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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. How do we know Gilmore to White is a downgrade exactly? Especially considering White is $10+M cheaper which allows us to fill other holes. I mean, White has to be a better tackler at the very least. He has to. WRs - What has Woods ever done? Blocked a few guys? Awesome. How about a WR who makes catches? Also, what about the addition of Andre Holmes and Sammy who SHOULD come into the season much more healthy than last season. LBs - Brown to Ragland a downgrade? Zach Brown cannot tackle. Ragland is a tackling machine. I'm sorry, but I want a guy in the middle that can actually tackle RBs. I would prefer Preston to be the Brown that left though. S - How are you listing Williams when he missed pretty much the entire last 2 seasons? Yeah, he was very good. But it's not hard to improve over a guy that missed 75% of the games in the last 2 years and we were playing scrubs off the street. And, because we let Gilmore walk we could use the money on Hyde, a very serviceable S to say the least. HB - Gillislee takes advantage of worn down defenses and he does it very well. He is not a 4 quarter feature back. Without Shady wearing down the D all game long, Gillislee would not have nearly as good numbers as he did in his limited touches. HBs are a dime a dozen, especially back up HBs. This is the least of anyone's concerns.
  2. Until Shady shows me a sign of slowing down, I'm keeping him and paying him. He is an elite RB in this league and he hasn't shown any sign of slowing down yet. Yes, we know it's coming at some point, but we should wait until then before we start considering moving on. If he looks as good as he did last year this season, then there is no way I get rid of him in 2018. Very few RBs are a cut above the rest, he is one of them and is a game changer.
  3. Trying to guess on college talent right now is pointless. Look at any pundits mock drafts from a year before the actual draft and you'll find about 75% of their first round projections off. And they are professionals at doing it. Last year some had Brad Kayaa going #1 overall. 2 years ago it was Conner Cook. Even Cardale was put in he 1st round of a lot of mocks that year. It's just a futile project to try and figure out next years draft until the college season has at least a few games under its belt. I'd be willing to bet that either Darnold, Rose, or Allen will fall off and not be a top prospect come draft time and I can pretty much guarantee someone else will add their name to the list who no one is even imagining right now.
  4. Except for when they file a class action lawsuit against your organization for getting them addicted to pain killers. This is an alternative to that and it's potentially liability down the road which could easily be in the Billions.
  5. You could say the exact same thing about every other thread on this site.
  6. I agree, this is the main reason. Gotta give me something so i will give you something. However, I think there is a secondary reason too. Big Pharma and their advertising dollars. Big Pharma hates Mary Jane and they will use whatever influence and resources they can to keep it down. That is false. Studies show that about 10% of regular users become mentally addicted. Physical addiction is basically non-existent though.
  7. But seriously though, you don't think it has to be better than the complete cluster F on D we were last season, the clock mismanagement, the bad challenges, horrendous game plans (see Dolphins shredding us with their running game twice!!!), complete lack of discipline. Plus, you are looking at Dareus, Sammy, Lawson, and Ragland coming in healthy (hopefully), and what we added. I don't know. I just can't see us being worse.
  8. Unfortunately, this team is better than a 6 win team IMO. This team is good enough to get to the playoffs. Our defense has to improve over last year. It has to. And a functional defense last year would have got us to the playoffs. Yeah, the schedule is tough, but teams get injuries, under perform, etc.. I like our additions more than our subtractions (except I think Zach Brown will be missed). This team has to be better than last year. I see 9-7 or 10-6 out of this team and a possible playoff birth. 7-9 at worst. So, why unfortunate? Simple, I don't think Taylor can win us a SB and I want to blue chip QB prospect to develop who can. Playoffs are not my goal, rings are and TT won't get you rings unless you have an Raven's, Buc's, Bears type dominate defense which we do not.
  9. a risky question mark in the first round. One with either injury, drug, or off field issues, or a position that is risky by nature.
