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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Nobody blows a game with a special teams fumble better than Leodis McKelvin.
  2. Um...Miami teams were great under Butch Davis and the first few years of Coker including the 2002 Miami squad which is widely regarded as one of, if not the best college FB team of all time even if they did get robbed out of a national championship by the refs vs. Ohio State. Butch Davis built the team, had a great 2000 season and Coker took that team to the promise land in 2001 and almost repeated in 2002. He also have very good 2003, 2004, and 2005 seasons.
  3. You mad bro? So Larry Coker was a great coach? Butch Davis was a great coach? Those guys have done what since Miami besides fail in the NFL and at UNC and UTSA? College football is cyclical. Teams are good for a while, teams are mediocre/bad for a while. Hell, even Alabama, Ohio State, Michigan, USC have 10 year periods of mediocrity. What has Florida been doing lately? Are we to think they will never be elite again? Come on.
  4. I believe other teams can negotiate and we have chance to match. If we do not match we get 2 1st round picks. Not 100% on this though.
  5. So much nonsense that even the Boston Globe wrote a story on the Patriots giving a ton of business to a company that he owns? https://www.bostonglobe.com/sports/2015/12/19/patriots-pay-business-owned-tom-brady-and-partner-with-dubious-past/C4zMzcPDgU62WMMg10qeBL/story.html
  6. No, I'm comparing it to a demonstrated pattern of cheating over the course of his entire career. Spygate, deflategate, constant manipulation of the rules which have to be adjusted by the NFL during the off-season because they exploited some loophole, etc. "Generally aware" though? Come on man. You are very, very naive. Common sense and logic dictate that there is absolutely no way that an equipment staff would do something like that without direct instruction from the guy who want those balls to feel a certain way. Just because the smoking gun may not have been found, doesn't mean it didn't happen.
  7. Serious question, do you consider Barry Bonds the greatest baseball player of all time? It can be argued that his numbers speak for themselves, but with all of the outside stuff you would be hard pressed to find a baseball fan who thought that. To me, it's the same thing with Brady.
  8. So much for baseball failing. The highest then was Cal Ripken at an inflated rate of $16M. That's the salary of a 3rd starter these days. Currently 51 players set to make more than that this season.
  9. From 2001 to 2004 the Canes produced 19 first round NFL draft picks including 6 in 2004. That's Miami Loaded and it's far from 25 years ago. It's not the area he was referring to, it was the school.
  10. That list is absurd. Andrew Luck at #20 behind Mariotta, Winston, Bortles? Fitzy ahead of Tyrod? Come on now.
  11. College football is better when the U is relevant. Being a U fan myself, I sure hope he's right.
  12. Hogan is a fine 4th or 5th receiver / big body when you need one. He cannot be relied upon as the #3 and definitely not the #2, at least from what he's shown so far. We need a real #2. Woods hasn't stepped up.
  13. If you choose to live in a fantasy world where this does not exist, that is your prerogative. But the fact of the matter is that private prisons are funded based on how many inmates they are housing. They are giant entities whose sole purpose is to make money. MJ offenders make up quite a big chunk of their population. If they lost those, they would lose hundreds of millions of dollars. They pay lobbyist and super pacs a crap ton of money to try to make sure that never happens. Big pharma would lose billions, yes BILLIONS, if many of their drugs could be replaced by something you could grow in your own house. It is just simple logic my friend. But live in your sheltered world of rainbows and unicorns. It's cool. As far as Gregory, yes he may be stupid to put himself in this position...or he may be intelligent enough to realize that a lifetime addiction to pain killers is not worth it to him. Probably the former, but who's to say it's not the latter? The overwhelming majority of studies into the subject clearly show the medicinal benefits with relatively low side effects in adults for marijuana, especially compared to opiates. You probably believe global warming is made up too though, huh?
  14. People's ignorance on the salary cap continues to baffle me. You would think after having threads about this every week people would finally start to understand. Guess not.
  15. Believe me, I am well aware of the impact of lobbyist and big business on our country. I think in this case it's more pharma and private prisons who have too much at stake. Law enforcement agencies (local at least) would love to not worry about something so petty.
  16. MJ is infinitely safer than painkillers. Just sayin'.
  17. Perhaps you did not read the last sentence of my post. The post I was responding to was saying it is impossible to learn new specialized skills in the NFL. I said that was not true but admitted that it mostly happens in college and that it would most likely not be successful in this case.
  18. Players have made transitions from one position to another and WR to DB is one of the more common ones that happen. Granted, it usually occurs at the college level, but I'm sure there are examples of it occurring at the NFL level. Troy Brown comes to mind immediately. Although he was more of an emergency sub than a true position change, he handled himself fairly well as a CB when he played and I'm sure if he changed full time he would have become an effective corner. An obvious example of a very successful position change was Jason Peters from TE to an All-Pro LT. Also, the Seahawks have been switching dlineman to olineman like crazy under Carroll. JR Sweezy is probably the best example of it and has gone from a no name 7th round pick DT to a very serviceable guard. They have also attempted this with numerous UDFA to varying degrees of success. I don't think it's likely to be successful here, but to dismiss the idea as having no chance at working is a bit off to me.
  19. We must have the smartest fan base in the NFL. How come no one comes in here bragging about their 15?
  20. The salary cap rarely is an issue these days and I don't expect it to be one for us either. People get paid a lot of money to know how to manipulate it and make it work, and plan years in advance. We'll be just fine.
  21. Yeah, but they weren't a perennial one before he got there. Personally, I always loved the guy. From the first video I watched of him after we drafted him when he was cruising around in the golf cart while at Cal. So funny. The guy is so much smarter than anyone gives him credit for (which should be obvious considering he went to Cal Berkeley). Yeah, he made a mistake here and there, who doesn't? The way he made himself a marketable player by not saying anything was pure genius and clearly intentional in my mind.
  22. You mean the same chick that tried to sue him for assault and battery but lost when she had admitted in text to friends that he never even touched her? Great reference. He is not getting cut. Period. This will be the first time he has ever been arrested. It was a fight in a bar with other men. There were no weapons involved, no women / children being hit, no previous suspensions in his past. People want to bring up his previous behavior? An all female party? Are you kidding me, that sounds amazing. Pouring water (or some beverage) on a stripper that you hired? Really, THAT is where she draws the moral line? Give me a break. These types of things are a Tuesday afternoon for Gronkowski. He will likely not face any jail time for this considering he has no record at all and will be hiring a top notch defense lawyer I'm sure, and will likely face a 2 game league suspension, 4 at the absolute most. We are going to cut one of our best players and screw ourselves cap wise because of this?
  23. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha......Ha!
  24. If the Broncos were the ones down 16-10 in the SB in the 4th quarter and Peyton was in Cam's shoes, I'd be willing to bet he would have made an attempt at that ball. Old as dirt (NFL QB wise) bad back, bad hip, bad foot and all, and I am confident he would have done everything in his power to recover that ball. The SB was on the line there. That effort was inexcusable no matter how close you look at the replay or how you try to justify in Cam's eyes. Showed a real lack of heart IMO, which he seemed to display all game long.
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