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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Uh...government taking over private business is EXACTLY what communism is.
  2. Or maybe because he would fall asleep during the show and was noticeably starting to lose his marbles. And Schilling's comments clearly crossed the line.
  3. You do realize that "actual sports broadcasts" are what is making ESPN hemorrhage money, don't you? Broadcasting rights contracts have killed it ESPN, they have way overpaid and they over-saturated the market. Sports on tv used to be special, now it's every single night on 7 different channels. Should have kept it simple like the 90s: 12 am - 2am: 30 min - 1 hour shows focused on sports that are currently active - ex. baseball tonight, nhl tonight, nba tonight, etc. 2am - 12pm: SportsCenter. Record the 2am SC and replay it over and over again with pretty much all highlights of the day. Get rid of all the crap commentary, contributors and extra junk. Show me highlights, some interviews, top 10 plays, etc. 12pm - 4pm: Random recorded sports. Think world strongest man, ping pong, darts, curling, whatever. 4pm - 6pm: Various talk shows: PTI, Around the Horn, Up Close (remember when they actually did 30 min interviews with athletes). This is all the talk show crap this station needs. 6pm - 7pm: SportsCenter. Not this SC6 crap that is absolutely unwatchable. Best highlights from day before, news of the day (the business sides of sports really), and setting stage for biggest games of the night. 7pm - 11pm: Live sports (not same sport every single night...see College BB season and FB season currently - 2-3 nights per week max of same sport). Original programming (30 for 30 for example - this used to be every Tuesday and a lot of Fridays) etc. If this was the schedule again, I know I would be watching a whole lot more. Instead, I get my sports fix from MLB Network, NFL Network, live games, and the internet.
  4. Government using an eminent domain argument to take over an entertainment business? Uh...no. That is called Communism. No way, no possible way, that would ever fly. I can't even believe someone wasted their time doing research on such a stupid idea. Taking over lands for infrastructure is quite different than taking over a billion dollar plus entertainment franchise.
  5. I am always a fan of acquiring more picks as a rule of thumb. Drafted players are cheaper than FA to fill your holes and more likely to re-sign with your team at a lower rate than a FA when their rookie deals expire. The best franchises out there fill their rosters with drafted players who contribute all throughout the roster. However, your plan just has too many variables in it to be the reason I'm trading for future picks. First, Darnold has to improve on his stellar performance this year. That is saying a lot. It is not enough for a college QB to maintain their levels of play, they have to show progression too IMO, which will be hard to do after such a great season. It's very possible he regresses this season and is not the sure fire pick some believe he is at this time. Second, you have to depend on that team you traded to not turning it around this year. It happens every year. A team that is not expected to do anything suddenly clicks and they make a run. The Panthers in 2015 come to mind off a terrible 2014. Granted, usually that jump comes with a capable QB leading the squad, but you never know who is going to do it. So, if we make that trade and the team ends up being a playoff team, where does that leave us? It is very possible that teams pick next year is worse than our 10th this year. If we are trading down I want to get multiple picks for this years draft since you know what you are getting or trading a round up for next years draft (a 3rd this year for 2nd next year) to guarantee you win value wise. Especially when dealing with first round picks, one for one (with another 2nd or 3rd thrown in) is just too risky for my liking.
  6. I remember watching his highlights that draft year. In almost every play it seemed to me that he was cleaning up after a great play by a certain LB who was all over the field. None other than Mr. Kiko himself. Called bust immediately.
  7. To think one of the top 5 RBs in the league has no value on the trade market, now that is foolish. He may not get a first round pick, but we would certainly get something for him.
  8. bringing classic southern rock sound back. abbey road style medley. awesome album.
  9. Yeah...and one day the sun is going to engulf the Earth so every city will lose their team I guess. Maybe it's better to just focus on the next 20, 30, 40 years, don't you think?
  10. They already did it. I can't believe how trashy the players in those things are. I was watching a final game and the guys were running the same play on offense over and over and over again and they were running the same defense over and over and over again too. Each side running the same exact plays against each other over and over and over again. Shotgun run play up the middle and the quarter cover 2 zone that blitzes both inside CBs. Just goes to show you how trash the game really is when that tactic can get you in the finals of a tournament that paid out 10s of thousands dollars.
  11. No f'n way. I would be done with the NFL except playoff games. Pretty much am done with them anyway except Bills games and the playoffs which, unfortunately, are mutually exclusive these days. And you've been wrong a million times, I guess. The only chance we have is a local multi-billionaire buying the team to go with his locally owned hockey team who really doesn't care how much money he spends on the team or the facilities because, you know, drill more wells or something. Oh, yeah, that already happened.
  12. "This is like Trump telling Sean Spicer he's still the press secretary but won't be allowed to run the daily press briefing." Uh...no, it is nothing like that at all. Speaking to the press is the press secretary entire job. A GMs job is first and foremost to manage player personnel, media relations is not near the top of a GMs job duties (despite how important the media think they are). Guy is the flat out definition of a hack writer and the BN should be embarrassed to employ him.
  13. Probably best to expect a lot out of a 6th round draft pick who had 74 catches in his entire college career that missed an entire season to injury. Those guys typically pan out.
  14. ...and one that has been wrong as well on occasion So....complete opposite of his NFL game then?
  15. One of the most misused words in the English language, agree?
  16. One of the main differences, though, is that EJ wasn't even really that good in college either. Watch any tape on him and you will clearly see the same issues (especially accuracy) that we saw here. Watch Mahomes, Trubisky, or Watson and the difference is night and day IMO. I think all 3 are highly UNDERRATED in this draft.
  17. Joe Montana was also surrounded by HoF players on his offense and defense. Additionally, there was virtually no free agency when Montana was playing so he continuously played with those elite talents around him for his entire 49er career. Brady has won rings with 3 or 4 completely different rosters and been to the SB with even more. I'm sorry, but to me, that's more impressive.
  18. Just because you haven't heard of guys doesn't mean they don't make significant contributions to teams. People underrate team depth and special teams players all the time. And what happens when you don't hit on depth in the draft, well, you have injuries during the season and are forced to sign unemployed scrubs off the street (as we do every single year) because we can only find one or two contributors in the draft. Meanwhile, teams like the Packers and Seahawks are getting the most out of their drafts every single year and only signing cheap FAs or that one guy that may get them over the hump. Not filling 5 holes every off season with overpriced FAs. Who perennially spends the most in FA? The Redskins, right? How has that worked out for them? Overpriced guys year after year after year and in cap trouble year after year after year. Your definition of "solid contributor" is just so fanlike and you are the one who needs to step out of fantasy land and take a good look at how real organizations are run.
  19. Want some knee pads to be a little bit more comfortable while you are down there?
  20. Plus their first and second round picks too. Love how the Pats are "stronger" when they sign our guy who, if you go by these boards, 90% of Bills fans were desperate to get out of here. Allen has been an underachieving receiving threat, even if he is a top blocker, with injury issues his whole career (and college too). The fact remains, if they didn't have Brady then they would be far from the most talented team in the division.
  21. This is not the mindset of a successful team. You need 5/6 solid contributors per draft. Whether that be on special teams or as injury replacements throughout the year, you need to find guys who can contribute throughout the entire draft. These guys are so much cheaper than FAs and building through the draft protects your cap situation.
  22. Just like a Bills fan to want to get rid of our most talented player on defense. I'm guessing you wanted Gilmore out of town too? A guy that the best coach in the league was willing to pay top dollar to. Belichick probably doesn't know what he's doing though, right? And how, exactly, is he a cheater? He did not take performance enhancing drugs. He did something that some studies have estimated over 50% of the league does.
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