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Everything posted by Mark80

  1. Was just listening to Hour 1 of the Night Cap on demand. Ryan mentioned numerous times how broke he was and how he can't afford this or that. Clearly this decision was a financial one for him and had nothing at all to do with statement he made regarding Allen.
  2. A guy who doesn't care but posts 4 times in this thread. Cool story. This is a shame. He was quickly becoming my favorite personality on WGR along with Sal. A younger, much more reasonable take. And he actually talked about and knew about more than just the Bills, Sabres, and gambling/fantasy sports. He was refreshing, IMO.
  3. Not quite attorney/client privilege, but something about this makes me think that deposing the opposing sides attorneys wouldn't be allowed. Not sure though, maybe in this case since this issue may be at the heart of the case it could be. Just sounds off to me though.
  4. Just wish they would make the Podcasts for entire shows, not just 1 hour blocks that play in reverse order on autoplay. Unless I'm missing something to fix that. So annoying to me that if I'm listening it goes from hour 2 to hour 1 instead of hour 3 on autoplay. And I'll also get interviews in between that I have already heard in the full hour. It's the simple things that improve user experiences, increase visits, and, in turn, advertising revenues.
  5. Value spend until we are close. Then you should be in a good position to add that one guy that can put you over the top. Once you have multiple high price tag free agents on your team, that's when you start getting in trouble, losing your young guys to FA because you don't have money to sign them.
  6. So basically, this is akin to you starting to like the 76ers this year. A time when it is absolutely clear that they are a young team on the rise with trophies in their future. Congrats, you are total bandwagoner. And this thread is absurd.
  7. Definitely not the type of player this management team would even consider adding to the roster. Way too many issues in the past.
  8. This guy can ball. Would love to see this one come on board.
  9. Sam Cowart - Royal Blue London Fletcher - Navy Blue CJ Spiller #21 - Throwback White Guess you are never driving a Chevrolet, Dodge, Buick, etc. then either since then you'd have another man's name on your car. Maybe it's acceptable for kids riding around in powerwheels, but not for an adult, right? Such a lame take.
  10. I read that last post quickly and it read "Insightful Analysis from Warren Sap" to me upon first read. Now that is funny.
  11. Yes, I can read. So much so that I know that most people believe he is a BETTER prospect than his brother. I also excel in reading comprehension. When you phrase the statement as you did, it reads as if you KNOW that they will win a max of 6 games and that result will be bad enough to be able to draft this guy. However, that is just not the case. He is likely a top 3 pick, maybe even #1 overall, and with that in mind you would, most likely, have to win a MAX of 4 games to have a shot at him without trading up. But, considering that you find EJ Manuel and Josh Allen to be the same QB, I can see how you may have mental deficiencies prohibiting you from understanding that.
  12. What a joke of a post, like usual. This guy isn't even the best DT prospect in his own draft class.
  13. Until teams came to the realization that all you had to do to stop him was put a spy on him every play. He couldn't read the defense to throw it into the windows and he could no longer scramble. Game over.
  14. If you are going to post a 4 hour video that starts with 10 minutes of dead time. Maybe, just maybe, let us know what timestamp to start watching the relevant parts.
  15. So funny how you are on this shouting this from your soapbox in all these threads. As if there is some certainty as to who is going to be the best player. Funny stuff.
  16. Two TVs. One on ESPN other on NFL Network, DVRing both to watch all Bills coverage when they move on to another team.
  17. I think this is done in an effort to get the Jets to try and trade up to #1 and then the Browns can Draft either Darnold or Rosen at #3. Either they get their pick or whoever is left if one is selected at #2.
  18. Wasn't that like 20 years ago? You're surprised he's aged since then?
  19. That same Peyton Manning where there was debate about who was #1 between him and Leaf up until draft day? And who's to say those other picks would automatically be starters? They could be busts just as easily. Everyone assuming those are going to be impact players is funny. EJ Manuel we traded down and drafted him. How is that panic? Sammy Watkins was thought to be a sure thing, can't miss, top tier WR to pair up with your young QB. How is that panic?
  20. Hopefully so people pass on him and he can take him in the 3rd/4th. Lord knows we need LB help.
  21. If? Late Rounds? He is definitely getting drafted and I would be shocked if were after the 4th round. You never watched him play at UCF then. He was all over the field, making all the tackles. Even managed 3 picks. With proper technique you don't need a hand to tackle. You've been watching Preston Brown for too long. Proper tackling is wrapping up with the arms.
  22. Genius response. If anything that is the perfect example of why you don't do it. Couple that with the fact that first round picks are valued much higher now with the rookie wage scale and the 5th year option. But, hey, keep believing in conspiracy theories with no merit or trolling or whatever you are doing. I'll stick with logic, reason, and facts.
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