  10. Says the guy who was saying Connor Cook was the next big thing...and just about every other QB you have wanted is terrible. In fact, take Darnold off your sig before you curse the poor kid. At the very least he is a huge upgrade over Cardale as the backup IMO.
  11. A few injuries and any NFL team that was supposed to make the playoffs could easily become a 4 win team, especially at the QB position. The Chiefs have a tough schedule and have to deal with the Broncos and Raiders in that division. Personally, I don't think they are a playoff team next year.
  12. I like what we did, don't get me wrong. But to assume we are going to be able to get the best QB in the draft next year is crazy. IF someone like Darnold has a great year and is the consensus #1 overall pick next year and, say, the Browns have the #1 overall pick, I don't think they would trade out for anything. Not to mention if we end up 7-9 or 8-8 and the Chiefs make the playoffs again. We aren't moving up to #1 with a #15-20 pick and a #20-30 pick. It would take a more than that I think, especially if it turns Darnold or Rosen or Mayfield or whoever, get even better this season.
  13. So, White has the same contract as Gilmore? Oh, sorry, nevermind, it is over $10M cheaper. That equates to two additional starters we can afford with that extra money. It's really White + 3rd round 2017 + 1st round 2018 + two additional starters or very good depth guys for Gilmore and Mahomes. I take that deal any day of the week.
  14. I disagree. Teams are desperate for QBs. Someone will give him decent money to take a chance on him. Look how much cap space the Browns have this year. You don't think they would be willing to risk 5-10M of that on a front loaded 2 year deal for him or 1 year with option?
  15. That would be the dumbest thing he could possibly do in my opinion. He should get as much money as he can with this contract. This could very well be his last. He needs to think about his non-football future which may not be that far off. Yes.
  16. So, the only reason a DC got a HC job was because of a QB his team drafted? Is that what you are trying to say? Um...OK...sure.
  17. Good work NP! Definitely agree in the order of your QB picks. I got Davis over Kizer as well. Kizer hasn't done anything to impress me as a QB. I still want Watson at #10 or a trade down to 15-20 for him would be my dream scenario picking up an additional 2.
  18. Based on his college performance, pre-season performance, and week 17 performance. He has horrendous accuracy. Watch his so-called "great" games at OSU. WRs making tremendous plays on underthrown balls all over the place. He never hits anyone in stride. He underthrows guys open by 5 yards so much that the WR has to make a great catch over the DB who was able to catch up to them. The only reason they had any success was because teams were stacking the box vs Elliot and WRs made tremendous plays. There is a reason he lost his starting job.
  19. Uh, because Cardale Jones is a terrible QB with no chance of NFL success.
  20. This guy is the definition of all the right physical tools but just a flat out poor football player. As a Hurricane fan, I can say with certainty that Kaaya will never be a successful NFL QB. He was terrible during big games all throughout his career mostly because he can't do anything under any sort of pressure. If he has all day and open lanes, he is great and has a rocket arm, but any sense of pressure and he panics, makes terrible reads, throws terrible passes. It was a repeating trait in all the games I watched (probably 5-7 Canes games each year and all the big ones).
  21. People who keep comparing this QB class to EJ Manuel have no idea how to evaluate an NFL QB prospect. Period. End of story. It is in no way, shape, or form, the same QB class. All you need to do is look at the stats and watch a few minutes of film to see that there are at least 3 QBs, probably more, in this draft who are miles ahead of where EJ was when he was drafted. Watch EJ play at FSU, he had terrible accuracy then too. It's not even close.
  22. Please enlighten us ole wise one as to what exactly communism is. I just love people who want to argue for the sake of arguing. Look at me, look how smart I am. Here, over here, look at me. I can take a simple analogy and nitpick on it to make it wrong based on semantics. Over here, me, look, I'm right here. I'm the smartest person you know. Communism is communal sharing and ownership of all resources and property at its most basic level. The government taking over a privately held franchise turns it into communal ownership of that organization, thus the communism analogy.
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