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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. I don't understand how any Bills fan could be against this. Every year I watch at least a few episodes and every year I think "how awesome would it be if this was the Bills I was watching?" The "Distraction" argument is unsubstantiated and overblown. Give me as much Bills coverage as possible.
  2. Vikings have always been my #2 team so I'm obviously pulling for them. Second is the Cards.
  3. You certainly cannot blame last night's blowout on Cook. His OLine couldn't do anything against their front 7 (most lines can't). There were also some drops by his WRs. However, I wouldn't touch him in the first round for one reason and one reason only....A senior QB with the most starts in the schools history at that position and he still wasn't chosen to be one of the Captains for the season. That is a major red flag in my opinion as he either doesn't have that kind of respect from his coaches and / or his teammates. Goff looks fantastic and I need to see more of Lynch to make my call on him, but those are the only 2 I consider in the first round at this time. For us, it's clear we need LB, DLine, WR help the most IMO. Hopefully we can handle some of that in FA. I'd love us to draft either a stud MLB or another great WR in the first. Jack may still be there with his injury and Tredwell would be my WR of choice right now.
  4. "It's a long road to wisdom, but a short one to being ignored."
  5. Tom Brady. Franchise QBs are hard to find and when teams do hit on them, they rarely let them walk. Hall of Fame QBs are even harder to find. We've been stuck without a franchise QB in a division of one of the best of all time. It's really that simple. Even more rare is when you have no lag between that level of QB and you are great for 20+ years (Packers now, 49ers of 80s/90s, Colts potentially).
  6. Bickering Bills. 4 SBs in a row coming soon.
  7. I don't think it is scheme at all. He is there, he is in the right spot to make a play, but too many times the guys outruns him to the sideline, he over-pursues, or just misses the tackle. None of those things have anything to do with scheme, that's the player.
  8. I thought Preston looked very good last season and seemed to have potential of being a very good MLB for us. But this year? What the hell happened to him? He misses tackles consistently, on that long run before halftime he was right in the hole where the HB was clearly heading and he overshot it by 2 yards and didn't even touch the guy. Tackling and playing your hole are not the coaches fault. He is there to make plays, but just doesn't do it. Not to mention his inability to man cover anyone really hurts our D too. Quick read passes are quite often to the guy he is covering. These are not just issues from today, it's been going on all season. We need to make a concerted effort to get a legit, starting MLB to lead a defense and I think it's our biggest area of need on the whole team and it doesn't seem like anyone is even talking about this. Truly elite defenses almost always have at least one great LB on their team, we have none that are even close to being great.
  9. If you know what you are doing you can make a Honda Civic fast as hell. You obviously know as much about cars as you do football.
  10. You do realize that Rex led the Jets to two consecutive AFC Championship games with Mark Sanchez as his QB right? Each with 2 road wins in the playoffs to get there. If that's not getting a team to perform ABOVE expectations, then I don't know what is.
  11. This makes just way too much sense for around here. Why people expect a new coach with a QB starting for the first time in his career to gel right away cannot be explained to me. Not to mention a crap ton of injuries all over the field. Not just starters, but valuable depth guys behind them as well. This leads to us starting guys straight off the street or from our practice squad. That, my friends, is not good. When you are dependent on a Defense to carry your developing offense and then you are missing your best Safety, a top level corner (whom I think is our best still), our best linebacker, our defensive leader and very effective Tackle it is going to sting, big time. Then we also lose Carrington, Powell, Wynn, Brooks, all backups who would have seen significant playing time...well, what you get is a 7-9 or 9-7 type season. You know how many guys the Eagles were missing yesterday? One starting LB, the other guys on IR are backups and everyone on their injury report played. We are heading the right direction and we need to stay the course. Add some additional depth through the draft in LB and DLine especially, possibly a DB or two and on offense if we can grab another WR and some OL, we are well on our way. Unfortunately, now is the time we will go on a 3 game winning streak and kill our draft position in typical Bills fashion.
  12. You guys want to give a head coach 1 year with a QB that is in his first season as a starter? What are we, the Browns?
  13. I don't think this is too far fetched. We could certainly win out and none of the potential AFC playoff teams scare me that much. I'm in. Let's do this.
  14. We just put up 30 points and 390 yards against a defense that had allowed 35 points TOTAL in the previous 4 games and no more than 268 yards in any of those games. A lot of people just can never be satisfied I guess.
  15. Best: Dareus McCoy Watkins Gilmore Incognito Honorable mentions: Hughes, Tyrod, Darby, Mario, Clay Worst Mulligan Duke Williams Cyrus Felton (I can't be the only one to see him miss his block all game long) Boobie IK is pretty horrible too, but I ran out of room.
  16. I just did this exercise without really looking at yours and I came up with the exact same alignment.
  17. Same offensive coordinator as Gailey was basically just the offensive coordinator here. Same QB; have you not seen him do the exact same things he was doing as the Bills QB? Get down, comeback, pump everyone up, throw pick on final drive where he could have won game rinse and repeat. Only difference is now he has Brandon Marshall to throw to, here he had Stevie...big difference. The Jets will not make the playoffs, mark it down.
  18. Yep, had already edited before you guys posted. But still, don't we remember what we did with Fitzy not too long ago? If he wants like $5 or $6M per, sure, why. But if I were him, I'd be looking for $10-$15 with how he's looked this year and for me, it's way too early to make such a commitment on him.
  19. Fact, Watkins has played 8 games if you take out the second half vs Dolphins and Bengals when he got injured. If he would have played 16 games he would be on pace for 1270 yards and 12 TDs in his second season on a clearly run focused offense. And that even includes his 0 catches week 1 vs Indy. I'd take that any day of the week.
  20. Why would we extend him now when we have him under contract for 2016 already for pennies? Save the cap room for now. Didn't we learn our lesson by extending Fitzy a bit prematurely? And better than Brady? Come on man.
  21. Shhhh. Don't you know that facts and logic are frowned upon around here?
  22. Do kickers ever come out early? I'm pretty sure Janikowski did. If Aguayo foregoes his senior year I would be very comfortable taking him in the second round of the draft considering the new extra point rules and the ability to free up a roster spot with a guy that can do kicks and field goals. Is that crazy?
  23. Tyrod needs to run more. It provides an extra angle that is tough to defend. The more he runs, the more spies and pass rushers they will counter with. The more spies and pass rushers, the more open the passing lanes become over the middle. Unfortunately, it comes with an exponentially greater risk of injury especially considering his is no Cam Newton size wise. He is not our problem this year at all. It's our D. When you lose Kyle Williams, Mario Williams, Aaron Williams to injury. You lose significant depth at DLine and LB so when your starters do go out, you aren't playing with your second string guys (which was a strength of ours in camp) you are playing with 3rd, 4th, and PS guys instead, it makes a huge difference. Jairus Wynn, Ty Powell, now Alex Carrington all hurt big time. We lost Bradham last week and the guy who replaced him got cut the next day because he was so terrible. Yeah, every team has injuries, but not every team loses their best players AND their backups.
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