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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. I hate that I have ignored you as a poster but I still have to look at your stupid thread titles on my Stadium Wall page. Seriously? "What is the BS excuse if we lose this week?" My lord.
  2. Not to toot my own horn, but a lot of you seem to be saying the same things I was saying back in July in this thread. Cardale and Hack overrated. Kessler an accuracy machine who is underrated, and Goff perhaps the best of the bunch. Oh OK...toot! toot!
  3. Most people didn't say he was wrong, they said he was wrong saying we could get a first or a second and a third.
  4. Did we? I don't know. Did I? Absolutely. The fact is, you have a front 4 like that (pretty much on par with ours), possibly the best CB in the league (especially in man) and another that is also an excellent man corner, you are going to get a lot of sacks and a lot of turnovers. The question is, is the offense just competent enough to take advantage? I'm starting to think they may be. I think they will be very close to us in record at the end of the season, and the Fins will be 4th. I had the Fins and Jets both a distant 3 and 4 at the start of the season.
  5. He's the Mulligan of the defense. No doubt about it. He's terrible, has been terrible in every opportunity he has got on the field, and will, most likely, always be terrible. Time to find a replacement.
  6. Had the Patriots not scored any points we would have won 32-0.
  7. If Brady would have been suspended we'd be 2-0 right now, not a doubt in my mind.
  8. 1985 Chicago Bears - Week 3 gave up 411 passing yards to the Minnesota Vikings. 2000 Baltimore Ravens - Week 17 gave up 473 passing yards to the New York Jets. They were playing all starters as they were still trying to win division. 2002 Tampa Bay Bucs - Week 9 gave up 173 rushing yards to the Minnesota Vikings. 2013 Seattle Seahawks - Week 4 gave up 325 yards passing and 151 yards rushing to the Texans team led by Matt Schaub. The point is, even the best defenses get beat up sometimes and none of those teams had Brady/Belichick. A lot of you really need to chill, this is only week 2. Can't we wait until at least October before throwing in the towel?
  9. Thank you, at least someone around here has some perspective. You tell me before the season we start 2-1 after playing the two AFC finalist from last season, I take it every single time. Yeah, we get it, you've said it 57 times already.
  10. See you next week after you jump back on the bandwagon when we smoke the Dolphins. I bet you were willing to proclaim us Super Bowl champs after we beat the Colts last week. I'll wait for your over-reaction (among numerous others) next week.
  11. You mean we shouldn't bench Tryod and fire Rex yet? It's just so funny how many posters around here (especially a majority of the ones with less than 500 posts) are ready to just throw away the season after a loss the best QB in the league and the best coach in the league. These are also the same posters that proclaimed we are the best team in the league after 1 game vs the Colts. So many have no perspective at all and are just knee-jerk reactors every single week. It's ruining this site, quite frankly. My ignore list is growing exponentially today, I can tell you that. People forget to mention that this is Tyrod Taylor's second start ever in his NFL career. So he was a backup for 4 years...that doesn't prepare you for game experience. Game experience is what prepares you for game experience and this was the man's second game. Yeah, the D got torched in every respect, good. Show them they can't rely on hype to win, they need to prepare and play as hard as they can to beat a guy like Brady. This game can be a good thing IMO. It's week freaking 2. Thanks for your post, OP. You are spot on in every respect (except I wouldn't count us out when we visit NE)!
  12. 1 game, 1 freaking game against one of the best QBs and coaches in NFL history. My god, get a grip people.
  13. I am in the camp of Wood being overrated the past few years too. I have to give props where due though, he blew up his guy on that Karlos Williams TD run last week, and I mean flattened him.
  14. Yeah, losing the best CB in the game, one of the biggest hitting DBs in the game, one of the best run stopping forces in the game and starting 3 rookie offensive lineman vs Dareus, the Williams brothers, and Hughes is not a big deal. GTF outta here. They are not the same team as last year and we are not even close to the same offense we were last year. We actually have a competent HC and offensive coordinator this year. We beat the Pats last year when all the starters were in in the first half and that was without Dareus playing. Go away please, no one cares if the Pats feel "disrespected." As if they are really going to play harder now? They prep and play hard for every game, that is why they cheat so much and that is why they win so much. And what the heck does siked mean? Oh, you mean psyched. I get it. Should have stopped reading your post at that point.
  15. It's worth a lot since I am not, nor do I know any. I just think teams would learn their lesson from Russell's case, it's not always just about the arm (although he probably had a lot more red flags as I have heard nothing but good thing regarding Jones off the field).
  16. I'm going to keep my thoughts on this in this thread going forward...Are you sure? Don't you think they remember rocket arms like Russell? There has to be more there. There are plenty of guys with big arms that don't do squat in the NFL because it is about so much more than that. In fact, most of the best QBs of all time are never really considered to be the ones with the strongest arms except for Elway, Moon, Big Ben off the top of my head. It's more about decision making and accuracy in IMO than just having truly elite arm strength. Brady, Manning, Young, Montana, Bradshaw, were never considered to be the strongest armed guys, but that had the other traits to make them great.
  17. Agree 100%. I never said that he couldn't become a 1st round pick, I only said that to say that at this point (or before this season) was way too premature. In the same post I also said that Hackenberg was overrated too, for what it's worth. They were my two most overrated QBs coming into this season and you may, or may not, remember me praising Kessler as the guy to watch...he's been dominant so far and it will be interesting to see what he does against Stanford today.
  18. Just curious, where are all those posters calling me out for saying Jones is overrated now? He looks terrible...again...today, pulled in the first half vs a MAC team. I'm sure you won't admit you may have jumped the gun on him and that maybe, just maybe, I may have actually been correct on my opinions on his play last year. No, you'll just probably stick to your guns and point to one or two great throws all season and just brush off the rest of his performances. It's all good now, we got Tyrod and don't even need him anyway!
  19. Just curious where are all those people that said I was nuts when I said Cardale Jones was overrated coming into this season, that when you really looked at the games last year he wasn't really that good as of yet, and that he was as "sure fire" first round pick? Except for a few flash in the pan throws, he has not looked good at all this season. But, I'm sure no one will admit they were wrong and perhaps jumped the gun a bit. (See looking forward to 2016 draft thread)
  20. I know, the rule is based on the theory that they fit that helmet properly before the season starts in an attempt to reduce concussions / injuries. What I'm saying is, how hard is it to do that fitting for more than one helmet per player?
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