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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Can't argue about it? Try me. I can argue anything. Here goes. Tomorrow actually doesn't exist at all since it never actually comes. As soon as it becomes real, it is transformed to today and there is a new tomorrow instantly. Tomorrow is never actually real.
  2. Dorial Green Beckham and Da'Rick Rogers available....decisions decisions decisions. Now I understand not giving Sammy that 5th year.
  3. I don't know how you guys can remember what is and isn't in the books. I've read them all (only once though) and I have no clue what the differences are! Maybe I was just too busy with thoughts like only 954 pages to go, only 921 pages to go, only 889 pages to go....only 4 books to go....
  4. Um...no, that would not be ironic at all. It would be coincidental or noteworthy, but not ironic.
  5. Don't pay Shady. RB's are a dime a dozen, Shady isn't worth the money........then our backup RB is signed by another team and suddenly losing a backup RB is "huge" loss. I just don't understand people sometimes. The guy got most of his yards after the defense had been worn down by an entire game of chasing Shady around. The game he had his most carries and was the feature back...2015 vs the NYJ. 24 carries for a whopping 28 yards. If you think that he is going to repeat his YPC over an entire season of being a #1 back, well, I could agree with you, but then we would both be wrong.
  6. Acquiring draft picks and getting rid of old, overpaid veterans to retain salary cap flexibility....I guess the Patriots have been tanking for 15 years.
  7. This fight is a joke. No way I waste money on it. McGregor will hardly be able to touch Mayweather and Floyd will just dip and dive his way to a unanimous decision victory. Even if McGregor hits him a few times (which no other professional boxer seemed to be able to do his entire career), with boxing gloves instead of MMA gloves, those hits will not carry quite the punch they do for him in MMA. Mayweather is such a boring boxer to watch too. If McGregor does happen to win, what a devastating blow to boxing it would be. They would lose all credibility.
  8. I think Tyrion's lineage may be up for debate still and he may actually not be a Lanister after all. Maybe that is really why his father treated him so bad and why the dragons didn't kill him when went to release them. I don't think Gendry is coming back at all.
  9. Taylor has to be able to read when to audible to them or audible out of them for sure. Also, good blocking WRs and TEs can help a bubble screen a lot. Screens take a lot of practice and timing to get right. I wonder how much we actually practiced it in the past.
  10. I'll save everyone's time. No, he is not good. In fact, he's terrible.
  11. We are incredibly lucky to have them as owners of our 2 major pro franchises. They are crazy rich. They are willing to invest in the city beyond the sports teams. They make mistakes, but when they realize they have done so they take action to fix it. In fixing the mistakes, they seem to not repeat the same errors they made before, that is, they are learning from them (seemingly). To me, that is what you want in owners.
  12. Or you could completely waste your money and buy a #1 Jersey with Darnold on it or something like that. Like the Sabre fan geniuses who did it with McDavid...how did that work out?
  13. Your "truth" says "bubble screens won't work in the NFL". That statement is false. Plain and simple. No one can show you Sammy doing it well because we haven't even tried it. As I edited into my other comment, Tate had 33 screen receptions last year. 33!!!
  14. Golden Tate is making a living on screens in the NFL. 33 receptions on screens last season. Demarious Thomas was running screens all the time with Peyton. I think you need to re-evaluate your theory.
  15. I like less popular classics. So many Kelly, Thomas, Smith and Reeds out there. I'd go with Bennett, Moulds, Odomes, Fletcher (I have one and get comments on it all the time), Metzelars, Paup. Something like that.
  16. I wonder if there has ever been an athlete revered as much as Freddie that never even got their team to the playoffs in his entire career. I can't think of one.
  17. I'm all in all the time. I'm a fan. I support the Coach, GM, QB, owner, whoever, until they are gone.
  18. Really, a backup running back? That's a big loss? If RBs are a dime a dozen, what are backup RBs?
  19. Hopefully the biggest loss / gain win came from losing Rex and Whaley and getting McDermott and Beane. To me, we are even or maybe a little ahead of our roster last year as far as adds / subtractions go. Gilmore is really the only lost player of consequence IMO. Zach Brown was OK, but not spectacular. I just don't see how people are only saying 3, 4, or 5 wins. This team has 7 wins in them at a minimum.
  20. Gary Clark is damn good.
  21. What is really amazing is how people are still so ignorant to what depression does to you (or addiction for that matter). It doesn't care how much money you have, how good looking you are, how "lucky" you seemingly are. How miserable can life really be? Well, imagine living every single moment with your brain telling you that you are not good enough, that the world is better off without you, that your family is better off without you. That you are just a burden on everybody around you. Every single day your mind is saying that to you, over and over and over again. Imagine it being so difficult to get out of bed that you would spend days in a row not getting up (think of how hard it is to get up with just 2 or 3 hours of sleep, now imagine you have that feeling no matter how much sleep you get). Imagine that when you do go out you have to pretend and act like everything is OK to people, put on that good face; but inside, you are tormented non-stop.. Luckily, I don't know these feeling, but unfortunately there are people very close to me that do. Every day is a struggle. Every minute is a struggle for the severely depressed. People who don't know, simply can't understand how bad it can be. His wife is saying that it may have been caused by a prescription drug with a "may cause suicidal thoughts" side effect as opposed to his depression or addiction acting up.
  22. There is no possible way they are going to replace him for the current tour and, most likely, not at all.
  23. Don't forget the vastly underrated Shannon Hoon too, though probably not quite grunge, but definitely of that era.
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