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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Golden Tate is making a living on screens in the NFL. 33 receptions on screens last season. Demarious Thomas was running screens all the time with Peyton. I think you need to re-evaluate your theory.
  2. I like less popular classics. So many Kelly, Thomas, Smith and Reeds out there. I'd go with Bennett, Moulds, Odomes, Fletcher (I have one and get comments on it all the time), Metzelars, Paup. Something like that.
  3. I wonder if there has ever been an athlete revered as much as Freddie that never even got their team to the playoffs in his entire career. I can't think of one.
  4. I'm all in all the time. I'm a fan. I support the Coach, GM, QB, owner, whoever, until they are gone.
  5. Really, a backup running back? That's a big loss? If RBs are a dime a dozen, what are backup RBs?
  6. Hopefully the biggest loss / gain win came from losing Rex and Whaley and getting McDermott and Beane. To me, we are even or maybe a little ahead of our roster last year as far as adds / subtractions go. Gilmore is really the only lost player of consequence IMO. Zach Brown was OK, but not spectacular. I just don't see how people are only saying 3, 4, or 5 wins. This team has 7 wins in them at a minimum.
  7. What is really amazing is how people are still so ignorant to what depression does to you (or addiction for that matter). It doesn't care how much money you have, how good looking you are, how "lucky" you seemingly are. How miserable can life really be? Well, imagine living every single moment with your brain telling you that you are not good enough, that the world is better off without you, that your family is better off without you. That you are just a burden on everybody around you. Every single day your mind is saying that to you, over and over and over again. Imagine it being so difficult to get out of bed that you would spend days in a row not getting up (think of how hard it is to get up with just 2 or 3 hours of sleep, now imagine you have that feeling no matter how much sleep you get). Imagine that when you do go out you have to pretend and act like everything is OK to people, put on that good face; but inside, you are tormented non-stop.. Luckily, I don't know these feeling, but unfortunately there are people very close to me that do. Every day is a struggle. Every minute is a struggle for the severely depressed. People who don't know, simply can't understand how bad it can be. His wife is saying that it may have been caused by a prescription drug with a "may cause suicidal thoughts" side effect as opposed to his depression or addiction acting up.
  8. There is no possible way they are going to replace him for the current tour and, most likely, not at all.
  9. Don't forget the vastly underrated Shannon Hoon too, though probably not quite grunge, but definitely of that era.
  10. Don't think so with his wife calling on a friend to go check on him. I'm guessing he had some sort of conversation with her earlier that scared her enough to send someone to check on him. Mental illness can be a terrible thing and he has battled depression and addiction in the past.
  11. Terrible. Staley and Cornell were the best voices of the grunge era, more than Cobain and Vedder IMO. I just hope it was natural causes.
  12. On Tyrod, my lingering question is this though...if our coaching staff was so terrible and unprepared, how many of his shortcomings are his fault? Or was our offensive coaching seen as competent? What is Rivers going to do if he is playing in that offense? Also, we have to provide some credit for the complete lack of talent at the WR position. When he had his full array of healthy weapons, I felt like he was a much better QB.
  13. There is no way Taylor is not our starting QB this season. Well, injury I guess. But that's it. Even if Peterman is clearly better (and that is quite the stretch for a 5th round QB), he should sit at least this year and learn from a pro how to be a pro. If nothing else,Taylor prepares, works hard, and is the consummate professional. I am totally ruling out Jones as a viable NFL QB at this point. And Yates? Seriously, Yates? No. Give this year to Tyrod, see what you have in Peterman. If neither is the guy, go for one next year. If we got lucky on Peterman by some miracle, then use our 2 1st next year to acquire even more picks somehow and build an actual team.
  14. Haven't really broken down any of these QBs for 2018 yet, but I have to wonder why Baker Mayfield doesn't get that much love. All the guy does is produce at an extraordinary level. Is it because he is only 6'1"? Something with arm strength? He puts up huge numbers ever year, gets better every year, and has great mobility too.
  15. Think he is still doing college games for Fox mostly. Love his energy and creativity. "He's got run away from the cops speed" was an all time classic.
  16. Don't hurt yourself getting down off your soapbox. It's really not even worth have the discussion with people who immediately point to sexism the moment a man criticizes a noticeable trend in a group of women. You are so quick to choose the "holier than thou" path, that you don't even take the time to understand and digest the point. The fact is that a successful broadcaster must not only have a great deal of knowledge, but also have a pleasant, welcoming, engaging voice for the listeners. It is simply my opinion that most, not all, of the women doing it do not have this quality. There are some out there that do, like Jessica Mendoza for example, and I fully support women like her in the role. But in my viewing experience, she is in the vast minority of female broadcasters at this point. Of course, there are men that do as well, it just seems to be way less (proportionally at least). I feel that many companies are hiring women broadcasters just to give an appearance of diversity, when they should be thinking about hiring the right PERSON regardless of gender. I mean, Suzny Waldman sounds like a 75 year old Long Island woman who smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for 40 years.
  17. Yeah, OK. When 90% of the women doing it have annoying voices and maybe 20% of the men do, it's not quite a double standard.
  18. Although usually very knowledgeable, I find most women broadcasters lacking in one very important area, their voices are annoying. Women like Doris Burke and Suzyn Waldman have voices that I simply cannot stand for an entire game. And it causes me to turn them off. I believe that many broadcast women are being hired regardless of their delivery whereas men must have a great delivery to be on top. Jessica Mendoza in Sunday Night Baseball is an example of how it should be. A very knowledgeable woman who has pleasant voice and delivery to listen to. Doris Burke and Suzyn Waldman have voices made for Print Media.
  19. If ever there was a phrase that has jumped the shark, this is it. I immediately dismiss anyone who uses it as a crazy. You think you are funny, I'm sure, but all you and anyone who uses it are doing is turning off people from your party and opinions. Nice job.
  20. You are not interested in a .500 team but you are still here after 17 years of it? Seems to me that you are pretty interested in a .500 team. Me, I'm a Bills fan and I typically support whoever is running the show and all the players until they are no longer a part of the team (or some major transgression - Like Preston Brown's complete inability to tackle as a MLB). I'm optimistic till the end (usually mid to late November). Football is entertainment and I am entertained even if we don't win the SB. I'm entertained watching the games, watching the draft, talking to friends and family about them, listening to WGR, reading this site, reading articles, watching prospects youtube videos, etc.. We don't need to win a SB for me to be entertained, it's just the icing on top.
  21. In a heartbeat. Elite MLBs win Super Bowls all the time. CJ is an elite MLB. How many SBs have Randy Moss, Calvin Johnson, Julio Jones, AJ Green, OBJ won? Zero.
  22. Seriously though, how hard is it to know the rules? If it was my job to run an NFL team you can beat I would know every single rule too. The real question is, why don't other teams seem to know them? It's their job to.
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