I mean, how hard is it to buy a second set of helmets and have them properly fit both of them? I mean, come on.
  2. Maybe, but it still looks to be below the knuckle IMO.
  3. Wow, his thumb is basically gone too.
  4. I was coming in to say the exact same thing. He's amazing.
  5. So I didn't get a chance to watch the Ohio State game this year but looking at the stats Cardale's numbers look pretty pedestrian to say the least against a team like Hawaii (sweet retro uni's by the way). What is the story, how did he look? On a side note, Kessler went 26 of 31 for 410 and 3 TDs. Now those are numbers you are supposed to throw up against bad teams. He is in for a big season. Its looking like for the first time in a long time that USC UCLA game may actually mean something for both teams. Would be nice to get that rivalry rolling good again.
  6. They have been doing this and getting away with it for years. If you watch their routes they will often get off their straight line route and deliberately run into the defender. When they do that, it is illegal and the never get called for it. It's infuriating and you can bet we'll see it next week.
  7. Cardale had 3 very impressive throws yesterday. The quick post on the first drive vs Fuller (one of the best college DBs), the TD pass to Miller, and the dump off pass late in the game 30 yards down the field. All of them were exceptional plays. However, his first TD pass was not impressive at all, he just threw it up and the DB made a terrible play on a ball that could have easily been picked. The CB looked like Darby in the Steelers pre-season game on that throw. He under threw another WR later that had got about 3 or 4 yards separation on the deep ball, the CB was able to catch up and run over the WR for a PI call and his other throws were just OK. I'm sorry, but 9/18 is not an impressive performance at all, no matter how you slice it. And pointing to his running stats? He's not going to be a running QB in the NFL. He's not NFL fast and he won't be able to try and run through guys like he does here. These stats shouldn't even be considered when looking at him as an NFL prospect. He has tremendous arm strength and a great, quick release, but he has questionable decision making at times, his accuracy is over stated at times, and he still has a ways to go IMO. On a side note, I was extremely impressed by Miller's abilities as a HB/WR or whatever he is. His first catch just off the turf was very nice and that spin move later on was video game stuff.
  8. How did "just his measurables" work out for Jamarcus Russell? As I said early in this thread, Jones did NOT win the National Title game or even the semi-final game, Ezekiel Elliot and the running game won both of those games. In fact, Jones actually didn't look good at all vs Alabama and only looked OK vs Oregon. And, if you watched those three games, you'll see that his WRs made some pretty amazing catches on balls that the he just threw up there into coverage. At this point, people are just staying he's great because it's the thing to say right now. He needs to show a lot more for him to be a 1st round pick (or a 1st overall as someone just stated again) and he's not even going to start for his team it looks like.
  9. Isn't CB one of the harder positions to adjust to in the NFL? I say we give him at least one week in the regular season, no?
  10. The absolute obsession with 34 year old running back coming off a season in which he averaged 3.7 yards per carry and a career in which he's had only one 1,000 yard season is quite amazing to me. He led our team to exactly zero playoff appearances in his tenure. Sure, he is popular on the team and in the community, but the fact is we have more effective players on the roster now, plain and simple. The man stuck with the Bills, ok, but let's not forget the Bills paid him millions upon millions of dollars to do so.
  11. Where are all those people that wanted the Bills to draft that clown? After going undrafted and a brief stint with KC on a try-out basis, he remains unemployed without ever signing a contract.
  12. I buy MLB.tv premium just so I can listen to him on my phone when I am going to bed. He is an absolute treasure.
  13. This really deserves it's own pinned thread? SMH.
  14. And he got smoked on a tackle attempt as well. Not a good night. The PI in the end zone looked like a pretty darn good play though.
  15. He's the only guy on our team that makes that throw, or the TD throw to Palmer. Matt Cassel offers nothing over EJ, nothing. It's Tyrod or EJ, not a doubt in my mind and fine either way. This team is legit folks. Time to get excited.
  16. I literally just removed ESPN.com from my favorites bar today. That after stopping watching non-live sports on their tv stations a few months ago. Although this story had nothing to do with why I did that today, it perfectly exemplifies exactly why I did.
  17. Eli Manning may be the most disrespected QB in the history of the league.
  18. Aren't there two other sports radio stations here now?
  19. I think you are reading way too much into it. Just look at Lynch's interviews, or Gilmore's, some people just aren't charismatic in interviews, he's probably just one of them.
  20. While this is not great news, just be happy that it's a depth guy and we emerged pretty injury free from that one for our starters...and they were out there for a long time on D for the first PS game.
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