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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. My post from other thread on this: I watched a good amount of ND games and Kizer did absolutely nothing in those games which made me come away thinking he would be a top NFL QB. Same with Miami and Kayaa. These guys may have the "tools" and "biggest upside" but to me, if you can't pass the initial visual test of watching them play then you should not even be in consideration for a first round pick. I will say this though in the ND games, I often found myself saying "why do they keep running the ball all game when it is going no where." Not sure why Kelly didn't open it up more for Kizer is it Kelly's fault or did he just not trust him? Finally, a huge red flag to me is any college QB with a completion % below 60 in their final year. Even more so if they showed regression which Kizer did. If you can't hit 60% in college how are you going to be effective in the NFL? I'm really glad you are not making the selection on draft day.
  2. I watched a good amount of ND games and Kizer did absolutely nothing in those games which made me come away thinking he would be a top NFL QB. Same with Miami and Kayaa. These guys may have the "tools" and "biggest upside" but to me, if you can't pass the initial visual test of watching them play then you should not even be in consideration for a first round pick. I will say this though in the ND games, I often found myself saying "why do they keep running the ball all game when it is going no where." Not sure why Kelly didn't open it up more for Kizer is it Kelly's fault or did he just not trust him? Finally, a huge red flag to me is any college QB with a completion % below 60 in their final year. Even more so if they showed regression which Kizer did. If you can't hit 60% in college how are you going to be effective in the NFL?
  3. Good teams find ways to win close games. Bad teams do not. It's really that simple.
  4. The great news is that it looks like we'll have the chance to get a really good player at 10. Whether it be a WR, S, or LB. Now, if we go somewhere else (CB for example), I will be disappointed.
  5. Gilmore. Definitely Gilmore. Put on an island all year long. Got burned a few times, sure, but who wouldn't under those circumstances? What you don't see is all the plays he completely shuts the guy down because they don't throw it there. So what if he can't tackle. Primetime was a horrific tackler and he's the best CB of all-time. A noticeably better CB than Darby at this stage IMO.
  6. I was about to do this, then I got to the first position, QB, got to thinking who our QB is going to be next year, got depressed and stopped. Maybe I'll try again later.
  7. Seriously? He lost the Dolphins game for us by not being able to kick it into the end zone on kickoffs and missing kicks. He is absolute garbage. He has got worse each year. Wake up man.
  8. Vince Young did not graduate in 3 years. Watson is a smart, composed, professional, charismatic leader. Vince Young was lazy and immature when he left Texas. Just because they are both black, doesn't mean they are the same guy.
  9. So you missed the 2 beautiful passes to Leggett, one caught at the towards the end of the game and the one that would have been a perfect throw had Leggett not stopped the route for a split second. The missed throw was actually more impressive. He read the defense perfectly, threw a perfect ball at the perfect time...Leggett just let up a tad and couldn't recover. This is NOT the old West Virginia offense of screens and short routes from Geno Smith. And throwing it up to your best WR who can make plays is a bad thing? Haven't we been screaming for Tyrod to do that to Sammy for years? The guy has talent, a great head on his shoulders and is a true leader (something we have lacked severely with Tyrod). Sign me up for him on draft day, no question. The great news is that there are a lot of quality players at the top of this draft. At this time, I'd be pretty happy with Watson, Williams, Hooker, or Adams.
  10. Have you ever even watched football? He is so much better than Cardale Jones. Really, it is not even close.
  11. Why is it so hard for people to understand that he is paid by the Bills and is not going to bad mouth his employer which would, most likely, lead to him losing not only that radio show but his dream job of being an NFL play by play announcer? If you don't go into that show knowing that, well then, you are an idiot. I know I'd go day in day out lying like that if I had that gig. It's perfectly reasonable.
  12. Just keep telling yourself that. We saw the exact same things that got him benched in college. He has a great arm, but he will never be a great QB. Never.
  13. Again, this is utter non-sense. The prodigal son is about a son who convinces his father to give him his inheritance early and he goes out and wastes all the money (the meaning of prodigal is basically wasteful or reckless spending). Then he returns broke, leading to the saying "the prodigal son returns." It is not even close to what you are claiming particle sun means. But, what do I know, I'm an "idiom", I voted Saban BTW. He is organized, disciplined, and knows how to run a program. He manages the team, not the offense or the defense, like a true HC should. They are always the most disciplined team on the field and rarely beat themselves. He is process driven and that is what a true HC should be.
  14. That is utter non-sense. You sure you are not thinking of the Prodigal Son?
  15. Guess you weren't around to troll during the Marv Levy GM days, huh?
  16. I'm fine with being worse next season. As long as it is a lot worse! Maybe we'll have a shot at Darnold. Interesting on Darnold...USC's defensive coordinator wanted to make him a LB. Reminds me of another Bills QB who was a LB at one time.
  17. It is his accuracy that is most concerning to me. He wasn't accurate in college, he wasn't accurate in pre-season, and he wasn't accurate vs the Jets. On his best play the WR was wide open because Revis fell. But the pass made Hunter slow down and not score. If Revis didn't fall the ball would have been defended as it was under thrown. Unfortunately, accuracy doesn't seem to be something that you magically become better at when you join the NFL, but who knows?
  18. You are incorrect. In a trade you are hit with a cap penalty just as if you cut the player.
  19. If Dan Carpenter is not cut I will have to seriously consider my fandom going forward.
  20. Also said he makes plays that no one else can make.
  21. The pick he made vs Clemson was, quite simply, an elite play. If we can't address S in FA with someone of quality, then I would be very happy if we took a really close look at Hooker.
  22. Yeah, that is true. But still, $16-18M per year (and all of 2018 is guaranteed as well if option picked up) is still a lot to tie up in a guy that is a "bridge" to the next QB. If they feel like he is the answer at QB then it is a very fair rate. But, if they think he has hit his ceiling and is not the answer to winning a SB (which I believe, even though he could get us to the playoffs) I feel that money could be better spent filling other holes (Eric Berry???) and we continue the scavenger hunt to find that guy that can win a SB.
  23. I like Tyrod. I don't like Tyrod for the price tag on his current deal. If he is willing to sign for less, it's a no brainer. He was by no way, the reason we missed the playoffs. That falls solely on the shoulders of the defense and Carpenter. In order for Tyrod to be paid like a top tier QB I would need to see much more in the areas of: Reading a defense and getting rid of the ball quicker; Two minute offense that actually shows some urgency (why isn't he calling the plays in the hurry up offense?); Have the balls to throw into coverage and letting our guys make plays (Sammy), Some form of leadership (sitting idly by and showing no emotion at all is not what I want from my QB, I want a guy who pumps guys up, holds them accountable, and takes ownership of the offense and team). To me, that's worth $20+M a year, not a guy who we are just hoping doesn't turn it over.
  24. I agree with this but you cannot evaluate the trade in hindsight. When that draft took place Sammy was seen as the only sure thing WR prospect. Evans was considered a below average route runner and there were questions on whether he'd be able to get separation in the NFL (he can). OBJ was considered a bit small to be a sure thing. Sammy had it all. Speed, good size, amazing hands, quickness, route running, you name it he had / has it. In retrospect, yes, we should have just stayed and taken one of the other WRs, but you cannot look at it that way. Sammy has the talent to justify where we took him, we just need him to stay on the field and throw him the damn ball.
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