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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Suspend a head coach for not challenging a play? You have lost your mind. Maybe we suspend Woods too for dropping a pass right in his hands and then costing us a timeout and challenge by proclaiming he caught it? Or we suspend Robey for not intercepting that WR screen pass towards the end of the game that would have been a pick 6 and given us the lead? Maybe we suspend Hughes for another costly 15 yard penalty? Or maybe Hogan for not holding on to the ball when he hit the ground? Or maybe Sammy because we gave up 2 first round picks for him and he only had 150 yards and 2 TDs? Or maybe the Chiefs should suspend their player for giving us a free 6 points for encroaching on a punt that could have cost them the game? Or the CB that was completely toasted during the first half? Or that CB that dropped a pick 6 right in his hands on their team? The point is, both teams had plenty of chance to win the game and had plenty of mistakes all around. Pretty much every single NFL game does. Get over it or stop watching football.
  2. I have seen research on this phenomenon and it is believed that when one passes the other has endorphins / chemicals released in their body which can sometimes lead to a heart attack especially in weaker hearts. The saying "they died of a broken heart" can actually be true. Sorry for your loss Doug.
  3. You think Rex Ryan has the time to watch and scout college football games? Especially a guy that was way below the radar? Come on now. This is 100% personnel department.
  4. Considering he's only been a RB for 2 + years now, I would definitely agree that he can only get better and, at the moment, is just the perfect compliment to Shady. A great "Thunder and Lightning" combo where the thunder is actually more than just thunder, but has break out speed and some receiving ability as well. At this point in time a home run pick for sure.
  5. Whaley is a lame duck GM and Rex should be fired after 1 season here. Haven't you been around for the last month or so? I'm surprised you were in that grouping, knowing your college FB knowledge. While I didn't know much about Darby (since he was not thrown to at FSU because he was all over guys all the time), it became immediately apparent to me after watching what I could on him, that he was a tremendous cover guy who can't catch at all. That has turned out to be mostly true although he does have a couple picks, he just mostly goes for the swat instead. One of the articles or videos was calling him "the invisible man" because he wouldn't show up in any box scores because they would just completely avoid throwing his way for strings of games at a time (had like 4 or 5 straight games of no stats last season). I've been calling him that in my circles ever since I saw that. Here is my first post on Darby from the draft day thread: "Posted 01 May 2015 - 08:04 PM There's a reason you haven't heard of this guy and that he doesn't have a great highlight reel. Teams do not throw in his direction. To me, that's a great sign for a CB. Let's give him a chance, could be a shut down level guy that went under the radar." http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/178054-rd-2-pick-50-db-ronald-darby-florida-state/page-6#108
  6. OP...what happened to your thoughts from this post on 9/21? Then we were 5-11 at best and now we are winning 4 or 5 more games in the last 7. Maybe you just think we are going to lose 7 straight now. Nice job.
  7. For once we are in a position to where it doesn't matter really. We are in control of our own destiny. If we manage to lose only 1 or 2 games the rest of the way, the help we need is sure to fall into place.
  8. No one is giving us a chance. Not even a lot of Bills fans and our local media. I think we are going to surprise a lot of people and this extra time helps a lot. Helps with game planning and helps with recovery. The loss of Lewis is huge in my opinion as their current RBs are not nearly as much of a threat in the passing game. They also got injuries on the Oline and we could, potentially, come into this game the healthiest we have been all season. We got a real shot at winning this game and I'm pumped.
  9. That was 4th and short, no? Even more huge.
  10. He was going in a straight line right to the ball. Perfectly legal play to get there a bit early, he had position and has a right to go for the ball just as much as the receiver.
  11. ND WR Will Fuller says that he's returning next season. Was projected 1st rounder. I'm surprised. Guess he could change his mind though.
  12. They are sort of a newer version of the 2000's WVU or Notre Dame. Always seem to make it into the top 10 and then find a way to blow it. Let's see if it changes this year. UNC very well may take them in the ACC championship game. Marquise Williams is playing very well this year.
  13. Anybody watch that Clemson FSU game? Ben Boulware was making plays all over the field but he seems to get no love from any draft pundits. Probably not going to come out this year, but he's a guy I'm going to keep an eye on at LB going forward. Loved his energy and play making ability, the type of guy I would love picking up in the mid to late rounds.
  14. I think this right here summarizes him the best.
  15. I'm sure all you guys calling him a D bag would be singing the same tune if say Kyle Williams tore down a Jets sign at the Ralph Week 17. Right? I think this is great and Cam is really blossoming as not only a great QB but a great team leader as well.
  16. And the Colts just beat the undefeated Broncos...
  17. Hell, one of the best franchises in the league, the Seahawks, have a significant amount of UDFAs on their squad seeing significant playing time. Now that's value!
  18. I actually just saw a clip of that yesterday. Fake punt in a pro-bowl with Sean Taylor on the return special teams and he absolutely, unequivocally blew him up. Mormon gets completely knocked off his feet and the ball goes flying out of bounds. Guarantee he has never been hit like that before or since. Taylor was one hell of a hitter.
  19. So, let me get this straight...Rex Ryan should be fired for having all this talent on the team and only a 3-4 record. AND Whaley should be fired for not getting enough talent on our roster. Interesting. Rex gets fired for not doing enough with all the talent Whaley has supplied him and Whaley gets fired for not having enough talent on the team. This is just too funny.
  20. Too bad that isn't the right play. The snap he dropped was at his ankles and their punter is #12.
  21. 262 blue angel pilots to date, 26 blue angel pilot deaths to date. That is crazy. So we're killing 10% of our best pilots for entertainment. As cool as that is to see, something seems off there to me.
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